By sourstiles

423K 13.7K 21.3K

Indigo McCall and Stiles Stilinski are inseparable. Attached at the hip, indivisible, connected. Deeply in lo... More

chapter one: [start of something]
chapter two: [something I can't have]
chapter three: [first taste]
chapter four: [threefold death]
chapter five: [not without trying]
chapter six: [painful car rides]
chapter seven: [better off dead]
chapter eight: [admitted]
chapter nine: [pain]
chapter ten: [new kind of hunger]
chapter eleven: [laying low]
chapter thirteen: [connected]
chapter fourteen: [new old duo]
chapter fifteen: [the return]
chapter sixteen: [and the world fell silent]
chapter seventeen: [divine move]

chapter twelve: [sleep away]

17.7K 620 469
By sourstiles

"You cannot judge my choices with out first understanding my reasons."


  Indigo wasn't sure what to think. Just- grab her hands and all of a sudden she'll be able to see what everyone was doing outside of the mental hospital? It seemed ridiculous, but who was she to say, the Vampire Banshee.

   "How does it work?" She asked, for precautions. She didn't care, but she did care about her own life.

 "Basically, I transport your consciousness outside. I'll get you as close to most of them as I can, but I've only learned to go so far as the county line. It will be like watching a movie, almost. And only for so long, it takes strength for me to do this."

  "Then why do it?" Indigo shrugged. "Why put work into someone who couldn't care less about the people she used to be with?"

     Kara sighed contently. "The voices said so."

Indigo groaned internally. "Right. The voices."

     She stared down at Kara's handed, displayed out easily for her. With a deep breath, Indigo raised her hands and placed them down. Nothing had happened.

      Until Kara enclosed her hands.


   The trees were swaying, the wind had been blowing so hard. Torrential rain poured everywhere, making a hazy image for Indigo. Branches flew, leaves were scattered, and nothing seemed to be still.

  Kara was right. It was like a movie. Her vision moved and flew over the area, but not to her consent. It was being controlled. Venturing through trees, she spotted a different kind of movement, linear. Someone running. Quickly.

    Following whoever was running, she found a large stump sitting in the middle of open area. Ground had sunken in around it, leaves falling in the holes, wind picking up harshly.

  Indigo saw the person find the open area themselves, holding something. A glint from lightning let her see metal. A metal bat.

   The person running stumbled to one of the holes, taking a quick glance around, giving Indigo a glimpse of the face.


    He dropped down and disappeared down into the ground, below the tree. Why in the hell would Stiles be down there, Indigo thought.

  Suddenly, she was being throttled down the same hole, seeing the scene in front of her. Chris Argent, Allison Argent, Melissa McCall, and Sheriff Stilinski were all stuck down there. Isaac had his back to the ground above them, holding it. Stiles shoved the metal bat under a large portion, stopping the hole from con-caving.

   Sheriff gazed at his son in relief, thankful he had shown up just in time. His eyes glanced to the blood running from Stiles' forehead, dismissing it for the time being.

"I always said aluminum was better than wood." Sheriff lightly chuckled. Stiles relaxed visibly, before he and his father pulled each other into a hug.

    Everyone smiled at the two, taking deep breaths from their near death experience of almost being sacrificed.

    And just like that, she wasn't with them anymore. Suddenly, she was looking into a barn and it was almost sunny-like outside from the above lunar eclipse. Scott was there, Derek too. Her old English teacher, Jennifer Blake was there. Until she changed.

       Her face became deformed, scratches dragged across her face. She looked like nothing she looked like before. Her eyes focused on Scott, sending him flying to the other wall of the barn. Derek stepped away to avoid her, which made her look straight to Deucalion, one not in his Alpha form due to the lunar eclipse. She grabbed him, furiously and threw him on the ground. His head hit the floor and he moaned out in pain. Grabbing the top of his head, she continued the smash the back of his head to the ground. A red bloody smudge was left and his eyes began to roll, showing only the whites.

    "Jennifer!" Derek called out. Her head spun around, an angry face plastered. "He doesn't know."

"Know what?" She snapped in a deranged voice.

