By poeticlapse17

154K 5.3K 3.1K

Broody. Unforgiving. Lady killer. And of course, emotionally unavailable. Clumsy. Small. Hot-headed and sarca... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Two (Part One)
Chapter Twenty-Two (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty-Three (p.1)
Chapter Twenty-Three (Part Two)

Chapter Sixteen

6.9K 267 126
By poeticlapse17

       "What the hell was that?" Camila roared.

       Lauren's back muscles tensed as she took a minute to register the tone she hadn't yet experienced from the small model. "How? Wait, what? Back up."

      "Back up? Lauren, you just got out of the hospital this morning, then you fucking fainted during that damned photo shoot, and to top off this wonderful shit cake you got going here, you beat the living crap out of my ex-boyfriend and managed to get hit in the process. Now your stitches are ripped to fucking shreds, your head is probably spinning, and all because of that fucking bastard!" Camila was raging to the extreme. All of the pent up emotions from what happened before, during, and after the fight had taken their toll on the young Latina. "I can't take this anymore!"

     "Take what? I'm not following Camila. I know I've been hot and cold with you and like I said earlier, I think it was earlier today, I truly am sorry for being the stubborn asshole I've been. Seeing you with that scum of a man made my blood boil in ways I could never begin to explain to you even if I tried." The older girl sighed and allowed herself to slide down the wall before looking up at the model. "You drive me absolutely crazy and you haven't the slightest clue, ya know? I'd do anything for you, even, well, this." Indicating the physical harm she had gone through not too long ago.

      "I can't, it just, ugh!" Camila spun around and gripped her hair tightly, looking as if she was tempted to just rip it all out. She took a breath and turned back around again. Sitting beside Lauren against the wall, she sighed sadly and stared off into space. In a small voice she muttered, "You have no idea how much I've wanted to hear those words come out of your mouth, and how scared I was that they never would." You almost left me for good.

      "Why is that? I do have a heart buried deep down princess, it just doesn't like to show itself to just anyone. Who would've thought, that me, being as hell ridden as I am could've been blessed with an angel like you? It's beyond me. However, I know I've only proved just what kind of hell fire I carry tonight, and I'm sorry if I scared you. But you need to know, I do care Camila, I care way more than a friend should."

      "I never said that I just wanted you to be my friend." The model replied, still not moving her eyes. As if on cue, she heard Lauren choke on what seemed to be nothing but thin air.

"What? You can't be, you just, did you...?"

       Turning her head to face Lauren, Camila smiled a tiny smile. "And I never said I was straight either."

     "Well you seemed, you just, you uh, kinda, um radiated this chipper attitude from the get go and I had never seen anyone who adored anything but men as happy go lucky, and well, me, Lexa, and well Raven- oh, we, we're so broody. And then Clarke was well, Clarke. And then you, you uh. You said, boyfriend, and I just well, um, I shutdown."

    "My lord you're really fucking flustered there, babe." The brown-eyed woman chuckled. Truthfully, Lauren looked as if she was in the middle of having some sort of stroke.

    "You see, um, you can't say things like that and expect anything less." The fighter gulped visibly and shook under Camila's look of honesty. She hated it, she really did. No one ever, ever, made her stutter like her former third grade self. That was up until the younger of the two started to notice the way Lauren hesitated to move any closer than a foot away when they watched some sort of movie on Netflix. That was before Camila knew exactly what was going through the green-eyed fighter's mind.

   "Things like, I wish you would just hold me because I think I might honestly breakdown in the next few minutes?"

   "Yes, exactly things like that. But if you're serious, and need to have your breakdown, let me be your structure to hold you together when all you want to do is fall apart. Please, mi princessa, I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

    The model sighed again at her fighter's words. It would be so easy to let go of all her inhibitions, but there was an evil voice repeating in her head that everyone eventually leaves. Especially the ones I let in. She wasn't ready for Lauren to know how damaged she was. But by this point she had little choice, as her body started to tremble with emotion. Soon her sobs would consume the air around them if she continued this way. "I want so much to be able to believe that."

