Terra's War

By nanowriter74

73 13 0

This is the story that I wrote during the 2015-16 National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) contest thingy... More

It Starts Today...
Sudden Appearance
Becoming a Home
Showing and Telling
First Day
Everything Uncovered
A Calm Ending...
It's Only the Beginning...

Finding Out...

4 1 0
By nanowriter74

"Let's do this!" I looked at Nico and Izzy. They nodded with me and we entered the greenhouse.

Professor Haley was already there, waiting for all of us.

"Alright. You guys remember where you sat yesterday? Because that is your seating arrangement for now. I have a list in case you forgot," She said, immediately.

I heard some groans but most people took their seat at their same spot. Right after that, she started her lecture.

She began with the most generic stuff that any botanist would know. She explained what soil was and how it helps plants grow and the climates and how different plants can grow in different biomes.

It was a little boring since I knew all this stuff but it was also a good refresher. She didn't really give us any homework but gave us a list of plants she said we'd have to use for Professor Risma's homework.

In second period, Professor Risma just gave us two potions to study. The Flame-Resistant and Poison. Then he passed out the question page, just like Juniper said he would, and school binders.

When we reached History, Professor Aleza passed out notebooks that she said we had to keep with us and started to lecture us as the last notebook landed on someone's desk.

"We shall start with the beginning of Terra Arbor. The birth of the place that you have, no doubt, explored. No need to jump around in our history," She began. "The first sign of pollution was in England during the year 1272. Sea-coal, which is basically coal that washes up on beaches, had been burned for fireplaces and the like. And King Edward the First banned the burning of this very coal. But it was not the beginning of Terra Arbor. Yet. From there, pollution started to spread. Slowly, yes. But it still spread..." And then she got into this huge spiel about some of the major points in our world's history when pollution started. "Pretty soon the Great Stink on the Thames crept up. It was a terrible event that took place in July and August 1858 where the hot weather increases the smell of untreated human waste and the like on the bank of the River Thames," Professor Aleza explained.

"That was when our first leaders, who were also brother and sister, Queen Serena and King Thomas first met up. They were uncomfortable and disturbed by the pollution that was going around. So they gathered their friends together in a forest and discussed about this pollution that had been going around. And none of them knew it yet but they were about to create a new world," She explained.

I could see through my peripherals that some students were bored out of their minds. But I was determined to learn about this place. How did it get here? How does Nature Magic work? How was it created in the first place? How were the Fairies created or bred?

Then the bell rang.

'We were here that long? Time flies way too much here,' I thought.

"No homework for today. Have a good lunch, guys," Professor Aleza dismissed us with a smile.

"You too!" All of us answered in unison.

We gathered all of our stuff and walked out of the door, heading to the Academy Cafe.

"Well, today isn't so bad," Izzy was the first to talk.

"You're able to keep up with everything, right?" I looked down at her. She nodded.

"I'll show you my notebook at lunch,"

"I just can't wait until we get to use our Magic and the weapons! It's gonna be so awesome!" Nico exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.

I smirked to myself and shook my head.

"What are you laughing at?"

I looked up at him to see an eyebrow arched.

"Nothing," I answered. He kept his stare. "I said nothing,"

We reached the Cafe, got our food and met up with Juniper.

"How's work day so far?" She asked straight away.

"Good, actually. Not that much homework. Actually the only homework we have is from Risma," I sighed with relief.

"You luckies. I already have three assignments. But I am in Intermediate," Juniper groaned and banged her head on the table. I laughed and put a reassuring arm around her.

"It's okay. Pretty soon the rest of us have to go through your pain as well," I said, trying to lighten her up a bit.

"Yeah. Then I'll feel sorry for you guys," She looked at us.

"Don't worry about it. We'll be fine," Nico said with a smile.

Juniper slowly nodded.

"Come on, cheer up. It's only the first day of work. Just make sure to keep up with the assignments. That's what I always do with regular high school homework anyway," I held up the back of my right hand, showing my scar.

"Remember this?"

Nico and Juniper nodded, a knowing smile on their faces.

"What's that, Ida?" Izzy asked.

"Just a little reminder for all of us to focus and work hard," I smiled at her.

She grinned, immediately and nodded.

"And that's something we should do!" She squealed in agreement.


We were in the Weaponry Room with Professor Agro and Magia.

"Alright. Today we're going to start testing you guys out with weapons and Magic. To see what skills you have. It's not going to be in front of everyone, don't worry. You're all just going to be with Professor Magia for now while I test you one by one outside. Then we'll switch. We shall go in reverse alphabetical order from last name," Agro announced.

Some people groaned while others celebrated.

Agro looked at the list of names for this class.

