Jacksepticeye imagines

By dat1account

9.8K 198 202

You, (Y/n), get to be with jacksepticeye! You can request as much as you like. I will do all requests! More

Need Reguests!
{Brofist 2}
{Missing 1}
{Missing 2}
Xbox one!
{I'm sorry}
I have been tagged
missed me?

{Brofist 1}

546 11 4
By dat1account

{Hey guys! If you like music, pewdiepie, and video games, then I suggest you listen to pewd's song! And play his new game, tuber simulater!}

Jack's Pov

I just bought my best friend, (Y/n), a surprise. I'm going to pax this weekend and I wanted to get her something before my trip.

Oh, and (Y/n) lives with me, but we don't have any sort of relationship. Yet.

"(Y/n)~ Come here!~" I said in a sing-song voice

I heard footsteps pounding down the stairs. I saw my best friend pop her head around the corner

"Yes, Sir Septiceye?" She said in a joking matter while giggling slightly

"I got you something!" I showed her the tickets in my hands

" I know your going to pax, silly! But who else is going with you? Mark? Pewds?" I saw her clueless face looking up at the ceiling, probably trying to guess who's going with me

"No. They can get their own tickets!" I chuckled watching her face turn into a pool of question marks.

"Your the one who's going with me!"

She looked straight at me smiling


"Duh! I just said so!"

She came running up to me, and hugged me.

"THANK YOU SEAN! Your so sweet!"

"Your welcome. Now go pack your bags. We're leaving tommorow!"

I hugged her back.

I have some big plans for her while we're at pax.

{Hey guys! I know this is short and sucks ass, but part 2 will come out soon. I didn't have much time to write it cuz I'm almost at the State fair! When I get home from the fair I'll write more.

Bye mah lil bosses! See you next chapter! Buh-bye }

Frosty, out

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