Myles and Cole

By avalonbwriting

10.5M 381K 390K

Quiet and anxious, Myles is a bundle of nerves entering his sophomore year of high school after being homesch... More

Author's Note (PLEASE READ)
Chapter 1 | Myles
Chapter 2 | Cole
Chapter 3 | Myles
Chapter 5 | Myles
Chapter 6 | Cole
Chapter 7 | Myles
Chapter 8 | Cole
Chapter 9 | Myles
Chapter 10 | Cole
Chapter 11 | Myles
Chapter 12 | Cole
Chapter 13 | Myles
Chapter 14 | Cole
Chapter 15 | Myles
Chapter 16 | Cole
Chapter 17 | Myles
Chapter 18 | Cole
Chapter 19 | Myles
Chapter 20 | Cole
Chapter 21 | Myles
Chapter 22 | Cole
Chapter 23 | Myles
Chapter 24 | Cole
Chapter 25 | Myles
Chapter 26 | Cole
Chapter 27 | Myles
Chapter 28 | Cole
Chapter 29 | Myles
Chapter 30 | Cole
Chapter 31 | Myles
Chapter 32 | Cole
Chapter 33 | Myles
Chapter 34 | Cole
Chapter 35 | Myles
Chapter 36 | Cole
Chapter 37 | Myles
Chapter 38 | Cole
Chapter 39 | Myles
Chapter 40 | Cole (END)

Chapter 4 | Cole

303K 11.8K 7.6K
By avalonbwriting

It had now only been a few days back into school- Thursday, to be exact, and nothing exciting had happened yet. No awful rumors, no entertaining drama to witness, I was really quite bored. Currently, it was the third period and I watched as Mycah and Kyle were taking down notes hurriedly. I was grateful that I was one of those lucky people that didn't have to try too hard to get decent grades.

If I was being completely honest, I never really strived to achieve the highest grades possible. I've always been happy with my grades, ranging from average to slightly above average, without too much time spent on studying. My mom constantly gets upset that I don't apply myself further, she knows I can do better. But for whatever reason, I've always been satisfied with my school work the way it was. Even the teachers have given up on trying to encourage me. I just don't understand why I had to be academically smart. Football has always been my main focus, much to my parents disdain, although they are supportive of my love for the sport.

My teacher was babbling on about some overly complicated maths equations that I doubt I'll ever need to use in my lifetime. Instead of listening, I focused my attention on the crow outside the window to my left, that was currently trying to dig a worm out from grass. It's truly amazing the things that become entertaining when you don't want to do schoolwork.

The lesson still has half an hour before it finishes, so I whipped out my phone and started texting Dylan, who was in a different class. Unlike my other friends, Dylan didn't care about school at all. He really should though, considering the dumbass failed almost half his classes last year. I'm surprised he didn't get held back, as I know it was a possibility. We would often ditch classes together, but no matter how hard we tried to convince Mycah to do the same, he never did.

Somehow, I managed to scrape in a five-minute texting conversation with Dylan before I was caught. Damn. I guess he won't  know what I was going to say next, because now I can't reply.

"Mr. Tucker! Your phone, give it to me now!" The teacher, Mrs. Valeria shouted, scowling at me.

"Yeah, no can do, Val." I brushed her off.

"M-Mr. Tucker, I said-" She tried telling me again, only to have me cut her off.

"And I said no can do,"

Her eyes flitted around the classroom nervously. Pathetic. I was well aware I was being rude, but she made it so easy. I wouldn't dare try it with another teacher. How she got her teaching degree was beyond me. She often came to classes unorganized, appearing as if she didn't know the content she needed to teach. Very rarely, could this teacher ever get the students in her classes under control. She was the worst when it came to letting her students walk all over her. No spine, whatsoever.

"Don't be rude. We will talk about this after class." The teacher said.

No we won't be. She was just saying that. I knew, and everyone else knew that she wouldn't attempt to follow up on it and I would walk out of this room freely after the class had finished.

I wouldn't be handing over my phone to her- no way. But the least I could do was stop texting. Sliding my phone into the pocket of my jeans, I glanced outside the window to continue watching the crow. Much to my disappointment, the bird was gone.