"Eric Watson," was the first name. A guy with spiked black hair and sky blue eyes in a simple black t-shirt, worn jeans and sneakers stood up with confidence. "Please follow me, Mr. Watson,"

Agro started walking and he followed after him.

All of our heads watched as he was taken outside.

"Hmm. Alright, guys. Freetime. Until Professor Agro calls you. So please stay quiet. Otherwise I might have to show you my Tsunachi a little too early," Magia warned with a smirk.

I turned to Nico and Izzy.

"Well, I guess we'll be near the end," I sighed. They nodded in agreement.

"I wonder what the test is could be though. If I look like an absolute idiot once I go up there I will die. And what the hell are any of us supposed to do to use Magic? We haven't done anything yet. And the weapons are probably..." I stopped myself.

"I'm just anxious. I talk a lot when I'm anxious," I exhaled deeply.

"I can see that," Nico smirked.

"What are you smirking at, Avalon?" I glared at him.

Then Eric walked back inside with a smile on his face.

"Nathan Swan!" Another guy with dark brown hair hanging over his hazel eyes with a flannel and denim jeans stood and walked out, his hands in his pockets.

Then everyone turned to Eric, questions starting to fill the room.

"What was it like?"

"Was it hard?"

"What did you do?" Then Eric just held up his hands for silence.

"Guys, calm down. It's easy. All he asks you to do is hold the weapons in your hand. There's some kind of sign that tells the professor what you're good at. And I'm apparently an Elementalist," He said with a bright, white smile.

All of us let out a sigh of relief.

"See? Easy. Nothing to worry about," Nico nudged me.

"Shut it, Avalon," I muttered as he kept his smug smile.

Then the door opened again and Nathan walked back in, having a small smile on his face.

"James Stark!" Yet another boy stood with sandy blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. His smile seemed way too arrogant as he walked outside with an overconfident look.

I just sighed, staring at his back, with a disapproving look.

"What?" Izzy looked at me.

"A bit too cocky, that boy," I said.

"I'd have to agree," Nico nodded.

"Oh please, like you aren't. Technically we all are, in some way," I rolled my eyes.

Nico just gave me a glare, making me laugh.

After a little while, I leaned my back against Nico's shoulder, since being called up was taking forever.

I sighed.

"You okay?" Nico looked down at me.

"Yeah. It's just that this is taking forever," I grumbled in annoyance.

And then-

"Idaline Cyprus!"

"Good luck," Izzy gave me her wide grin as I got off of Nico's shoulder and stood.

I felt the piercing stares of everyone on my back as I made my way outside.

Once I made it onto the grass, there was a rack to my right holding a bow and sword.

"Okay, Idaline. All you need to do is just take one of each. I'll give you two others, as well. First, the two orbs," He held up an orb with four color corners. One quarter of the orb was one color. Ocean blue, fiery red, dirt brown and a stormy gray with a symbol in each.

The Elements of the Earth.

He held it out to me.

"Do I just-"

"Just hold it in your hand,"

I reached my hand out and he placed it in my palm as instructed. It hummed under my fingertips.

"Seven Elementalists? Seems a bit unbalanced but if that is what you're affiliated with it's okay. But we still do have to give you the other orb as well and you have to try out the weapons,"

He then held out a second orb that was swimming with color. I legitimately saw colors swirling in and out of view.

I reached my hand out and Professor Agro gingerly placed it in my hand.

It suddenly glowed a pure white.

Professor Agro's face looked confused but the expression quickly went away.

He took the orb away from me and led me to the rack with the sword and bow.

"Get the sword by the hilt," He ordered. I did and it glowed a mixture of yellow and white light. Then he told me to get the bow and a moon silver surrounded it.

"You may go back inside, Idaline," He said.

He looked deep in thought, his forehead creasing and his chin on his hand.

I placed the bow back on the weapons rack and walked back into the room to Izzy and Nico.

"How was it?" Izzy asked.

"FIne. All I had to do was just hold weapons and stuff. Although Professor Agro gave me a few funny looks but I think I'm okay,"

But this time, Professor Agro didn't call for the next person.

He walked in and went straight to Professor Magic. I looked away from them once he looked in my direction.

"What did you do?" Nico asked, concerned.

"I don't know! How am I supposed to know?" I whisper yelled at him.

But then he went back to calling the next person and the rest of the people went, including Izzy and Nico.

Nico turned out to be a Sword FIghter and Izzy was a Magus.

But the funny thing was that Professor Agro had never told me what I was.

When I was about to tell Izzy and Nico my dilemma, Professor Magia had called me outside with Professor Agro. I slowly rose from my spot, my palms sweating, and walked outside.

And I was surprised to find Queen Bianca and King Naro waiting for us.

"Idaline Cyprus. I expected it would be you," The Queen gave me a worried expression.  

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