    "You don't have to believe it until I can prove it." Lauren's gauze clad fingers tucked a stray hair behind the small girl's ear, taking in just how vulnerable her state was. Over the past while, it had always been about her, that she didn't do feelings, that she didn't do... love. But no one had thought of how Camila had been feeling throughout the whole ordeal. No one had asked if this was something she did.

    "You know that story I told you about the sun and the moon? How no matter how much they loved each other, they could never be?" Camila nodded slightly as the sobs took over her small frame while latching herself onto the professional fighter.

    "I've been thinking about it a lot lately. How when I told you that I believed that you were the sun and I was the moon, and no matter how many nights I craved you, when the morning came you'd be gone again." Easy Lauren, come on. "But then I started to realize that there's something that happens every once in a while; an eclipse. When the sun and the moon can finally touch and there is no longer that unfathomable distance between them." She paused once more to steady her heartbeat and gather the next words she'd say. "And after that I started to think that, if I could have you as close as possible for just a moment, I'd spend an eternity waiting for another."

   "I just, Lo, I don't do this. I don't let people in... Everyone leaves, everyone. And I don't know if I could survive loosing you." Camila looked up into Lauren's eyes and saw a burning love in her emerald irises. It brought her enormous comfort, but also shook her to her very core.

    I'm not good enough for this. As that thought ran through her cloudy mind, the tears finally began to escape from her caramel-chocolate eyes. A heavy and seemingly endless stream ran down her high cheekbones and continued down her chiselled jawline to the base of her neck.

   They were silent tears. Terrifying in their existence because it seemed that all of the young brunette's emotions were pouring from her eyes. That she had been holding in the doubt for so long that it took over her entire being. Her chest caved in with wracking sobs, and her arms started to shiver violently. Her breathing became so laboured that Lauren worried she might pass out if it continued.

   Being so caught up in her state of panic, Camila almost didn't feel the fighter's callused fingertips wipe the tears away as she held the smaller girl's head in her hands. Lauren searched for the brown-eyed girl's eyes and once she found them, she leaned in and pressed their foreheads together softly.

   "Usted es más que suficiente, mi corazón." The fighter whispered softly, debating on closing the small distance between them. Camila's body suddenly stopped shaking as she allowed herself to drown in Lauren's emerald pools. Had the fighter really just spoken her insecurities aloud, and deemed them untrue?

    "Lo," Camila grabbed the fighter's hands and took a good look at them for the first time since they got home. "Your hands are raw, come on, I need to clean them up." The young model went to stand, but the green-eyed woman pulled her back down.

    "Just let me hold you for a minute before we re-enter our reality that's full of cheating assholes, bloody knuckles, and nauseating concussions please." Lauren looked down to the girl and pleaded silently. "I want to be able to revisit this moment when things get shitty." She smirked warmly.

   "Of course babe." Camila knelt back down and rested their foreheads together again. "This is comfier than I thought it would be." She smiled through her remaining tears, thinking of how so much could change in such a compacted amount of time. And how she had longed to be here so long ago. But the trip was worth it, to make it to this very moment with Lauren's arms wrapped around her this way. Their hearts beating together with their erratic rhythm, fuelled by their excitement for the future, weighed down by the events of that night. It was all a bit hazy, but there was gentleness about the outcome. Finality to it all, as if they were beginning a new chapter but with each other.

   Lauren went to hold the younger Latina's hand but winced when Camila's fingers brushed over her mangled knuckles. "Okay, time to get up big time fighter. I need to make sure that you don't lose your hands due to your stubbornness and need to be violent." The brunette stuck her tongue out at her last comment, making sure Lauren knew it was a playful jab.

     "If you insist baby." Camila shivered as the fighter rolled her eyes, attempting to take her time getting up. She wanted to avoid having another fainting spell for the day.

     "Here, give me your hands." Camila reached out to take hold of the fighter. The green-eyed woman was hesitant to touch the angel before her, afraid that even a light brush of her calloused fingers would break her fragile form. But Camila was having none of it and carefully grabbed Lauren's hands to assist her in getting to her feet.

