Adopted By Creepypasta

De sweetjuxtaposition

179K 6.1K 2.8K

Kaya Sins was adopted by a rich family at a young age. She's been causing trouble for the few years she was t... Mais

Author's Notes


10.2K 296 376
De sweetjuxtaposition


"I wish I could kill you," Jeff muttered when we stepped into the mansion.

I was going to say something back, but I was too taken aback by his physical features. He was so tall, too tall. It was kind of terrifying, and his eyes mad it even scarier. He'd just stare at you with his golden, unblinking eyes until he knew that he was making your skin crawl. To top it all off, I was only 5'2 which was considered quite short for my age.

As we walked through the mansion, I couldn't help but be surprised. It was almost like this place was bigger on the inside...

Jeff fell over when a blond haired little girl about six of five years old ran up and hugged him. "Jeff, where were you? I missed you. I missed Smile to, but I missed your smile more than Smile's. Stand up! Can we play tag? No, I like hide n' seek more. Yeah, can we play hide n' seek! I love hide n' seek! I'll be it. Oh yeah, Slendy wants to see you, so I guess you gotta play with me later. I'll go play with Ben!"

She ran off leaving Jeff on the ground looking as if he had been attacked by a bear. "That was Sally, and she's over-excitable sometimes. Also, she's naturally brunette, but you know, she wanted to be blonde instead... Anyway, Slendy wants to see me. By me, he means me taking you to him and-"

"Stop talking," I said without realizing it. He had been talking for way too though, and I hated explanations. "I meant, ugh, can we go?" I muttered and scratched my neck out of embarrassment, and he glared at me. He grabbed my hand and ran towards a door. He knocked on it then opened it as if he had confirmation.

"Did I mention that I was a bookworm?" I told him. We had just entered a room full of books, and I wanted to read. When was the last time I read a book? I was too busy working with my stepfather to draw, read, or paint.

"Ugh, I already knew. Remember, I was stalking you, and I don't really think Slendy likes people touching his books," he whispered. I nodded and turned away looking at the books in awe. There must have been thousands, and they were all huge.

"Jeffery, did you bring the new killer like I said," a man said. I resisted the urge to laugh at Jeff's proper name, and Jeff glared at me.

"Yeah, she's right here." He pushed me in front of him whilst I was holding his hand, and he came out with me and fell. I couldn't help but laugh this time. Sweet karma...

God, my sense of humor was twisting.

A lot of people laughed at other people hurting themselves. If this had been a normal incident, the average person would have broken their nose, but Jeff wasn't average. Also, I'm not average with my sense of humor, but I laughed at a lot of different things. I don't think normal people would laugh at a person who had threatened to kill them falling on their face.

I had finally stopped laughing and looked up. This made me fall backward right next to Jeff. The thing in front of me was terrifying. He had no face, and he was wearing a suit. He had to be at least ten feet tall. That's a great way to make me feel worse about my height as well.

"Are you alive?" I asked, repeating what I had asked Jeff. He couldn't breathe with no noise or mouth, couldn't see with any eyes, and couldn't talk with any mouth. Maybe he wouldn't move. Maybe he was a statue.

Then, the thing laughed. . . And all my of my scientific knowledge fell into a dark deep abyss.

"So this is my new killer?" he asked jokingly, and Jeff lifted his head.

"Don't be fooled. She is much smarter than she looks," he said, and he lied his head back down on the floor.

"Why can't I read her mind?"

He lifted his head again and conveyed, "She's special. I tried so hard to read her mind, but it's like she can just... block us out, but there's something more to it. I'll tell you. . . One second."

He put his head back down on the floor. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

Slenderman simply shook his head and said, "Jeffery, why did you choose this girl?" Jeffery groaned and stood back up.

"Well, the scars on her face. She can strike fear in someone with her appearance and color changing eyes. She's sadistic already. Actually, I think she might be a sadist, but she's not old enough for us to tell yet. She also loves watching things burn," he said. He pulled up my sleeves while I was still staring at the man, and I felt embarrassment crawl through me.

"And why did you self-harm?" I knew Slendy was asking me, but Jeff answered before I could speak

"She was in an orphanage with people who were... not ordinary and not really that nice. Also, she hates families and she got abused for four years." My eyes widened.

