Danger Lurks Behind These Blu...

By xXxSarahxXx

23.9K 299 59

Kiara is a typical girl who falls inlove with her chemistry teacher. Oh wait. Scratch that there is nothing t... More

The Hot Chemistry Teacher
Gaining A Housemate
Something Weird Is Going On
A New Addition
A New Transformation
Fighting With The Alpha
Family Reunion
My Mate is My Teacher?!
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Thirteen.

787 14 0
By xXxSarahxXx

Thats right! I am back everyone. I might have lied a little. I finished and uploaded today because i love each and every one of you so much! I have some ideas again so i will write again tomorrow and hopefully you get another chapter later. I can't make any promises since we all know how that ends up. But i do promise that you will get a lovely reminder from me to read and vote!

anyways without further adu. on with the show. or book. or chapter. or whatever you get the picture. Lets just go read our favourite little couple. Kiara and Kayden. (is it too cliche that their names both start with a K?)










Kayden’s Pov

I worried about Kiara the whole way to my house. Once I pulled into the driveway Emilee and Kaillia were already jumping out of the car to get to the house. "Girl! Wait for me! I have the keys." I parked and jumped out. After unlocking the door the girls ran to Emilee’s room to get everything packed. I heard giggling and laughing before a sudden scream erupted through the house. "EMILEE! KAILLIA!" I took off running to Emilee’s room and heard another scream come from her room. When I reached the door I saw a huge grey wolf cornering Emilee against the wall. Kaillia lay unconscious on the floor with a huge gash on her forehead. I wasn’t too worried about the cut. It would heal in a few hours. I leapt into the air and changed, landing on the grey wolf’s back. I ripped him away from my sister and clamped down on his neck killing him. I tossed him to the side and changed back, pulling on a pair of sweat pants from the floor. I ran to my sister and made sure she was alright. "Em!"

"I’m fine. Go check on Kaillia." She stood up and walked over to her bed.

 I went over to Kaillia and picked her up. I layed her on the bed and cleaned her wound. Once she was all cleaned up I left her with Emilee and went to go pack everything. I grabbed four boxes and packed all my clothes as well as any pictures of my family I thought I would need. Once everything was packed I brought it down to the car and packed it in the trunk. I went to Emilee’s room to see Kaillia was still unconscious. I took all of Emilee’s boxes to the car and closed the trunk before walking back to her room. I carefully picked Kaillia up before turning to Emilee. "You have everything you need? If you forget something just tell me and we can come back. I am not selling this place. I am keeping it incase we need a place to get away. Besides I can’t bear to sell our childhood home"

She looked at me with unshed tears in her eyes. "I have everything I need. Let’s just go please."

I watched as she grabbed her purse and keys and walked out the door. I followed quietly behind her. I saw her get into her car and pull out of the driveway. I quickly opened the back door and gently laid Kaillia down before closing the door and driving after my sister. Once I pulled out into Kiara’s huge driveway I already saw a few people moving in. Lynx and Kimberly were walking into the house hand in hand.

I quickly sent a message to him. Lynx. I need you and Adam to meet me in the office in ten minutes. I picked Kaillia up and carried her into the house, bringing her to her room and laying her down. I called one of the maids I had hired over. "I want you to make sure she is okay. If anything happens at all, like she wakes up or gets worse, call me immediately." She just nodded before walking off. I headed back out to grab all of mine and Emilee’s things.

 Once they were in our rooms I walked off to the study, only to see someone sitting in my chair. I let a low growl out and the person turned. I stopped dead in my tracks. The person in my chair was my uncle. I let out a loud growl. "I though I said never to step foot back on my land!" I spit out through my teeth. Lynx, Adam! Come to my office immediately! And bring Lyndon with you. I saw Kyle stand up and walk towards me. I growled again before stepping back.

"The great Alpha is a coward I see. Can’t even face his own uncle without being scared. Well let me tell you something Kayden. I plan to get Kiara and she will be mated to Dallas. He will claim her and the pure little wolf she is will be mine. Bet you didn’t know that pure wolves were direct decedents of the moon herself. That’s why they are so pure and white. They are said to be the royalty, so to speak, of all wolves. Once I have all of them, I will kill them all. With no white wolves that leaves who ever is mated to one in charge. If Dallas and I mark them all and mate with them all. We will rule the whole werewolf community."