     As soon as her torso was straight, the raven-haired woman felt a lightning bolt of pain travel through her body causing her to curl in on herself. "Fuck." She panted, straining to catch her breath. She stayed hunched over for a few minutes, trying to acclimatize to her knew bodily position. All the while, the younger Latina was watching with a worried look on her features, ready to jump in if it seemed that her fighter was going to hit the floor or anything else.

   "Are you alright Lo?" Camila asked, still concerned after several minutes had passed and the older woman hadn't made a move. She stretched her dominant arm out and put it on the fighter's back, starting to rub in small soothing circles. "Just breathe babe, I'm right here. Take your time."

    Lauren turned her head so that she could make eye contact. "You're the only one I believe when you say that." Then she turned back to focus on her breathing once again.

    It was a small admission, something that slipped out without much notice. But it meant so much to Camila. She mattered to her fighter, mattered so much. And it was a new sensation to know that she made a difference in someone's life that she cared about. Someone that she... that she loved.

    Oh God, I'm in love with this complicated, intelligent, battered masterpiece of a woman. Leaning against an off-white wall in the front room of the mansion, Camila Cabello realized that she was in deep. Deeper than she had even known she could fall. After reflecting on it briefly though, it made sense. How after these months, she had just kept falling day after day. And how could she not? Her fighter was so deserving of love and care after having gone without it since the tragic and untimely death of her incredible parents. Had my heart ever loved 'til now.

   "Hey, you coming or what?"

    Camila snapped out of her revere, not having realized that she had been in her own world for so long. Lauren was already standing on the first step up the staircase to her room. "Yeah, Imma gettin'!" She smiled at this scene, at the happiness that she felt flooding her system for the first time in a while.

  Catching up to Lauren, the model paused for a second and wrapped her left arm around the fighter's waist and sighed contentedly. "I'm so undeniably happy right now Lo. And I'm pretty sure it only has to do with you." She smiled shyly as she guided her fighter up the rest of the stairs.

   Once the pair arrived in the green-eyed Latina's bathroom, Camila set out on her mission to clean her up before getting some much needed rest. "Clarke really did a hack job on your knuckles Lauren." The model commented absently as she grabbed some gauze, wiping alcohol, and some steri-strips with some more tape.

    While trying to sit down on the chair by her shower, the raven-haired fighter sighed guiltily. "It's not really her fault. I was so worked up about what happened in the bar that I didn't really give her a chance to clean me up, or properly fix the busted stitches. Actually, I was so full of rage that I was scared of her being so close to me, so I just made her rush through it." Now that she had time to really focus on the sensations in her hands, Lauren noticed how sore they were. How bruised, swollen, and bloody they were.

   Camila set all the medical supplies by her feet as she knelled in front of her... friend? No, that's not right. Girlfriend? Nope, don't go making assumptions now Cabello. What the hell was she? She shook her head, not the time for this idiot. Focus. Hands, fix, sleep. "Here, give me your hands."

   Lauren hesitantly relinquished her hands, anticipating that she was not going to enjoy the next several minutes. "Just take it easy on me Cabello, I happen to enjoy being able to use my hands for quite a few pleasurable activities."

    The model blushed at this, some not-so-innocent ideas coming to mind. "Yeah, okay there big-shot. Just be quiet and let me fix this mess up." She poured some rubbing alcohol on a piece of gauze and tenderly held Lauren's left hand, pausing to prepare herself for the pain her fighter was about to experience.

    Just as she was about to start cleaning, Lauren realized the dirty implications of her last comment. "Oh my God! NO WAIT, I didn't mean it like that. I mean, not like I wouldn't want to, but that's just in the back of my mind, I mean, fuck, no, not you, though that would be ni-"

   "Shut up slick. You're just digging yourself a very deep hole right now. Just stop moving for Pete's sake!" Finally fed up with all this back and forth, Camila dived in headfirst and started to clean up the green-eyed fighter's wounds.

    Her actions were gentle and caring. She hated the fact that she had to hurt Lauren in order to help her. For what it was worth, the fighter had a pretty high tolerance for pain and managed only to finch a handful of times for each hand. It was a tedious task, wiping up the already dried blood off each hand, pulling out the remaining stitches that had been ripped, putting rubbing alcohol on the wounds, placing steri-strips on each knuckle, then taping gauze overtop. All and all, it took the young model the better part of an hour to fix Lauren up.

