Fools Like Us *+A BoyxBoy Rom...

By xxWhoAteMyCookiexx

544K 13.3K 2.9K

Why do fools fall in love? Kai felt like the biggest fool for loving someone who has never even given their r... More

*+Chapter 1+*
*+Chapter 2+*
*+Chapter 3+*
*+Chapter 4+*
*+Chapter 5+*
*+Chapter 6+*
*+Chapter 7+*
*+Chapter 8+*
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*+Chapter 9+*

45.2K 1.7K 419
By xxWhoAteMyCookiexx

Cookie: Pic is Sam Way as Cedric! :3

And songlink is "Don't Wanna Miss A Thang" by Aerosmith. I love that song *sighs*


*+Cedric's POV+*

That was a really fucked up thing for you to do," Kara said as soon as Miranda rushed out the car, slamming the door close in her wake.

       Through out the entire car ride, my two usually chatty friends were unusually silent. Well, their mouths were silent but the atmosphere and the way their eyes drilled holes into me spoke volumes.

       I sighed. But here it comes, now that Miranda was out the car and dashing into her home, Kara will finally say what she's kept bottled up. I wonder what Kai is doing with my brother now...

      "You bastard," Kara snarled viciously on the seat beside me, "how could you!?"

       I looked at her. "What?"

       Her eyes widened. "What? What!? You ass! You know that Mimi likes you and just had to show her that....what ever the hell that was!"

       " If I recall correctly, it was you who insisted to meet my special someone."

       "Yeah! But I didn't know it was a guy!"

       I lifted a brow at that. "Really? And that makes a difference?"

       "W-well yeah," Kara sputtered, "Mimi-"

       "Mimi is a big girl," I pointed out, "she'll be fine."

       "It was disgusting," Kara went on, and crossed her arms. "Kissing that guy like that after we just saw him kissing your brother."

       I studied the girl beside me with amused interest. Really, this girl is interesting. Did she have any idea how hypocritic her accusations were? Not that her anger bothered me, in fact I thought that it was about time that she too be true to herself.

       "You know," I began casually, breaking her moody silence. "I've been in love with Kai since childhood. I thought he was so very far out my reach when he was with my brother and then a miracle occurred."

       I closed my mouth and remained silent, waiting for her to make the next move. If she was curious enough in what I had to say, then there was hope for the girl.

       And sure enough, Kara glanced at me and grudgingly muttered, "What miracle?"

      I smiled discreetly. there was hope for the girl after all.

       "My brother was stupid enough to let Kai go so I made my move. Opportunity came knocking and I answered. Gladly. I made my move and now I have the one I love most within my grasp."

       Kara snorted rudely and rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah? Well that Kai guy seemed pretty chummy with your brother earlier."

       "I said I have him within my grasp," I said gravely, "but I never said I have him completely. Right now, I'm giving him the freedom to choose. My point was, Kara, is that a window of opportunity was opened for me to make my move...maybe it's about time you made yours."

       She stared out the window, my words possibly churning in her head. She knew what I was talking about but the thing is...will she be truthful?

       "You suck," Kara grumbled after a while. "You Mr.-Know-It-All."

       I smiled. "No, I don't know everything but then again, I'm just 17. I still have time."

       She glared at me. "How long have you known?"

       "Known what?" I asked slyly.

       Her hazel eyes narrowed. "You know 'what', you jerk."

       "You're going to have to be more specific on that. Know what, Kara?"

       "You just want me to admit it out loud."

       Funny girl. "Admit what?"

       "Cedric. Shut up." And then she sighed that sigh of defeat. "How long have you known that I like her?"


       Kara punched my arm. "Cedric!"

       I chuckled. "I've known for a while now."

       "But how could you? I haven't let anything slip."

       "I'm very perceptive."

       "Another word for nosy," Kara said with a haughty sniff. "Tell her and I'll wrap your dick around your neck and choke you with it."

       I looked at her with innocence. "Tell who?"

       "Buster, you're really cruisin' for a bruisin'."