"That's not the right answer, Jeffery, and you, you... You've been spying on me since I was a little girl! What's wrong with you? Also, I was abused for... Four years... Really?"

I honestly just got sad right then. When the word four years came out. I just couldn't believe it. I had been in hell that long. It was so repetitive that I lost track of time. I felt like I wanted to have an emotional breakdown, but I couldn't allow it around these strangers. I'm keeping myself closed up. Jeff may have spied on me, but he didn't know my secrets yet.

Also, people had it worse than me. Some had dealt with it all of their lives. I clenched my fist.

I would change that.

I hadn't realized that they were both staring at me because of my "staring into space" habit.. I just shrugged and sat down next to Jeff. "How do I get back home? Now," I growled feeling something awful grow inside of me. I could not allow my stepfather to take away my pride and leave me in fear.

Electricity went through my mind again as I got a great idea. "Jeff, can take you the child to the Over Realm? Have her back by dinner, so she can see her room," he said. Jeff nodded.

"One thing, Slendy." The man looked up.

"Don't call me that, Jeffery, and what is that one thing?" Jeff looked down.

"I forgot how to get back," Slendy, Slenderman, or whatever he prefers groaned.

"I thought you would have remembered it when Smile said it," he growled.

"I don't know Latin. How can I remember?" Jeff snapped, and I giggled. I was actually forced to learn Latin along with some other languages in my private school. It was a horrible experience, but I gotten some good skills out of it. I still couldn't remember exactly how the language was spoken.

Jeff said some foreign words, and a portal appeared. It was too high for my reach. Jeff laughed. "Now shorty, need help."

I sighed, and he picked me up and lifted me through, and I realized it was raining. "Stupid mother nature," I muttered. I then fell onto the ground when I fell through the portal, Jeff came in soon after and landed on me.

"Karma," I muttered realizing how much I relied on that thing to explain everything..

"No. Such. Thing," Jeff said.

I laughed. "Karma's gonna get you for saying that too. Just watch."

He walked and looked back saying. "There is no such thing as-" He ran into a tree before he finished. And, he finally said, "You know what. You and your karma can go to!-"

It began to rain, and lightning struck him.

"Well, that was sudden," I whispered and walked towards him. He had to be dead, but of course, things from that mansion weren't exactly normal.

I jumped back when he whispered, "I changed my mind. Karma exist."


"Hurry up!" I shouted.

Jeff was mad from the whole karma thing and fell back because he began to stomp like a child. Now, I was the one rushing him, and I wasn't very quiet whilst doing it. Why was I so loud?

I was shaking from anticipation. I couldn't wait to get that feeling
Of ectasy as I watched my beautiful flames.

Jeff finally caught up to me. It was about time. We walked around the woods until we got to the spot nearest to my old home.

I grabbed the side of the house and began to climb up our jagged bricks. If I fell, I'd surely die, but I didn't care. All I wanted was revenge, and I wanted him to feel the pain I felt when he beat me each night. He would finally pay for what he had done to me, and I'd be there to just watch....

I finally made it to the vent, and I looked into the attic. My dried blood was still there, and I felt rage begin to vibrate through my blood. He didn't even clean up!

My stepdad was talking about me, but he was so drunk that his slutd sounded like an alien language. I knew that he wanted me back for some reason. I had burned an orphanage, and he still wanted me as a daughter to inherit his things and to treat me like his personal 'play thing'. He never left me alone, but I didn't know why, but now, he'd understand my pain.

I put my hands on the vent and felt that it was loose. Good thing I wouldn't have to break in from below.

I quietly pulled off the vent and jumped down onto the wooden floor. I stared at the floor for a few seconds realizing what I was about to do and smiled. Finally, this was my time. I picked up a shard of glass from one of his alcohol bottles and grinned.

"Karma always comes back, my dear father."


I stabbed my stepdad in the chest one more time even though he was already dead.

Jeff had helped me disable the guys since I, myself, couldn't accomplish such a feat. Also, my main weapon at this point was a shard of glass which was a bit embarrasing. Jeff's knife made me look weak.

I was now satisfied, and I felt so excited. Jeff finished off one of his friends and looked up. I could tell we were both satisfied.

"I believe that you may be sadist, Kaya. We needed more of those though they are a bit of handful. I'll go wait outside," Jeff said and walked out. He was a lot nicer after he had killed someone which was refreshing.