   "What you really look like." He responded. "He knows the cost of bringing Kali into his pack, but he's never seen the price you paid."

She had thought for a moment, looking back to the half-concious Deucalion.

    "No. No, he hasn't."

  Leaning down, she placed her gloved hand over his eyes, before closing her own. Deucalion began to shake and scream in horror, shaking his head furiously. She removed her hand slowly and his eyes were clear, normal.

    "Turn to me." She spoke lowly. When he didn't follow command, she became angry. "Turn to me!"

    Shaking, Deucalion sputtered as he turned his head slowly. He saw the normal Jennifer, the English teacher Jennifer. Her teeth gritted and fist clenched, she drew back her hand until she began to stumble. Derek ran out and caught her, attempting to keep her held up.

    "What's happening?" She softly uttered, barely able to say that.

"Healing him made you weak, just like healing Cora did to me. You won't have your strength for at least a few minutes." Derek sighed.

   "Then you do it." She looked up to him. "Kill him."

"No." Derek firmly stated. Jennifer looked up, confused.


"Like my mother always used to say. I'm a predator. I don't have to be a killer."

    Derek's hand griped her throat, causing her to gasp. "Let them go."

Jennifer, infuriated, regained strength and threw Derek to a pile of crates. His groan in pain was interrupted when she swiped at his face. Again, and again.


   Standing up and leaving, Jennifer turned her back, hoping he'd stay down. But he didn't. Derek stood up once more and tried to go after her again. She grabbed him and pressed him against the wall, pounding his body against it. Over and over and over again, his back hit it, sending shots of pain.

  It began to become darker, the eclipse fading away. It was dark again and the natural light from the moon shone in. Derek felt his power return and he looked down to Jennifer, who paused in confusion. Derek's eyes flashed the new blue color.

     "Your 15 minutes are up."

    He threw her to the ground and instantly she scrambled back up. Scott watched and quickly ran towards her. Not soon enough, as she threw the black dust into the air and it immediately settled into a neat circle. A circle of mountain ash. Scott skidded to a stop.

   "Like I told you, Derek, either you or the parents. Well, I guess I'll just have to take them now. In a few minutes, they'll be dead, and I won't need a lunar eclipse, even to kill a Demon wolf."

Scott raised his hand, and then his other one. Jennifer smirked.

     "You've tried this before Scott. I don't remember you having much success."

    Scott pressed his hands against the protective force and the blue light shown, lighting up. The more he pressed the more it struggled, but he continued, keeping the same face. Jennifer only now became wary, taking a step back. She watched as his eyes went from the golden yellow to the bright red in seconds as he stared her down.

     Scott took a step further, pressing more and more against it. Jennifer's eyes went wide as she watched him break the seal. Her body collapsed and Scott stood past the messy ash line, taking slow breaths.

  Jennifer scooted backwards, staring up in confused and angry amazement. "How did you do that?"

    Scott barely moved. "I'm an Alpha now. Whatever you're doing the cause the storm, make it stop. Or I'll kill you myself. I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes."

  Deucalion stood up, claws ready. "It won't change the color of mine, so allow me."

    He stepped forward quickly and slashed her throat. She sputtered, her hands grabbing her throat as it bled. With lack of strength, her face returned to her real one, gazing up at them in horror, before collapsing for the last time with her last breath. The wind stopped in place, leaves stopped swirling and everything calmed.

Scott pulled out his phone and called Stiles, his friend instantly picking up.


"Hey. You okay?"

    "Yeah, we're okay. We're all okay. What about you, are you okay?"

Scott looked over to Derek, who tiredly looked back. "Sort of."

    "Do you think you could come get us?"


     Indigo gasped as she fell to her knees, taking deep breaths. Kara sat, looking just as exhausted. The two kept silence as they regained their breath.

    "So, it's over?" Indigo breathed out. Kara lightly chuckled.

"The sacrifices are. But any of this is far from being over." She shook her head.

    "More creepily vague future shit." Indigo huffed. "Great."

    "It's barely even future. Within a week, you'll understand." Kara sighed. Indigo pursed her lips and nodded.

"Got it, sorry. More creepily vague within a week shit." She mockingly corrected.

