Game Over - Phoenix Drop High...

By AsuRose

194K 4.5K 1.8K

(y/n), a beautiful 17 year old girl who has always been homeschooled, isn't anything like your average girl... More

Book 2 or Chapter 12? IMPORTANT A/N
12.5 Christmas Special!
13.5 Chapter 14 Might be late...
A/N Book 2 is Coming!
It has come to an end...
Book Two (Reset) is Out!


15.9K 334 106
By AsuRose

     I locked my door, and opened my laptop. "Honey, please! Open the door!" My mom yelled to me. I slipped my headphones on so I didn't have to listen. I was sick of my mom telling me what to do and never listening to my opinion. "That's it! I've had enough!" My mom said. 'Finally, she's gonna leave me alone!' I thought. I screeched as my door fell on the floor, and my mom came in, grabbing my hood. I grabbed my collar in attempt to pull it away. "STOP FIGHTING!" My mom yelled. She punched my cheek, and threw me in the car. I flattened my ears, which were hidden under a beige hat. My tail thumped against my back, my sweater slightly moving. I wasn't born a werewolf, it was a freak accident. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time I guess.
     I hide my ears and tail, since my mom hates dogs. And just because I defy my mom all the time, doesn't mean I'm silently praying, secretly afraid, and silently weeping. I never went to a public school before, and I'm kind of excited. I just can't warm up to people. My mom pulled into the parking lot of the school. 'It's too early for school!' I thought. I shook my head, attempting to shake the thought. I followed my mom into the school, and to the principle's office. "Uh, hi sir. This is my daughter (y/n), and I would like to enroll her at Phoenix Drop High." My mom said.
     "Yes, yes! Sign here!" The principle said, with a bit too much enthusiasm for me. He showed me around the school, and sent me home. Now, it was time for the waiting game...

     I hopped on the bus, my ears flattened against my head. A lot of the other kids poked me and asked questions. I quickly regretted my decision, as the kids wouldn't leave alone. I quickly hopped off the bus, and walked over to the fountain. I sat down, and stared at the water. I tossed a coin in for no particular reason, and smiled. "Watch where your going!" A guy yelled. It was bit faint, so I'm guessing he was farther away. I didn't hear a response, and it wasn't any of my business, so I stayed out of it.
     "Hey, are you new here?" a guy asked. 'I wonder how many new kids there are' I asked myself. I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I turned around. A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes stood in front of me. "Are you new here?" He asked. "U-uh yeah" I said. "I'm Garroth. If you ever need anything, come find me." He said. "I'm (y/n), and okay, I will!" I smiled. I heard the bell, and ran to the door. I jogged inside to the lockers, and checked my schedule.
     There was an assembly first, so I headed to the auditorium. I took a seat, and waited for the assembly to start. A man ran onto the stage, and announced himself as Mr. Chad, our principle. He talked about how the year would go, and all that jazz. Afterwards, he dismissed us and ran off the stage. I checked my schedule, and jogged back to my locker. I grabbed my pencil case, a notebook, and a water bottle, and headed to werewolf class. I sat in the only open seat, next to a black haired boy. The teacher broke down the door as he came into the room. He introduced himself, and went on with the lesson. He talked about how to get a werewolf away from you, and marking territory.
     I wasn't paying attention, more or so braiding my hair. I felt something grab my tail, and I squealed a bit. I turned and faced the boy next to me, a blush spread across my face. I could see a faint blush on his cheeks as well. "What was that for?" I quietly growled. "I saw something moving under you shirt, jeez." He said. I turned my head back to the board, and mentally scolded myself.
     'You wagged your tail, in class. Way to go (y/n), you are great at hiding stuff.' I thought. After class was dismissed, I felt like I was being watched. For my last class, I had gym. I grabbed my gym clothes, and headed to the girl's locker room. I went into a changing room, and changed into my gym clothes.

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