Mistaken Perception

By Asiya323

59.5K 4.8K 1.1K

Life can be brutal and uncaring to some. Aisha was one of those unfortunate "some" she had deceived herself... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 6

2.1K 204 77
By Asiya323

Chapter 6

A gentle autumn breeze wafted through the open living room window. It caressed and playfully tussled Aisha's short ringlet curls. She was curled up on the couch her knees tucked close to her chest. She absentmindedly pulled and twisted her brown sweaters sleeve as she clicked and scrolled on her laptop. Her siblings were sitting on the floor by her feet. Musa had his head buried in his Quran, trying desperately to memorize his last ayahs before his afternoon class at the mosque. Misky was sprawled on the floor a bowl full of grapes next to her as she flipped through a picture book.

Even though it was the weekend, Aisha could be seen glancing at her work phone every few minutes, her heart dreading the possibility of a phone call from her boss. A grumble escaped Musa's lips as he laid his head by her feet his unruly dark curls falling all over themselves. A trait they both had received from their mother. Misky and the rest of her siblings had been graced with their father's wavy black hair.

"Why did you wait until today to memorize?" asked Aisha a half smile on her face. As she continued to look up and search the different event planners Justine had given her.

"I didn't ...It's just this last ayah," he grumbled closing his eyes.

Aisha glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Well, you better figure something out...you only have an hour before I have to drop you off at the mosque," she replied trying to keep the smile off her face.

Musa looked up at the clock in panic.

"Oh no," he moaned flopping dramatically back.

"I don't think Ustadh Ali will be too pleased," said Aisha running a hand through her short curls.

"Hopefully, he isn't there today....I think Ustadh Hassen is teaching the class today," he replied with a nod as if his words had accurately predicted the future.

"Can I go to class today?" asked Misky her eyes still glued to the picture book.

"Not today honey. Your class is tomorrow," Aisha replied her eyes glancing at her phone out of habit before she resumed looking at her siblings. Their great Aunt was out for the day visiting a friend, she had grumbled about needing a break from them. Aisha had been happy to oblige her request if it meant they would also get a bit of rest from her sarcastic remarks.

"I'll need to make a few phone calls, then I'm taking you to your class while Misky and I go...somewhere fun," said Aisha giving Misky a wide smile.

Misky gave her a small returning smile. Aisha found herself trying hard to appear happy and smiling around her siblings. Musa had been talking more, though more often than not he was content laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling. Misky, on the other hand, was hard to approach. Some days she was a bubbling ball of energy and happiness and the next she was lifeless with unhappiness and shaking from unknown nightmares. 

Aisha didn't know what she dreamed of. Misky had not seen her parents and siblings bodies. She hadn't witnessed the nightmare that sometimes left Aisha paralyzed with the memory. Yet maybe the unknown was just as frightening and unsettling. She made herself as approachable as possible to them. She talked about their parents and mentioned things she missed around Musa, who seemed to enjoy it but never voiced it.

With Misky, she showered her with all the love and comfort she could muster. She didn't want to smother her or cripple her own way of grieving. Yet she found herself hovering and worrying about the small five-year-old. Her uncle said she would move past it that her young age was a blessing. But, her heart was only consumed with worry for them. She barely noticed her own pain. A beast that was dormant in the deep recesses of her heart. It sometimes stretched its claws and wrapped its spiny fingers around her heart and squeezed, so hard, that it sometimes woke her from her dreamless sleep gasping for air.

Sometimes, if she closed her eyes hard enough, she could almost feel it was a dream. A nightmare she would never wish upon her worst enemy. And in those blissful few seconds, she could feel whole or at least a fragment of what she had always felt but never known. 

That the five pieces missing from her heart were back in their rightful place. She felt peace and security, yet when reality knocked against the door to her mind and heart, it all fell apart. In those heart-wrenching moments, she felt as if she was suspended in air while she drowned. The only way she was ever able to come back from the panic and fear was to push it away. She never faced it... could never let her self-relax against her pain, she feared she would not be able to move past it.

Her phone rang a shrill sound cutting the gentle quietness that had settled around them. Aisha glanced at her phone, reading the name on the caller id, she relaxed when she saw Justine's name. She quickly reached over and answered it.

"Hello?" said Justine's voice.

"Hello, darling. I hope I'm not disturbing you," she said gently.

"No, you aren't, I was just doing a bit of research about those event planners," Aisha replied.

