Forever Mine (Jastin)✔️

By blondemccann

62.3K 5.7K 5.5K

Sequel to --> Always mine They've had a long journey together from up to down. Now the future holds for them... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Me and Justin
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Characters ask
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Characters answers
For the Zustin fans
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Epilogue (part 1)
Epilogue (part 2)
Epilogue (part 3)
Epilogue (part 4)
Epilogue (part 5)
Epilogue (part 6)

Chapter 7

1.2K 107 111
By blondemccann

Jason's POV

I rub Drake's head as he was sleeping, I look at Cailin she's wide awake, her hands going up and down. She's been awake awhile now. I know she misses Justin just as much as I do, if I had came home a little bit sooner this would have never had happened.

I rub my eyes wiping the tears off my eyes. Me crying won't get me anywhere that's what I learnt from last time.

"Hey, you ready?" I see Xander coming in asking me. I take a glass that was on the table throwing it at his face.

"Get the hell out!" He squeaked getting out. I rub my face up and down sighing deeply.

I lay on the bed looking at the twins. "I'll always be here for you babies, okay?" I kiss their heads picking them up cuddling them in my arms. I stand up walking out of the room seeing the glass I broke all shattered on the ground.

"Be useful and clean this shit up," I glare at Xander as he was sitting on the ground looking at me.

"I'm not your maid,"

"You already are on my killing list, but for my Children's sake you're still alive, so get your ass up and clean this mess up." I walk passing by him without giving two fucks.


"I haven't called your mom yet or my moms, I'm such a terrible boyfriend. I can't even protect you." I sniffle looking at his body on the hospital bed. Don't get me started with the things they put in him.

"Maybe I should just let you go, I'm sure there's someone better than me out there, scratch that way better than me." I careless his cheeks speaking to him.

"All I do is put you in the hospital." I lick my lips looking at the twins.

"I'm pretty sure, they won't even notice I'm gone. You're a better dad than me anyways." I hear someone clapping behind me seeing it's Charlie. Insert eye roll.

"What happened to you? You seem dead in the head," He chuckled taking a seat next Justin's bed.

"I'm not in the mood, get out," I point to the door with my thumb.

"It's deja vu all over again," he gives me a small smile.

I clear my throat getting up from the seat going to the bathroom locking the door, I take a deep breath opening the sink throwing water at my face. I dry myself off unlocking the door getting out.

"Stop, talking bitch!" I hear someone in the room, I saw a guy pinning Charlie against the wall choking him.

"Hey! What fuck? Get off of him!" I shove him off of him.

"You!" He points at me grabbing my shirt.

"Do I know you?" I shove his dirty hands off me.

"You killed her, you killed my sister." He growls shoving me against the wall.

"Your whore of a sister, stabbed my boyfriend!" I yell punching him in the nose.

Charlie gasps trying to get out but I grabbed him, making him look at me. "Tell this to anyone and you'll pay." I shove him off.

He nodded quickly getting out of the room. The guy was on the ground groaning trying to make his nose stop from bleeding, I punch his sides getting my gun out to finish him off.

"Jason, stop! You don't want to do this." I hear Charlie's voice but I ignore him pointing the gun on his head.

"Think about the twins, they don't want their father, to be away from them, do they?" He softly says making me crack.

"I'm tired, let me be."

"Please, Jason..." He pleaded, I let the guy go but not before kicking him in the stomach hard. He passed out on the floor.

"Happy now?" I quickly look at Charlie.

"I know Justin would be," he whispers looking into my eyes.

I scoffed, looking at the bed where he was laying. "Then why won't he wake up." I sobbed throwing myself on the ground.

"It's been 3 days, the doctor even said he could lose a kidney. I wish, I would have at least proposed to him. He deserved that." I said getting it all out.

"Don't say that, he'll wake up. You gotta have hope. I'm sure he'll wake up. I bet he's fighting it right now." He said as he sits beside me rubbing my shoulder.

I didn't say anything.

