Just the two of us (book 3)

By freakofnature22

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This story takes place in 2009. Amelia has moved on but she's never forgotten about Marshall, it's even harde... More

Chapter 1 New life
Chapter 2 McDonald's
Chapter 3 Worries
Chapter 4 Tough decision
Chapter 5 I want to say it
Chapter 6 A few hours with Marshall
Chapter 7 Talking
Chapter 8 Ken vs Marshall
Chapter 9 Marshall's demand
Chapter 10 A weekend in Detroit
Chapter 12 A weekend in Detroit part 3
Chapter 13 Going home
Chapter 14 Tough talks
Chapter 15 More troubles
Chapter 16 I don't hate him
Chapter 17 Family day
Chapter 18 Is this a bad dream?
Chapter 19 Sharing
Chapter 20 I can't tell her
Chapter 21 Off to the Detroit again
Chapter 22 Making peace
Chapter 23 A day out
Chapter 24 Ken
Chapter 25 Amy's birthday
Chapter 26 There's nothing more to do
Chapter 27 Fix your mistakes
Chapter 28 Uexpected trip
Chapter 29 A night out
Chapter 30 Next morning
Chapter 31 We never change
Chapter 32 Chill day
Chapter 33 Debbie Mathers
Chapter 34 Cameron
Chapter 35 High as fuck
Chapter 36 Ultimatum
Chapter 37 Prove it
Chapter 38 Some things are hard to explain
Chapter 39 I hate that you're right!
Chapter 40 Explaining
Chapter 41 New York
Chapter 42 Ken
Chapter 43 Let the past be
Chapter 44 I can't take it anymore
Chapter 45 I'm calling the shots
Chapter 46 The concert
Chapter 47 It's not only your fault
Chapter 48 Caught
Chapter 49 Another offer
Chapter Reported
Chapter 51 Interrogation
Chapter 52 Telling Amy
Chapter 53 Misunderstandings
Chapter 54 You do what you do best
Chapter 55 House hunting
Chapter 56 Going public
Chapter 57 Not a part of the family
Chapter 58 The talk
Chapter 59 New house
Chapter 60 I love you
Chapter 61 The court
Chapter 62 Relieved
Chapter 63 Catching up
Chapter 64 Family meeting
Chapter 65 The opening (Last chapter)

Chapter 11 A weekend in Detroit part 2

1.7K 53 1
By freakofnature22

I shake Amy and she groans half awake, she's such a sleepy head and she really isn't a morning person.
"Baby, wakey wakey." I say in my kind mother voice and Amy just responds with another groan. "Marshall is gonna pick us up in an hour." I say. I'm not looking forward to today, I'm not looking forward to spend time with people who doesn't like me and I don't look forward to sit in the corner all day.
Amy sits up and rub her eyes before she looks at me, she's so cute with her hair which is way out of control and her cute little tired face.
"Is Whitney going to be there today?" Amy asks. Amy was crazy about Whitney and maybe it's because she's the smallest.
"I think so." I say as I'm actually not sure.

We begin to get ready and before we know it then knocks on the door.
"It's Marshall, why don't you open?" I ask Amy and she doesn't even answer, she just hurries to the door and rip it open.
"Hi sunshine." Marshall says to her as he kneels down to her level. Amy throws her arms around his neck and hugs him. It's like she gets more and more crazy about him every time she sees him. Amy is a very affectionate person and she has a lot a love to give.
"Hi." She mumbles.
"She asked if Whitney is gonna be there today." I tell him.
"Yeah, her, Laney and Hailie." He tells mostly Amy. "But they're leaving after dinner." I frown in confusing because I thought that this was about Amy meeting her siblings.

We get out in the car and Marshall puts Amy on the backseat, I get in on the front seat with Marshall as I've done since we got here.
"Why is the girls going home after dinner?" I whisper.
"They gotta get up early tomorrow." He just says not giving much information.
"May I swim in your swimming pool today?" Amy asks Marshall from the backseat.
"Of course sweetie." He says.
"Mommy are you gonna swim too?" She asks.
"I think Marshall is more up for that baby." I say. I would never show myself in a bikini in front of Marshall, not even if I had one with me.
"Are you?" She asks Marshall.
"Of course I am." He says but he gives me a short dead glare. Wow he really can't stand me.