"I see..." she paused for a second as if debating with herself.

"What is it?" asked Aisha with concern.

"I hate to ask you of this...but would it be possible for you to take some documents from the office to Gabriel's place...You can, of course, say no, and I would understand...I feel horrible asking you," she said her voice small.

"Are they important documents?" asked Aisha but felt stupid for asking. Why else would Justine ask her if they were not important?

"I'm afraid so...I can't seem to get a hold of either of my sons and I have to take my daughter to an important doctor's appointment...but if you can't or you don't want too...I understand I'll stop by the office later and pick it up for him," she said.

Aisha could hear the fatigue in her voice and she wrestled with herself. She really didn't want to see that man or be anywhere near him but she was his secretary...it was her job to do these things.

"By delivering... do you mean I can just stick it under the door?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes. You can just chuck it under the door with a sticky note saying to read them. You don't have to hand deliver it to my annoying son," she chuckled relief evident in her voice.

"I suppose I can, I guess... just send me the address," Aisha said with a sigh.

"Sorry love, I'll make it up to you," she said earnestly.

"Don't worry about it, its part of the job," Aisha replied.

"Thank you," was all Justine said her voice gentle and warm.

Aisha suspected that if Justine and her mother had ever met, they would have gotten along splendidly. There were moments that Aisha found herself seeking the company of the older woman and she always welcomed her with open arms. She made it a point to check on her at work and always brought her lunch down to eat with Aisha, not her sons, something that made Aisha feel warm inside. 

She left small cheerful gifts on Aisha's desk, she shielded Aisha from her son and fought against him plenty where Aisha was concerned, so it made Aisha happy that she was helping Justine. Despite the fact that it involved Gabriel. She was doing it for Justine's sake she rationalized as the text came with Gabriel's address.

"You're going to the office?" asked Musa as she drove.

"Yes, to pick up some documents for my boss," she replied turning on her signal before switching lanes.

"Where?" he asked protectively.

"His house...I'm not going to meet him just sliding the papers under his door. I'll be fine," she said.

"I'm coming with you. Drop me off after you deliver the papers," he said crossing his arms a scowl appearing on his face.

Aisha fought back the smile fighting to break free, a true and genuine one.

"Ok," she replied letting him feel in charge.

It took her ten minutes to get to the hotel and get the documents from Justine's office. She set Gabriel's address on her GPS. They drove and Aisha glanced at her siblings, Musa was brooding, no one could brood like Musa, and little Misky was staring out the window and looking around with interest. As their drive winded down and they found themselves in streets with lavish homes, Aisha knew that they were in a wealthy area.

Aisha had never felt deprived in any way, both her parents had worked, her father was well-known and sought after architect. And her mother was a force to be reckoned with, she worked at a prestigious law firm. However, they didn't reek of wealth or luxury. Her parents believed in living in comfort but not lavishly. 

Most of their parent's wealth went to donations and sponsoring orphans, all her siblings, Aisha included, had worked by the time they turned fourteen. Growing up there were times when she had wanted things, toys, trips etc. Things her parents had denied her. She had always been upset but her parents were always frank and honest about what she needed and what she wanted. That didn't mean that they didn't spoil them every now and then but they never succumbed to all their children's wimps and fancy's.

Yet, as Aisha drove past the lavish homes and cars parked outside them, she compared her family home to them. They were beautiful and gorgeous structures and she couldn't stop her heart from marveling at them. Yet she knew she appreciated the home her parents had made for them. She could appreciate from a distance and admire but she didn't hunger over it. And maybe that had more to do with living knowing she could have it all, despite not having it. 

Her parent's unseen wealth had been a cushion she had rested upon not realizing how much it actually meant. Not until now. Now she looked at bills and payments and checked and rechecked her bank account to make sure it didn't disappear. She still fared better than most. Her inheritance and the security it brought with it was still a cushion, yet at least now she saw and felt things.

Her parents had always grilled in their heads the barakah and blessings they had, and childishly Aisha had only believed that consisted of the food and shelter she had. She knew now how much blessings she had and still has despite all that she had lost. That even though she felt pain and witnessed things that left her very soul scarred, she still had it better than most. Yet, she didn't know if she should feel relief or anguish at that very thought.

"These houses are big," said Misky from the back of the car.

"Ya," agreed Musa looking around as well.

