The Jon Solo Chronicles Book...

Por RaideroftheLostVader

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The first book of a slightly AU version of the Original Star Wars Trilogy, and eventually, The Force Awakens... Mais

Cast List
Chapter 1: Ten Years Later
Chapter 2: Escape from Tattooine
Chapter 4: Waiting
Chapter 5: Jon Meets Leia
Chapter 6: TIE Fighter Attack
Chapter 7: Yavin IV
Chapter 8: The Battle of Yavin
Chapter 9: A Hero's Welcome

Chapter 3: The Death Star

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Por RaideroftheLostVader

"It's too big to be a space station," Han immediately replied.

"Moon, space station. Whatever it is, I suddenly feel very scared," said Jon.

"This ain't nothin' to be scared of, son," said Han. He tried to sound reassuring, but even Han was feeling uneasy about this whole turn of events.

"I have a very bad feeling about this," Luke said nervously. Jon looked at him. What Luke had just said was the perfect way to describe how Jon himself was feeling at this moment. Jon didn't know it at the time, but this seemingly simple phrase would come to be a sort of motto for his life. And he was to hear it time and time again, from various people.

"Turn the ship around," Ben instructed Han.

"Yeah, I think you're right," said Han. "Full reverse! Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power." It was here that Jon expected the Falcon to turn around in the other direction. But that didn't happen. "Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power!" Han repeated. The second time he said this, there was a more urgent tone to his voice.

"Why are we still moving towards it?!" Luke asked, clearly panicked.

"This shouldn't be happening," said Jon. "Dad, why is happening?"

"We're caught in the tractor beam," said Han. "It's pulling us in."

"There's gotta be something you can do!" Luke pleaded.

"There's nothing I can do about it, kid," said Han. "I'm at full power. I'm gonna have to shut down. They're not gonna get me without a fight."

"That's right," said Jon. The Falcon continued to move closer to the space station. Jon was starting to realize that is wasn't quite as small as he first thought it was.

"You can't win," Ben calmly told Han. "But there are alternatives to fighting."

"Like what?" Jon asked curiously. No one answered him. The Falcon entered the docking bay of the space station. Jon would eventually learn that this space station was called the Death Star. And he would come to think of that as a very fitting name for it.

"Dad, when we land, a bunch of Stormtroopers are probably gonna come and board us!" Jon said worriedly.

"I think you might be right about that, Jon," said Han.

"What are we gonna do?" asked Jon.

"I have no idea," Han replied. "But don't you worry, Jon. "I'll think of something."

"I've got it!" Jon suddenly exclaimed. "Dad, the floor!"

"The floor?" Han repeated "What about the floor?"

"Well, the compartments under the floor, I mean," Jon elaborated. "I know you use them for smuggling. But there's nothing in them right now, is there?"

"No, there isn't," said Han.

"See?" asked Jon. "There's more than enough room for me, you, Chewie, Luke, Ben and even the droids to hide in those compartments."

"Right. Why didn't I think of that?" said Han. "Jon, you're a genius."

"Thanks, Dad," said Jon.

"But before we go through with your plan, there's something I need to do," said Han. He ran down the hall. Several minutes later, he returned.

"What did you do?" asked Jon.

"I wrote an entry in the captain's log saying we'd abandoned ship right after take-off," explained Han. "I also jettisoned all the escape pods."

"Good thinking, Dad," said Jon.

"Listen up," Han addressed Chewie, Luke, Ben and the droids. "Here's the plan. Jon came up with this brilliant idea for us to hide in the secret compartments under the floor." Han removed the coverings from two of the compartments. He, Jon, Chewie and Luke hid in one of them. Ben, R2 and 3-PO hid in the other. Han pulled the cover back over the compartment. Seconds later, he heard the other compartment being closed, too.

"Jon, you are not to make a sound," Han whispered. "And that goes for you guys as well," he told Chewie and Luke. "Have all three of you got that?" Jon, Luke and Chewie all simultaneously nodded in understanding. Jon could hear footsteps above him. He was afraid to breathe. His heart was pounding in his chest. He sure hoped that the Stormtroopers, or whoever was inspecting the Falcon wouldn't be able to hear it. He shut eyes tightly. Jon then became aware of a pair of hands on his shoulders. He instinctively knew they were his father's hands.

