The Hudson Boys

By Megzyh

253K 6.3K 932

It only takes a moment for everything to change and Maya Thompson knows this first hand. Sister, daughter an... More

A / N .
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C H A P T E R 2
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Chapter 39
Chapter 40
C H A P T E R 4 1

C H A P T E R 3 6

4K 122 41
By Megzyh

C H A P T E R 3 6

I can hear the music from where we parked but by the time we reach the main event my ears are throbbing. There is a small bomb fire in the center of a large group of people. The head lights from about four cars being the only other source of light. I can see red solo cups already lying abandoned on the gravel and swarms of people moving to the music which is blearing from someone's car subs.

"There's a lot of people here." I comment but I have to say it twice before Alec actually hears me.

"Yeah, Toby's parties are always a hit. Most of the senior year comes and half the juniors as well." My date explains. "Come on, let's go find you a drink."

I try to protest as he pulls me towards the group but we are soon engulfed by the masses and I have to keep a tight grip on Alec's hand to avoid getting left behind. Once we reach the ice box he shoves a cup of brown liquid into my hand before cracking the top on a can from the chilly bin for himself. He downs it in quick, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows, before pulling another can of of the ice and cracking it open.

"I'm alright, thanks." I say, trying to put the cup back on the table.

"Hey, drink it." Alec say after he takes another a swig of his second beer. "It'll help you loosen up."

"Loosen up?" I question, glancing at the can in his fist. I really hope he is not going to be chugging the stuff down all night. I have heard horrible stories about drunk people, none of them I want to witness first hand.

"Yeah, you look a little tense." He continues putting the red cup back in my hand. "Come on Maya. I know this isn't really you're seen but I brought you here to have a good time. Try it, you might even like it."

I roll my eyes before taking his advice and lifting the red cup to my lips. I tip it back letting the liquid fall into my mouth. It burns my throat a bit as I swallow. I cough around the bitter taste as Alec laughs lightly beside me, patting my back carefully.

"Nope, I don't like it." I say to him.

"Don't worry, you get used to it." He says as he took another big swig from his can. "Come on let's go find the others."

"The others?" I ask as I follow him across the gravel.

"Yeah Toby's a mate of mine." He replies looking down at me briefly before scanning the crowd for his friend. He must spot him because he takes my hand again, leading me across the uneven ground towards the bomb fire.

"Alec, you made it." A tall brown haired boy calls as we approach he and those I assume are his group of friends. Alec lets go of my hand to greet the boy who I also assume is Toby.

"You've really out done yourself this time, mate." Alec says as he stands beside me.

"Ah it's nothing really." Toby says with a dismissive shrug before he indicates towards me. "I see you got yourself a friend."

"Yeah, this is Maya." He replies. "She's the one staying with the Hudsons'."

Toby's eyes widened slightly and he gives Alec a questioning look before nodding in approval. I smile at Toby, trying to be friendly and he smirks in reply. It's the sort of look that makes me think he knows something I do not. Once again I push these thoughts to the back of my mind, and trying to distract myself I take another mouthful of my drink, trying to keep a straight face as I swallow the vial liquid.

"A newbie too, I see." Toby comments with a laugh. Alec just rolls his eyes in response and throws his now empty beer can in a nearby plastic bin, taking another one from the outstretched hand of one of Toby's friends.

"Come on Maya, let's dance." Alec says swallowing a long mouthful and taking my hand in his larger one.

I pause momentarily. Parties were always more Emmy's scene. She would go out every second weekend and come home at some ungodly hour of the morning completely wasted. But mum never knew about her sneaking out and I was always the one to cover her sorry, hungover ass the next morning. However I know how much she enjoyed these parties. The music, the dancing. And now she would never get to do anything like that again. I cannot help but think about what Jesse said and how he is probably right. As much as it pains me to admit that. Emmy would not want me to be moping around and so I will make the most of this night, for her sake.

With some sudden rush of courage I chug down the rest of my drink. Ignoring the burn, I throw my now empty solo cup into the same bin Alec had just used and allow him to drag me towards the crowd.

The music is loud, vibrating through my body like a endless pulse. Sweaty bodies move in erratic motions as a mass. I look to Alec, unsure what to do. He looks back at me, a wide grin plastered on his face, his green eyes twinkling with mischief in the evening light. The flames from the bomb fire are catching in the colours, swirling like an endless kaleidoscope.

Following his lead I start to move my body to the music, which probably looks more like I am having an epileptic fit and judging by the amused look on Alec's face, my assumption is correct. Eventually we fall into a rhythm, both moving randomly to the beat, laughing and smiling at each other. I hate to admit it but I am actually enjoying myself.

That is until the music changes. A slower ballad floats across the crowded, abandoned lot. Everyone starts to pair up. Couples joining together, arms around waists and hands on the backs of necks. I glance across at Alec, suddenly feeling very shy.