    Kara sat in silence, thinking for a moment. Indigo watched her in confusion, waiting for her to speak. Also, not really sure she wanted Kara to speak at all.

    "What if-" Kara started, before taking a deep breath. "What if there was some way you could sleep through the week?"

"How in the hell am I supposed to do that?" Indigo scoffed at the idea. She was right. She didn't want Kara to say anything.

     "Like- what if you took something to get you to fall asleep until the week was over?" Kara shrugged. "They drug enough people here, they should have something here, right?"

Indigo thought about it. A little.

     "But- it wouldn't work on me, right? Because of what I am, it wouldn't affect me. . ." Indigo put out, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Exactly. I said they drug patients. A certain someone might have something for people like you." Kara added, giving Indigo a knowing look. Instantly, Indigo figured it out, groaning internally.

     "Morrell." She sighed.

    "She's the reason you're here, so she must know why. If she wants you here for whatever is about to happen, I don't see why she would be opposed to the idea." Kara shrugged.

"I think Morrell is the last person I would ever want to see." Indigo huffed, easily remembering all the times she betrayed her.

     "Look, you want to get this week over with, don't you?" Kara raised her eyebrows, asking Indigo.

"Obviously." Indigo answered.

    "Then go to Morrell, and the next thing you know, the week is over." Kara simply suggested. Indigo thought more and more about the idea. She wanted this week over so badly, she assumed she'd be willing to go to Morrell.

  "Fine." Indigo gave in. She stood up, walking towards the door. Kara stood up in surprise, her eyes widened.

   "You're going right now?" Kara asked incredulously. Indigo shrugged.


    "Are you crazy?" Kara shouted in a whisper, nearing Indigo. "You're going at night, where orderly's literally are roaming the hallway?"

"I think I have it under control." Indigo snapped, her eyes flashing their green. Kara stepped back without another word, letting Indigo go through her door.

    Indigo stepped out into the hallway, looking up and down in reassurance, before walking down the hall to the doorway. Her feet barely made any noise as she walked barefoot, meeting a three-way intersection through the doorway. Taking her instinct, she went left, watching the signs on the walls.

  She heard murmurs and walked slower, peering around the end of the hallway. She saw two orderly's walking, both wearing the same scrubs, simply talking. Great, she mentally rolled her eyes.

   Throwing her act together, she walked out into the open, instantly catching their attention. She walked slowly and in confusion as they neared her.

   "What are you doing outside your room? It's past curfew." The taller one snapped, looking down at her.

"I don't know." She whispered with a shaky voice, hoping she'd get to do what she'd planned.

     The both sighed in annoyance. "Well, follow us and we'll take you back-"

As soon as they had both relaxed, believing they were with a defenseless crazy- she struck.

     Indigo released her claws and latched them around the throat of the man in front of her, using him as leverage as she jumped. She lifted her legs and wrapped her calves around the other orderly's neck, grinning at the noise of suffocation from both of them. Twisting her legs violently, she heard the snap and let the man fall to the ground from her legs. Looking back to the man she had her claws on, she pierced his neck and dropped to the ground, watching as his hands gripped his own throat, trying to stop the blood loss.

    He eventually fell motionless next to the other, his last breath leaving him. Indigo felt proud as she brought her fingertips to her lips, smelling the B positive. After quickly consuming the excess blood on her fingers, she continued down the hall, finding the row of offices. 

 The first one in front of her wasn't Morrell, but the one to the left was. Her name behind the Dr. plastered next to the door frame. Indigo saw the dim light from under the doorway, knowing Morrell was awake.

   She grabbed the handle and ripped it off, letting the door ween open softly. A chair screeched as Morrell stood up and Indigo walked in.

    "Indigo." Morrell greeted, keeping her calm. Indigo was surprised when she didn't hear a raised heartbeat. Although, she could just be good at keeping it under control.

"I need something from you." Indigo started off, walking to the desk Morrell stood behind. Morrell's eyes followed her cautiously.

     "And what is that?" She asked.

"Something's going to happen in a week that I'm needed for. Something you put me here for." Indigo snapped.

