Alfonso's Bride

By tartiana

90K 2.8K 94

Forced into marriage for a business deal, Helena has to face the difficulties of being a wife. Her misery ho... More

Home- 1
Wedding- 2
Wedding night- 3
Shopping- 4
Good goes wrong-5
St Peter's... 6
Hospital 2- 9
Shower- 10
Getting Green-11
Apologizing- 12
Suicide- 14
Gags- 15
Day in bed- 16
Day with Annie- 17
Coming home -24
two years later...25

Day Out-13

1.6K 66 1
By tartiana

"So we are watching the film today? What time is it?"

"It begins at six." Alfonso responded with a smile to his voice, "we are leaving around five and right now it is twenty-seven past four on the clock.

She huffed childishly and picked the gathers of her skirt going out of the room silently. Alfonso let out one of his rare smirks and shook his head as she left the room. He picked up his book from the table and read on.

He did not think of Helena much, she was going to find her way around the house. She was used to it already.

Guilt hit him and he found himself standing up to call Helena, "Helen! Can we go now?" The female was gracefully walking into the room less than a minute later.

Jordan had already saddled the horse when they got out of the house. Two jet-black horses were securely saddled onto a beautiful gold and black carriage.

Helena's eyes widened as she looked at Alfonso waiting for him to explain. Alfonso smiled and handed her a box, plain and not wrapped in anything. She looked at him curiously but took the box nonetheless. She opened it slowly and dipped her hands into it to come out with two black and gold reins.

She was puzzled as she looked up at Alfonso who smiled easily, "It's for you, Ma Donna. I didn't know what you like so I decided on the carriage since the cargo came today. The style suits you that is why I told them to bring that one."

"When...when...oh my God..."

"When I was in hospital. Thomas visited so there you have it. Your carriage." Alfonso explained. Helena suddenly looked doubtful, "I can not drive a carriage."

"You can ride a horse so you will be able to drive a carriage... Come on Ma Donna, try the reins." Alfonso encouraged. Helena fastened the reigns on the horses and the couple got into the carriage. She was nervous but she seemed to hold command as she cajoled the horses to a start.

The horses took of, first with a trot for about five minutes before they started a fast gallop. She tightened the reins naturally and the horses ran as if they were being led by a specialist. She was a natural even though she would cast doubting glances at Alfonso who smiled at her reassuringly.

She drove the carriage to St Peter's easily as the road was empty and wide. She really was an expert in everything she put her mind into.

"We walk from here, not too far but it will buy us some time." Helena gave a nod before following Alfonso out of the carriage. Alfonso had tried opening the door for her at first but she seemed not to like it very much so he had resorted to giving her minimum attention if he could.

The walk to the cinema was quiet with occasional stops where Alfonso had to get Helena some ice cream and when he had to buy some tickets from a small crowded shop. Helena was just silent watching places as Alfonso led the way.

They arrived at the cinema just in time for the film. "Do you prefer popcorn or a juice or chocolate?"

"Uhm...I am not really sure..." Helena said below her breath and Alfonso smiled at the young boy behind the counter.

"Two buckets of popcorn, a juice - guava hundred percent fruit and some chocolate. I'm paying with a card. The expenses will be directed to Mine CDK private company."

"The cost will be seventeen pounds, anything else?" Alfonso looked at Helena who shook her head.

"Is this the woman you are courting now?" The young boy asked and Alfonso's jaw ticked a bit.

"No. She's my wife, Jeffrey. Now the things we ordered." Alfonso said sternly.

"Just...I saw her with Dawson, from St Peter's hospital, a couple of weeks before. I thought maybe-"

Alfonso took his orders and snatched the card from the boy. Helena relieved him of some of the stuff he was carrying since he was now balancing one bucket of popcorn on the crook of his neck. The chocolate was in his mouth while he held one bucket of popcorn in the other hand and a juice and his credit card on the other.

"Do you come here with people often?" Helena asked referring to the young boy's words- is this the woman you are courting now?

Alfonso nodded and did not explain anything further but just led her into the movie house silently. They had the back seats where the vie was the best but the volume not very perfect.

Alfonso handed her her stuff keeping a bucket of popcorn for himself. His eyes were already focused on the TV when he cursed under his breath realising he had not even ordered a beer for himself.

