A New Leaf

By Cupcake_Mon5ster

70.7K 1.9K 490

A fan fiction about Naruto's daughter Saya NOT EDITED More

A Ninja's Word!: Authors Note ;)
Chapter 1: Art
Chapter 2: A Mothers Love
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Time
Chapter 5: Off To The Acadamy!!
Chapter 6: Bad Blood
Chapter 7: A Wake Up Call
Chapter 8 : Snow
Chapter 9: A New Look
Chapter 10: How To Be A Lost Puppy
Chapter 11: A Test
Chapter 12: Teams
Chapter 13: Our First Mission!
Chapter 14: Mission part 1: Ren-san and Cuan-kun vs Saskue!
Chapter 15: Mission Part 2: Amy-chan Vs Saskue!
Chapter 16: Mission Part Three: Saya vs Saskue!
Chapter 17: Surpise
Chapter 18: Stupid Overprotective Dads
Chatper 19: A Date?!
Chapter 20: Memory lane
Chapter 21: A New Teacher && A Frantic Saya!
Chapter 22:A Night With Ren
Chapter 24: Crystal Chakra && The First Amazing Mission
Christmas!!!! XD
Chapter 25: tolerance
Chapter 26: The Plan
Chapter 27: The outside
Chapter 28: Kidnapped
Chapter 29: The Butterfly Queen
Chapter 30: Fresh Trail
Chapter 31: Inner Strength
Chapter 32: Ren To The Rescue
Chapter 33: The End Of Everything
Chapter 34: The Fox
Chapter 35: Goodbye
Chapter 36: Waking Up In Hell
Chapter 37: War
Chapter 38: Final Goodbye
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 50- The End
Authors note

Chapter 23: A Mothers Heart

1.1K 28 5
By Cupcake_Mon5ster

||Yuki's P.OV.|| written by BrookSimmons

Naruto stood by the door, anime crying as Saya left. "Why couldn't she be more like you, Yuki-chan?"

I tilted my head, "What do you mean, Naruto-kun?"

He looked at me, pointing a finger. "You're clueless."

I narrowed my eyes, my hands going to my hips. "Excuse me?"

The blonde Hokage didn't get my warning.

"At Saya's age you didn't know what a blush was! Hell, you didn't even find out what that was until you were sixteen, and the only reason you found out then was because Pervy Sage told you!" He shouted, I puffed out my cheeks. "But Saya, she's more like- like Sakura-chan! She's into boys already! And not just any boy, Kiba's son! Dattebayo!"

A anime vein formed and I threw a kunai just barely missing his head. Naruto's rant ended quickly as he noticed a piece of his hair stuck to the wall.

"She's more like you, not Sakura-san. She's into boys, but she's not obsessed with them. And Kiba-kun isn't that bad-"

"Liar! You just think that this will give you an easier chance to get Akamaru!" Naruto shouted.

I pouted, crossing my arms. "Maybe..." My pout vanished as I looked at Naruto again. "But remember, Kiba-kun is our friend, one of the guys that helped us with the Fourth Shinobi war."

This time Naruto pouted. "But right now I see his son, Ren, as my enemy! I don't want my little girl going out on a date until she's twenty- no forty!"

I smiled, kissing his cheek. "If it was up to you, she would never grow up. That's what I'm here for, to keep you from doing just that. Now go wash up, since Saya-chan is gone we are going out to Ichiraku's."

He nodded, but paused to look at me again, a perverted grin forming on his face. "We do have the house to ourselfs, we could you know..."

"No." I said firmly, "I'm hungry. Now go get washed up."

He pouted again and turned for the bedroom, "And here I thought, when I become Hokage I become the boss..."

"You do, but I'm the wife, therefor you listen to me, Mr. Hokage." I smiled and looked at him. He turned around and stuck our his tongue childishly. In return I stuck out my tongue.

With a huff he turned around and walked for the bedroom. My eye twitched when he tossed his Hokage cloak off on the couch, I stared at the orange and white cloak.

"Naruto," I said, my voice making the blonde Hokage freeze. "Pick up your cloak right now!"

He rushed over to the cloak and quickly grabbed it. "Yes Mrs. Uzumaki!" He saluted me, I giggled as he went to hang it up in the closet.