"What if he loses a kidney, what's the worse that can happen?" He shrugs asking me.

"Uh? he looses his kidney?" I question him.

"I know but-" "just stop talking." I sigh getting up going to Justin just to be close to him.

"Did you really mean those stuff, you said to him?" Charlie mumbled asking.

"It's none of your business," I scoffed taking Justin's hand rubbing it.

"Just answer the question," he gets up walking to me.

He's so annoying.

"I did, okay?" I sigh deeply feeling his cold hands.

"I'm gonna tell him. When he wakes up." He teases smirking sitting the opposite of me.

"Go ahead," I roll my eyes.

"What are you gonna do, with him?" Charlie asks pointing at the body.

"Throw him in the forest," I say without a care.

"Jason, I'm serious."

"You think, I'm faking?" I glare at him.

"You seriously need to take a chill pill."


"Drake stop crying," I pat his back trying to stop him from crying.

"She stopped crying," The nurse said giving Cailin to me.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Maybe he needs to be fed, I can feed him. If you want?" she asks nicely.

"No, I can handle him, he's just being a brat," I rock him back and forth.

"Or missing his dad?" She whispers to herself.

My heart crushed when she said that. I missed him so much.

"What was that?" I ask coldly.

"Nothing," she bites her bottom lips looking down.

"Better be," I grab Cailin from her, walking off.


"And make me oooh, oooh, oooh..." I put some Britney Spears making Drake stop from crying, he was now clapping his hands laughing.

"Look babe, we got ourselves a Britney fan," I rub Justin's thigh feeling no response from him.

Cailin wasn't clapping her doing anything she was just looking around, she was so adorable.

I pinch her cheeks making her giggle looking at me.

"Look baby boy Cailin is waiting for you to wake up, but you're being your lazy ass self and not waking up." I get up sighing looking at him.

"What are you afraid of? Because you're gonna lose a kidney or you can't fight it?" I ask still nothing heard from him.

I'm glad Charlie left, but let's face it he only left because he had classes. I haven't been in work for three days the chief understood and gave me a week off.

I didn't even leave the kids at home, the only person I could think of leaving them with was with Diamond and she has school so she was out of the picture.

Drake starts crying when the song ends making me roll my eyes putting it on again.

This is the 10th time. But I gotta do it to make my little boy happy.

Cailin starts getting bored grabbing Drake's hair making him whimper trying to push her away.

"Hey, no fighting. We don't do that baby girl." I put her on my hips kissing her head.

Drake got jealous started fussing.

This boy.

I stand up, going to the bathroom to check on the guy I knocked out, he's still passed out on the ground. I decided just leave him here till he wakes up.

I didn't get charged for killing his fucked up sister. She had too many criminal records herself, she was just in disguise.

I just don't know why these things only happen to us?

I would have just killed her bother as well if it wasn't for Charlie.

I shut the bathroom door patting Cailin's back softly.


"Pattie, yes everything is pretty much fine," I laugh awkwardly as I was talking to her on my phone.

"Okay, it's just that he hasn't called me in days. And I'm kind of worried my wedding is in a month and I still haven't told him-"

"Next month?" I cut her of getting surprised.

"Yes, he hang up on me before I could tell him." I swallow hard looking at Drake chewing some toy.

"Um, well he's not home now. I'll tell him you called." I lie throw my teeth to her.

"That's wonderful hun, thank you." After our goodbyes I end the call.

I sigh loudly rubbing my temples, I just did the worst thing ever a boyfriend could do.

Lie to the parent.

"Babe, you gotta wake up. It was only your side not your heart. What's taking so long?" I whine sitting beside him on the edge of the bed.

"Still no response huh?" I ask him as I see no movement from him again.

An idea suddenly hits me.

"Well I've heard when people are in a coma they can hear what people are saying around them. I don't know but I'll try this." I lick my lips looking at him.

"Remember I told you, to get a nose piercing for me?" I chuckled remembering that memory.