"Open your eyes, Jon," Han whispered comfortingly. "Let me see your eyes." Reacting instantly to the sound of Han's voice,  Jon did as he was told. He opened his eyes. Even in the darkness of the smuggling hold, Jon could clearly make out Han's eyes. Both pairs of hazel stared intently at each other. The son's were full of fear. The father's displayed a kind of easygoing confidence and surety that Jon wanted nothing more than to emulate. But Han Solo's eyes also held another quality. They were full of kindness, compassion and understanding. For Han Solo was a man who deeply loved his son. Jon deeply loved his  father as well. And the younger Solo always wished more people knew just how great a man his father truly was.

Unbeknownst to either father or son, Luke Skywalker was just starting to realize this. When he first met Han, Luke took him to be a fast-talking conman who had no moral obligations to anyone. But then Luke met Jon. And this boy was just so cute, friendly and charming. Also, despite being only ten-years-old, Jon already displayed a kind of wisdom and compassion that was way beyond his years. Reflecting on what he had already seen of Han and Jon's relationship, Luke realized that Han was by no means the perfect father. But he was totally devoted to his son.  And Jon, in turn, absolutely worshiped his father. Perhaps Han Solo really did have a heart after all. An odd feeling came over Luke just then. He wouldn't have called it jealousy, exactly. Or even envy. It was more of an intense longing to have had that sort of loving relationship with his own father. Of course, Luke obviously knew that would never happen. Still, he couldn't help but wonder what his life would have been like if Anakin Skywalker were still alive.

"Dad, I know you told me not to say anything, but I'm scared," Jon admitted quietly. This was something that was very hard for him to do. The boy never wanted anyone to believe he was weak and foolish. After all, Han was anything but weak and foolish.

"There's no one here," came an unfamiliar voice. Jon guessed it must have been that of a Stormtrooper. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the sound of footsteps receded from the Falcon.

"Do you think it's safe to come out now?" asked Jon. He now spoke slightly louder than he had been previously.

"I guess so," answered Han. He carefully removed the covering of the hold. He heard the sound of the other compartment also being opened.

"Boy, it's lucky you had these compartments," said Luke.

"I use 'em for smuggling," said Han. "I never thought I'd be smuggling myself in 'em."

"I sometimes use them for playing hide-and-seek," Jon added.

"Yeah, and every time you do, you damn near give me a heart attack," said Han.

"What can I say?" asked Jon. He smiled innocently. "They're good hiding spots."

"This is ridiculous," Han continued. "Even if I could take off, I'd never get past the tractor beam."

"Leave that to me," said Ben.

"Damn fool. I knew you were gonna say that," said Han. He grunted as he said this, because he had lifted himself out of the compartment. He then pulled Jon right up next to him.

"Who's the more foolish?" asked Ben. "The fool, or the fool who follows him?"  Chewie popped his head out of the hold.

*I'm happy to be out of there,* said Chewie. Both Han and Jon rubbed his head.

"Me too, Chewie," said Jon. "Like I said, it's fun to play hide-and-seek in the compartments, but what just happened was really scary. And I hope I never have to do anything like that ever again. So, Dad, what are we gonna do now?"

"I don't know," said Han. "I'm trying to think." It was then that a pair of Imperial officers came aboard the Falcon. "It's a scanning crew," Han explained. "I can handle this." He quickly punched out both members of the scanning crew.

"That's your plan?" Luke asked mildly. "To punch everybody?"

"Yes," Han replied nonchalantly. "You got a problem with that?"

"Luke, punching people is just one of my dad's solutions for getting out of tight spots," said Jon. "Just be glad he hasn't shot anybody. Yet, that is."

"And punching out the scanning crew is only one part of this plan I'm slowly forming," said Han.

"Really? What else do you have planned?" asked Luke.

"You'll see," said Han. "Hey, down there!" he called out suddenly. "Could you give us a hand with this?" A pair of Stormtroopers entered the Falcon. Han shot them both.