I glanced at his hair for a moment, making a mental note to have him get it cut soon. The smile stayed on my face as I looked at the door that Saya walked out of a little bit ago. 'She's grown up so much...'


"Mommy! Look, it's the Hokage!" A little boy cheered, pointing to Naruto.

With a smile on my face, I nudged him over to the little boy. Naruto blinked before grinning at the child and ruffling his hair. Looking over to the side I was met by Kakashi, Sasuke, and Aki.

"Hey, Kakashi sensei, Aki-kun, Sasuke-teme." I smiled, ruffling Aki's hair, much to his displeasure.

"Hello, Yuki." Kakashi smiled.

"Hi, Yuki-sama." Aki muttered.

"Hn, whatever you and Naruto are still baka's." Sasuke smirked as he saw Naruto do some goofy dance.

I sighed when I looked at Naruto, shaking my head slightly before grinning and looking at Sasuke. "Who are you calling baka's? Last time I checked, Naruto-kun made it to Hokage, and I was ANBU captain before you."

Sasuke looked at me, "Shut up, Yuki."

I looked at Aki, bending down I smiled at Itachi's kid. "How have you been, Aki-san?"

He looked at me before looking away quickly with a slight blush on his face. "Fine, hn."

I pintched his cheeks, making him yell out a complain. "Now, don't start going and saying 'Hn'. I'm starting to think it's a Uchiha thing."

"Yuki, can I and Sasuke talk to you for a moment?" Kakashi asked.

Standing up I looked at them and nodded. "Naruto-kun, wait with Aki-kun for a moment."

Naruto nodded and looked down at Aki, both stared at each other while we walked a little off so they wouldn't hear our conversation.

"Yuki, I want you to know that Saya asked me to train her-" I interrupted Kakashi.

"I know that Kakashi sensei. I saw the whole thing, and that's why I've made the decision to help her train." I said, "I didn't realized until just recently that we've been acting a little like how my father did."

I looked at the ground, my eyebrows scrunched together. "We held Saya back from the Academy because we were worried about her well being. But, I've just realized that Naruto-kun's and mine protectiveness is just what my father did to me. And Saya is Naruto's and my daughter, meaning she's got our drive."

They nodded, "I guess I don't really need to convince you then." Sasuke muttered.

"Now, I'm going to have to deal with Naruto-kun." I sighed. "He can deal with 'Toby' but if anything comes up about Saya-chan, he gets so protective."

Kakashi smiled. "He like that with you too, Yuki."

I chuckled, "Yeah, but that just makes my job harder."

"You little!" Blinking, we turned our attention to Naruto. A sigh escaped me as Naruto and Aki had their foreheads pressed against one another.

"What did those two baka's do now?" Sasuke muttered.

"You heard me, dobe!" Aki shouted.

"Take that back!" I jumped between the two boys.

"Calm down you two. Aki, your uncle wants you, I'm sure. Naruto, control yourself. You're the Hokage, now act like one." I ordered.

Both boys listened, Naruto looking frightened as I grabbed him by the ear and marched off. "Come on, I'm hungry Naruto. Bye Kakashi sensei, Aki-kun, Sasuke-teme!"

"Ouch! Yuki-chan! People are staring." Naruto complained.

"Good!" I snapped.

"You've gotten more angry since you've gotten older..." Naruto muttered.

A anime vein formed. "What was that?"

He paused, his face seemed to go blank for a moment before saying. "I love you, Yuki-chan! You're the kindest, most beautiful, and strongest wife ever!"

I looked at him. "You better thank Kurama for saving you."

I grew quiet, letting go of Naruto, as I was brought back to when I was pregnant with Saya. If it wasn't for Kurama's child, then I wouldn't have my little girl now. My fist clenched to my side.

'If my body was just stronger. But that damn illness wore me down over all of those years, making me to weak to support my child. Now, Saya will soon have to deal with the fox. I know Naruto and Kurama made amends and work together now, but how long will it take Saya to do it?' I thought as I stared at the ground.

"Yuki-chan?" I was shaken out of my thoughts by a worried Naruto. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, smiling. "Yes, Naruto-kun. Just thinking of how much Saya's grown."