    Both were exhausted from their long day of photo shoots and bar fights. Lauren exited the bathroom to get changed into sleeping clothes while Camila cleaned up the bloody mess left all over the floor and sinks. Once she was finished making everything spic and span, the younger Latina grabbed one of the raven-haired woman's old baggy hoodies and a pair of her boxers to change into as well.

    When she'd finished her night routine, Lauren was already under the covers waiting for her to come to bed. It had been a dangerously long time since the two had been able to hold each other in their sleep. It had taken both an enormous amount of adjustment to be able fall asleep alone, and even then it was restless.

    As Camila climbed into Lauren's massive bed, the fighter scooted closer and wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, craving her warmth and embrace. It stabbed her in the heart to know that the feeling deep in her gut, and the weight in her heart that the feelings she had for Camila caused were one sided. She knew that someone like her Camz would never be able to care for someone like her. God, did she ever love her. But still, she was able to hold her, know that she was sleeping in her arms tonight, that this was were so wanted to be over anywhere else, with no one but her.

   The battered and bruised fighter fell asleep surrounded by the smell of a sweet summer, and wrapped in the calm of knowing that at least for that night, she could hold the woman she was surely falling for.

     Around the ripe hour of 4am, Lauren awoke in a cold sweat for the first time since she had met the smaller woman in her arms. A nightmare - well, more like a retelling of her worst childhood horror story. Behind her eyelids played a motion picture version of the incident that had taken her parents captive and never gave them back. A vision of vicious ember flames devouring everything in their wake. When the fighter finally decided to end the dream and take in her surrounding as she evened out her laboured breathing and sooth her arrhythmia. She realized where she was, who was in her arms, and the events of the previous night.

    She felt the burning sensation reach her hands as the jolt of agony coursed through her abdomen. Everything hurt and there was no other cure than finally admitting defeat to the painkillers. The fighter had refused to submit to the damned pills due to the fact that her high was only short lived and apparently she made poor decisions according to Lexa. However, it was 4am, everything ached, and there was no other choice.

   Before putting out the flame of feeling Camila's breath on her neck, Lauren decided to pull her closer. Maybe this would be enough to make her succumb to her exhaustion. The brunette's presence had always been soothing, and in this moment the fighter could not have wished to be anywhere else. Lifting the smaller girl slightly, cringing from the ache of her hands and stitches, Lauren finally held her in her arms. The way she imagined lovers were supposed to. Were they lovers? No, probably not. There was no way Camila would throw herself into the tornado that Lauren had always described herself as. It didn't matter right now. They could figure things out when the sun came up and there were no secrets left in the darkness of Lauren's room.

    Closing her eyes, the fighter began to imagine the possibilities of her and Camila being together like she used to before their fight. She pictured cuddling much like this early on Sunday mornings completely intertwined and nothing but sheets separating them from each other. The thought of a potential family came through Lauren's mind and for the first time she didn't push it away. After making breakfast in bed for Camila that Sunday morning with her younger sister, the fighter had to admit the idea of Sofi being theirs had crossed her mind.

   Her emerald eyes opened again, the weight of a sleepless night lying on her eyelids as she looked over at the clock for the second time. Five am.

   "For fuck sakes." She mumbled, throwing her head back into the pillow in frustration. Deciding that sleep wouldn't grace her with its presence, Lauren reluctantly untangled herself from Camila's arms and headed downstairs.

    When she finally reached the kitchen she cringed at the pain that shot through her abdomen for the hundredth time that night. Grabbing the prescribed painkillers and a glass of water, Lauren admitted her defeat and threw them back into her mouth before swallowing with a gulp of water to follow. Shaking her head, the fighter made her way down to her piano room to pay her mother a visit.

    Playing the piano was a way to reconnect with her, something Lauren had only done on the nights when the memory of how she lost her mother fogged her mind. Or, of course, when she felt she needed some kind of advice that she'd end up conjuring up in her mind and giving the credit to her mother after the fact. Sitting there on the bench brought the reality of everything crashing down hard on the fighter's shoulders as the pain meds were starting to take their course.

