Scrying journal of an Atheist...

By LightoftheWolvesMoon

282 7 0

A perpetual work in progress of a detailed journey of exploration. Updated frequently as it continues. More

Scrying Journal of an Atheist Witch - Preface
The art of scrying and the black mirror
A word or two about protection

The Journal

66 1 0
By LightoftheWolvesMoon

This journal will receive an update after every session, so if you're curious or decide you'd like to keep up, check back here from time to time.... I may include other interesting experiences here that do not necessarily qualify as "scrying" if I believe them to be interesting enough or if I believe them to be related in some way with a session I've recorded here.

8/31/2016(after midnight) - night 1 - candle scrying - tonight in an attempt to reawaken my 3rd eye, I gazed into the flame of a candle in the pitch blackness of my darkened room, I would gaze at the flame and then close my eyes attempting to capture and hold the flame as long as I could in my minds eye several times...... The first thing I seen while gazing into the flame was what appeared to be the classic image of an angel standing in the flames with his wings out, finding myself a bit offended by such blatant christian iconography appearing in images being generated by my own mind being that of an atheist.... I found myself wishing it would change, the angel soon morphed into the image of a majestic phoenix, his wings spread proudly as he stood in the flame. These are the only two images I seen this night... thinking on this now, perhaps the image of the phoenix represented "renewal"? Perhaps the renewal of my journey.. or maybe the renewed activity of my 3rd eye? Possibly even renewed meaning in my life? Who really knows? closing my eyes and trying to capture the flame didn't prove very successful, I was only able to capture fleeting glimpses... I did experience some extreme emotion sometime during this session, almost wanting to cry... perhaps something I seen? Perhaps something in the air? Perhaps the music I had on? who knows?

9/1/2016(after midnight) - night 2 - candle scrying - Still attempting to awaken my 3rd eye again tonight before attempting a session with the black mirror(which the idea of I quite frankly find a little frightening to be honest). My gaze once again finds the candle flame... it took a while for anything to start to appear in the flame, but towards the end of the session a face started to appear above and slightly to the left of the flame, the image appeared in the rays or "aura" of the flame, not in the flame itself... the face seemed to be that of a woman, it was not complete, I only seen the left side of her face and the eerie sparkle of her eyes... I attribute this to my 3rd eye not being completely open yet and unable to form complete images.... i did however manage to hold the flame in my minds eye a bit longer tonight.

Later this night,on my retreat to bed, I thought I'd lay in bed a while with my eyes closed and just try to see what I could see before finally succumbing to sleep, the image of a girl appeared in my minds eye, the best I can describe her is a girl in her 20s with short dark hair, wearing a pleasant smile and a dark hooded robe with the hood down..... I'm not completely certain if this was the face I seen in the flame to be honest, as I didn't get a clear enough look at that particular face...I asked who she was and why I am seeing her... I received no response... her image shortly faded.

9/2/2016(after midnight) - night 3 - candle scrying - thought I'd give this one more try before delving into the black mirror... tonight, staring into the same area of the flame where I saw the face of the female, I seen what appeared to be an older bearded man with unkempt curly hair and beard, he appeared extremely angry, but at times a bit sad... at first his image scared me a bit, but after a while I for some reason began to find his anger humorous.... am I really so lacking of empathy? Or perhaps this man just reminded me so much of myself that I could not help but to find it amusing... being able to relate with him like this... could he possibly have been a symbol representing me?

9/3/2016(after midnight) - night 4 - black mirror scrying - This is it, it's put up or shut up. Time to face the horrifying prospect of seeing a side of my own reflection that I feared may be far uglier than I am willing to face. My curious nature however simply would not allow me to back out of this... fortunately it's Friday night, and I'm always up for a good scare and a bit of creepiness on the weekends. Halloween is my favorite holiday, sci-fi and horror are my favorite movie genres.... this has me written all over it, time to swallow my fear and look it right in the eye.

