
By snapdragon17

269 8 23


One ~ River Styx
Two ~ When I Fall
Paris Night
I Quit
Secret Fears Part I
Secret Fears Part II

Carpe Diem

22 1 9
By snapdragon17

This is a free poem: Meaning that this poem doesn't rhyme. I was just writing in my diary, and this is what I wrote. This was on my mind for a long time...

Now edited! Is now what I call a legitimate poem xD


It's hard to sum up my life

In words on a piece of paper.

Sometimes it's thick as rope yet keen as a knife,

Escaping from your grasp like morning vapor.

There are so many conundrums,

So many unanswered questions.

All you want to do is succumb

And hide from all the indiscretion.

Sometimes it's just enough to live the moment,

To cherish that feeling,

Twenty seconds of courage, 

That's all it takes.

To show your heartbreak.

Don't try to capture the feeling in words.

The pleas there are all unheard.

There is no way to actually convey

The real feeling there,

Even though you beg and pray.

There are good days,

There are bad days.

Friends who stay

And friends who betray.

There are times when you speak your mind,

And all your words do are float and wind,

There are times you store that little moment 

In your mind to smile at later.

There are the times you boldly ask out your crush,

And your brain turns to mush,

There are times you hurt inside from a breakup.

There are times you try to hide from your fears,

Hiding all you hold dear,

There are times you shove your soul at them.

Carpe Diem,

Seize the day.

There's no saying what life

Will throw at you,

Day after day.

Week after week.

Lifetime after lifetime.

Take life by the hand.

Take your time to cherish memories.

Take time to show people you really care.

Seize life, and never ever let go.

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