"I knew it wouldn't be long before you started shooting people," said Jon.

"I didn't kill 'em," said Han. "They're only stunned."

"You sure?" asked Luke.

"Yeah, I'm sure," said Han. "When these troopers come to, they'll be a bit dazed, but otherwise perfectly fine. Now, help me take their armor off, Luke."

"Why would you do that?" asked Jon. He also noticed that this was the very first time his father had called Luke by his actual name, as opposed to "Kid" in Luke's hearing. Jon was unsure of how this made Luke feel, but Jon himself was very happy.

"Because Luke and I gonna disguise ourselves as Stormtroopers," Han replied.

"Good plan, Dad," said Jon. "But what'll happen to me? I don't think I can say on the Falcon, even if Chewie ,Ben and the droids are with me. And if the real Stormtroopers woke up, I don't think I'd know what to do."

"I guess we could pretend that you're our prisoner," said Han. He and Luke stripped the unconscious Stortmtroopers of their armor. When they disguised themselves as Stormtroopers, it was the first time Jon became aware of the stark difference in height between his father and Luke. Han was at least a foot taller than Luke. Luke went outside the Falcon. He mimed banging on the side of his helmet, indicating that he was having trouble hearing. While this was going on, Han, Jon, Ben and Chewie, went on ahead. Jon was careful to keep close to his father, Chewie and Ben, so as to not draw attention to himself. A door opened up in front of them. It led into a command center. An Imperial officer stood on the other side of the door. A look of surprise was written all over his face. Clearly, he did not expect to find what he assumed to be a Stormtrooper, along with a Wookiee,  an old man and a ten-year-old boy.

Chewie growled. He knocked the officer down. Another officer rose. He was about to reach for his gun, but Han shot him first. Jon instantly knew the man was dead. When Han had shot the two Stormtroopers back on the Falcon, it had been with his DL-44 blaster pistol, which he'd set to stun at the time. Right now, he was using the blaster riffle of one of the unconscious Stormtroopers. And that had been set to kill.

*Come on! Lets go!* Chewie barked as he stepped further into the command center. Han, Jon, Ben, R2 and 3-PO followed him. Han removed his helmet. Luke joined them seconds later. He closed the door behind him. Then he also removed his helmet.

"You know, between his howling and your blasting everything in sight, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here," said Luke.

"Bring 'em on," Han replied, a challenging note in his voice. "I'd prefer a straight fight to all this sneakin' around."

"We've found the computer outlet sir," C-3PO told Ben.

"Plug in," Ben answered. "He should be able to interpret the entire Imperial network." R2-D2 plugged himself into the computer outlet, beeping as he did so.

"He says he's found the main controls to the power beam that is holding the ship here," C-3PO translated. "He'll try to make the precise location appear on the monitor." Jon looked up at the monitor. A schematic of the Death Star appeared on the screen.

"The tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations," 3-PO continued. "A power loss at one of the terminals will allow the ship to leave."

"I don't think you boys can come," Ben told Jon, Han and Luke. "I must go alone." He started making for the exit.

"Whatever you say," said "Han. "I've done more than I bargained for on this trip already."

"I wanna go with you," said Luke. He blocked Ben's way to the door. Jon was not at all surprised at Luke's insistence that he should go with Ben. Those two had practically been joined at the hip from the moment he'd met them. And it occurred to Jon that Luke and Ben probably thought the same about him and Han.

"Be patient, Luke," Ben said calmly. "Stay here and watch over the droids."

"But Han and Jon can..." Luke started to protest.

"They must be delivered safely, or other star systems will suffer the same fate as Alderaan," said Ben. There could be no doubt in Jon's mind now. Ben had been telling the truth the whole time. Alderaan had in fact been destroyed by the Empire. And Jon had a feeling that they had used the Death Star to do it.

"Your destiny lies upon a different path from mine," Ben continued. "Oh, and Jonathan?"

"Yes?" asked Jon. It felt weird that Ben would call him "Jonathan." Only Han ever did that. And even then, it was only when Jon got in trouble.

"You remind me of another young boy I once knew," Ben told Jon.