Aisha remained silent as she followed the GPS and navigated her way to his house. She paused as they came to the cobalt granite wall fence with the black framed gates. Reciting a quick bismillah, she drove the car up to the gate and punched in the code that swung the gates open. Aisha's breath caught in her throat as her eyes feasted on the Contemporary house in front of her. 

It was open and spacious, a little too open she realized as her eyes looked through the giant windows that gave rare glimpses of different parts of the interior. She liked the jagged lines cutting and overlapping each other and the symmetry of the whole building. She maneuvered her car and parked in front of the two giant garage doors. 

All the occupants of the car sat and silently marveled at the house before them. It was simple enough, nothing extravagant and yet it was beautiful. Aisha knew she would sketch it later tonight, with some minor adjustments of her own. She could almost see in front of her how she would modify it. They must have sat there for a while because they all jumped at the gentle knock that came from Aisha's window. Aisha looked and found a grinning Sebastian at the other side.

"Is that your boss?" asked Musa unbuckling his seat belt.

"One of them," replied Aisha opening the door and sliding out with the documents in her hand.

"Hello?" said Sebastian the smile still plastered on his face though there was confusion in his eyes.

"Should I be frightened?" he asked his dark blondish brown hair shining under the sun, green eyes twinkling. Musa came around the car to stand next to Aisha, arms crossed his famous scowl on his face.

"Well...who do we have here?" asked Sebastian.

Aisha found herself cringing and looking cautiously at Musa noting the babying tone Sebastian had adopted to address Musa. She could see Musa bristling and fixing Sebastian with a cold look. Aisha wondered how Sebastian continued to remain standing, though she saw the smile falter off his face. He cleared his throat and awkwardly looked at the car noticing Misky and decided to smile at her. Misky shyly returned it and managed to reignite the amusement in Sebastian's eyes.

"How did you manage to find this place?" he asked returning his eyes to Aisha.

"Your mother...why didn't you return her call?" she asked with disapproval.

"Oh...I didn't know," he replied honestly fishing in his pocket and checking his phone.

"Oh sh...crap," he said hesitating around his words as he glanced at Musa.

"It was Lulu's appointment today," he said with a sigh.

"Did my mom want something," he asked with concern and a frown.

"I don't know...she only asked me to deliver these documents to your brother...she didn't say anything else to me," Aisha replied handing over the documents.

He took them gingerly and flipped through them, he gave a whistle and grinned.

"My mother has outdone herself," he smiled tucking the documents under his arm.

"Well, we better go," said Aisha turning toward the car.

"Wait..." he stopped as Musa took a step toward him with a raised eyebrow.

Aisha turned to find Sebastian lowering his extended arm. He had reached out to stop her and had stopped at Musa's reaction. Aisha couldn't stop the smile on her face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend," he said arms raised eyes on Musa and then he looked at Aisha pleadingly.

"Musa is... protective," she said as if that was an answer, a warning or an apology.

Sebastian gave them a sheepish smile.

"Look, I only meant to offer you some refreshments," he said as he noticed Misky who had gotten out of the car to stand on Aisha's other side.

"Are these your kids?" he asked as he sized Musa and Misky up, his eyes calculating.

She hesitated for a second before placing her arms around her siblings and replied.

"Yes, these are my life," it was an answer that neither disproved the lie nor made it truthful.

He crouched down and fixed a sparkling smile at Misky.

"No surprise there, with good looking kids like these, only you could be their mother," he said in praise.

She gently squeezed her siblings shoulders as they both looked at Aisha questioningly.

"Would you two munchkins like anything to drink?" he asked giving each of them a smile.

Misky shook her head and clung to Aisha's leg, while Musa just glared.

"What about you love?" Sebastian asked teasingly looking at Aisha.

"Back off," said Musa taking a step again and moved in between Sebastian and Aisha.

"Sebastian ..." came the booming voice of Gabriel causing Misky to jump in surprise.

"What?" whined Sebastian not moving a muscle and rolled his eyes.

"Keep...Your...Damn...Dog...On a leash" he said coldly holding the leash of a dog and thrusting it at Sebastian. He came down the winding path from their door. He had on a pair of gray drawstring sweatpants, black Nike shoes and a black sweatshirt that was completely open revealing his naked caramel chest. Giving everyone a clear view of the Aztec tattoo on the left side of his chest.

"Oh, Puca...oh baby...did the big bad wolf scare you?" cooed Sebastian as he moved toward his bulldog and leaned down gathering the heavy dog into his arms.

