Reader joins the crystal gems...

By fishybait

39.5K 849 371

Forced into a war you had no clue what to do, you were lost until a huge orange gem came along and told you w... More

A new world
Big buff cheeto puff
A life worth living
Alien arranged marraige
Addition if you're interested
Thank you oh my lord!
A new SU fanfic!
Hello! A favour? Perhaps?

What the humans call 'birth'

9.3K 160 136
By fishybait

(G/n)= gem name || (g/t)= gem type || (g/w)= gem weapon (g/l)= gem location
Im going to write this with non-binary terms, Sorry if you dont like it. Also I'm making your clothes and colour theme grey because thats just easier for me. Just imagine whatever colour you want!!

The first memory you have is panicking underground. Suddenly you just were. You scratched and ripped and heated the rock around you until you could see light. You felt the odd warmth on your skin, which was much nicer than the cold, dirty underground. You hoisted yourself out of the hole, and focused your eyes. You were in a canyon type rock formation. With many holes like the one you made around you, it was unsettling. You got up and got out the canyon. The sight was astounding, confusing, awe filled.

There was green ground everywhere with brown, red and orange things coming out the ground, there was a big blue dome above you with big white things. Little brown papery pieces flew down and landed on the ground around you. Suddenly a purpose fulfilled you. You had to find home to complete a mission, suddenly your head hurt. What was your mission?

Quickly panic arose again, you were meant to be somewhere, with someone. Where was it? You turned around and found yourself shocked at the sight. The ground was grey and barren, the blue dome stretched over the flat and dead ground. Looking further into the distance you saw people fighting. Who were they? Why were they fighting. You decided to find out.

Walking over the flat and desolate landscape you arrived at the fight. You tried to make sense of it. People swung big objects at each-other, all the people either had a diamond or star themed outfit. You found yourself rooting for the star people unintentionally even though you felt you belonged with the diamond people. You wondered if you had a side and looked down at yourself. You were wearing mostly grey clothes, which were similar to the ground. You had a shiny gem on your (g/l). You got the feeling your name was (g/n). Upon closer inspection you realised your uniform had no distinguishable shapes on it at all. Disappointed at the result you decided to wait until the fight was over.

You were watching the fight from afar when suddenly a big orange lady, with big white hair turned to you. She looked you straight in the eyes as she delivered a fatal blow to another person which made them turn into a white thing like in the sky and their gem dropped on the ground with a clang. Horrified you stood up, the lady suddenly understood what was going on and walked over to you. You felt an odd inclination to run but made no moves. "Hey! Newbie, what's your name?" She asked, her voice was strong and deep. "Uh, (g/n)" you said, making a wild guess that what you guessed before was correct. "Oh a (g/t), pretty weak but you'll do" she said, as if you were nothing. Maybe in this realm you were nothing. "Go over there and fight one of the star people." She commanded.
"O-okay!" You said, even though you matched her height she was obviously way stronger than you. There was no way you could defy her.

You walked over there briskly, looking back at the orange girl for confirmation you realised she was gone. People were turning into white clouds and being thrown over the top of you and lunged at as you walked to the area she had pointed out. You were terrified as you saw someone shatter a gem with their heel. It felt so wrong you wanted to throw up, although you had no clue why. You arrived at the area after what seemed like forever and tried to find a weak gem to fight. You saw one, a small and meek looking gem was glancing around them-self ferociously for someone to fight. Suddenly you got a feeling to reach for your gem and you pulled out your (g/w). You attacked them with all your might, to find the small gem had a lot of power. They instantly smashed you to the ground, you couldn't help but notice the star which was almost as big as you. You fought them off, defending yourself. They lunged under your arm with a spear and you panicked. You looked around the world was grey, even the dome. You reached out only to find yourself in a small barrier. All the immediate fighting around you had desisted. You looked around and noticed all eyes on you.
"They bubbled?"
"No one has done that in years!"
"How did they bubble... Themself?"
You heard people talking around you, it was confusing. What had you done wrong? You had been alive for less than a day, this was confusing. You huddled in on yourself and hide your face from view. You were so confused, so new, so rushed. You heard a tapping on the glass and jumped back. You noticed your 'bubble' had grown a lot smaller. You looked up and saw a pale pink face. A beautiful large woman, with the most glorious of all the hairstyles you had seen was tapping on your bubble, smiling gently.

