Pretty Little Secret

By KEFfulger

32 1 0


Pretty Little Secret

32 1 0
By KEFfulger

             This little story is going to be about why Allison is not dead, and why she had a different life and haunted spencer and aria and all the rest.

              Myself was freaking out about how the movie just ended with everybody finding out Allison isn't dead. I was like, "It just can't end there has to be more, I am going to die." Why was Allison red coat? I think it is because in the first season Allison said, "Secrets keep us close." But she had secrets she never told anyone. Allison sort of tricked her friends into telling her all there secrets. So Allison could use them against her friends.

              Next, if Allison wasn't dead who was dead? Did she have a twin nobody knew about? Or was the person murdered in such a way that people could not really tell it was her? Or did the police have a secret too? I think the person was really murdered or it was the police. I think this because it was all part of Allison's plan.

              Who murdered "Allison" though? I don't believe it was Spencer's sister,  her fiancé, the blind girl, Spencer's boy friend or the police officer. I think they where a cover up for the real killer. So for this question I can not answer it. I can't even begin to think of who could of done it.

               Why did Allison leave in the middle of the night in the first episode? With who? I think she left because she had plans with her "boyfriend" at the time. Another question would be why was her body found exactly a year she disappeared . I think this is because the rest of the gang where already upset so finding her body would make it worse. I also think it is because Aria left and did not home back for a year and Allison wanted them all there. Plus Allison needed time to set everything up.

           My opinion on Allison's character is, I like her character but she has to many secrets and I can not handle that. I personally would not be friends with her if I found out she had to many secrets.

                                           SO COMMENT DOWN BELOW QUESTIONS

                                          ON AND YOUR OPINION!! THANKS FOR


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