"Who?" asked Jon.

"I don't have much time to explain," said Ben. "You claim not to believe in the Force. And I realize that you are not Force-Sensitive. That means you don't have any Force powers," Ben explained when he saw the confused look on Jon's face. "But it's through the Force's will that you will find the family and sense of belonging you've always craved."

"But I already have a family," Jon pointed out. "With my dad and Chewie."

"Yes," Ben agreed. "But think about it, Jon. Who is the one person you've always wanted in your life?"

A mom, Jon thought to himself. Ben must have overhead when Jon had told Luke that his mother was dead. But he'd never said anything about how he really he wished he had a mom. Only Han and Chewie knew about this, however it was something that rarely ever came up. How could Ben have possibly known? He was about to say this aloud when Ben held up a hand to stop him.

"Don't say anything," Ben cautioned. "By now, you've probably started to realize that your encounter with me, Luke and the droids was just beginning of many changes in your life. I sense that you will soon meet another person who will impact your life in a profound way. Knowing this person will not only change your life, Jon, but that of your father, and Luke as well. Jon, many great things will happen to you throughout your life. But you will also face countless hardships, setbacks and challenges. And whenever anything terrible does happen, it will be up to you, using your wits and courage,  and with the help of everyone you hold dear, to set things right. Do you understand?"

"Not really," said Jon. "No offense."

"Don't worry," Ben reassured. "You will." He opened the door. "The Force will be with you. Always." Though Ben was looking directly at Luke when said this, Jon couldn't help but wonder if he was actually speaking to everyone in the room. Ben then walked out of the open door, which Luke quickly closed behind him.

*That old man's gone mad!* exclaimed Chewie.

"Boy, you said it, Chewie," said Han. "Where did you dig up that old fossil?" he asked Luke.

"Ben is a great man," Luke answered defensively. Jon remembered Luke saying something similar about Ben when they had first met.

"Yeah, great at getting us intro trouble," Han shot back.

"Well, I didn't hear you give any ideas," Luke retorted.

"Dad! Luke! Knock it off!" Jon pleaded.

Amazing, he thought to himself. I'm ten, yet I'm still acting like the most mature person in this room right now.

"Well anything's better than just waiting for him to come pick us up," said Han.

"Who do you think..." Luke began. But he was interrupted when R2-D2 suddenly let out a series of beeps. "What is it?" he asked.

"I'm afraid I'm not quite sure, sir," 3-PO replied. "He says "I've found her," and keeps repeating "She's here.""

"Well, who? Who has he found?" asked Luke.

"Yeah, I'd like to know that, too," said Jon.

"Princess Leia," 3-PO informed them.

"The princess?! She's here?!" Luke asked in disbelief.

"Would this be Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan?" asked Jon. "Well, what used to be Alderaan, I mean. People often talk about her in a lot of the spaceports Dad, Chewie and I visit. Apparently, she's very openly opposed to the Empire."

"Princess?" asked Han.

"Where? Where is she?" asked Luke.

"Princess?" Han repeated. "What's going on?"

"Dad, haven't you heard a word of what Luke and I have just been saying?" asked Jon.

"Oh, I heard you," said Han. "But I'm just not sure I understand what this is all about." R2 beeped again.

"Level 5. Detention block AA-23," 3-PO translated. Luke nodded his head in understanding. R2 beeped again. "I'm afraid she's scheduled to be terminated," 3-PO added sadly. Jon gasped when he heard this.

"Oh, no!" Luke exclaimed worriedly. "We gotta do something!"

"Luke's right," said Jon. "But what should we do?"

"What are you two talking about?" Han asked, shaking his head.

"The droids belong to her," Luke replied. "She's the one in the message. We gotta help her!"

"Now I'm confused," said Jon. "What message are you talking about, Luke?"

"Remember when I told you R2 had a message for Ben?" Luke asked Jon.

"Yeah," Jon replied, nodding.

"Well, this message contained a holo of a girl," Luke explained. "I now realize  that the girl was Princess Leia."

"Now look, you two," said Han. "The old man wants us to wait right here."

