High School (septiplier fanfi...

By BenamicBooks

4.7K 86 56

Its high school and mark is a hot football player and Jack is a kawaii nerd. This book is gonna have drama ev... More



1.4K 24 13
By BenamicBooks

Jack's POV

I was walking down the hall with everyone doing their business.

"Hi Jack!" I smile and wave. Another says hello. Wave. Hi. Wave. Hi. Wave. Everyone knows me, which is kind of annoying.

I went to my locker. It was right next to Mark Fischbach. The nerve of that guy. Jesus.

He was with two cheerleaders. They begged him to flex his arms. He did. Big mistake pretty boy.

I poke him right in the ribs. He yelps and puts his arms down. I smirk and walk away. He gave me a death glare which I got use to.

Then I was engulfed into a hug. "Jack my boy!" I realised it was Felix. He was a football player, the tallest one. "Sup."

Then Mark came up to him. "That little brat poked my rips!!!" He said pointing at me. Felix gave me the 'Seriously?' Look. I smile and nod.

"He had his arms up. I had too!!" He laughs and puts me down. "Jack. You just like messing with people don't ya?" I giggle and nod.

I look over at Mark who was still glaring at me. "Jesus Mark can ye just have fun for once?" He rolls his eyes and walks away.

I stick out my tongue and look back at Felix.

"Jack please keep your hands to yourself." I sigh and nod. "Ok...."

I walked to class. I turn to see mark with the same cheerleaders. Ugh. Mark is in all my classes. Why?!

Then my teacher, Mrs.Reilly, came in. "Ok everyone I have assigned lab partners for the semester." I sigh and wait for her to continue.

"Jade and Makena." I heard a squeal at the side of the hall. Those damn cheerleaders. Ugh.

"Mark and Jack." We both scream 'what?!' at the same time. The teacher laughs and nods. "Not everyone is gonna get what they want."

I glare at Mark and so does he. Why?! I sigh and shake my head.

Mrs.Reilly know I can get along with anyone. But Mark?! She knows we are kind of like enemies.

I wave it away and focus on the rest of class.

Most girls gave me jealous looks. Bruh. I didn't want this so stop being JEALOUS!!!

I look at Mark and give him the 'Help me' look. He just smirked and have me the 'That's what you get!' look.

I roll my eyes and continue working.

The bell rang and I left class. I shoved the things I didn't need into my locker.

I went outside to the football field. I waited for my boyfriend.
(Don't hurt me!!!!!)

Killian was all sweaty. "Hey babe!" He kissed me and I get grossed out. "Ewwww! Yer so sweaty!"

Then someone threw me in the air, making me yelp. They caught me and I turn to see Felix.

"GOD DAMN IT FELIX! I COULD OF DIED!!!" He laughs and ruffles my hair. I pout and fix it.

"Hey Killian. I'm not trying to hit on your babe but Jack is really cute." Killian chuckles and gives me a hug.

"Yeah he is." I roll my eyes. "I have to go puddin' I need to go to band practice."

He nods and waves. I wave back then bump into someone. Mark.

"Sorry Mark!" He chuckles and waves it off. "It's fine. I understand your in a rush." I smile and nod.

I just love his voice. It's so relaxing and calming. His eyes are so soothing. Chocolatey and delicious. And his body god- WAIT. WTF!? I have a boy friend!!!!!!!!

I blush a little and say good bye.

I ran to band practice. I play the flute. I'm in first chair flutes. (First chair means the best) Most girls wish I wasn't dating Killian.

I got out of band practice and rush to the football field. Before I got there I saw MY KILLIAN kissing a cheerleader.

I was so fucking pissed. "YOU MOTHER FOCKER!!!!!!!!" He turns around and sees my demonic rage.

"J-Jack?!" I sigh and smile demonicly. "Yer a son of a bitch. Ye and me are over."

He begged me not to go. "No Killian. I saw ye kissing that whore. She's yer girlfriend now."

I walked away. Then I saw Mark siting on a bench. He was pissed.

"Hey Mark. Are ye ok?" He looks at me. I could tell he was trying to control his anger.

"No your fucking boyfriend was making out with my girlfriend!" I sigh and nod.

"Yeah about that... Killian and me are over. I saw him kissing her so I just left him."

He sighs and gets up. Then he hugged me. I was shocked but hugged back.

"I'm sorry Jack." I sigh and shake my head. "It wasn't yer fault. Also I'm sorry about today. I just couldn't help myself."

He chuckles and ruffles my hair. I pout and fix it, which makes him laugh.

"Markimoo why?!" He laughs some more and raised an eyebrow.

"Markimoo?" I giggle and nod. He snorts. "Fine then Jackaboy!!!"

I gasp and giggle. "Whatever!!!! Anyways I have to go to cheer practice tomorrow so see ya later." He nods and we wave good bye.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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