    She brought a mangled hand to the keys, then the other, hoping that they wouldn't give her too much trouble throughout the movement. However, knowing her she'd bare through the pain in order to finish. It was something that carried through her everyday life that her mother had taught her when she was very young. 'Pain is temporary'. At that time Lauren had understood that physical pain could only do so much damage but now she wondered if her mother had known about the depths of emotional ache. Did she know how to explain the ache in your chest when all you want to do was be with somebody? Could she elaborate on the void it leaves when you are without that someone? Or when you know there's no possibility of being with them?

     It was times like these when Lauren missed her mother dearly. The piano instructor had accepted her the moment the phrase 'I like girls' slipped from her lips. Nodding and smiling widely at her daughter, telling the teenage version of the fighter that she and her father had already known. The raven-haired girl chuckled to herself at the memory as she brushed her fingertips across one of the eighteen remaining keys of her mother's old grand piano. Smiling sadly, she placed her fingers to begin the Sonata that had lulled her to sleep so many years ago.

     Lauren had a precision, the way she moved her hands as they graced the keys that only a classically trained pianist could have. Such technique, but also a tranquility that had always surpassed her years. Her mother had told her she was a natural, the judges had said she could have been a professional; but Lauren had always viewed playing the piano as a way to calm her anxieties instead of a way of bringing them to the surface.

    Her fingers prepared themselves to play their favourite section of the first movement when the pain of her mangled knuckles shot through her wrists and caused her to mess up. Lauren never messed up. Not this piece. Never, this piece. She banged her fists on the keys in frustration, mumbling curses as she ran her hands through her hair. She tried again, resulting in the same thing. Another try and she felt her blood begin to boil as the high of the painkillers and her shame mixed together.

    Upstairs, Camila had noticed the shift of weight in the bed when Lauren removed herself from her arms. She deemed it to be her going to the washroom but when the clock flashed five-thirty, the brown-eyed girl began to worry. The sound of the same piece Lauren had played the night of their fight flooded the mansion, coming to a screeching halt when what she imagined to be the fighter's fists collided with the keys. Camila flinched at the harshness each time Lauren's hands wouldn't allow her to continue throughout the movement and anger took over. She's not okay.

    Riding herself of the covers, Camila's feet hit the floor and she was on her way to the fighter. She knew there would be consequences for entering the only part of herself that Lauren hadn't shown her. That Lauren would probably scream at her to get out but her concern at the sound of the fighter's hands bashing the keys outweighed her fear. The model took a deep breath as she approached the stairs that would lead her to the woman she loved. Swallowing her anxiety, the small brunette descended the stairs as quietly as possible, praying Lauren wouldn't hear her coming.

    Camila's breath hitched in her throat when she reached the doorway of the piano room. The glass door was opened and Lauren sat with her back to it, her head in her hands as she continued her onslaught of self-deprecating ramblings.

    "You're worthless," Camila heard the raspy voice whisper dejectedly. "this is a piece you devoted your life to and you can't even get through it. Fucking hell." The fighter clenched her fists, hoping the pain from her knuckles would outweigh the ache in her heart. Her mother would be so disappointed in her-

   "Not all pain is temporary." Camila whispered only loud enough for Lauren's ears to perk up at the sound of her voice. "It's okay to let it hurt." The fighter turned her head to face the model that stood in the doorway. The high visible in her emerald eyes as the silent tears streamed down her face. She wanted to be angry with her, scream, yell, tell her to 'get the fuck out', but Lauren couldn't find it within herself to destroy what she had spent the last few days trying to rebuild.

    "I-I can't get through the movement." Lauren explained as she looked down to her hands while turning around to face the small brunette. Camila tilted her head sympathetically as she took in the fighter's appearance. Her emerald eyes were the lifeless grey that she had come to fear and her exhaustion was present in every single one of her features.

    "Come here."