       I laughed lightly. It really was too amusing to rile this girl up. But I shouldn't tease her too much. "You should be truthful with Mimi."

       "She doesn't like girls."

      "Has she ever said that?"

      ", but she's never liked a girl either." Kara shot an accusing glare my way. "She likes you."

       "She likes my face," I told her.


      "Kara, look at me."

       The girl remained stubbornly staring out the window.

       With a sigh, I leaned forward and grabbed her chin gently, forcing her to look at me. "Kara, wallowing in self pity wont get you what you want. Trust me, I know. I had to go after what I wanted...and so must you."

       Kara, the proudest girl I've ever had the pleasure of knowing stared at me, bottom lip noticeably quivering. "She doesn't like me like that."

       "I can't say 'it wont hurt to try', because I know it can turn out in heartbreak but," I paused, making sure our eyes met. "You'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't try."

       "So you're basically telling me to hit on Mimi while she's down?"

       I grinned at her. "Yes, yes I am."

       Kara stared at me and laughed. "Wow, I never knew you were this manipulative."

       I released her chin and settle back on my seat with a shrug. "To accomplish your goals, sometimes one must be...crafty."

       Kara sighed. "Mimi likes you so I don't even stand a chance."

       "And I just showed her that she doesn't stand a chance." I started the car. "Now it's your time to shine and pick up the pieces."

       "I can't believe you're telling me this."

       I glanced at her. "I like you, Kara and we're the same, you and I. I made my move so now I think it's about time you do the same." I unlocked the doors. "Now...shouldn't you be trying to comfort a certain someone?"

       Kara stared at me, mouth agape. She looked torn and uncertain.

       "Window of opportunity," I said, lifting a brow at her. "Don't wait for it to close."

       "You're such a know it all," Kara snapped but she was already opening the car door and stepping out. She leaned down and glared at me. "If she rejects me, I'm kicking your ass." And then she was gone with a slam of the door, sprinting towards Mimi's front door.

       I watched her depart, not in the least threatened by her. Kara really is amusing but my thoughts of the two girls I had somehow managed to befriend drifted away from my thoughts as I drove closer to Kai's apartment.

        I had told Kara to take a chance like I had and that there's a possibility that our 'chances' will end up in heartbreak...but...with all my heart, I prayed that mine wont end up that way.


"I don't wanna to close my eyes, I don't want to fall asleep cause I'd miss you babe and I don't wanna miss a thang. 'Cus even when I dream of you, the sweetest dream will never do I'd still miss you babe.-" Aerosmith

*+Kai's POV+*


I knew the moment Cedric was back.

       I lay curled up on the couch, tired from crying. Who would have thought that I had enough tears left in me? I certainly hadn't.

       I heard my front door close and soon Cedric came into my line of vision. I lifted my eyes up until it met his. He stared back down at me, silent and watching. His eyes landed on the scarf I clung onto. His scarf.

       "You left it again," I croaked out and winced at the raspy sound of my voice. Of course he could tell I've been crying. If my voice wasn't enough indication then my puffy red eyes sure was.

       Cedric bent down before me and stared at the scarf. Then he lifted his eyes up to mine. "I leave it on purpose. It gives me an excuse to always come back."

      I smiled wanly. He's such a weird boy.

       "You chose me?" He asked. He sounded uncertain.

       I nodded. "I chose you. Don't make me regret it."

       Ced smiled, looking more boyish than I've ever seen him. "I wont."

       I watched him take his jacket off, tossing it on the loveseat behind him. Then, without preamble, he scooped me up in his arms as if I weighed like nothing. I've always been slim but no one has ever carried me before like if I was precious. I closed my eyes and didn't protest when he carried me back to my room. I knew that's where he was headed.

       Cedric lay me gently on the bed and when I opened my eyes, I found him staring down thoughtfully at me. I reached up and touched his jaw. "What are you thinking?"

       He knelt down by the bed. "Kai...I take it back. Now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't have said that I wont make you regret choosing me."