Setting up the mirror in the pitch blackness of my room, illuminated only by candle flame, opting for the strong pleasant scent of Myrrh incense(as I had every night before this), I positioned the mirror so that I would be gazing into my own reflection, wearing a dark(and not very comfortable) sweatshirt to block out everything except for my face.... I focused my gaze onto my reflection, whatever fear I had quickly subsided and a calm overcame me, almost a little too calm, I really found it hard to even keep my eyes open... it's as if my eyelids were being dragged downwards... not much was happening in the mirror.... the mirror began to cloud, I lost my reflection several times, my face distorted slightly a few times, but all in all, not very eventful, and you might even say boring...that is..until I asked about the girl I seen in the flames a few nights earlier, asking who she was... asking if I could see her again..... almost immediately my face distorted to resemble something that looked for lack of a better word "demonic"... the reflection of my face continued to cycle between distortions which resembled "demons", each a bit more "demonic" than the last..... the last which I clearly remembered was the face of an old hag with nasty straight unkempt shoulder length hair, her face covered in warts and wrinkles... seemed like an example of the classic Halloween or Shakespearean witch.... seeing my face distort to this level of course made me a bit uncomfortable... but I couldn't look away because I also found it extremely fascinating and curious.... I scryed for a bit longer after these images faded, and nothing else appeared to me.

9/4/2016(after midnight) - night 5 - black mirror scrying - Gave the black mirror another try tonight, again I found it a bit too calming and extremely hard to keep my eyes open. Most of this session was rather uneventful... for the most part, got some cloudiness, a few minor distortions, but nothing really special, I remember presenting the question in my mind "can you show me something about myself that I can be proud of? something special? something that isn't ugly?"..... I don't know why this question came up, maybe I was feeling a bit depressed or down on myself and just rolling with my emotions... or maybe sometimes I just really feel there really isn't much to me when you start digging deep... and the thought of that is something I find kind of horrifying because it might mean my life will never be anything more than it is.... anyway later this night an image of an eye appeared in my reflection in the center of my forehead.... I think I just might take this to mean my 3rd eye is now fully open and that I'd best hold on for a wild ride.... there was a time, a couple decades ago when my 3rd eye was open, I recall that it would often show me things when I wasn't trying to look... the prospect of sleep became extremely difficult... and it's not something I could simply "turn off".

nothing else to report from this night.

9/5/2016(after midnight) - night 6 - candle scrying - tonight I decided to give myself a break from the black mirror and go back to what I found much more pleasant... gazing into the relaxing, calming infinity of the flame to see what I could see. At first I didn't see much, but the very first time I closed my eyes and attempted to capture the flame in my minds eye, something extremely odd happened.... I captured the flame alright, very clearly, and I was easily able to hold it in my minds eye, it soon started floating around and I had a hard time following it, then to beat all, the center of the flame started changing colors, the flame in my minds eye started off with a bright white center and two to three bands of a radiating "aura" each band comprised of a different color, one yellow, one green, one orange.... the aura never changed, except sometimes a band would disappear... as for the center color, it slowly changed from bright white to blood red while still floating around in my mind.... from there it again slowly changed to pitch black while still remaining floating in my mind...eventually the black flame with its colorful radiating aura of yellow green and orange faded in my mind never to return...... however on opening my eyes and refocusing my gaze onto the flame... something very curious indeed... something to the bottom left of the flame caught my eye.... the letter "B" scrawled in bright radiating fire... the "B" slowly morphed into an "S", which then slowly morphed into an "F", the image then slowly faded.... things got even stranger when the flame itself morphed into what I could best describe as a "birthday cake" before morphing back into a flame.... again I closed my eyes trying to recapture the flame and was unsuccessful.... but the face of a man who looked remarkably like myself did appear instead, like most visions that appear in the minds eye, it soon faded and I opened my eyes, it was then that I noticed an open eye hovering just above the flame... very much like that which appeared in the reflection of my forehead just one night before......................needless to say... it was an extremely interesting and curious session.