Now what do I do? Schoolwork? Nah.


At lunch, I made my way over to sit next to the twins, who were at our usual table but I decided against it when I heard them arguing about something useless. They would argue over who did the biggest shit in the toilet, I swear. I sat down next to Mycah and unfortunately Isaac.

"Mycah," Isaac asked, getting his attention, "Why doesn't your brother sit with us anymore?"

Sure enough, I noticed myself that little kid, Myles hadn't sat with us since the first day. He seemed to be interested in knowing his brother's friends, yet it also looked like making an effort was a struggle for him. I concluded, that he was most likely shy but friendly. His entire demeanor was captivating and he had me curious.

"Eh, well he's sixteen, he made friends his own age. Besides, he's shy and quiet. You guys are too loud and rowdy." Mycah answered.

"Hmm, true. He'd be welcome to still sit with us, though." Isaac muttered. Why was he so nice all the damn time? It had to fake.

I tried searching for the small boy with the big blue eyes but I couldn't find him. I had been keeping my eye out for Myles a lot recently, but I didn't why. I took notice on Monday afternoon, he sat on the grandstand near the field waiting for Mycah to finish practice. He had a distinctive ambience that made it hard for me to concentrate knowing he was there. He didn't even watching us train, in fact, he hardly looked up from his phone, yet it caused me to fumble and make mistakes the whole time. Even the guys had noticed that I was completely out of it. Mycah seemed slightly concerned, being the captain.

My thoughts were interrupted when Violet rushed over to our table, followed by her two minions. The girls that stood on either side of Violet, met her every demand, as they were so desperate for attention. Sometimes I wondered if they had their own personalities; I had yet to remember their names. I probably should know, since I've had sex with both of them.

"So, just to let you all know there's a going to be a party at my place soon." She announced, while sitting down in my lap, which I hated. She turned to me, her lips forming a smirk. "And you better be there, Cole."

"Oh, I wouldn't miss it."

Truth is, I know the reason she said that was because she expected me to get with her, but I haven't been feeling it these last few days. I'm not interested in her right now. Before I made the decision to have sex with anyone, I made sure that they were aware that it would be a simple no-strings-attached thing. It felt like Violet had forgotten that, or maybe she never got it in the first place, because she's getting too clingy for my liking, and the idea that she wanted more from me was starting to freak me out somewhat. I should probably find a way to cut things off.

"I'll text you guys some of the details too. The party won't be happening until next week because I need a bit of time to plan it. This party isn't going to be like the others, it's gonna be big,"  Violet enthusiastically said to the table, smiling from ear-to-ear.

"Cole, aren't you excited?" She asked me.

I wasn't necessarily excited. Parties were something I mildly enjoyed and it didn't matter too much who was hosting, because I usually only go to parties to get drunk and hookup with someone for a distraction.  Way too often, I woke up not even remembering the event.

"Mhmm, yep," I hummed, with as much eagerness that I could muster up.

Wait, did I leave my phone in my locker? Shit.

I realized that my phone wasn't currently with me, which I can't possible go without it for too long. It's my life support device. I must have left it in my locker when I put my books away before lunch break.

"I'll be back," I said to Violet, lifting her off me and plonking her in the space beside me.

"Oh, I'll come too," she offered.

"Yeah, no thanks."

Violet pouted.

This was the perfect excuse to get away from her. She wouldn't be coming with me, no way. If there was a possibility that she was, it wouldn't be for what she thought might happen while we were gone.

Once I arrived at my locker, I was startled by a booming voice that travelled through the hallway. I recognized who the voice belonged to instantly.

"Hey, you! I said for you to watch it!"

There was a response from another person but it was too quiet for me to make out what they were saying. However, I could still tell that they were frightened. Then I heard a loud bang. Inquisitively, I followed the noises around a corner, mainly because I was nosy and just had to know what was happening.

As I made my way over to source of the commotion, that was when I spotted him.


He looked so scared.


This chapter is a bit shorter that the rest, oops.

I was kinda stuck on what to add into the story for this chapter. I suppose that just what writer's block does!

Vote, comment, share if you liked it, it's greatly appreciated.

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