The Switch ( Doctor Who/ Sher...

By azariiaa

3.5K 151 43

A skilled detective and his partner receive a letter. Two supernatural hunting brothers find a letter. A lone... More

The Detective and his Partner
The Brothers
The Switch
All Mixed Up
In Kansas
The Gallifreyan Detective
Solving Cases

The Timelord

455 24 1
By azariiaa

((ah I've been having so many problems with the wattpad app on my Windows so I had to re-write this chapter for a good two or three times. Btw this is Eleven.. originally had it for Twelve but it sounded too much like Eleven))


The Doctor parked the TARDIS off on a hill somewhere in Scotland. He liked to rest up on the hills and look at the stars from a farther view. The stars were beautiful, and slightly dangerous, up close but they were even more beautiful from a distance. At least the Doctor thought so. He sighed and then walked out to the empty field and night sky. The sky was littered with thousands and thousands of burning stars, all probably dead by then. The Doctor could name all of those stars. "That one there, is the Big Dipper. Ah.. I remember when it was a Little Dipper," he said, smiling and looking to his left. He frowned and looked to his right.

He was alone.

It had been weeks, months, maybe years since he had lost Amy and Rory. He felt empty. He had no one to talk to and no one to share his stories with. He looked back up to the stars. He knew that he and the people he loved were like the stars; they were close by heart yet so far away in reality.

Suddenly, the phone from the TARDIS rang. The Doctor paled and then turned around slowly. The phone kept on ringing. Who would call him? It wasn't River... she'd give him a signal beforehand. So who else would call him? He hesitantly approached the phone and picked it up. A voice disguised by heavy enhancements was on the other side.

"Hello Doctor. It is a pleasure to be speaking with you. The Master is alive. He must be stopped. Meet at the bottom of the London Eye by a tree with the markings EB at 8:00 pm exactly."

The Doctor frowned. "Why? Who are you? He-" the Doctor frantically asked. Click. The person hung up before he got to ask. He quickly hung up the phone and ran into the TARDIS. He set the coordinations for London. He checked the monitor for the right year. He pushed some more buttons and pulled a lever. The TARDIS made the familiar whooshing sound of the brakes and he landed near the bottom of the London Eye.

The Doctor got out of the TARDIS and when he did, he froze at the sight of the ferris wheel. He gave a small smile to himself as he remembered. He remembered his first adventure since a long time with a little blonde girl at a department store named Rose Tyler. He remembered how ever since that day, he felt more alive than he ever had before. 

The ping! of a bicycle bell somewhere near the Doctor recalled him back to the present moment. He shook his thoughts away and started looking at the trees. He searched every silver birch and London plane tree in the park and could not find a tree with the specific markings of EB. He sighed and sat down at a tree after a good fifteen minutes of searching. He looked out at the sight. The lights from the London Eye somehow shined brighter than the lights of the city. It was nighttime so everything shine brilliantly against the dark blue and black of the sky. The city lights even seemed to outshine the stars above. Then again, those stars were so far away.

The Doctor sighed. He had never felt so alone. Maybe it was because he had spent years, or at least it felt like years, with people he loved, people who made him better. People who've changed him.

"I've tried every single tree so far. I don't think it's even close to here," a voice said from behind him. The Doctor stood up and whirled around. He saw two men nearby his tree. Unconsciously, he looked at the tree he sat nearby and sure enough, etched onto it was the markings EB. The Doctor looked back at the other two men. They saw him and went around. When they saw the markings, one of them, short male with blond-grey hair spoke wiht a British accent.

"We found the tree," he said.  Shortly after he said that, another two men ran up from behind them.

"Sammy, I think I found it," one of the newer men said in a deep, gruff voice with an American accent. The Doctor stood in awe and looked at the four men. He checked his watch. It was 7:50 pm, Thursday, March 5th.


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