Misky shuddered next to Aisha. The dog was the first to notice the children drawing Gabriel's attention to them. Gabriel looked at Aisha and took in the small heads standing next to her. She averted her gaze from him and took a deep breath hoping he wouldn't try to antagonize her in front of her siblings.

"What are you doing here?" he asked his tone even and clear as he came a little closer.

"Your mother asked me to drop off some documents, I gave them to Sebastian. We were just leaving," she said propelling her siblings toward the car.

The dog gave a bark and moved toward them, making Misky jump and shake slightly. Aisha placed both her hands protectively on Misky's shoulders trying to calm her down. 

Ever since Misky had been attacked by a dog at a park, She was deathly afraid of them. He hadn't bit her, it had been a young poodle that chased her and jumped on her knocking her down. It most likely was trying to play, but for a young child, all she remembered was the fear.

"Go in the car sweetheart," said Aisha gently stroking Misky's head and opening the car door for her. Musa watched them while still keeping an eye on the dog.

"Wait, don't you want to say hello first?" he asked making Misky clam up in Aisha's hands. The dog gave several barks, panted and wagged it's tail as if understanding his owner.

"Seb," warned Gabriel his eyes trained on Misky, while Aisha shook her head.

Sebastian looked at his brother's eyes confused before turning toward Misky.

"Don't be scared love, she won't bite. She just looks mean but she is really friendly," he said gently.

It happened so fast that none of them quite knew how it all unfolded. 

One minute Aisha had been urging her sister into the car, the next she had bolted from Aisha's hands and was running toward the gate the bulldog running after her. The gates were still open and Aisha's heart seized in her chest. She found herself running after them and screaming for Misky to stop. She was near the gate when she saw a car zooming down the street. Misky continued to run unaware and screamed.

"Mama....help me ...MAMA," yelled Misky.

It felt as if time had stopped and Aisha found herself powerless. Was she going to witness another member of her family being taken from her? The car was still a bit away if she caught her sister before...She ran her lungs burning. She heard the screeches of the car trying to brake, she heard herself yelling and running, she heard the yelling of Sebastian and her brother, and then she saw a figure run past her and gather Misky in his arms, right as the car veered past them. 

He tucked her head to his chest and landed heavily on the ground rolling away from the street. The car squealed to a stop for a moment before resuming its drive as the driver yelled profanities at them. Aisha didn't care and couldn't register the words as she ran toward her sister and collapsed next to Gabriel and gathered Misky into her arms. She engulfed her in a hug and held her close. Tears of joy falling from her eyes.

"Alhamdulilah.....Alhamdulilah......Alhamdulilah..." she chanted as she stroked her sister's hair and kissed her face.

"I'm sorry..." mumbled her sister as her small hands wiped Aisha's tears away.

"Never....Ever.....will you do anything stupid like that again. Do you understand me Misky," She said sternly looking into her sister's face.

Misky nodded her head her small hands still on Aisha's cheeks.

"I know you were scared and darling you have every right to be...but that doesn't mean you abandon your own safety. You never run into the street. The dog wouldn't have hurt you..." said Aisha staring intently into Misky's light brown eyes.

She nodded her head again.

"I can't lose you... do you understand? I have lost too many people I can't lose you too... Ok," she said unable to keep the anguish from her voice.

Misky nodded her head tears sliding down her face. She hiccupped once and then buried her face in her sister's chest. Aisha closed her eyes for a second and rested her head on her head. She looked up when she felt someone staring at her. Golden eyes clashed with hers. They sat for a minute each staring at the other. Different emotions played across Gabriel's face but Aisha wasn't able to read them. He took a deep steady breath and began to get up.

"Let's get off the street," he said reaching out for Aisha's hand.

Aisha ignored his outstretched hand and rose holding onto her sister. He awkwardly retracted his hand and silently walked back up the driveway with Aisha.

"Thank you...for...saving her," Aisha finally said stopping and looking at Gabriel sincerely.

He took a step back surprise clear on his face.

"You're welcome," he replied looking away from her face unable to continue to stare at her.

Aisha shook her head taking a shuddering breath. His eyes returned to her.

"You don't ...I don't know how I'll ever repay you," she said the tears glistening in her eyes.

"I say we are even...the cause was my own," Gabriel replied and began to walk again unable to fully handle looking at her fragile face.

"Thank you for the documents," was all he said taking the papers from his brother and heading back into the house without another glance back.