9/6/2016(after midnight) - night 7 - candle scrying - Having had such interesting results last night, and still finding myself in need of an interpretation, I decided to give the candle another go tonight... perhaps it was the fact that my mind was a bit preoccupied with getting the journal up, but I didn't manage to see anything interesting tonight, nor did anything really interesting happen....... Maybe tomorrow night? I will be going back to the black mirror tomorrow night.... really hoping things get interesting. I'd still love to find out what the results from last night could have meant.... this is the first time I've ever received such a cryptic message from scrying... it's certainly a mystery for now.

9/7/2016(after midnight) - night 8 - black mirror scrying - A little worse for wear... I may take a break for a few days after tonight, these sessions have begun to take a toll, I may be pushing myself a bit too hard... before my session tonight I developed a headache centered around the area of my forehead where my 3rd eye would be... upon looking at myself in the bathroom mirror there is even a visible red mark there as if it is inflamed. Anyway, onto the session....Tonight the woman from night 2 who appeared in the candle flame appeared to me again, this time she showed up in my reflection in the black mirror after about 20 minutes or so of nothing happening.... this was the same woman, I'm sure of it, and this time, just as the last, she would only allow me to see one side of her face... the right side of her face, just as she showed me the first time she appeared to me.... that time she was looking at me head on, I realize that I said that I only seen the left side of her face then, I should have clarified however that I meant my left, it was actually the right side of her face I was seeing, the left side was obstructed by just... empty space..... I did get a better look at her tonight, but she still would only allow me to see the right side of her face... her right side was turned to me in the image she came to me in tonight.... From what I could see... this woman was somewhat thin faced, mature, looked like she was in her 30s perhaps..... elegant in some way..... not entirely sure what I mean by that, but her nose was a bit upturned, and her eye glimmered with pride.... she seemed to be a woman of rich upbringing.

I do not believe this woman and the girl who appeared to me the same night as I lay in bed with my eyes closed were the same people, the girl you could tell was much younger, round face, pleasant smile... looked like the typical girl next door, not a woman of upbringing... also... she didn't seem to mind showing me her entire face.....I do not believe these are one in the same.

I began asking her questions(none of which received a response) Who she is? What does she want? Every time I would talk to her my entire face would begin to tingle and the tingling sensation would shoot down into my body, it was an odd vibrating tingling sensation.... this is the very first time this has happened to me, I've never before felt this tingling simply from talking or asking questions during a scrying session.

9/9/2016(after midnight) - night 9 - black mirror scrying -  Feeling refreshed after a much needed rest, the headache gone, the red mark on my forehead barely visible, I decided to give the mirror another try tonight.... I found the last session extremely interesting, and this one did not disappoint. I asked the mirror to show me whatever it will show me, to show me whatever it is I seek.

The Image of the lower half of a womans face appeared to me several times during this session, I could clearly see at times she was lightly smirking, and at other times there was little if any indication of her mood to look at her lips, as they would appear simply shut. This was interesting enough in itself as it kept appearing several times during the session, but the pieces of the puzzle would soon began coming together.

In this session I also seen small glimpses of a face with very dark eyes... almost as if it was a skull and I was seeing eye sockets or if someone intentionally painted their face with black makeup encircling their eyes.... these glimpses I believe were unrelated to the images of the womans  lips I kept seeing...

later in this session I would actually see a pair of eyes, and with them I definitely got the feeling that those eyes were indeed watching me. Almost instinctively I asked "who is it that watches me? What is it that you hope to see?".  It was then that a womans complete face appeared to me, the image came in very faint and cloudy, but I was still able to make out her important facial features. Her face was somewhat rounded, but with pronounced cheekbones and chin, I would estimate her to have been in her mid 30s, she had long straight hair, parted in the middle with what I would describe as a heart shaped parting. This was clearly someone that had never appeared to me before, this was not the visage of the thin faced woman, or the girl that appeared to me in other sessions... this was someone new, and I actually remarked "Someone new I see." I said hello and asked her who she was. As seems to be the theme... I never got anything I would interpret as a response.... her face soon faded, but I did get some more glimpses of her eyes staring at me a few more times throughout the session.... I soon after said "goodbye." and ended the session.

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