This brought a goofy Uzumaki smile to his face. "Yes, she sure has grown up. Everyday she looks more and more like you. Which means I'll have to start using my Kyuubi mode to beat all of them away!"

I smiled. "Well, I'm sure she'll grow up to be as strong as you, so you won't have to worry about that. Maybe she'll even become the Hokage, after Konohamaru of course. We have to keep it in the family, right?"

He laughed, "Yeah! I can imagine it now! Eighth Hokage, Saya Uzumkai!"

"So, Naruto-kun." I said as we sat down. Ayame smiled and began to work on the food, already knowing what we wanted. "I was thinking, maybe I could train Saya-chan a little bit. Like my mother used to do with me before she passed. And since she has my crystal style, she won't progress unless trained by another crystal user."

He remained quiet. "Aren't you busy with missions?"

"You know that I quit being the ANBU captain after having Saya so I could be home more for her." I said. "Also, you're the Hokage, you give me those missions."

"But, what if she get's hurt?" Naruto asked.

"I'll be there with her. Saya's a ninja now, she's going to need this training in order to progress. Don't you want her to become Chunin soon, and one day become Hokage?" I asked, he remained quiet. "Naruto-kun, she doesn't have my illness. she'll be fine."

He looked at me. His blue eyes were filled with fear, fear for our daughter.

"Remember, Granny Tsunade and Sakura-san gave me that medication when I was pregnant so Saya wouldn't get my illness. It worked, and now Saya is as healthy as can be, so we, as her parents, we shouldn't hold her back." I said.

Naruto sighed. "I guess I see your point, we'll talk with Saya later to see how much she feels about this."

I smiled as the ramen was served. "Thank you, Ayame." While eating memories of Saya flooded my mind.

The ones on when I first held her, how even then she looked so frail. When she took her first steps, chasing after me as I was about to leave for a mission. Her first words being "Daddy", which followed by a giggly Naruto and a pouting me. Her first time throwing her kunai, how she had awful aim, which I knew had come from Naruto.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard two failure voices. "Kono-kun, you said we were going somewhere nice. I got all dressed up."

"This is a nice place, Akami-chan! Look even the Hokage comes here!"

I turned to see Konohamaru and beside him was Akami. Her long dark pink hair was pulled into a bun as she had worn a pretty dress that had a little hole in the back for her tail. Her pink ears twitched in irritation at Konohamaru.

"Hello, Konohamaru-kun, Akami-chan!" I smiled, bringing their attention to me.

Akami's flat feline ears perked up when she saw me. "Yuki-sama!" She quickly charged at me and hugged me, I laughed as Konohamaru went to sit beside Naruto while Akami and I talked.

"So, Naruto-kun isn't keeping you too busy, is he?" I asked.

She smiled, "Not as busy as an ANBU normally is."

I nodded, "Good, because if he was I was gonna have to talk some sense into him. You still haven't visited me and Saya-chan."

She rubbed the back of her head, "I know, and I'm sorry about that Yuki-sama. It's just..." She blushed while glancing at Konohamaru, who seemed oblivious as he grinned to Naruto.

I grinned, nudging her. "Oh, I see what's going on. You've got a crush on Konohamaru-kun."

She shook her head, turning pinker. "N-No, we just strarted going out."

"Huh? And you didn't tell me?! I was basically your first, Akami! Don't you think you should tell me?" I asked, pouting.

"Well, you've been busy with missions, and with your adorable daughter, so I didn't want to bother you. Also, since I am an ANBU I do go out on my own missions as well." Akami sighed.

I smiled, "It's okay."

"Bye Akami-chan! Bye Konohamaru-kun!" I smiled as Naruto and I walked out of Ichiraku's.

I glanced at Naruto, he had his arms behind his head while he walked gleefully. Giggling to myself I jumped onto his back, staying balanced he placed his hands under my legs to keep me where I was.

"You know, Naruto-kun." I muttered, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"What is it, Yuki-chan?" He asked.

"I want my own Genin team, after I train with Saya-chan a bit, can I get my own team?" I asked.

He looked back at me. "You want your own team?"