    Camila did as told and now found herself in front of her fighter, shivering when Lauren enlaced their fingers and pulled her onto her lap. Her legs were now on either side of the raven-haired girl and should it have been in any other circumstance, she would've thought it to be a rather compromising position. But right now Lauren was vulnerable and she held her in the most innocent yet intimate ways. The fighter's strong arms wrapped themselves around the younger girl's torso as Camila's found their way around Lauren's neck. She pressed their foreheads together tenderly as she wiped the older girl's tears away with the pads of her thumbs.

    "I want you to have all of me." Lauren murmured sincerely. "Each and every part of my being. I want you to know your way around my soul like you do the back of your hand. I need to be honest with you, and I think this is the time to finally let you in fully." I want you to unlock me.

    "Lauren." Camila replied, signifying she didn't need to continue. Her eyes widened at the realization of Lauren's words. She's finally giving me the key. Lauren turned them both around, positioning Camila to face the keys as her arms remained around the brunette's petit waist. The fighter settled her chin in the crook of the younger girl's neck so she could have a full view of the piano as she told Camila the full story of her past.

     "It's okay, it's time." Lauren reassured the brown-eyed girl, removing her hands to take Camila's in her own and placed them on the keys. "When I was young, my mother used to play the 'Moonlight Sonata' every time I couldn't sleep. She let me lay down underneath the piano or let me stay in her arms, wrapped up in a blanket, as she played through each of the movements. I usually fell asleep before she could make it to the second but she never stopped until she completed all three." She explained as her slightly larger hands manipulated Camila's fingers to take the position of the chords that started the Sonata. Pressing down lightly, she smiled at the familiar sound with a small chuckle of amusement. Camila felt the fighter's breath on the shell of her ear and did her best not to shiver at the touch.

    "Each and every one of her birthdays she'd always say how she wished that she could afford a custom cherry wood grand piano. Don't get me wrong, she adored the one we had, it was my grandfather's. But her dream was to own a piano that was custom made for her and her only. I had promised her that when I became a doctor, that I'd buy her that piano for her birthday one day. No matter how much hard work it took, I wanted to give her that. She had done so much for me, and, I, I just wanted to be able to thank her, you know?" Camila nodded as Lauren swallowed and moved their hands once again. "When the house burnt down, I went back to the sight after I got out of the hospital. I rummaged through the debris and luckily found eighteen of the keys that had originally been on my Abuelo's piano. The one that my mom had taught me on and played all the time. If you look closely at the keys some of them are discoloured, they're those eighteen." Camila felt the lump in her throat growing as the girl behind her moved their hands again to play another chord. She couldn't have...

    "When I received my first paycheque, I searched the city for a piano maker, and after a few hours of walking around aimlessly I found one. I explained that I wanted a cherry wood grand piano, made from scratch, my mother's name engraved on the casing of the keys, everything she had wanted on her dream piano. I handed him the slightly blackened keys I found and he looked at me, in which I told him to include them or he wouldn't be paid. I wasn't going to get him to build her dream piano without putting the last eighteen pieces I had of her into it."

    "He told me that it would be far more expensive than what I had, I nodded and told him I would continue to make weekly payments on it until I had reached the asking price and then I wanted it delivered. And here we are."

     "This was... Your mom's... Dream-" Camila started, unable to formulate her words properly, in which Lauren moved their hands again and voiced the smaller girl's thoughts.

    "This was my mother's dream piano. Custom made from key to key, hand crafted and strung." Lauren confirmed, allowing the brown-eyed girl to lace their fingers together as the gravity of the confession hit her.

    "So this, this is why you don't have anyone down here?" She asked, still in some sort of trance as she stared at the keys, hoping to be able to point out the eighteen Lauren had saved.

   "Yes, well that was up until you. You're the first." Lauren admitted shyly and placed a tender kiss to the smaller girl's temple.

   "I don't know what to say." She cursed herself for not being able to form a coherent thought. Had she known that Lauren would be revealing the most important part of herself, she would've planed something better than a pitiful excuse for speechlessness.

   "And that's okay."

   "So not even Lexa knows why you had this made?" Camila asked curiously, slightly honoured to know she was Lauren's first in many ways. Her first love according the eldest fighter, the first thing she cherished, and the first person she had let in almost completely. Blushing slightly, Camila wondered if she would be Lauren's first in the most intimate of ways. The husky voice interrupted her thought process before it could proceed to less innocent things, in which she was thankful.