I went into my room and retrieved one of my old backpacks then walked out. I then began to drag each of the dead bodies in the outside cellar. I didn't want to burn them. I wanted them to rot for all the pain they had caused me. They could slowly rot and feel the humiliation I suffered as decomposers violated them.

I then made a cut on my hand and wrote on the wall in my blood:


I got some lighters and oil from our storage house and the kitchen. I then took my time to pour oil all over the house then, I stood at the door, lit the fire and watched everything burned.

The flames against my skin.
How nice.
So warm.
It held me so close.
And kissed me with it's deadly heat.

I walked out of the burning house. Jeff looked at the burning house then at me. The lighters and oil cans told different stories. "Is that a good idea?" he asked. I giggled and continued to stare at it.

"My whole family had karma coming. Burning there house down helped because they didn't all deserve to be killed," I said and continued to stare. "Just all of there stuff is destroyed."

Jeff hadn't seen what I did with the bodies, so I didn't bother telling him.

"Yeah, but we'll be noticeable, and you're just staring at it. Come on," he said, but I didn't want to stop looking at my masterpiece. He groaned and picked me up surprising me, and I began to beat against his back.

"Put me down. It's not done burning yet!" I screamed, but Jeff continued on, ignoring my loud protests.

He walked back to the woods not putting me down once, and I got too tired to quickly to continue beating on his back. I hated my dumb weak body. This was the result of starving myself and eating small portioned meals at overpriced restaurants.

I watched as Jeff made a portal. This portal teleported us in front of the mansion, and it also managed to make us both fall onto the ground.

"What was that about?" I yelled, and he sighed.

"If you're going to be in the mansion, you also have to keep your sanity in check. Watching the house burn is pretty much showing you're insane, and it'll make it much harder for people to think you're dead. It'll probably take a long time, but we might as well start now. If you want to burn something, you have to make sure the houses are far from each other. Killing your stepdad was an your own personal issue, but we can probably make people think you died in the fire," he said, and I crossed my arms knowing he was right right but refusing to admit it. "Why do you burn things, anyway?"

"I like to burn. It leads to destruction and manages to look beautiful at the same time."

"And how is it beautiful?" he asked, and we walked into the house.

I smiled. "It dances in the night sky. It looks like air with color going back and forth. The hottest point is blue or red fire, the colors of rage and sadness. It's just unpredictable, and it's different."

We walked into his room, and I began drawing him a picture of my step dad burning.

"You either draw really well, or you have a possessed hand."

I smiled. "Thanks... I guess," I said not really knowing how to feel. I didn't get compliments very often, but I still felt warm inside.

I then crumpled the paper and held it over the lighter I used to burn my orphanage. The fires engulfed the paper quite quickly.

Jeff showed me a room to stay in. I began moving things in an instant. I put tons of lighters on a desk, and I put oil under my bed. I hoped no one noticed this... Oh yeah, where was my cat?

My cat zoomed in and jumped into my arms. Something or someone had been chasing her. I put her under my bed and watched Sally run in.

She didn't seem to notice the lighters. "Have you seen your cat?" she asked. I shook my head.

"Ugh, okay," she muttered dejectedly. She walked out.

I pulled her out from under my bed and locked my door. "You need a name aside from cat." I paced my room and thought a while. "To bad you're a girl. It's hard to name you something that fits you." She came up to me and purred. "I'm gonna name you... Crystal." I smiled and rubbed her silver and grey fur. "Yep, Crystal. A beautiful thing made of atoms arranged in a microscopic sculpture, often seen as a prize. I think it suits you."

I walked out and Crystal ran right out after me and followed me like a little duckling. She had her tail up high and eyes straight forward like any prideful cat would. She then ran passed me and straight to Smile. She seemed fond of him and thought of him as her protector.

"Aww, that's adorable," I said bitterly. I didn't mean to, but I envied them now that I saw that. They were now a family of a brother and a sister. I felt stupid thinking that cats and dogs usually hated each other, but I wasn't around animals too often.

I walked past them and wondered around the mansion. Sally came running down and chased Smile and Crystal. Smile clamped Crystal in his teeth my the neck softly and ran.