    "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, I don't like waiting." Indigo shrugged mockingly. "I need something that will keep me asleep until the week is over, and when I'm needed."

     "You don't even know what's coming, so why should I do this for you?" Morrell raised her eyebrow, as if she had won the conversation.

"Because whether you will admit it or not, you need me for whatever is coming. And putting me to sleep is the easiest way for all of us." Indigo smirked.

     "Just like how it was easier for those two you just met?" Morrell brought up.

  "We'll label that as demonstration." Indigo shrugged. "Now, I can easily do that again, or you can hand over the bottle of pills."

   Morrell stared down Indigo, hoping she'd give up. Walk away, even. But, nothing. Indigo hadn't even flinched or looked away from Morrell.

Reluctantly, Morrell pulled the key out of her pocket, walking over to the glass case that held multiple white bottles, all labeled differently. Indigo watched as she inserted the key, twisting and twisting until she heard the click. The door swung open on hinges and Morrell reached in to grab the known bottle, pulling it out slowly.

   "Here it is." Morrell sighed, turning around and holding it out. Indigo took it from her outstretched hand. She looked down to it, reading the label and logo.

"You take three right now-" Morrell nodded, taking a glass of water from her desk. "And by the time you reach the bed in your room, it'll kick in. And the next time you open your eyes, it will have been a week."

      Indigo opened the bottle and dumped out three into her hand, staring to the pills. She put down the bottle and grabbed the glass, downing the three easily with a gulp.

    "You got what you wanted." Morrell spoke up, walking back to her desk. She sat down slowly, looking back to Indigo. "Now, you'll do something for me."

"Do something for you?" Indigo scoffed. "I just did. In a week, I'll be placed right back into your little plan for me."

     "And you'd be actually waiting a week if it wasn't for me, so you're going to return the favor." Morrell snapped. Indigo hated the retaliation from this woman, only making her hate her more.

"What could you possibly want in return? I have nothing." Indigo scoffed, throwing her arms in the air in exaggeration. Morrell let out a sigh.

    "Nothing of material. I want you to listen to me while I tell you this." She placed her elbows on the desk, leaning forward.

Indigo cinched her eyebrows slightly, waiting.

    "Just because you lost everything, doesn't mean you have to lose everything." She kept her gaze to Indigo, hoping she'd get it. And it was pretty obvious.

    Indigo's jaw clenched at her words, her fingers curling and uncurling as she tried to calm down. Leaving it at that, and not wanting to say anything that made her angrier, Indigo left right out of the door. She quickly made her way to her room, down the hall, stepping over the two bodies that still lied down on the floor, blood leaking into the same puddle.

    Indigo walked past Kara's room without a word, walking into her own. The handles still sat on the ground, broken in pieces. She stepped over them and shut the door behind her, or at least tried to. It finally sat still and as soon as she turned to look at her bed, she felt it. It began to kick in. She stumbled onto the bed, curling her knees to her chest as she began to shake. It got so cold all of a sudden.

     Her eyes fluttered and everything was becoming hazy. She rolled onto her back, looking around the room as her eyes began to fail. She looked to the bared window on her door, seeing a figure standing in front of her door. To dazed to freak out, she only tried to focus on it, trying to see who it was.

    All she could see was the collar of a jacket and a masked face. Was it masked? No, it was wrapped. The person's face was wrapped in bandages. What in the hell?

The figure raised a hand, which was wrapped in the same form as the face. He proceeded to point at Indigo, then place his hand on the side of his face, moving it slowly downwards in a slicing motion, before taking both of his hands, one facing down and one facing upwards, and over turning them slowly.

    Indigo was even more confused now as she slipped in and out of consciousness. This- thing was standing at her door and giving signals? Sign language?

She didn't have time to even attempt to figure it out, before her eyes fully shut and she closed in for a long night's sleep.


  and who's ready for shit to get real? first of all, if you can assume who's at the door, congrats. second off, if you know what he's doing with his hands, gOLD FREAKING STAR. tried to throw in some smart stuff here. and plus, i think we all know what's coming soon. question is- are you even ready for void AND badass indigo? 

  let me know what you think about this chapter, or how you think the story is going in general!

  love you all so so so so so much!

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