       I stared at him, completely confused. "What?"

       Ced grabbed my hand and stared at it. "There will probably be times when I'll drive you crazy." He smiled. "I don't think that can be helped. I know my age will always weigh on your mind, will always make you worry if you made the right choice."

       And he was right, I thought. But not the way he thinks. No...I'll wonder if I'm right for Cedric. I'll worry that maybe it's too soon for him to be in a kind of relationship with me. Or if he should be in a relationship with me at all. After all...this is a gay relationship. He'd have to face scrutiny from others if anyone else finds out.

       But that's something I'll worry about another time. Right now, I just wanted to be with Cedric. Right now, I just wanted him to hold me like he always does. He spoiled me like that.

       As if reading my thoughts, Cedric climbed into bed with me. I scooted back and made room for him, sighing with content when he pulled me against his warm youthful body. I burrowed my nose against his chest and closed my eyes.



       "I'd really like to make love to you right now."

       I chuckled and nudge the lower half of his body with my knee. "I can feel that."

       "So...may I?"

       This time I laughed out-right. "Aren't you going to ask what happened after you left?"

       Cedric grew silent for a while before answering. "Honestly, I am curious...but it's better if you don't tell me. What went on between you and my brother is private."

       "That's a very mature way of thinking."

       I felt his shoulders lift up in a shrug. "It's just the way I am."



       I lifted my head up to look at him. "I'd really like for you to make love to me...but right now...right now I just want to be held like this."

       "Okay." Cedric held me tighter. "Got'cha."

       I smiled and snuggled against him. I've never been the snuggling type before Cedric but was rather nice. To be held like this. I could hear Cedric's heart beating, feel it's rhythm against my face. The melody was lulling me to sleep.



      "I want us to work out."

       "So do I."

       I started to drift off to sleep. "Ced?"

       "Yes, Kai?"

       "Stay the night."

       I felt his arms tighten firmly around me. "Try and make me leave."

       I smiled at the challenging tone in his voice, still filled with humor. Tomorrow we'll face our challenges but tonight...tonight we'll lie here like this and get lost in our own little world where we were both equals.

       Just Cedric...and Kai.


*+Cedric's POV+*

I've never thought that watching someone sleep would prove to be entertaining, yet here I am, enjoying myself as I watched Kai's sleeping face.

       He was older than me yet he still clung onto my scarf like a child, snuggling deeply against me. Honestly he looked tired. This whole ordeal has been tough on him and I knew that forcing him to choose had weighed heavily on him. Still...knowing that it was me he had chosen made me very happy.

       I brushed his dark bangs away from his forehead lightly and smiled when he mumbled incoherent words in his sleep. He looked tired, but he seemed to be resting pretty well now. If my body gave him comfort, then I'd gladly surrender it to him.

       What was it that a character from my childhood movie said to the girl he liked? Oh yes...

       "Kai," I whispered, "can I keep you?"

        His answer was more incoherent words.

       I smiled. Ah well, it's fine if he doesn't answer. I'll just have to make sure that he doesn't leave my side and go back to my brother. I'm not foolish enough to think that he'd be completely satisfied with me though.

       I frowned at my own thoughts. Knowing him, Kai will worry about our age difference and it would be a burden to him because I was still in high school. Hmm...perhaps I should get a job. Even part time would make a good impression. Make me look a bit more independent.

       Yes...a job. I'll start looking immediately. It would be a pain to get one because it would mean less time to spend with Kai but if it would make him worry a little less, see me as a man and not a "boy" then it was worth it.

      "Kai," I whispered against his ear. "I'm keeping you."


"I don't wanna miss one smile, I dont wanna miss one kiss, I just wanna be here with you right here with you just like this. I just wanna hold you close, I feel your heart so close to mine, and just stay here right here in this moment for all the rest of time-" Aerosmith

Cookie: What do people call this moment? "The Calm Before The Storm?" hehehehehehehehe >:3

This story is marked as "complete" until im ready to continue the 2nd part of Kai and Cedric's life :)

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