Death and Hades.

By FinallyFree18

675 10 13


Death and Hades.
Satisfied. Continued...


36 2 0
By FinallyFree18

Death and Hades.

Chapter 4.


I was sleeping uneasy, my neck and back ached because of that stupid, Chinese Jamaican hottie beat me up. Sadly I didn't fight back even though she wanted me to.

Suddenly, I heard my front door slam shut. I ignored it, might be my little Sis coming back from her friends crib. I hesitate to get up, but did away, strolling to the bathroom in just briefs, with my eyes half open.

My head just felt like road work was going on in it.

I got the bathroom and saw the now black and purple blobs placed painfully on my back mostly. I found deep scratches on my shoulders. I smile. That was from the role play we performed.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

I say out aloud.

"Mirror mirror on the wall,

Who's the buffest of them all?, I asked.

I close my eyes feeling soft arms flowing around my chest and hip.

Wait my Sis can never touch me like this! I'll slap her so hard- I open my eyes and see the chick from last night, the one that beat me up.

She replies to my question for the mirror, "you are, you are the buffest of them all," she didn't stop kissing my back softly.

Rudely, I spoke with anger as well, "what are you doing here," I asked.

Twisting my body to her, I pick her up and place her on the sink in front of the mirror, facing me.

"you little demon," I point right at her face and poked her nose. She was trying to bite my finger, I move just In time. A smile came on her beautiful face. She a demon I can't resist.

"Look I don't have much ti-", cutting her off with a kiss was a best decision I have made today.

She didn't let me in but I didn't give up until she let me in.

Kissing her was dangerous as her hands went down my briefs, those were razor sharp vinyls shaped and curved like the ones Rihanna has in that video with Drake.

Everything the girl had was a weapon, her fiendish eyes most deadly with a intoxicating gaze, her body with an athletic build yet female assets still shone through. Her attitude... Evil but hard to resist.

Sadly she held firmly into my only weapon that was kept in my briefs.

I moan in pain while kissing her.

Again! And Again!! And Again!!!.

I break from the kiss now sweating in fear.

"pl-please let go," pleading as well as stuttering in amazement. The look on her face: plain and serious.

"I didn't come here to sleep with you or get cut off by your 5th grade standard smooches. Are you ready to listen," she asked.

I nodded.

"just to make sure, I ain't letting go, so listen here and listen good,"

I nod frequently.

"I haven't got a lot of time. I have no home, I had to blow up a bunch of fools that decided to abuse me. I have no family- and that brings me back to hades, I need to know were she is, do you know," she asked loosening her grip.

"thank you. Well she was with my home boy the last time I saw him, but he don't live around here- he lives like around north."

"you got a car," she asked.

I nodded.

She smashed a full blown kiss on me, I just had to embrace her in the process.

I break from it.

"now that's how you kiss. What gave you the idea to break from it,"

I bent my head down shy. I was hard in her grasp.

"let go please. Since were not going to make love tonight."

I wanted to make her feel guilty but no sign of pity on her face.

She let go and pushed me softly as she jumped down she turns her back to me to wash her hands in the sink.

I moved close to her and kissed and sucked on her neck.

She closes the taps, shakes the water from her hands and leans back on me I still kissed her, making sure she didn't resist my touch I hold her hands but those nails still pierced into my hands. I didn't care.

She spoke softly, "who said we won't make love in the car,"

With that she walks away out the bathroom.

As she walks I wasted no time to check that bod out her outfit was so hot! Some ninja swag! Umm!

"five minutes, we really don't have must time."

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