"Since when do you do what other people ask you to do, Dad?" asked Jon.

"Watch it, Junior," Han reprimanded sternly.

"I know you hate calling me that as much I hate hearing people call me that," Jon said plainly. "So, why did you just do it?"

"I have no idea," said Han.

"Fair enough," said Jon. "Just make sure it doesn't become a habit." Han sat down on a chair.

"I hate to interrupt, but Ben didn't know Leia was here," said Luke. "We just have to find a way into that detention block."

"I'm not going anywhere," Han said firmly. He propped his feet up on a control panel.

"Dad, don't do that," said Jon.

"What?" asked Han.

"Put your feet up on things," Jon explained. "I mean, you're always telling me not put my feet on things. So why should you get to do that?

"Ok, fine," Han said with a sigh. He put his feet back on the floor.

"They're going to execute her," Luke continued telling Han. "Look, a few minutes ago, said said you didn't wanna wait here to be captured. Now all you wanna do is stay?" Jon supposed Luke had a point. It wasn't like his father to stand idly by.

"Marching into the detention center is not what I had in mind," said Han.

"But they're gonna kill her!" Luke pleaded desperately.

"Better her than me!" Han said hotly.

"Dad, listen to yourself," said Jon. "If it were me who was in trouble, I know you'd do anything to save me."

"Well, that's different, Jon," Han countered.

"How?" asked Jon. "How is that different?"

"You're my son," said Han. "Of course I'd do anything for you. I would give my life to protect you, like any good father would."

The question is, did my own father even do that for me? Han asked himself. But he quickly pushed the thought aside.

"But I'm not about to go and possibly get myself killed for a stranger," Han said aloud. "Even if she is a princess." Luke turned away from Han and Jon. He appeared to be thinking. Suddenly, he turned back, and there was a thoughtful look on his face.

"She's rich," Luke said quietly.

That'll get Dad's attention, Jon thought to himself.

*The kid's speaking your language, Cub,* Chewie woofed.

"Rich?" Han echoed curiously. He turned to face Luke.

"Rich, powerful," Luke said with a nod. "Listen, if you were to rescue her, the reward would be..."

"What?" Han prompted.

"Well, more wealth than you can imagine," said Luke.

"I don't know," Han said skeptically. "I can imagine quite a bit."

"You'll get it," Luke promised.

"I better," said Han.

"You will!" Luke insisted.

"All right, kid," said Han. "You better be right about this."

"Alright," said Luke.

"What's your plan?" asked Han.

"Um, 3-PO, hand me those binders there, will you?" Luke asked the protocol droid. 3-PO gave Luke a pair of golden handcuffs. Luke took the binders and walked up to Chewie. "Ok," he told the Wookiee. "Now, I'm gonna put these on you."

*NO!* Chewie roared angrily.

"Ok. Han, you-you put those on," Luke said shakily as he backed away from Chewie, handing the binders to Han.

"Don't worry, Chewie," Han calmly told the Wookiee as he put the binders on him. "I think I know what he has in mind."

"Let me tell you why Chewie had such an extreme reaction to the binders," Jon told Luke. "You see, when my dad and Chewie met, Chewie was a slave under the Empire, and my dad saved him. That's why they have a Life-Debt. And now, things like binders and other reminders of slavery make him very uncomfortable."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Luke said softly. "I didn't know."

"That's ok," Jon gently reassured Luke. "You know now. So, Dad, how am I getting into the detention center?"

"You're not going," said Han. "The old man wanted somebody to look after the droids. That will now be you."

"But why?" Jon asked sulkily. "I mean, you let me come along this far." Han knelt down to look Jon directly in the eyes.

"Listen to me, son," he said quietly. "I'm already uneasy about going to the detention level with Chewie and Luke. If you came with us and something happened to you, I-I would never be able to forgive myself." Jon noticed the slight tremor in his father's voice as he said this, but decided not to say anything about it. Instead, he threw his arms around Han's neck in a hug. When they broke apart, Han gently touched Jon's left cheek.

"I still wanna met Princess Leia, though," said Jon.

"And you will," Han replied, regaining the composure in his voice. "When we all come back for you."