He takes a step closer to me and I try to step back but end up colliding with someone behind me. Loosing my footing I almost fell before Alec catches my forearms and loops my wrists around the back of his neck, his own arms circling my waist as he pulls me towards him.

I suddenly felt clammy, claustrophobic. He is too close and everything is starting to spin. I try to push him away, try to create some sort of distance. Completely ignoring my resistance, Alec pulls me firmly against himself once again and the moment I felt his lips on my neck I know this is heading south.

"Alec," I start, trying to gain his attention.

"What?" He asks sounding distracted and continuing his assault.

"Alec, don't." I insist, trying to push him away but he's bigger than me and my arms feel flimsy as the alcohol starts to take effect.

"Don't be a prude Maya." He grumble as he tries to push his hands in underneath my coat. "I'm just trying to have some fun."

"Well this isn't fun." I say starting to panic, pushing hard against his chest. Once again he doesn't budge.

His hands slip around my back as he tries to push them under my top and by this point I am seeing red. This is not supposed to be happening. As my vision starts to blur as I bring my knee up with as much force as I can muster, hitting him dead center.

Alec collapses in a heap on the gravel and clasped his crown jewels as a string of explicits leave his mouth. As soon as he goes down I turn and run. My feet carrying me away from the bomb fire, across the crunching gravel towards the nearest building.

Nearly tripping in my dizzy haze, I collapse against the outside wall of an old storehouse, out of view of the party. I hang my head between my knees as I try to slow my breathing. The world is spinning, my vision blurry and my heart feels like it is being squeezed in a vice.

Ten minutes later everything finally stills but I cannot stop my hands from shaking as I tug my phone out of my pocket. My unsteady fingers fumble and my phone slides to the ground. That is all it takes for the tears to start, running down my face in slow streams. I feel so pathetic, so small but in the moment I have no control over my emotions.

Finally I manage to unlock the screen only to find that my battery is about to die. I knew I should have put it on the charger before I left home. I hurriedly dial the number, my hands still shaking as I raise it to my ear. It rings and rings as I get more and more frustrated with myself. He finally answers on the fourth ring.

"Hey, what's up?" He voice comes down the line and that is all it takes for the last piece of my resolve to fall away. Just his voice. "Maya, you there?"

"Tate?" I whisper, trying to keep the panic out of my voice but it still comes out as a chocked sob.

"Hey, yeah I'm here. What's going on?" He asks again concern evident in his voice. "Are you okay?"

"Can you come get me?" I ask quickly. "Please?"

"Yeah sure, were are you? I thought you were in asleep." He sounds confused.

"I'm at the old meat works. North of town." I explain.

"Yeah I know where it is. What are you doing way out there?" He sounds confused and I can understand why. As far as he knew I was not supposed to have any plans tonight other than lazing on the couch watching reruns of Friends.

"At a party." I mumble.

"A party! With who?" He asks sternly, still just as confused. "Why can't they bring you home."

"You know that guy that I went on that date with," I trail off, letting him fill in the blanks himself.

"Okay what did that idiot do?" He almost yells. "Maya, if he did some to you I will knock him into next month!"

"Tate, can you just come and get me, please." I beg not bothering to hide my pain.

"Okay, I'm on my way." He says stubbornly as if he wants to ask more but can tell that I am not in the state of mind to want to talk about it.

"Please hurry, my phone's about to die."

"There's a speed limit Maya, but I'll be there as soon as I can." He replies. "Where do I find you when I get there?"

"I'm round the side of some sort of store room." I reply.

"I'll see you soon. Just sit tight, okay? I'm on my way." He says calmly.

"Okay." I mumble. "Thank you."

"Hey, it'll be alright." With that I hear the starting of an engine down the phone line and he hangs up.

I pull my knees closer against my chest and wrap my coat tighter around my shoulders, trying to keep out the cold. The breeze has picked up and I am now not only shaking from the panic but shivering from the onsetting cold.

Twenty minutes later my phone dings and I pull it out of my pocket to check the screen.


Oi where did you run off to??

I'm in the parking lot. Where are you?

Ignoring Alec's message, I quickly text Tate back letting him know that I'll meet him at his truck as I collect myself off the ground, standing on shaky legs. I emerge from behind the building to see the party still in full swing.

"Maya!" I hear a voice call from the direction of the bomb fire.


Trying to move my legs faster I hurry away from his approaching figure and towards the car park, tears threatening to slip once again.

Thankfully another figure emerges from the dark this time coming from the direction of the car park.


I break into a jolted run as I try to reach him before Alec reaches me. Finally he comes onto the beam of one of the trucks headlights, an airy glow emitting from behind him, framing his shoulders. I hurry towards him skidding to a halt just in front of him as he steps closer.

