7 Minutes in Heaven, dattebay...

By mezurashii_shugoshin

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Just a bunch of cheesy 7 Minutes in Heaven stories as well as additional Lemon follow-up chapters. Enjoy my... More

Naruto x Reader ~ 7 Minutes in Heaven, ya know ( Lemon )
Madara x Reader ~ Destructive
Madara x Reader ~ Destructive ( Lemon )
Sasuke x Reader ~ Revenge isn't the only thing I'm good at.
Sasuke x Reader ~ Revenge isn't the only thing I'm good at. ( Lemon )
Sai x Reader ~ Show me how
Kankuro x Reader ~ My Heart is Only Pulled by Your Strings.
Kankuro x Reader ~ My Heart is Only Pulled by Your strings. ( Lemon )

Naruto x Reader ~ 7 Minutes in Heaven, ya know!

12K 163 162
By mezurashii_shugoshin

"Heeeeeey!" A familiar voice yelled out if nowhere breaking your concentration and causing you to lose your balance and fall from a tree.

"Uhf..." you grunted, standing up and rubbng your butt. "That's gonna bruise." You muttered to yourself.

"Heyyyy, hey (y/n), are you alright?" The young energetic Naruto asked cheerfully behind a cheesy grin and squinted eyes.

You eyed him suspiciously. "What are you up to?" You questioned through narrowed eyes.

Naruto grinned wider. "So, (y/n), I am having this party tonight and I was wondering if you'd like to come, ya know."
You thought for a moment. You had been so busy training hard that you hadn't had any time to hang out much with any of you friends. And well.. if Naruto was going to be there... You blushed lightly and turned away trying to hide it, heart beating fast.

"Y/n...?"  Naruto asked again.

"Sure," you chimed before running off leaving Naruto slightly confused. "See you tonight," you yelled from the distance waving your arms like an idiot.

Naruto smiled and blushed lightly. 'So y/n is coming,' he thought to himself nervously as he rubbed the back of his head with his hand.

~ Le Time-skip brought to you by Naruto's  orange underwear! ~

You arrived a little late to the party, you had been so nervous walking to Naruto's house that you might have maybe, possibly, walked up and down the street a few times.


You stood at his door and raised your hand. Just as you were about to know the door opened you banged you fist against Naruto's forehead. You froze in horror at what you had just done.

Naruto burst into laughter, "well, I wasn't expecting that, you know!" He grabbed your hand making you blush furiously and lead you inside.

"Hey, (y/n!)" Kiba shouted followed by an affirming bark from Akamaru. You laughed and ran over to him, taking a seat between him and Akamaru.

You looked around the room at all the people, everyone you knew was here. Naruto was entertaining the group with a story waving his arms around dramatically, Sakura shoved him jokingly and everybody was laughing.

You smiled. 'Something about Naruto just brings everyone together,' you thought to yourself, blushing. 'I love him. WHAT! What the hell did I just say! I mean, I love that ABOUT HIM,' you facepalmed and brought you head to your knees and hugged them. Hiding your wild blush. Kiba had been watching you and you heard him snicker. Without lifting your head you outstretched your arm and shoved him in the side earning a satisfactory "ufh" from Kiba and a collection of howling (laughter) from Akamaru. He knew. They both knew.

Kakashi casually handed out a bunch of different pieces of parchment without looking from his Icha icha book.

"Okay guys.." he said, drawing out his words. "Everyone write your name on your piece and place it back in the kunai bag," he continued lazily, "we're going to play 7 minutes in heaven!"

The whole room erupted In a mixture of groans and giggles. Kiba elbowed you, "pft! Just like Kakashi sensei to give us this game! Pervert!" He laughed. You giggled in agreement and looked over at Naruto. But secretly you wanted to play and you hoped that you'd get his parchment.

One by one kakashi went around the room sending people to said 'heaven' and pair by pair they returned either grinning widely, blushing madly or awkwardly  from the cupboard.

"Gonna tell him?" Kiba barked suddenly.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" You yell-whispered in response. Maybe just a little too quickly.

He raised an eyebrow, "yeah yeah," he grinned and you eyed him before returning your gaze to Naruto who was telling yet more dramatic stories while the group waited.

"Y/n .... y/n." Kiba elbowed you again and looked up and realised Kakashi was holing out the bag to you and everybody was staring.

"Oh!." You reached into the bag and closed your eyes equally hoping and panicing about getting Naruto's name. 'As if I'd get his name,' you thought. 'And if I did what would I say!? Do I tell him? As if he'd like me!'

"Ughhhhh," You quickly grabbed a piece of parchment and handed it to Kakashi. He grinned and lead to to the dark cupboard where you waited against the wall.

Next minute the cupboard door opened and a spiky haired silouette entered the room. 'Okay.. spiky hair. Yep well that is like half the people here,' you sighed mentally.

"Uh, y/n?" A voice broke the darkness and you froze solid.

"Oh. My. Freaking. Ninja," you breathed.

"Huh? What did you say y/n?" Naruto asked, confused.

"Oh! U-uhh, nothing! Ha. Ha..." You awkwardly giggled. "So... Naruto.. my main ninja.. friend... dude... guy.." you cringed and facewalled the cupboard. 'Wtf y/n seriously wtf...' you argued in your head.

Naruto laughed lightly. "Well uhm.." you heard him clear his throat, "I guess it is now or never," he said somewhat awkwardly running his hand behind his head and stepping closer.

You heard his footsteps coming closer toward you and tried to peer through the darkness, confused, until you felt his presence right in front of you.

"You see, y/n..." he trailed off and stepped even closer, placing a hand on your cheak. "Well, you see, I've liked you for a while, ya know. And I was, er, wondering if you maybe liked me back... ya know..."

You stood there in shock. 'What! Was this actually happening to ME. Naruto likes ME. no way. No bloody way. This has to be a joke.'

Naruto felt you stiffen and stood back removing his hand from your cheak, "oh.. uh, sorry, I see.." He sounded defeated and sad.

Then something came over you, you instantly grabbed him and pulled him toward closer kissing him softly once before you pulled back. You felt him sigh in relief and could see the outline of a smile through the darkness.

"I do." You replied. "I mean, I do like, like you! Not like 'I do' like we're getting married or anything or lik-" He cut you off with another kiss a little harder this time and you felt yourself melt away with it. "-ya know..." You finished as you caught your breath, copying that cute dorky speech habit he had.

Naruto giggled and stroked your cheak with his hand and played with your hair. "So y/n I guess this means you're my girlfriend, ya know!"

You laughed blushing fiercely, "I guess it does." And you kissed again just as the door opened.

Kiba peered in, "TIMES UP," he barked loudly,  followed by an affirming yip from Akamaru. Kiba wiggled his eyebrows at you as you walked back to the with Naruto, hand in hand and blushing like crazy.

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