"Not to worry, Captain Solo," said C-3PO. "R2 and I shall take good care of Young Master Jon. But Master Luke, sir, pardon me for asking, but what shall we do if we're discovered here?"

"Lock the door," said Luke.

"And hope they don't have blasters," Han added.

"That isn't very reassuring," said C-3PO. R2 beeped. And then Han, Chewie and Luke left the command center.

End of Chapter 3.

Author's Notes:

1.) If any of you thought I would have Jon go with Han, Luke and Chewie to the detention center, sorry to disappoint you. I did this partly for the reason that, as well all know, things do get pretty intense  in both the detention block, and the trash compactor. Another reason is that I've always been curious about what R2 and 3-PO were up to during this time, apart from what we saw of them in the movie. And I thought leaving Jon with them was a good way to explore this. Not to worry, though. Jon will meet Leia soon enough.

2.)  When Luke says,  in both this fic, and the movie, that Obi-Wan didn't know Leia was on the Death Star, I think it was only from his own perspective. I believe that Obi-Wan actually did know Leia was imprisoned on the Death Star, and that he could sense her presence the whole time. He just never said anything to Luke or Han because he knew he wouldn't survive his encounter with Vader before he could meet Leia, but he wanted Luke and Han to find her themselves and then all escape together.

3.) I've said over and over again that Jon is not Force-Sensitive. The part where Obi-Wan subtly compares Jon to how Anakin Skywalker was as a child comes from  Obi-Wan seeing certain similarities in Jon's personalty to young Anakin's. And yes, in a way, I did somewhat base Jon's personality on that of nine-year-old Anakin from The Phantom Menace.  There's also a little bit of ten-year-old Boba Fett from Attack of the Clones in there, too. This mostly comes out in the form of Jon's complete adoration of his father. In fact, the dynamic between Jon and Han was inspired by what little saw of Boba and Jango's relationship in Attack of the Clones. Think about it this way. Han Solo and Jango Fett are both men who  have sketchy careers. And each of them is aware that they are by no means the perfect fathers. However, that doesn't stop them from being completely devoted to their sons. Outside of Star Wars, one of my biggest sources of inspiration for Han and Jon's relationship came from Mufasa and Simba, from The Lion King. Of course I would do this. The Lion King  is my favorite movie of all time. And I personally happen to think that Mufasa and Simba have one of the best father-son relationships ever depicted on-screen.

4.) This is the second fic I've written to include a cheek-touching moment. (It was also included in the epilogue of "I'm Still Here.") Let me explain why I keep adding it in my stories. From the moment I saw The Force Awakens for the very first time, and *THAT* scene happened, the image of Han caressing Ben's face in his final moments just burned itself into to my mind. It probably had a bigger impact on me than both the sight of Han being impaled with the lightsaber, and,  as much as I hate to admit it, the look on Leia's face when she senses what's happened combined. (Don't get me wrong, though. The whole scene is absolutely devastating.) For that reason, I just can't help referencing it whenever I get the chance.

5.) I know Luke's father isn't dead. You, the readers, know Luke's father isn't dead. But, remember, this is only A New Hope. As far as Luke himself knows at this point, Anakin Skywalker is dead. I truly never intended for Luke to be jealous or envious of Han and Jon's relationship. But when he sees Han and Jon together, he just can't help but wonder what kind of childhood he might have had if he'd actually been raised by his father. And this is ironic, because when I get to The Empire Strikes Back, Luke's father will of course be Darth Vader,  the very same man who will take Han away from Jon.

6.) Throughout most of this fic so far, as well as some of the other Star Wars fics I've previously written, I've always made up the translations for Chewbacca's dialogue. However, I do in fact know that Chewie actually does say "That old man's gone mad!" after Obi-Wan leaves the command center. And I know this because I once saw a making-of documentary for Star Wars, and one of the bits of footage was of the scene  in question with  Peter Mayhew, who was in the Chewbacca suit saying "That old man's gone mad!" (From what I understand, Peter Mayhew actually said Chewbacca's lines, in English, on-set, and then the growling and roaring  noises would be added later.)

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