We get to the house and once again I'm the outsider, but at least Amy is having fun and it's all that matters. I'm sure that Marshall enjoys this, I'm sure he enjoys to see me as the outsider, the hated one and the one not being a part of the family. I get it! This is the price I have to pay for what I've done and I'll gladly pay it, because we had some good years without him and we would've been fine without him in the future. They play games together, are in the pool together, they're even cooking together and I'm just here in the corner watching them, I'm not even asked if I wanna join. Suddenly as they're cooking, I hear heels making noise on the floor, I look in the direction of the noise and I see Kim walking into the kitchen. Kim looks at me and she doesn't say anything but the look in her eyes is enough. I didn't think she joined for dinner.
"Hi." She says to them all.
"Hi Kim." Marshall says and gives her a hug. Amy is now quiet as I know she's shy now, I try to get eye contact with her but she just keeps looking at Kim as she seeks contact with Marshall, I guess he makes her feel pretty safe after all. Am I even good enough here?
"Amy, right?" Kim now says to Amy as she squats down to her level. Amy looks up at Marshall, she's not even seeking for my comfort.
"It's okay." Marshall tells her.
"Wow, you have a lot of hello kitty there, huh?" Kim says sounding impressed. It's really all that Amy wants to wear these days.
"I have more." Amy says shyly.
"You have?" Kim asks her and Amy nods.
"Are you Marshall's girlfriend?" Amy then asks as she apparently seems to forget that Marshall explained her yesterday that he didn't have a girlfriend.
"No." Kim giggles. "But I'm Hailie's and Whitney's mom."
"And Alaina's mom?" Amy asks.
"No." Kim says smiling. "I'm her aunt."
I get up and walk to the bathroom, they won't even notice I'm gone anyways. I remember my time here with Marshall, unlike the other day these are not the terrible memories of his cheating, no it's the good ones I'm remembering right now. I remember when we just got reunited, how he brought me here to his brand new house and how proud I was of him, proud that he had made it so far that he could buy his own house. I remember the feeling, the feeling anybody couldn't give me and still can't. He made me feel like a teenager in love, he made me act like a teenager in love. I remember how good it was before I knew how bad the drugs were and before I knew about all the girls.
I finish myself up in the bathroom and I walk back towards the kitchen but then I bump into Kim in the hallway. This can't be a coincidence..
"She's a nice girl." Kim says.
"Thank you." I say trying to walk past her but she blocks my way.
"I know damn well that Marshall was an asshole and I understand why you wanted to get away from him, but.."
"We're not gonna discuss this Kim." I cut her off.
"You knew damn well he was a good father." Kim says.
"I said, we are not gonna discuss this." I say.
"So you didn't trust Marshall to take care of Amy?" Kim pushes it.
"I don't owe you any explanation because this is non of your business Kim." I hiss.
"She's Hailie's sister so that makes it my business." She says.
"You fucking know how he was so how can you blame me for wanting to get out?" I frown.
"There was a child involved. How do you think it is for Marshall to see her calling another man dad?" She asks.
"How do you think it was for Marshall to believe that Whitney was his?" I throw back in her face as I know how Marshall thought she was his during the first semester.
"You're so lucky that the kids are here." She hisses.
"It hurt, didn't it?" I ask. "You of all people should understand why I did what I did Kim."
"Don't ever believe that I'm gonna understand your sick decision." She says and Marshall now comes walking out to us.
"Kim, I told you to let it the fuck go." Marshall sighs.
"I couldn't, I'm sorry, I just couldn't." She says and walk back out to the kitchen.
"You know Marshall, there's a limit and I'm about to reach it." I warn him.
"Yo, I told her not to do that." Marshall says.
"But both you and Kim seem to have a short memory." I say.
"What do you mean?" He frowns.
"I forgave you for a lot of shit, you put me through a lot of shit and you've hurt me so much. I make one wrong decision and it's unforgivable." I explain.
"You can't compare it Amelia." Marshall frowns.
"You lied, cheated and you fucked me over." I hiss."I would do anything to get away from all your destruction, you can't blame me for that."
"No I can't but I can blame you for not telling me." He says.
"You were a fucking mess Marshall and I didn't picture you into me and Amy's life as cruel as it sounds." I explain.
"So you're basically saying that you didn't see me as father material?" He frowns and I know that I should be careful what I'm saying.
"I'm saying that I didn't quite picture a family life with you considering your condition." I say.
"That's not an answer to my question." Marshall says.
"You know I've never thought that you were a bad father." I say.
"But I wasn't good enough for you." He says and I remain silence because hypothetically it's true. "Fuck you, Amelia."
"I grew up with a father who was an addict and I didn't want that for my child." I explain. I don't mean to be this harsh on him but he really needs to understand why I made the decision I made.
"And I grew up without a father and trust me, that's not something you want for your kid either and you should know that." He says.
"Amy has a father." I state.
"I can't believe how fucking sick you are, I can't believe that I ever loved a fucking bitch like you." Marshall frowns.
"Marshall, I'm really not trying to be mean.."
"Really?" He cuts me off laughing sarcastically.
"Really." I say. I'm really just trying to make him understand. If Marshall was the Marshall he is now back then, then I would have told him about Amy.
"You know what?" He says. "I get my driver to drive you to the house because I can't stand to look at you right now."
"I'm taking Amy with me." I say. I don't like to leave her here.
"You're fucking leaving before I lose my shit and I'll bring Amy later." He hisses.
"I'm not leaving her here." I say.
"Amelia." He says through his gritted teeth. "I'll bring Amy later." I know that now is not the time to argue with him so I walk into the kitchen.
"Amy, mommy has to leave now. Can you be a good girl and stay here with Marshall?" I ask.
"Where are you going?" Amy asks confused. Please beg to come with me.
"I just have to run some errands." I lie.
"I'll drive you home to mom later, is that cool?" Marshall asks Amy. Please say no.
"Yes." She says smiling. I say my goodbye to Amy and she then leave.

I'm sorry to be so late out with this chapter but I'm still sick so it's so hard to write anything when you sleep all the time. ;) please comment and vote. <3

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