My Geek of a Fake Boyfriend W...

By LateNightOwl

411K 8.5K 1.8K

One sexy CIA agent + one feisty redhead + one disturbed preschooler + one mentally disturbed stalker + one we... More

My Geek of a Fake Boyfriend Works for the CIA?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26~ END
EPILOGUE (and announcement!)
My Nerd of a Romeo Works for the Mob? SEQUEL!

Chapter 20

12.8K 274 61
By LateNightOwl

I know this has been long awaited! CHAPTER 20 HAS ARRIVED! It's going to be completely spontaneous, as I have not written this story out on paper since about... chapter 10. Horrible, isn't it? Oh well! Hopefully my improvisation skills will be satisfying for y'all.

~Chapter 20~

 (Ainsley's PoV)

 "So Kyle, why haven't we seen you around?" My mom asked, delicately taking a bite of her baked potato. We were all seated at the table, a dinner of baked potatoes, grilled chicken with homemade salsa, and cheddar biscuits in front of us. Normally we'd have steak, but Dad was supposed to be watching his cholesterol and so Mom had substituted beef with chicken.

 I liked steak better.

 "Yes, Kyle, do tell us," I encouraged, arching a brow and watching him from across the table as I viciously cut off a piece of chicken.

 Kyle took an anxious swig of his sparkling water. "Uh, sports mainly. It's basketball season and Coach is working us to the bone. You know, prepping for championships and such."

 "If it's so important why did you go to France on vacation and miss school?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

 "Ainsley! Don't badger him, this is not a court room," Mom warned. I smirked. If only she knew that he was a suspect on trial.

 Kyle smirked. "I went to France for an emergency."

 "What emergency?"

 "My mom."

 "Your mom doesn't even live in France!"

 "She has a clothing line there and needed some help," he answered simply.

 "Yeah right," I scoffed under my breath. Mom shot me a Look and I shrugged it off.

 "This chicken is delicious, Mrs. W.," he said politely. My mom smiled warmly at him.

 "Thank you, Kyle. I'm glad you like it. We would typically have Clinton's grilled steak, but his doctor said he should be watching his cholesterol as he ages-"

 "You're not much younger than me, my dear," Dad said cheekily.

 Mom shot him daggers. "I don't look my age, at least," she retorted haughtily. And it was true. She did not look her thirty eight years.

 I rolled my eyes at their arguments that eventually led to them locking their bedroom door for a couple hours after Seneva was put to bed.


 Speaking of Seneva...

 I looked up to find her glaring intently at Kyle. "Chicken," she hmmphed.

 Kyle looked confused. "Um, yes, we're eating chicken..."

 "No," she rolled her eyes in exasperation and I had to admire her attitude. "YOU'RE a chicken."

 "How the hel- heck am I a chicken?" he demanded.

 Seneva sneered. "Oh, you know why," she said darkly. Kyle opened his mouth to respond but she silenced him. "And don't pretend you don't," she said chillingly.

 I choked on my biscuit. "Seneva, what are you talking about?" Mom and Dad were still lightheartedly bantering, totally ignorant of what Seneva was saying.

 Seneva's pulsing cobalt eyes swung toward me. She pointed her index finger at Kyle. "I don't like him, Ainey."

 Inside, I was smirking. I KNEW something was up with Kyle! But on the outside, I wore a mask of concerned confusion. "Why is that?"

 She shifted in her seat. "I dunno. He's weird."

 "Seneva, that's not a nice thing to say," I reprimanded. Way to go, Neva! She moodily smashed her baked potato with her spoon in response.

 "I don't know what the kiddo's talking about," Kyle shrugged casually, brushing off his previous anxiety.

 Oh, but you do...

 "Anyway, when did-" The blaring of Kyle's cell phone prevented me from asking my question.

 "Uh, one second," he said, scrambling up and practically bolting out of the room. Seneva stared after him with a very unhappy expression displayed on her face.

 "Follow him," she demanded.


 She looked at me with urgency and swung her head back to the living room where Kyle had disappeared to. My heart started pounding and chills racked my spine. What the hell was my little sister picking up on?

 "I have to go to the bathroom," I excused myself. Mom and Dad were still bantering and my eye twitched in irritation.

 Man, I hope they can save it for later. This flirting is making me sick.

 I stood up and pressed my finger to my lip at Seneva, who nodded at me. I could vaguely hear Kyle talking in the other room, and walked off toward the direction of the bathroom by the staircase. Instead of entering, I flattened myself against the door of the coat closet in the shadows by the staircase.

 "No. I won't do it. I won't! You can't make me..." he sounded furious. "What? DON'T YOU DARE! You sick bastard, what the hell is your-"

 I was so focused on catching the conversation that I had unintentionally been leaning forward, too far forward to catch my balance.

 And the law of physics caused me to faceplant.

