A little piece of me

By CallMeMalfoy

4.9K 138 133

Some amateur poems and the occasional rant. Titles with *** at the end are my personal favorites More

A little piece of me - 1
a little piece of me - 2
a little piece of me - 3
a little piece of me - 4
a little piece of me - 5
a little piece of me - 6
Bradleigh <3
Bridgette <3333
a little piece of me - 13
This is just an experiment
a little piece of me - 14
Colby :\
a little piece of me - chapter 16
a little piece of me - chapter 17
Misery is Bliss
a little piece of me - 19
a little piece of me - 20
a little piece of me - 21
a little piece of me - 23
a little piece of me - 24
a little piece of me - 25
A little piece of me - 26
A little piece of me - 27 ***
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
The Truth.
Positivity ***
A little piece of me - 31 ***
A little piece of me - 32
A little piece of me - 33
Just thinking
a little piece of me - 35
A little piece of me - 36
A little piece of me - 37 ***
a little piece of me - 38
a little piece of me - 39 ***
A little piece of me - 40
A little piece of me - 42
A little piece of me - 44
I'm a rapper. Get at me.
Another rap?
Just need to get something off of my chest.
A little piece of me - 48
A little piece of me - 49
A little piece of me - 50
A little piece of me - 51
A little piece of me - 52
A little piece of me - 53
A little piece of me - 54

My Dannie Phantom </3

122 1 0
By CallMeMalfoy

It hasn't been very long

since I heard that you were gone

and it honestly doesn't feel real.

I read that you were dead

and something clicked in my head

but I honestly didn't know how to feel.

It seemed like just yesterday

when it was really months away

when I spoke to you for the first time.

And now it's hard to move on

it just feels so wrong

to pretend like everything is fine.

I remember wishing for the time to have a chat with you

and now I'll never get the chance to.

I sat there and cried

and reread all our messages

and wondered when you were coming back to stay.

But deep down I knew,

that it was really true,

that you had really passed away.

To think that just hours ago,

you still were around

is what makes it feel like it's not true.

But I know that it's real,

it's not just a dream,

and there's nothing that I can do.

It was just the other day,

when I had waited,

for the chance to talk to you.

I waited for you to get online

but I kept missing my chance,

and now's really too late.

I feel so numb,

I feel so lost,

but I have no one to blame but fate.

You've taught me a lesson,

my dear Dannie Phantom.

I bet you didn't expect that did you?

You taught me to cherish every moment,

and hold on while I can,

because you can't hold on forever.

There will come a time,

when your loved ones say goodbye,

and you can no longer be together.

You taught me to no longer wait,

to take my chance

while it's still there.

Because nothing last forever,

and chances fade,

they just disappear into the air.

I miss you Dannie,

I really do,

and just know that you were loved.

I hope you're alright,

and you're where you belong,

in heaven up above.

~RIP Dannie Todd

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