
By tahneeonahill

40 6 4



40 6 4
By tahneeonahill

I used to stand in the rain,

And sway my hips,

And raise my hands.

Head to the sky, 

I let the water take me.

I used to dance in the rain,

Spinning around,

And around,

So fast, the water sprayed off my form.

Not a thing in the world could touch me.

I used to let the rain wash away,

All the pain,

The memories,

Every scar, within and on my being.

With every droplet, I'd let it fade away.

I used to lose myself in the rain,

The sound matched the beat of my heart,

The coolness sunk into my skin,

Icing my veins,

Icing my soul.

I used to laugh along with the rain,

Wondering how crazy I must seem,

To those who don't understand.

As the water falls,

I soar.

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