Spray Paint » Sidemen

By AliGraLat

6.7K 485 1.2K

Just your average day, Bullying kids, swearing, telling jokes, laughing, a detention or two, getting into tro... More

•Opening Message•
Hey Guys :DD


185 19 43
By AliGraLat

I have an idea that will in no shape or form change the story line at all

It'll just make my writing look, more, decent of you know what I mean

I'll probably do it when I've finished the book tho maybe half way through

Anyway ONWARDS TO NARNIA aka my tray! #InsideJoke saltybooks Keepsake_Fox sweg

--~•End A/N•~--

Warning: I do not promote bullying, harm or self-harm for that matter. This is just a fanfic and I'm sure the Sidemen are really sweet in real life. Thank you. Xx

| not edited |

+Gwen P.O.V+

((A/N oh shit she's back bois))

I sigh as I place my notebook, textbook and exercise book back in my locker,

"Hey Gwen" I turn around to see Kat,

((A/N me writing Kat I kept miss spelling it 1st Mat then Pat then Lat like tf why))

"Hey Kat!" I chime,

"Do you have the not- oomph!" I say as I'm pushed to the floor,

"My bad, sorry!" I look up to see a girl wearing shades lending me a hand.

¿Thorn P.O.V?

I lend the girl a hand as I've knocked her over,

All part of the plan.


"So it's decided?" Lo says looking up at me,

"Yes, but whom will go?" I ask,

"You will, you're better suited" she says,

"But I'm more scary" I mutter,

"Aren't we all?"


"Well you're going and I'm not, I'm just an independent woman. Now chin up and suffer in silence"

"Fine, by the way.. What are you doing?" I ask,

"What I always do"

I shrug


łłł Lauren P.O.V łłł

"What I always do" I smile,

"Right" Thorn shrugs and walks away,

I look down at my phone to see my art:

"Why are they always so sad?" I ask myself as I place my phone in my pocket.

I start walking back to school when my phone buzzes,

Found him

Who are you and what do you want?

My name in none of your concern, meet me at the London Eye 18:30 sharp.

I have no choice! I say to myself,

"I must go, for Vikram."

+Gwen P.O.V+

I take her hand as she pulls me up,

"It's ok" I brush myself off,

"Hey guys! Wait, aren't you Catrina? Catrina Thorne?" Jocelyn asks as she walks up,

"You know me?" The girl with shades tilts her head,

"Yeah! You're in my writing class, Jocelyn" Jose smiles,

"Oh! I haven't noticed you! Sorry" she laughs,

"It's ok, the last time I saw you in writing was like 2 weeks ago, guess you don't like it all that much" Jose giggles,

"Yep you caught me, I always skip because I hate it. I'd rather do art to be honest" Catrina says,

"Oh shoot" I say as I get my phone out as it starts buzzing,

"Hello?" I answer it,

"Uh is this Gwen?" I hear a mans voice say.

"Yeah, what do you want and why do you have Skyler's phone?" I ask,

"Oh so sorry I'm Tobi and Skyler is here with me and the powers out, I cannot find here as soon as it went dark she vanished. You where here first in her contacts" he explains,

"Ok, give me your address and I'll be there soon. Ok? Ok bye" I hang up.

"Who was that?" Ella asks as she walks up to us,

"Oh that was just someone, Skylers gone missing and we have to find her. Lets go" I say as I head fro the doors,

"But what about school?" Jose asks,

"What about it? I'd like to get out of this hell hole anyway" Kat says poking Jose,

"Oi," she swats Kat's hand away.

"Can I come? I may have only just met you but I can drive" Catrina says,

"Sure," I say unsure if that's what I really want,

"Kat and Jose with me, Ella and Catrina in another car" I say as we walk off to the car park,

I slide in behind the wheel turning the key and pulling the gear into drive.

What was the address again?

:Skyler P.O.V:

I feel nothing at all,

Until cold ass water is pored on my face,

"Fight me nerds!" I say as I wake up,

"Oops" I mutter to myself,

"Hello?" I all as I go to get up.

Key word: go

I'm stuck!

I feel as I'm tied to a chair,

"What sick bástard would do this?" I say,

"That'd me, me" I see a 12 year old looking kid step out of the shadows,

"Preston? I thought you where a bloody 12 year old prîck!"

((A/N I mean she isn't lying *pew pew*))

"That's me! Now tell me, why were you at the Sidemen's house huh?" He asks etching closer and closer,

"I don't have to answer to you!" I spit,

"Now now no need to get aggressive now just answer my question" Preston sneers.


"Then have it your way, princess"

Preston walks out leaving me in a dark damp room.

Oh mom and dad, what have I gotten myself into?

#Reigan P.O.V#

Simon Minter!

"That's Ali's boyfriend.." I whisper,

"What now?" Someone grabs my shoulder,

"Eep!" I squeak as I slap the person,

"Ow, what was that for?" I see Ethan shine his phone light on himself,

"Oh Ethan you scared the living hell outta me!" I exclaim holding my chest to call myself.

"Anyway, you seen Josh?" He asks,

I just point towards the bathroom,

"Thanks" he smiles and heads in that direction.

I close the cupboard as I cannot find anything,

"Check over there" I hear Josh say to Ethan as Ethan comes walking out of the bathroom,

"I'll check this cupboard" I say to Ethan as he replies with a simple yes,

I open the cupboard standing on my tippy-toes as its a little high for me.

Looking to my left and right it seems empty,

Sighing as I shut it I look to my left to see something reflecting a drip of sunshine,

"Whats this," I walk over and pick up a moon necklace,

"Isn't this Sky's?" I ask myself,

I spy a piece of paper next to the jewelry,

She's ours - P A


"Guys!" I call as Josh and Tobi come rushing in.

"What?" Tobi asks,

I hold up the necklace and the note,

"God damnit, I knew something had happened. This isn't even my phone for God's sake" Tobi cusses,

"Calm down, we'll consult Simon about this but for now we need to find the girl. Who's the first in her contacts Tobs?" Josh asks keeping cool and calm,

"Someone names Gwen," Tobi says,

Josh just growls,

"Well? What are you waiting for? Christmas? Now giver her a ring!"


aye aye whats good?

new chapter has been written (at school lmao)

also shits now going down! (this time not in the dms)

also mysterious lol_idc_tbh is here,

why did see say that when she was shown a picture of Vik?

lo u cannot answer this question xD

peace! xx

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