"Aisha...I'm so sorry...Puca is just overly friendly...is she ok?" asked Sebastian holding the leash of his dog and pushing it behind him.

"She is fine...just a little shaken..." Aisha replied moving and tucking her sister in the back, her brother moved to the back and placed an arm around Misky holding her.

Aisha glanced back at the front but there was no sign of Gabriel. She turned her eyes back to Sebastian and gave him a weak smile.

"I'll see you Monday," she said and got into her car.

"I'm truly sorry..." he said weakly.

Aisha only managed to shake her head and started the car backing out of the driveway. She glanced at her quite siblings in the back.

"How does Pizza sound? Let's have some before we drop you off Musa," said Aisha.

Musa glanced at her with a smile.

"I want pizza," said Misky's quite voice.

"Perfect," replied Aisha knowing that pizza was something Misky could never refuse.

"I'm game...but hopefully, Ustadh Ali isn't leading the class today," he grumbled causing Misky to giggle.

Aisha threw him a grateful look.

"For your sake, I hope so too," she replied with half a smile.


He silently debated with himself on whether he should make the phone call or not. A part of him was stubbornly refusing, but the other part, the part that remembered his mother's etiquette lessons, urged him to make the call.

"This is absurd," he grumbled chucking the phone on his bed.

He made his way out of his room and into the kitchen to find his brother still there.

"Go home," he growled opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of cold water.

"Isn't this my home?" asked his brother with a fake surprised look on his face.

He really wasn't in the mood to deal with his younger brother theatrics and the games he enjoyed to play on others.

"Sebastian, go home," he repeated taking a sip of the water.

"I don't want to. Puca loves it here and mom hates her though Lulu likes her...doesn't she, love?" he said playfully rubbing his dog's face and giving it a kiss.

"How was the appointment? How was Lu?" asked Gabriel.

He hadn't called either his mom or sister. He didn't want to deal with his mother's disappointment and Lu would be in one of her moods because he knew their mother's worry only made her angry.

"Same news...nothing can be done. I wish mom would give up on finding a cure and let Lu be," he sighed standing up from his crouch and moving toward one of the cabinets and took out Puca's dog food.

"It's just how mom is...when did you bring that things food here?" growled Gabriel.

"Oops," laughed Sebastian with an innocent shrug of his shoulders.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes before he chucked the bottle at his brother's head. It hit with a satisfying thud.

"You have ten minutes to take your monster and its food and leave. I don't want that thing all over my furniture," said Gabriel smiling at the glare Sebastian threw him.

"You are a heartless man..." Sebastian paused for a second 

"Wait... you saved a life today so I can't say that" grumbled Sebastian.

"A life that was in danger thanks to your stupid dog," replied Gabriel stretching his arms out with a yawn.

"Hey, Puca isn't stupid she just got excited," Sebastian replied defensively.

"Your right, it's not the dog's fault, it's the owner's fault for not seeing how petrified that poor girl looked. You should have noticed how she shook and hid behind Aisha the minute she saw that ugly thing," replied Gabriel with a lazy look.

"I already feel bad man, no need to make fun of Puca. I just thought...god how am I going to face Aisha on Monday. My dog nearly killed her daughter," sighed Sebastian heavily.

"I doubt she will hold a grudge against you," replied Gabriel offhandedly rolling his eyes at Puca who was slobbering all over the bottle he had thrown at his brother. He moved to grab another bottle when he noticed his brother staring at him.

"What?" he asked cautiously hating the calculating look entering Sebastian's eyes and hated, even more, the mischievous smile stretching on his lips.

"You ran away quickly today after your hero act...and did you just talk nicely about Aisha? Not to mention called her by her name instead of referring to her as the secretary," he said with a raised eyebrow.

Gabriel rolled his eyes again and went back to the fridge deciding he wanted to make himself a sandwich.

"Why would I stick around? I have things to do," he replied choosing not to answer his other question.

"I suppose..." replied Sebastian agreeing. Gabriel gritted his teeth knowing that his brother would probably not leave tonight and instead choose to pester him.

"Out with it," said Gabriel placing the ingredients for his sandwich on the island.

"With what?" asked Sebastian with a tilt of his eyebrows his eyes big and feigning innocence.

"I don't want to play games Seb," replied Gabriel trying to control his annoyance.

"Nothing..." shrugged Sebastian and continued to stare at his brother with a knowing look.

"I suggest going before I throw something heavier than a bottle at you," suggested Gabriel as he took two slices of bread.

