Cut And Dried

By rutimabe

274K 15.8K 278

The Women of Woodstock (Book 2) Brent Simons the most charismatic Hollywood megastar on the planet today. Top... More

Highlights or Perm?
A British Institution
You nearly Had Your Chips
The Chips Are Down
Wanna Bet
What Have I Done
I'm a Movie Stars Girlfriend
The Works
Gentle Steps
All Dressed Up
The Charity Gala
How To Deal With Stars
Bloody Actors
Damn The Internet
Sod The Media
Going Home
Just The Start
Back To Normal (You Think?)
Help Is At Hand
Kidnapped (Sort Of)
Out In The Open
The Parents
Kidnapped Again
What A Bombshell!
Back To Reality
No Way
What Now?
Sheer Madness
Oh What A Night (Pt I)
Oh What A Night (Pt II)
A New Me
Hood Winked
Press Ganged
Collateral Damage
Welcome Home
The Dreaded Visit
You Idiot
This Is War
Back To Work
The Fellowship
Trust Me
All Is Forgiven
A Non Movie Stars Life (Pt I)
A Non Movie Stars Life (Pt II)
Family Values
Building Bridges
To Little To Late?
Next In The Series

Pleased To See Me (Yeah Right!)

4.2K 275 1
By rutimabe


"So Brent is this the girlfriend" her face screwed up as though she had stepped in something unpleasant.

I quickly struggled up from Brent's body in a very unladylike fashion, stood and brushed myself down.

Brent stood and slipped his arm around my waist.

"Mother" he spoke in a very formal business like tone.

" Yes this is Miss Christine Wallace my girlfriend"

To which I held my hand out to his mother, she looked at it as though it was a contagious disease and pulled back.

"Yes quite, anyway dear Philippa sends her love and can't wait to see you again"

"Mother" this time it was a warning growl.

"What dear, we all know you need to have a little fun with all these trollops before you final get married and Phillipa understands this and is willing to wait, but don't take to long dear, the families expect you know"

Wow what an A rated first class bitch, I know she's Brent's mother but sheesh! how to make his girlfriend welcome, I know it's only pretend but she doesn't know that, what mother would do that to her son anyway eh?

I felt Brent's arm tighten on my waist, he was obviously as pissed as I was.

"Mother if you can't be nice to me and Chrissie then please leave"

Before anything else could happen a large man with silver hair and a stern looking face approached, took one look at me and declared.

"You're the girlfriend, I thought he had better taste than that"

That was the last straw as far as I was concerned, it was either flee or fight hell I wasn't even his girlfriend, I didn't want to be in America and I certainly didn't deserve this.

I turned to Brent and forced a smile, I could see the panic in his eye's it was as though he could read my mind, or he was scared I would put his parents on the floor.

"Brent dear, you didn't tell me your parents were mutton dressed as lamb and have the manners of Neanderthals, I expected more from people pretending to have class, so disappointing, I think I better leave, I can't be seen lowering my standards"

Then given his parents the looks they gave me.

"Goodbye I hope we never meet again, I may be scarred for life"

And with that I headed to the door.

I heard his mother declare, she had never been spoken to like that before and his father mutter something alone those lines as well, before Claudia's voice was heard loud and clear.

"Oh my god I'm so proud of Chrissie and I couldn't agree more"

Then I heard the clatter of heels before a feminine arm wrapped around my shoulder and announced we should go and get drunk to celebrate"

I turned to seek out Brent and saw him still standing with his parents, who were staring after me with shocked faces, I glanced back at Brent in time to see him smile and wink at me before mouthing for me to go.

As we exited the mansion together once more, it seemed it was becoming a regular occurrence.

"They are our parents and as such it goes without saying we love them dearly, but as people they are horrible snobbish jerks" she whispered

Claudia went on to explain as she weaved her little sports car in and out of the traffic, frightening me to death, as I clung on for dear life.

That their parents came from money and married because it was expected by their parents and it also made good business sense, therefore it was expected that their offspring would follow suit.

Brent had left after a blazing row with his parents, as they ordered him to marry a girl of their choosing, else he would be cutoff from the family business, they cut his allowance and tried to blacklist him.

But he managed to find his way and become the star he is now, Britney the eldest had married an Italian whist abroad and was now considered the black sheep of the family and no one was allowed to mention her name.

Claudia was being paired with an obnoxious son of a millionaire, because it was a sound business deal, but she was planning to escape to Australia with a boy she had met and fallen in love with at college, so she was hoping to get a job and save enough money for the flight, as she was sure when her parents found out they would cut her off also.

Destiny the youngest was a nerd and was only interested in books and studying, she had no time for boys or dating, plus she was the stubborn one, she didn't need or want her parents money so they had no hold over her and yes their mother had gone through the alphabet with names their father was Alan.

"That's awful" I exclaimed "I can understand why you are all rebellious"

"Yeah to say my parents are money orientated is an understatement, it's all they live for and they expect their children to follow in their footsteps, but they are in for one hell of a shock"

Pulling up in the parking lot of a small coffee shop, Claudia's phone started to ring.

"Hi Brent how's it going, have they good, what was that, no way! You can ask her yourself"

I raised a questioning eyebrow as Claudia was looking at me as she said that.

"Here" handing the phone to me "he wants to talk to you"

Gingerly taking the phone and raising it to my ear I spoke in a soft tone.


"Hi Christine, they've gone to their hotel"

No good came when someone called me by my full first  name.

"That's good" I replied not quite knowing where this was going.

"Well Umm, the thing is they want me to go out to dinner with them tonight"

"Well that's fine you should go, I'm sure I can amuse myself for a few hours"

"Well that's the thing you see they want you there as well"

"You are joking right?"

"No, they are meeting with the Gladstone's, it's a sort of business slash friends meeting"

"And they want me there because"

"Well I basically insisted" he let out a huge sigh.

"After you left, I had a fight with my parents, I was disgusted by the way they treated you and well a few things were said and they want to apologise"

"And they want to apologise at a business come friends dinner, sorry I'm not buying that"

More deep sighs

"Well they are Phillipa's parents and...."

"No way, your on your own with that one buster" I interrupted.

"They will be upset if you don't go"

"Yeah right, course they will, I may be thick but I'm not stupid, they want me there to tear me apart and ridicule me so Phillipa can have a free reign over you, is your intended going to be there?"

"Yes, but she's not my intended"

"Well the answer's still no, have a great evening" and I handed the phone back to Claudia before he could say anything else.

He spoke to Claudia for a bit longer and she replied.

"Yes, okay, I understand, leave it with me, see you later, bye"

Exiting the car I was fuming at what had just transpired and had I noticed the look on Claudia's face, the smirk and narrowed eyes I would have been pre-warned about what was going to happen.

After much discussion on what we would both like to drink and which delicious pastries we should indulge in, decision finally made, we sat at a vacant table near the window.

"Chrissie" Claudia dragged the word out in a whiny child like way.

"Yes" I cautiously answered.

Suddenly leaning across the table she grabbed my hand with both of hers and looked me in the eye's, now I was worried it meant whatever she said next I was not going to like it.

And boy did I not like it.

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