Two or so hours later....

"Oh my God, that film was incredible.!" Helena almost squealed as they came out of the theatre from watching Othello. Alfonso looked at her and smiled at the outcome of his efforts. He loved it when Helena forgot that she did not want to be with him and lived the moment.

"Have you ever had beer?" Helena shook her head no as she looked at the man on her right drinking a strong beer in a brown bottle and red label. He handed it to her. "Try it. Slowly though, it can burn your throat if it is your first time having it. But it is good once you get used." Helena shook her head. She knew beer was a bad idea and she had never fancied anyone who consumed large amounts of beer.

She held very little respect for men who drank beer but surprisingly she was not bothered by the image of Alfonso taking sips of alcohol right now. She was curious rather.

"Come along now... You should try it. Just a sip, come along will not get drunk..." Alfonso cajoled oblivious of the fact that his accent was now thick as the local one Helena found funny. He always put up a British accent when talking to Helena but today he seemed to lose it as he stuck with the simple accent everyone in St Peter's preferred.

"No. I shall skip," Helena replied softly.

"Just a sip? Come along now, you have to taste it. It ain't gonna be as horrible... there..." he handed her the bottle.

Helena took the bottle and brought it to her lips taking a sip. She turned down her lips in disgust but Alfonso urged her to take some more. She smiled and took a gulp this time and swallowing it as fast as she could. She looked up at Alfonso in disgust, "Why do men take this?"

Alfonso laughed heartily and dropped the empty bottle on a nearby bin. He opened the last he had and took a sip tasting the waters. "It's good, you get used to it and then you can not live without it. Then it turns bad, you see." She just remained silent thinking about the movie they had just seen.

"That Iago was very villainous." She said then continued, "The movie was not as I was told. Iago was just exaggerated... No man like that exists or do they?"

"Iago was fine, I blame the Moor. How could he not trust his wife?" Alfonso said and the truth of his words sunk into his heart when he remembered the Dawson scandal.

Helena looked at him and pursued with the argument oblivious of the fact that Alfonso's words hurt him. "The moor loved his wife. But that Iago was too sly and that is why the moor kills Desdemona at the end."

"Then that Roderigo was a fool. Could he not see that Desdemona was with someone else? I mean sometimes you have to let go of what is not yours. I am sure there were many other women in Venice."

"Emilia? Bianca? All the women were courtesans. Cassio and Lodovico were good-looking however. Especially Cassio," Alfonso felt a pang of jealousy but felt the need to cast the snake back at her.

"Bianca was good-looking. She is the prettiest I've seen." Alfonso said and Helena nodded along taking the beer from him before taking a sip and passing it back to him. The silence was uncomfortable as they walked in the cool night.

"Do you want to go to a fun fair? I mean I will get sick often with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We will not go out often then. So... funfair?" Helena looked at him and nodded much to Alfonso's delight.

Alfonso led the way to an amusement park not very far from where they were. Helena's interest could be seen in her eyes and she put no effort to try and hide it.

They bought ride bracelets on the door and got into the park. You could not tell it was already eight o'clock. The park was alive and children were playing around while couples sat on swings and rides. They had a go on the Oblivion, marry-go-round, boats, a jet and even a rollercoaster which Helena in fact refused to have a second round.

She had three gos on the Oblivion and seemed to want another as Alfonso literally pulled her to the photo booth.

"You have to get a photo before we live," Alfonso said pushing her into the booth. She took one photo and smiled a bit before pulling Alfonso to get one too.

After a satisfying three hours they decided to head back home. Helena looked very tired as she slept Alfonso drove the cart. They got home way past twelve and Alfonso was forced to carry Helena into the house even though he was draining out himself.

"You are home finally child. You do not just leave without saying when you will be back."

Alfonso ignored Lalie's worried outburst and simply carried Helena to her bedroom. His nights dose was already on the table ready for him.

"Tomorrow you are going to have an appointment with Doctor Foster. You are having -"

"I know Lalie. I hate radiotherapy very much," he said childishly and swallowed down his medicine. He turned on his heel to go to bed of course after muttering, "let me rush before the medicine beats me to it. Dox and Cyclo are real scores hey." He tried some dull humour to hide his pain but quickly ran up the stairs.

He was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


There u have it
Doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide are medicine used in chemo

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