I growled menacingly at him. "You will NEVER take Kiara. Or anyone else for that matter!"

"Well little nephew. You see that is where you are wrong. I already have five pure wolves. And let me tell you. They are good in bed. They are so not pure wolves there. I have four females and one male. I love drugging the male up and forcing him to have sex with the females."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You are a sick bastard who will be stopped." I lunged for him but he just disappeared in front of my eyes. "Shit!" Lynx, Adam and Lyndon came running into the room. I slowly turned towards them. "Kyle. He was here. He is trying to take Kiara. As well as all the other pure wolves in the area. He plans to make with them and then kill them. Leaving the whole werewolf community under his control."

Lynx was the first to speak. "What do you mean the whole werewolf community under his control?"

I sighed. "Apparently the white wolves aren’t just pure. They are also the royal family. They are direct descendants of the moon herself. They are mostly daughters or sons of Alpha’s to keep the power among people who won’t abuse it. If all the royal family dies, then whoever is mated to the head wolf, gains power of the whole werewolf community. The only way to see who is the head wolf is if they have any special abilities. The King or Queen of all wolves is said to be able to command even the strongest of Alpha’s. Be the toughest fighter and the strongest spirit. It is also said that all members of the Royal family may also have another ability. They may or may not, have the ability to teleport great distances. Now I have no idea why Kyle can do that but my hunch is he killed one of the Royals. By killing one he gains their ability. We need to find who is the King or Queen and protect them." I turned to my second in command Lynx. "Now until we know for sure who the King or Queen is, nothing I said will leave this room. Do I make myself clear?" I saw the three of them nod. "Good. Now I am going to get Kiara just to rule her out as Queen."

 I walked off to the kitchen to find Kiara sitting at the bar with Emilee. "Kia, I need to speak to you privately in my office." She nodded and followed me. Once in my office I turned to her and explained everything I just explained to my boys. Once I was done I saw she was crying. "Baby, please don’t cry. I won’t let him get to you."

 She just shook her head. "I’m not crying in fear. I’m crying because of everything he is and will do to those poor wolves. Teach me to fight. I want to kill that sick bastard if I ever see him."

I nodded before looking around the room at the boys. "Kia. I know this is hard for you to understand but we need to rule you out as being Queen. I need you to try and command me to do something. If you are able to command me, and Alpha, then you are the Queen. If you can’t you are just a princess. Although either way you are in danger but if you are Queen then you will be in more danger."

Kiara’s POV

I let everything Kayden said sink in. I was in danger. But then so was every other white wolf in a pack close to ours. I felt like it was my responsibility to protect them. I don’t know why but that is how I felt. I slowly turned to Kayden. I searched deep in my mind for the power to command Kayden. "Down on your knees! All of you!" My voice dripped with power and authority it shocked me. I looked around and saw Lynx already on his knees. Adam and Lyndon quickly followed suit. I turned to see Kayden having a strong battle with his wolf. His wolf wasn’t willing to let anyone command him to do anything since he was an Alpha. "Now!" I said and saw Kayden finally collapse to his knees. I turned to see all four boys with the same look of doubt on their face.

"But.. That can’t be. She. She just made Kayden bow down to her." said Lynx.

"He’s the strongest and toughest Alpha we have around here." said Adam.

"Oh hell" was simply all Lyndon said.

"We need to protect you Kiara. Kyle will want you the most." I looked to see Kayden looking sadly in my direction.

I turned to all of the boys. "I want you four to teach me to fight. You are our toughest fighters and if that bastard thinks he is hurting anyone in the Royal family he will have me to deal with. He is not touching a single hair on any of my family. I will personally rip him limb from limb if he touches them." I turned and left the room but not before calling over my shoulder. "You boys can get up now."


So there you have it. Kiara is the Queen of all wolves. Bet you didn't see that coming.

Now that i am back i would just like to appologize to all you loyal fans i was tempted to delete this because i didn;t think anyone really read my story. but then i got a message from a fan asking when and if i was going to continue and that made me realize that i don't need hundreds of fans. even if i just wrote for one person. I am happy knowing that i made one person happy with my writing. So from now on if i don't update that often just send me a message reminding me that i am loved and people do want to read my stories garunteed i will upload a few days later. thats all us writers need is a reminder we are appreciated!

 I love all of you!



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