shades of love ➳ [poetry]

By bruisedmelodies

824K 40.4K 2.8K

❝to love is to enjoy seeing, touching, and sensing with all the senses, as closely as possible, a lovable obj... More

shades of love
➳ unum
➳ duos
➳ tres
➳ quinque
➳ sex
➳ septum
➳ octo
➳ novem
➳ decem
➳ undecim
➳ duodecim
➳ tredecim
➳ quattourdecim
➳ quindecim
➳ sedecim
➳ septendecim
➳ duodeviginti
➳ undeviginti
➳ viginti
➳ viginti unus
➳ viginti duos
➳ viginti tres
➳ viginti quattour
➳ viginti quinque
➳ viginti sex
➳ viginti septum
➳ duodetriginta
➳ undetriginta
➳ triginta

➳ quattour

33.2K 2.5K 209
By bruisedmelodies

our flesh
may wither away
and we become dust
but our souls
will remain together;
this love of ours
is immortal
and we will
drown in one another
for an eternity.

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