I nodded, "Yeah! Sasuke-teme has his own team, and I was an ANBU before him, so can't I get my own too?"

He sighed, "I'll think about it."

I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Naruto-kun! Now hurry up, Saya might be home!"

His eyes widened as the thought occurred to him. "Oh yeah! I need to make sure that Ren kid doesn't try anything!" He took off running, acting like my weight was nothing to him.

I smiled as I saw Saya and Ren walking towards the front of the house. 'Kawaii!' I thought as I watched them.

My thoughts turned sour when I saw Ren slowly leaning towards Saya, both had blushes on their faces. Our protective parenting instincts kicked in as we both appeared beside the two genin.

I grabbed Saya, and hugged her while Naruto grabbed Ren by the collar of his shirt. He smiled a creepy smile at Ren, making the poor boy shiver in fright.

"Oh, hello there, Ren." Naruto seemed to growl.

"H-Hello, Hokage-sama." Ren stammered.

I smiled, "Nice to see you again, Ren-kun." I paused to look around. "Where's Cuan-kun?"

Saya's eye twitched as she looked up at me. "Ren-kun didn't bring him, mom. And you can't try to steal him!"

Ren rubbed the back of his head, his feet still dangling off the floor. "Hello, Yuki-sama."

"Naruto-kun, put the poor boy down already." I ordered.

Naruto looked at me, his body freezing as he saw my look. "Y-Yes Yuki-chan!" He quickly placed Ren on the ground again, but not before giving him a look.

I looked at Saya and Ren, then squealed. "You two are so kawaii!"

"Yuki, don't encourage them." Naruto muttered, I glanced at him.

"Quiet, blonde." He pouted and crossed his arms.

"Well, Ren-kun I'm sorry to say this, but it's getting late and we need to talk with Saya-chan. You should probably head home before it gets too late, I don't want Kiba coming over here to gripe at me." I smiled, "Oh, and next time you come here how about you bring along Akamaru-kun and Cuan-kun."

"Yuki, are you trying to get my son to bring my dog to you?" I turned to see Kiba.

"Correction, my part-time dog." I corrected, holding up a finger.

Kiba shook his head, a small smile on his face. "Whatever, come on Ren. You've got training tomorrow."

Ren nodded and glanced at Saya, a small blush on his face. "Bye Saya-chan." He muttered before running off to his dad.

"See ya, Yuki, Naruto!" Kiba shouted with a raised hand.

"Bye Kiba!" I shouted before looking down at Saya. "Come on, Saya-chan, I wanted to talk to you."

"Hey, what about me?" Naruto whined.I glanced back at him and stuck out my tongue. "Nope, I wanna talk to Saya-chan, cause I'm gonna be the one to do it."

Saya looked up at me with shinning green eyes. "Do what?"

Saya stared at me shocked as I finished explaining to her that I was going to train her. "R-really?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yes, it took a while to get your father to agree, but if you would like I will train you. Because you have crystal chakra like me, this is something that I need to teach you."

She grinned a grin that matched Naruto's. "Yosh! I can't wait, when do we start?"

"Tomorrow. Maybe we'll make a trip to the Kessho village sometime too. For now though, go ahead and get some rest, my little Saya-chan." I ruffled her blonde hair.

She closed her eyes as I did this, but her smile remained. "Okay mom!"

"But, I'm going to warn you, Saya," My voice grew serious, causing her to look at me. "This training will be much harder than the training you did with Kakashi. Are you really up for it?"

Her eyes widened, "H-Harder than Kakashi sensei's..." She paused looking down before looking back up to look me in the eye. My eyes widened as for a moment there I saw a spark of Naruto, the determination in her eyes were much like his. "I'm ready for it!"

I smiled, "Good, then we'll start at five o'clock in the morning."

She froze, "F-Five?! In the morning?!"


Hey guys! so there ya go! Another update :) this chapter was written by BrookSimmons x3 I asked her to do a couple chapters threw out the book when Yukis point of view comes up. I really hope you guys liked it. She's been nothing but supportive threw out this entire writing process :) so a GIANT thank you to her. (ps if you haven't read her books even after the countless times I've told you of there amazingness you really should)




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