I slid down the stairs and saw Jeff arguing with someone shorter than me. I walked towards him. "Elf..." I said without realizing it. Jeff laughed.

"Yes, I'm an elf," he said with a grin.

"You look like a knock-off from a game called..... ugh Legend Of Zelda or something. Link, right. I haven't played it in a while, so you know..." I grinned.

He nodded and grinned held out his hand. "I'm Ben, and you are?" I shook his hand.

"Kaya." I said. It bothered me when I shook someone's hand because my scars were right above their hand.

"No, it's Karma Kaya Sins," Jeff said. I gritted my teeth.

"Shut-up, Jeff! Karma will get you, and it won't be me."

"Well, nice to meet a girl who knows her games," Ben said, and I laughed. I remembered when I used to obsess over games, anime, and consoles with one of my best friends...

I smiled. "Well, I used to play stuff like that with my friend. I used to be obsessed with it, but now I barely remember it," I said and giggled.

I walked away and saw... Faceless for now. I walked up to him. "I don't think we were properly introduced," he said.

I gritted my teeth remembering how many personal things Jeff had told Slenderman, and how much more he had probably told him afterwards.. We had way too many differences. . . Well similarities to be around each other that much.

"My name's Kaya. What's yours?" He shook my hand and managed to surprise me yet again with his tall figure.

"Slenderman, child. Would you mind telling me your full name even if you've changed it?" I sighed.

"Karma Kaya Sins." I had given up on Jeff to calling me that.

He nodded and turned away. I looked around him. Groceries. I stifled a laugh and turned away giggling. The mighty Slenderman dealing with groceries.

Where does he get those groceries anyway?

Slenderman was now cooking. I was now not holding back laughter. When he turned back around, I couldn't hold my laughter in much longer. I burst out laughing and felt embarrassed.

He seemed to not mind, and he played along to. He got a thing of lemon pepper and shook it right in front of me. I stood up grinning and walked away.

I turned away and met someone else. He had no eyes and wore a mask. "And who are you?" he said rudely.

"Kaya or Karma Kaya Sins as Jeff The Annoying Killer calls me. Who are you?"

"Eyeless Jack, but I prefer Jack."

"Monotonous much?"

He didn't answer. He turned away and went into a room. Not much of a pleasure to meet him then, but I used to be the same way. Maybe, we were the same, but I wouldn't know for now.

I ran up and into my room and began to think of something to do. I got bored way too quickly.

I got some paper and began drawing. I drew Jeff with vampire teeth and no scars. I drew Sally with her blood stained dress and her blond hair. I drew Slenderman in his suit with the features of his no face. I drew Eyeless Jack and wrote the word RUDE at the top.

I then drew Smile and Chrystal, but I decided to their more realistically. Chrystal had silver fur with dark grey stripes, and she was really little. I was glad that I wasn't coloring because I'd have to color Smile's fur red.

I was done and admired the pictures and laughed at Jeff's occasionally. "Jeff The Vampire! I have something to show you!" I sang. He busted through my door surprising me.

"Why the word vampire?" I crossed my eyes.

"I like vampires and..." I put the picture in his face. The features were the same. No eyelids with big wide curious eyes. His shaggy black long hair sticking in directions and some going down. The only thing different was no scars and vampire teeth. He had a wide smile on the picture that was stretched across his face to where you couldn't see the edges of his mouth.

"How did you? What?" I smiled and showed him the others. "Are you sure those aren't black and white pictures?" he asked with a mix of sarcasm and awe/0 I laughed.

"I don't have a camera."

"Well Karma Kaya Sins, it's time for dinner. Are you still like you were at home. Never coming down for dinner ever."

I shrugged. "Most likely." I stayed. I then grinned and said, "Did you know that because of your white face and red lips that you could put black makeup under your eyes and pass as a mime?" I said giggling. He glared at me, and I just collapsed on my bed.

"Anyway, I'm not hungry, but I am sleepy," I said and pulled the covers over me. I held my fingers up and pretended I was squishing my face between them.

"Sleepy because you don't eat," he muttered.

"Shut up, you sound like my friend. And really? Jeffery? Out of all people in the world, you get the posh name Jeffery..."

He groaned. "Don't call me that," he snapped, but he sounded as if he was enjoying himself.

"Too late," I whispered then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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