 "Shit, someone's coming. Yes, I'm hanging up! I'll take care of them. We'll finish this later," Kyle growled harshly. I scrambled up and bolted across the hallway to the bathroom and shut the door and locked it.

 Holy crap. That didn't sound like a normal phone call. Kyle had to be involved with my stalker.

 I took a deep breath. I had to think about this rationally before freaking out and making accusations like what my instinct was telling me to do. Fact of the matter was, Kyle had shown up at a very unexpected time earlier today and somehow knew that I was in my garage. He had diverted my attention from calling Rosemary, lied about her being fine when she actually had a cold, and caused me to break my phone. Not to mention, Seneva had told me she was scared of him.

 But for what reason? What am I missing? I wondered. Maybe Kyle was lying about everything. Maybe... Maybe he wasn't who I thought he was?

 A sudden wave of goosebumps swept over me and I shivered.

 What if Kyle was my stalker?

 I jolted at this realization. But... why? What reason would he have to stalk me? To send these creepy letters and pictures, to break into my house, to even find a way to possess a freaking doll assigned as homework?!

 It just didn't make sense, and if I continued to think about this, I'd for sure go insane.

 And that couldn't happen yet. I had to keep my cool.

 Ignoring the disturbed feeling I felt seeping all the way into my bones, I turned on the water and absentmindedly washed my hands. I'd just have to do something rather unpleasant after dinner.

 Primping myself quickly, I walked out of the bathroom but not before flushing the toilet for emphasis. Upon returning to the table, I found that Kyle was absent.


 "He's gone, Ainey."


 (Geek's PoV)

 I lounged on the couch in the club lounge, my tie loosened, and sipped my half-consumed beer as Carl charmed his leggy, blonde date. The brunette sitting next to me tried to rub my arm seductively, to get me to loosen up, but it was of no use. My mind was on Ainsley and I had this funny feeling that I was missing something.

 "Come on, what do you say about you," the pretty brunette Carl had set me up with laid her palm on my bicep. "and me," she took my hand. "heading out somewhere? Somewhere... secluded. To watch the stars, or maybe walk on the beach..." she lowered her voice huskily.

 I flicked my eyes over her and glanced away in disinterest. "No thanks," I said blandly. She humphed impatiently like a spoiled brat and focused her gaze on her voluptuous friend that was currently cuddling up against Carl, who happened to be having the time of his life.

 As per usual.

 "Hey man," he drawled drunkely. "Looooos'n up! We got pretty ladies, and a helluva lotta ackohol! Whass up yer asss?" he slurred. "Ass. Ass ass ass. What a funny word," he laughed. The blonde giggled femininely in his ear.

 "No thanks. Actually, I'm gonna head out. Be careful, man," I shot him a warning look and he responded by throwing his head back and laughed deeply.

 "Don' worry bout me! I'll be fine, sooo fine," he went on. I couldn't resist rolling my eyes and pulled out a fifty and slapped it on the table to pay for everything.

 "Take care of him," I said to the blonde. She beamed sunnily and nodded. Her brunette friend grasped my hand.

 "Wait! Why don't we leave together and enjoy the city?" she begged.

 Seriously? No thank you means no thank you. Why wasn't she able to pick up on my not-at-all-subtle rejections?

 "Not tonight. Sorry," I apologized halfheartedly as she deflated and started to pout. If she had happened to be a certain feisty redhead, there'd be nothing to keep me from jumping at her offer.

 As if that would ever happen.

 Glumly, I grabbed my coat and maneuvered my way out of the loud, thrumming club. The air reeked of sweat and seduction and alcohol. People drunk out of their mind screamed along to the live band fiercely jamming on the makeshift stage. The floor glowed a myriad of colors, and the gigantic disco ball hung high above everyone.

 I was tired of this. Tired of partying before meetings at the Headquarters, tired of getting drunk with Carl to have a good time, and tired of whiny little spoiled beauties that we naturally attracted.

 All I could picture was a sky blue eyed redhead. She was all I needed to be happy. My heartstrings tugged painfully with the urgent desire to talk to her, to hear her voice.

 As soon as I burst through the club doors and into the refreshing night air, my hands fumbled around in my pockets to find my cell phone.

 I was punching in numbers when I looked at the screen.

 One missed call: Ainsley Winters.

 Heart pounding, fingers trembling, I pressed redial.

 Please, oh please, don't be bad...

 "Hello?" Ainsley asked curiously.

 I nearly sank to the ground on my knees with relief.

 "Ainsley, hey, it's me."

 "Geek!" she exclaimed in excitement. My heart picked up speed. She was excited to hear from me?

 "Yeah, you called?"

 "I think I know who my stalker is," she confided, lowering her voice.

 WHAT? "Who?" I demanded.

 "I think... I think it's Kyle."





*ooh! I love Seneva, I really do. What did you think of Geek's PoV in this chapter? Unexpected? Cute that he couldn't even pay attention to a girl other than Ainsley? Comments make me smile!

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