"Hey, what's going on?" He says placing his hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay?"

I nod my head but the tears still rolling down my cheeks give me away.

"Oh, Maya." He mumbles almost to himself. The pads of his thumbs ran under my eyes, brushing away the tears as he cups my face. "What did he do?"

"I.." I do not get to finish as another voice calls out causing Tate to stiffen, his hands dropping from my face.

"There you are, why'd you run away, babe?" Alec asks as he approaches us.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Tate grounds out through his teeth. He jaw is clench and his face tense.

"I could ask you the same thing." Alec replies. "Come on Maya, come back to the party."

"Wait a minute, this is the guy you've been going out with?!" Tate demands, I can practically see the steam coming out his ears.

"Yeah," I reply confused. "Why? Do you know each other?"

"You could say that." Tate ground out. "Does Mum know you're here?"

"Of course she does, she was there when he picked me up." I assure him, "What's the problem Tate?"

"What's the problem!? The problem is him!"

"Now, now Tate, that's no way to treat an old friend." Alec remarks, mooching kindness. "However you can leave now. You're interrupting me and my girl."

"I am not going anywhere, and she is most certainly not you're girl." Tate states sternly, pushing me behind him protectively.

"Oh that's pointless and you know it." Alec laughs cruelly. "You can't protect her. Don't you remember what happened last time?"

"Don't go th.." Tate starts sternly, Alec has obviously hit a sore spot.

"Why not Tate? Don't you think she deserves to know what happened to," Alec does not get to finish as Tate's fist goes flying, connecting squarely with Alec's face.

He stumbles backwards with a cruel laugh, whipping his mouth with the back of his hand before flying at Tate, his own fist connecting just under Tate's eye.

"Tate!" I yell, worry evident in my voice as his head snaps backwards with the force of Alec's punch.

He widens his stance and goes to charge back at Alec before I run up behind him. Hooking my arms under armpits I press my hands against his chest, trying to pull him away. He struggles against my grip but thankfully Toby arrives on the scene before a full brawl can break out. Grabbing hold of Alec's forearms, Toby pulls him back away from Tate.

"Come on Mate, he's not worth it." He explains as Alec gives up struggling.

"You better watch you back, Hudson." He grinds out. "You will pay for what you did."

Tate, who has gone slack in my hold, tenses up at Alec's words and watches as the blonde boy turns on the ball of his foot, stalking back towards the fire with Toby on his heels. When he is out of sight Tate seems to relax considerably, leaning some of his weight against me as I rest my forehead between his shoulder blades and taking a deep breath.

His chest expands and contracts with every breath and I try to match my own to his, hoping to calm his raging emotions. Very slowly his breaths even out as he lifts a hand to grip mine over his chest. He squeezes it lightly as he brings his other hand up to run it through his hair.

"Tate?" I mumble against his back as he hums in response, his back vibrating against my forehead. "What happened between you two?"

I know I should not ask but considering I seem to have put myself in the middle of this I think I should at least have some idea what I have fallen into. However my fears are answered when Tate stiffens once again and pulls himself out of my hold, letting go of my hand as he forces himself out of the circle of my arms.

"It doesn't matter." He says sternly. "It was a long time ago anyway."

"Well it certainly seemed to matter to Alec." I argue. The tone of the blonde boy's voice when he had hinted at what had transpired between himself and Tate led me to believe that whatever had occurred had effected him strongly.

"Don't talk to me about Alec." Tate spits the other boys name like poison from his mouth. "Let's just go home."

I agree with a nod, deciding it is best to drop the subject as I follow him towards the truck. Climbing into the passengers seat I turn to look at Tate in the light of the vehicle.

The skin just under his right eye has split where Alec punched him, a smear of blood already darkening his cheek bone.

"You're bleeding." I state dimly, reaching across to cup his face in my palm as I inspect the damage.

"It'll be fine." He replies, refusing to look at me.

"Tate, it doesn't look fine."

"Leave it Maya." He says turning away as I try to reach for him again.

"Tate, I.."

"Don't touch me." He growls, a dark look crossing his face as he shoves my hand away. "Just don't."

I slump my in my seat, hurt and confused but let the silence hang over us as he starts the engine and we drive towards home.


Sorry it took so long guys but I've had exams and family things and all sorts. So just bare with me for now. And hopefully the double update makes up for the wait. :)

Anyway, thoughts on both chapters?

Alec's actions? Was it due to the alcohol or something else?

Tate's appearance? What do you think happened between him and Alec? And what do you think Tate did you make him mad?

And finally a bit of TateXMaya at the end. Thoughts? His sudden change of mood?

Quick shout out to AshleyNicole987 who has been reading this book since almost day one. Thank you so much for you feedback or "creative criticism". You're amazing and this book wouldn't be the same without you.

As always,


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