The Avenger's Daughters

By Shadowedmoon13

75K 1.8K 103

Keelan and Artemis find their worlds tumbling down. Their parents were killed in a wrong place wrong time inc... More

Bruce Banner's Neices
The New Home
Kee's Late Night
Heroes and Essays
The School Attacked
What was that!?
Staying Home
Kee's Dress
Loki Returns
Nick Fury is Furious
Prison Fight Night
The Avengers Get Avenging
The Guardians of the What?
Excuse Me......What?!
Angry Kids = Sad Parents
Teseract Unleashed
We Were Sisters Once
Cat Fight
Epilogue ( and possible sequel )
Author's Note

Friends and Foe

1K 32 0
By Shadowedmoon13

Natasha ushered the last hostage out on to the top of the jet, as Loki was hit hard by Thor, who's anger was evident all over his face.
" Brother, I call upon the power of Odin and hereby banish you to Vaneheim," Thor yelled angrily as light flooded around the yelling Loki.
When the light faded, Loki was gone, banished to the depths of Vaneheim. Now that Loki was gone, the avengers turned their attention to sending the seven freed hostages across to the avenger's ship that had just docked on the deck of Loki's former ship.
" Tony, Thor, the two of you need to try and calm The Teseract down," Said Bruce over the intercom shakily.
" We will go help Kee," Tony vowed
" NO!" Came the voice on the other end of the line, as Bruce yelled.
The ship, now loaded with the hostages, the ramp still down, took off, plummeting towards the sea.
Tony and Thor flew out over the deck to see what had happened, shock on their faces. They saw a small body splash in to the sea.
" What's happening?" Yelled Natasha.
" The, The Teseract killed Kee," Tony stammered back in shock.
Thor flew down fast, trailing the now levelled out ship and plunging down to the sea, picking up Kee's body and flying it back up to the ship, followed slowly by Bruce who piloted the Avenger's plane.
When their jet landed, Bruce raced out as Thor gently and reverently laid Kee's limp and pail body down on the deck. The avengers crowded around, with Bruce and Tony kneeling beside her head. The girl's eyes were closed, the blood all over her face now mixed with sea water and showing up bright against her clammy skin.
" Come on, Kee, you can do it. Just live for me, okay!!" Bruce said frantically as he began CPR on Kee's limp chest.
Whatever he did, didn't work and as he checked for a pulse, he couldn't find one.
" Keebee?" A small voice asked tentatively.
The avengers whirled around furiously to see Artemis standing near them, terror and pain in her eyes. She covered her mouth with her hand as tears started to stream down her face.
" I had no control, he manipulated my mind and I couldn't stop it," Sobbed Artemis.
The avengers, as angry as they were, knew that she was telling the truth.
She was allowed to run forward and kneel down, cradling Kee's head in her lap.
Slowly, she began to rock back and forth, tears flowing down her cheeks as she sniffled pathetically, The Teseract was paused to the back of her mind again and Artemis was back in control.
" No, Keebee, you can't die now, not after all we've survived together. In everything, you thought of me, you thought of us. Now it's time to think of yourself for once and save you ur own life, not and ours," Artemis crooned broke heartedly.
" She's dead, Arty, she's dead," Bruce whispered bluntly.
" NO! There's still hope for her yet. She's a fighter, Kee is, from the first moment you met her she was fighting for me. She told me if you didn't take us she'd take care of me, she'd take me to sleep in the park we like," Artemis remembered with a loud wrenching sob.
" I know I said that I didn't need your help, I didn't need you to parent me, Keebee, but the Natu twins need each other. If there isn't two of us, then I'll just be half of me. If you die, half of me dies with you, that's the thing about twins, we make each other whole," Artemis whispered, sobbing louder.
" And now I've broken that whole," She murmured shakily.
She'd killed her sister, and now she was alone. A monster. A villain. A murderer.
It's not your fault, I love you, it's not your fault. She remembered Kee saying as she died, those words, she knew that Artemis would be feeling like this. She knew that she'd blame herself. But Artemis still did blame herself.
The other avengers watched the twin weep and joined her, their tears soaking the Tarmac they stood on. As Artemis sniffled and clutched Kee's limp, blood covered hand in her own she swore she felt a tiny squeeze, so small that she figured she'd imagined it, but then it happened again. A surge of hope washed over her.
" Tony, Bruce, she squeezed my hand, I felt it!" Artemis yelled suddenly.
" No she didn't, she's been dead for fifteen minutes now," Growled Bruce.
" I know what I felt," Artemis defended.
They just looked at her sympathetically and she felt frustration grow in her. Fine, I'll do this myself.
Artemis lunged behind her, grabbing the electric shock gun strapped to Natasha's belt and aimed. With one click of her fingers she zapped Kee with electricity that arched across her limp form.
Steve wrestled the gun out of Artemis's hands and pinned her hand behind her back.
" What are you doing?" He yelled angrily.
Before Artemis could yell back she heard a small sound. Everyone looked to Kee who suddenly jerked up in to a sitting position and coughed, retching hard as sea water exited her lungs. Her eyes fluttered open weakly as she coughed and spluttered before lying back exhaustedly.
" KEELAN!" Artemis cried, wrapping her sister in a tight hug.
" Don't call me that," Whispered a croaky voice.
Artemis laughed, her shoulders shaking with relief as she continued to hug her previously dead sister.
" But, but how?! She was dead for so long, it's impossible," Tony murmured.
" You know it's not easy to kill an infinity stone, especially in her own element," Kee whispered in amusement, her eyes gazing at them with familiar sarcasm glinting in their light brown depths.
Instantly she was enveloped in a group hug from all the avengers combined, all weeping with joy, for their daughter was alive.

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