   "No, she doesn't. None of them do. Lexa is aware of what happened to my parents, of the fire and so on. She knows about my burns because she helped me changed my bandages after I had clawed at them to the point of making them bleed. You know how stubborn I am, I didn't want her help. But she insisted and told me to sit down and shut up, which is how we became as close as we are now." Camila smiled at the mention of the fighter's thick-headedness and leaned back into the raven-haired woman.

    "You're the only one who knows everything. The first I've cared enough about to tell." The fighter moved their hands again, realizing now she had guided Camila through the entire first movement of the Sonata. Smiling slightly, she felt her heart swell at the realization. "You know, my father told my mother he loved her for the first time after playing the Sonata for her."

    "That's beautiful." Camila grinned at the romantic gesture. She was sure that she would have loved both of Lauren's parents had she gotten to meet them.

     "I just guided you through the entire first movement." Lauren sighed happily, the painkillers easing the tension in her stitched up abdomen and the high making her slightly more bold. Camila repositioned herself to the one they had been in earlier. Her legs on either side of the raven-haired woman's thighs as her arms wrapped around her neck and Lauren's emerald pools swallowed her whole.

     The small smile that graced Lauren's lips caused the younger girl to swoon. This moment was all too perfectly tender. This girl she had thought to be standoffish and a complete ass, was really the complete opposite. And she loved her, oh God did she ever love her. Lauren's hand came up to cup one of the younger Latina's cheeks the other taking it's place on her waist as they continued their infamous staring contests in which nobody really won.

     "You are so, beautiful." The words slipped off the fighter's tongue with ease as she let Camila's presence take over her senses, allowing herself to enjoy the moment for once. Tears welled up in the brown-eyes, however Camila couldn't bring herself to look away from the fighter.

     "Such perfection deserves to be praised." Lauren whispered, leaning closer towards the pink lips she had craved for months now. "I understand that you've just ended your relationship. But I need you to think about something for me, okay?"

    "Okay." Camila hummed, her eyes shifting from Lauren's, down to her lips. Before either of them could retreat, the fighter closed the distance between them in a soft kiss at first. But once Lauren realized that the brunette was truly kissing her back, all senses took over and she swiped her tongue along Camila's bottom lip begging for entrance. The younger girl complied willingly, moaning when their tongues finally came into contact.

     Camila hadn't felt this way when she kissed Brock. She hadn't felt the passion in the way he moved his lips against her own as she did with Lauren. His had always been rough, whereas Lauren's was tender and filled with love. She tasted like hope and destruction, and Camila found herself unable to get enough.  All air was pulled from her lungs as the fighter pulled away much too soon for either of their liking, one of her bandaged hands tucking the stray piece of hair being the brunette's right ear. She gave the swollen lips a soft peck before speaking once again.

    "I'm willing to wait an eternity for another eclipse." I'll wait for you.

    Lauren sighed before lifting Camila off of her and setting her back down on the bench. Without another word she smiled to the younger girl who sat with a hazy look on her face, slightly before rounding the corner and heading to bathroom and closing the door. She sunk down to the ground, a giddy smile on her face and a sense of pride taking over her. Remembering how Camila's lips had tasted like an unsaid promise and strawberry lip-balm as she traced her own with her index finger.

    "Finally." The older girl whispered softly. The moon had finally met the sun. An eclipse had finally occurred.

A/N: Hello my lovelies,

It's Chantelle! I'd like to apologize for the late update but Ocean and I are hoping to be able to give you two this week, so stay tuned.

Please let us know how you feel about this chapter, it happens to be one of the most important and we both would like to know if we've done it justice or if theirs some things we should fix.

Finally, Camila's starting to get a clue! Aha, Camren is setting sail friends, so buckle your seat belts because we all know we aren't going to give it to you that easily! Next chapter we have a black tie event, which is going to be absolutely scandalous and spectacular!!!

Hope you all have a great day and don't forget to comment and vote!!


Muffin and Osh

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