All of sudden the fighting continued. The pink gem continued to smile at you as people with stars defended yours and hers 'conversation'. Still quiet intimidated you refused to let your guard down. The contrast of the small circle of peace you had, with fighting around all corners was disturbing. She frowned then looked at her friends for help. She beckoned a few of them over. There was a small, pale lady with orange hair, a big lady with rainbow dreadlocks and a tall red lady with a big, square afro. They were all beckoning you out and encouraging you with smiles. You sighed, there was no other choices and you let down you bubble and held your hands over your gem and crouched facing away from them.
"Its okay" a soft, soothing voice said.
"Whats wrong? Can we get back to fighting?" A whiney, high voice complained
"We wont hurt ya" a powerful yet friendly voice promised.
"Please turn around" A powerful British accented lady commanded.

You turned around and saw the pink lady holding her hand out. You didn't know why and looked at it confused. She pulled it back and crouched down so she would be at the same level as you.
"I couldn't help but notice that you have no star or diamond" she said
"Am i supposed to have one?" I asked
"I dont know" she said. "But we can find out, where do you come from?" She asked. You pointed to the place where i had dug out. "Over there" you said. She looked confused
"How long ago?" She asked.
"A-about an hour ago, i think?" You said. She was shocked.
"An.. Hour? And the first thing you did was come over here... And attack someone?" She asked
"I-i was told to!" You said defending yourself.
"By who?" She asked
"The big orange lady." you said
"Oh no" she turned around and the big orange gem jumped down and the pink lady suddenly had a shield. The orange lady looked at you "thanks for the distraction!" She said as she continued attacking her. The little gem with orange hair jumped in front of the pink lady and turned into a sky thing. She came back and did it again and again. She was looking exhausted when suddenly the British lady tackled her to the ground and the pink lady started fighting again
"You cant do that to yourself Pearl! Poofing that much is too risky!" She said
"Garnet you know Nothing is too risky to defend Rose!" Pearl said crying. Pearl, garnet and rose. They stood together and the orange lady backed away. "Next time!" She yelled.
"What is your name?" Rose asked me
"(G/n)" you said "whats going on?" You asked, confused.
"We'll tell you everything you need to know when we get back."

You arrived with the strange ladies back at a huge rock temple, it had a door with shiny gem symbols on it. You all sat outside on the dusty white stuff. There was blue and green liquid moving up and down it. Terrified you inched away. You soon realised you didn't know anything at all. The pink lady, who you somewhat trusted now, looked at you "any questions?" She asked.
"Well... Whats that big blue dome called? What is it?" You asked.
"Its the sky. At day time its light blue, like now, then towards the end of the day it goes orange and pink and red and then so dark blue it looks black. Thats called night, and in the big dark blue sky there are small white lights named stars. And those big white things are called clouds, its the water, heated until it turns into steam." She said.
"Whats... Water?" You asked
"That blue stuff just there" and she pointed at the blue and green moving thing
"Oh okay." You said.
"Whats that?" You asked pointing at the green stuff on the ground. She answered and you spent the next few days like this. Asking questions that she would answer, with no annoyance, no matter how many you asked.

On your third 'morning' on the 'planet earth' Rose had to leave to go back to the fighting. "Can i come?" You asked.
"Sorry, you arent experienced enough yet! But i'll be back soon, im leaving Garnet with you." She said. Sadly you said goodbye, not knowing how many more nights and days you had to wait. You hadn't really talked to Garnet much yet. She seemed extremely intimidating. "Hello (g/n)" she said
"H-hello garnet" you replied. You didn't know much about her yet
"Is it alright if i ask some questions?" She said
"O-okay" you said, having no clue what to expect from her.
"Can you tell me... Everything that you can remember whats happened so far?" She asked, hesitantly.