"I kind of forced you but you had a big boy face on you." I take a look at the kids seeing their both sleeping on the couch beside the bed.

I smile at them then look at my prince.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you're making do this." Justin says covering his face.

"You lost the bet, it's not my fault. Plus I'm trying to make you look sexy." I tease him.

He crosses his arms looking at. "What are you saying I'm not sexy?" I bit my tongue.

"What? Of course not, if you weren't I wouldn't have even fell for you!" I laugh teasing him some more. He pushes me hitting my chest.

"I hate you,"

"Right, you were just screaming my name 10 minutes ago." He hits me some more.

"Jason!" He whines covering his face.

"It's not my fault, I'm hot and you lost the bet," I shrugged getting out of the car.

"You cheated, you kept teasing and touching my dick!" He yells making some guys passing by look at him.

"What are you looking at, assholes?" I shout to them waving my hands at them being pissed off. They chuckled walking away.

"That was so embarrassing." He covers his face for the hundreds of times today.

"Hey, this is what you get for hanging out with me," I kiss his cheek grabbing his hand going to the tattoo shop.

Let's just say we had a bet who could last more without sex, and me being me was losing so I was teasing him the whole day today, and it worked, he got hard.

"This is safe, right?" He asks as I open the door for him.

"Maybe," I grinned, he sighs getting in. "You could die after this, you never know." I just love teasing him.

"Stop, with the teasing. I'm tried of it." He glances at me.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Love you..." I kiss his cheeks softly.

He smiles when I did that making him all happy.

"Hey, Scott." I wave my hand to the tattoo artist.

"Hey, Jason my man." We do a handshake. "What can I do for you?" He asks.

"My baby needs a nose piercing here," I point at Justin. Justin waves at Scott awkwardly swallowing hard.

Scott has done all my tattoos for me, and Ma's, he's kind of a family friend.

"Okay, go in the room and I'll be right there." He points to a room in the back.

I grab Justin's hand going to the room. "Jason, I'm scared." He whispers looking around.

"Hey, there's nothing to be scared about, remember when I got my ears pierced?" He nodded taking a seat.

"But you're strong and I'm weak," he slowly talks.

My heart breaks when he said that.

I kneeled down to him looking up at him, "don't ever say that, you're very strong in your own way. Just because you're scared of some stuff doesn't mean you're weak. I mean everyone is afraid of something." I comfort him rubbing his knee.

"What are you afraid of?" He asks me, I think for a second.

"I'm afraid of subways," he chuckles shaking his head.

"Why?" He asks rubbing my hair, making me grab his hand.

"Because I have bad memories from there. Like all the time." I simply let it all out. "My heart really beats fast when I ride it." I rub my face with my hands can't believe I just told him this.

"I'll hold your hand this time so you won't forget me." I stand up pecking his lips.

"I like that idea," I smile pulling away.

"You guys ready?" Scott asks getting inside closing the door.

Justin quickly gives him a thumbs up looking strong.

"Can you hold my hand?" Justin asks pouting, blinking.

I grin lacing our hands together, through the work I kept making jokes and small talks to make him giggle or stealing some kisses from him.

I ended up getting another ear piercing making Justin surprised as I was getting another one.

I've seen people with 5 so having two isn't that much.

"When we go we should go get some ice cream after this," I put my head on his shoulder.

"And not Chocolate," he scoffs holding kleenex close to his nose that is filled with alcohol.

"Can't promise something like that," I poke his cheeks making him laugh.

I suddenly get out of my thoughts seeing Drake trying to get off of the couch.

"Oh no! Drake!" I catch him fast.

"Shit, that was a close one," I sigh holding him tightly.

Suddenly I hear a groan coming out of the bathroom making me freeze, I grab my gun getting ready for this.


Damn Jason 😐😶

That guy in the bathroom tho👀

-Don't you just want a friend like Charlie? 😂😇

I'm still not sure if I wanna let Justin live. 😈

Thank you for the votes and comments!

30 votes for the next chapter 👑 👒


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