Sebastian laughed and exited the kitchen leaving his dog behind to eat. Gabriel quickly made his sandwich and left not wanting to stay around the dog. He had never been a dog person, he took after his mother in that regard. He went back to the room and looked at the phone again taking a huge bite of his sandwich. She was probably sleeping he debated.

That never really stopped you, argued a part of his brain. Which was true. 

With a sigh, he sprawled across the bed the sandwich still in his hand and grabbed his phone. He just wanted to check. For a second those brown-green eyes filled with tears flashed before him. 

He had felt her sadness so closely that he had momentarily found himself feeling bad for her. There had been no anger or repulsion as he looked in those eyes. And when she had thanked him the sincerity and gratitude were so palpable... something had stroked his chest... and he ran.

He hadn't completely thought through what he would say but found himself dialing her number anyway. It rang for a bit before he heard her.

"Hello sir," she said

He heard laughter and voices on the other side. The little girl was fine he thought as he heard her giggles, that drew a smile on his face.

"Hello?" she asked again.

"Ah...Am I interrupting something?" he asked.

"No...just an Uno game," she replied.

"I.." he paused hating that he felt awkward and was finding it hard to string a sentence together.

"Is there something I can do for you?" she asked her voice aloof.

He hated when her voice was so cold, he always found himself trying to get a rise out of her. He looked around his eyes catching the name on the paper in the pile of paper on his nightstand.

"I just wanted to add a name to the list of event planners my mother gave to you," he said.

It wasn't a complete lie, he did want her to check out this person but he could have waited until Monday.

"Oh, um...hold on a second, I'll write it down," she said and he heard her move away from the noise and move to a quieter place.

"What's the name?" she asked.

"Jasmine Miles, she is relatively new but she seems promising," said Gabriel.

"Ok...do you have a number?" she asked.

"Aunty is cheating..." yelled the little girl's voice and Gabriel heard her run into whatever quite place Aisha was in.

"Give me a second love, I'll talk to Aunty," laughed Aisha gently.

Gabriel was only momentarily surprised at how much her voice changed. She sounded different, nicer, she has a pretty laugh he decided with a frown.

"How is she?" he found himself asking.

"Excuse me?" came the surprised voice of Aisha.

"Your daughter...how is she?" Gabriel asked feeling his face warm though he didn't know why he should feel so embarrassed.

Maybe... it was that he was showing concern for the offspring of the woman he delighted in tormenting.

"She is feeling good...thanks for asking," replied Aisha.

"Who are you talking too?" asked the little girl.

"My boss," said Aisha.

"The one with the...dog...or the one that saved me?" she asked.

"The one that saved you," replied Aisha.

"Oh...can I...I mean, may I say thank you?" she asked surprising Gabriel.

For such a young girl she sure was polite. He had to begrudgingly admit it, Aisha was a good mother. He saw that clearly today.

"Um...Misky would like to talk to you...is that alright?" asked Aisha.

How much of a monster did she think he was, that she thought he would deny the little girls request. Then again, he really didn't want an answer to that question.

"Sure," he replied.

"Um...hello," came the small child's voice.

"Hello, Misskee...how are you?" he asked.

"Good...its Mis-key" she giggled correcting his pronunciation etching another smile on Gabriel's face.

"I see. Misky...I'm Gabriel," he said with a chuckle.

"Thank you, Mr. Gabriel, for saving my life today," she said.

"Your welcome...try not to run into the street anymore...it'll give your mother a heart attack," he said making her giggle.

"Promise, have a good night sir," she said.

"It's Gabriel...you can call me Gabe if you like," he said making her giggle again.

"Ok, have a good night Gabe," she said and then he heard Aisha's voice.

"Will that be all..." she asked a slight edge to her voice.

"Yes," he found himself saying his good mood evaporating.

"Yes, that will be all," he replied and then he heard the click of the phone and knew she had turned it off. He rolled his eyes.

"Well, good night to you too," he grumbled chucking the phone away and taking another bite from his sandwich. Maybe he should have invented another task for her to do. Just so he could piss her off.

"There is always tomorrow" he laughed his good mood returning.


Authors note:

There it is, Sorry for the late post. I was a little sick and I was also busy with work. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. 

Is there something you guys are looking forward to in the story?

A scene you miss, or liked in the old version? What changes are you guys not happy with?

As always COMMENT, VOTE, And spread the LOVE ;)

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