"Well, i was in the night, no sorry, the dark. The dark completely surrounded me and i was frightened. I dug out and the 'Star' no sorry 'sun' was warm. I looked around and saw trees and grass and the sky. It was much better than the hole. I climbed up to the surface and i got a headache, i felt i had to be somewhere, with someon- MY DIAMOND!" You said. You looked back up and asked Garnet "where? Who? What did i say? Diamond? Why?" You asked, not sure what you were thinking.
"I knew this would happen. Let me explain a bit more about our kind. Our kinds, the gems, are a highly intelligent race designed to conquer planets. When us gems are born, we already have a purpose. To fulfill whatever role the diamonds wanted for us. The diamonds are the leaders of our 'homeworld'. They are the leaders of all gems except us. There are four diamonds. Blue diamond, Yellow diamond, White diamond and Pink diamond, who wont last much longer i dont think." She paused "when we come out of our holes we usually have someone there to guide us, to tell us what to do. But you were alone, you had to rely on intuition alone. Thats why you are different. But our homeworld recently made a colony on earth, this planet. When we saw it, we were amazed. We didn't want it destroyed, but most of homeworld didn't care about earth. So Rose started a rebellion against homeworld to save earth. Thats why we are fighting, for this planet. For the creatures that live here. For our new home, for where you are living right now. So you need to make up your mind" she turned to you "are you going to do what the diamonds want, or defend this planet?" She asked.
"I- i think i should help Rose, but i dont know" your head hurt again. "I think ugh" you leaned over, with your head in your hands "i dont even know what the diamonds would do to me! But i dont know what you will do to me! But i dont know what everyone else wants me to do! I dont know anything! I-i" you blacked out

Suddenly you were safe, warm, protected. You could be who you needed to be here, learn about yourself, discover. You thought, you dont know enough to tell where or who and what or why or when. You suddenly decided it was enough to know that you dont know enough. You felt a cold shiver and suddenly felt your body again. You looked around and you were in an odd room, with water falling. Pearl looked up "your back! Rose will be so pleased!" She squealed
"Where did i go?" You asked.
"You somehow poofed yourself... Rose thinks its because you were so confused and stressed but-" suddenly she looked you up and down, shocked. You looked down too and noticed a big diamond on you, but you also noticed millions of tiny stars all over your uniform. You weren't neutral anymore, now you were both. You looked up and met pearls ferocious stare. "Traitor!" She yelled and lunged at you. You fell backwards of a waterfall and saw a door. You banged on it. Pearl yelled "oh no you dont!" She ran up behind you and held your arms behind your back. You decided it best not to struggle and let her take you to Rose. She opened the door and garnet looked at you. Her visor disappeared and you saw she had three eyes. She was staring at your uniform and Rose walked in. "(G/n)?" She looked confused, and then amused. "Dont know which side to pick?" She asked as she leant up close to your face. "Pearl, show her the homeworld ways." Pearl nodded and a beam of blue shot out onto the floor.

You saw a foot crushing a gem, but hundreds of different feet crushing hundreds of gems "why does that feel so wrong?" You asked.
"We didn't tell you about your gem? Well, your gem is you. If your body gets harmed its okay, but if your gem gets cracked or scratched its very bad. If your gem is shattered, you die" rose said. You couldn't stop staring and the holograph of all the crushed gems. Tears were unknowingly rolling down your cheeks. The holograph changed, it was pearl. A big lady, "thats pink diamond" rose said, was holding pearl in her fist, when she suddenly threw her against the wall, she picked her back up and held pearls arm between two fingers. You could see pearl screaming and begging and then you closed your eyes. "Enough" you said. You opened your eyes to see more of the terrible images flashing by. "ENOUGH!" You shouted and a ripple went through the floor as your body changed slightly you tried to yell enough again but only a gargle came through. You looked at your hands and they were a mess, you were a beast. Suddenly you turned back to normal, kneeling on the floor grasping for reality "sorry! Im so sorry!" You said as the other gems backed away a bit. Rose rushed towards you and picked you up. "Its okay, your new, your bound to do stuff like that every now and then. We're sorry, we should've been more careful." She said.

Garnet ran over "watch out rose im gonna poof the brat!" She yelled
"No Garnet!" Rose yelled. Garnet pulled you away from her and punched you hard in the midriff, you fell to the floor and looked at Garnet, you knew she had to do it. "Its okay, i understand" you said, just as you blacked out a second time. You were back in the weird space, where you could just think. You thought about all that had happened. All the images you saw. You decided it was safer to stick with the crystal gems for now. If you didn't they would murder you, and the homeworld gems didn't seem too friendly either. You tried to reform again only to find, you couldn't. Panicking you tried again and again and again. You were about to give in when suddenly you realised there was no point. You just waited there, for something to change.

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