Young Justice: Wonder and Sup...

By NinjagoKaila

72.6K 1.4K 305

She wasn't just and ordinary girl. Her father was Superman, and she joins the Young Justice team with her bes... More

Independence Day
Welcome To Happy Harbor
Alpha Male
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
Happy New Year
Beneath and Bloodlines
Summit and Endgame

Drop Zone

3.3K 59 5
By NinjagoKaila


Mount Justice:
The team was in the BioShip flying to Santa Prisca because we were going on a mission. I could be flying right beside the ship, but Batman said it would be 'non covert' so I have to sit in the Bioship. Fun. Not. "We're approaching Santa Prisca." Miss M said.

Flash back:
"Isla Santa Prisca. This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous all legal neurosteriod. A strength enhancing drug sold under the street name Venom. Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where this team comes in. This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. The plan requires two drop zones." Batman explained. "So who's in charge?" Robin asked. I knew it was his dream to lead the team, so I want to help him whenever I can. "Work that out between you." Batman said. Robin nodded.

End of Flashback:
"Drop Zone A in 30." Miss M said. Aqualad stood up and jumped through a opening in the bio ship. He jumped into the water, the mission had begun. Aqualad soon radioed us. "Heat and Motion sensors are patched. Data is now on continuous loop. Move in.." He said. We flew into the jungle and descended a little. "Drop zone B." Miss M said. The rest of us stood up. We all switched to stealth mode on our uniforms. I pushed a button on my wrist band and my clothes changed to black. Superboy said he didn't need stealth. The others attached themselves to cables, and a hatch opened up. They jumped down, I flew down. Superboy jumped down and made a big crater in the ground. "Knew I didn't need a line." Superboy said. "And yet creating a seismic event may not have helped us much with the covert." Robin said. "Aqualad, Drop B is go." Miss M said Ito the comm link. "Head for the factory. I'll track your GPS and rendezvous ASAP." He said back. "Roger that." I said, as Robin pulled up his holo computer. We all ran into the jungle. Robin and I went ahead scouting, with Kid Flash not far behind us. We found incoming guards on the computer. I looked back to warn the others. But there was no one there. "Robin! Did you make us do your ninja thing without me knowing!!?" I whispered. Robin smirked and shrugged his shoulders. "They were too loud." He said. We kept on walking. Suddenly, gunfire was heard in the air. "Bet that was the guards?" I asked. Robin nodded. We turned and ran the to find the team. We hid in the dress above the gun fire. We saw people with red capes, and others who looked liked they lived here. We hear crashing and KF came tumbling out of the trees. I mentally face palmed. Then they started firing at Kid Flash. I knew I had to save him so I flew down and let the bullets harmlessly bounce off me. That gave him time to get away so I started fighting the bad guys. Superboy came in and took on the big macho guy. Robin jumped from the trees and knocked baddies to the ground and started fighting also. "What is wrong with you KF and Superboy!?" Robin yelled. "Remember covert? Why didn't you guys follow my lead along with Supergirl, and vanish into the jungle?" He asked. "That's what you were doing? Way to fill us in!" KF yelled. "You were right behind us most of the time! I had assumed you were still following!" I yelled punching a guy down. Soon they were all taken down. Except for one who started running away! But Aqualad jumped in and shocked him. We pulled them all to a tree and tied them up. "I recognize those uniforms. They belong to the cult of the Kobra." Robin said. "I am certain Batman would have mentioned if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca's venom operation." Aqualad said. "Agreed. And since there's clearly no love lost between the cultists and those goons. I'm betting Kobra came in and tossed them out. That's why normal supply lines have been cut off." Robin said. "We get it. Kobra wanted super cultists. Mystery solved. Radio Bats and we'll be home in time for--" Kid Flash started. "These cultists aren't on venom. Kobra's hoarding the stuff. We don't leave. Not until I know why." Robin said. "Until you know why?" Kid Flash said. "This team needs a leader!" Robin said. "And its you?" Kid Flash said. Oh dear. I'm gonna back out if this argument. "Dude, you're a thirteen year old kid who ducked out on us without a word." Kid Flash said. Oh I'm joining the argument. "Hey, he may be thirteen, but he has the most experience out of all of us! And it's not like your a mature 15 year old!" I say. "You blew our cover first chance you got!" Robin said. I heard M'gann's voice, "don't you want to lead?" She asked Superboy. "You?" He asked M'Gann. "After the Mister Twister fiasco?" She asked. "You did alright." He said. I found myself smiling. I ship it! I ship it! I ship it! Ok back to arguing with Kid Flash! But I was interrupted when I heard they baddies whispering in Spanish. Sadly I don't know Spanish. "Yeah? You don't even have suoerpowers!" KF said. "Why would superpowers matter!? He's awesome already! I-I mean, all superheroes are awesome with, or, without superpowers." I blushed and backed away near M'Gann. KF looked at me then continued arguing. "Batman doesn't need super powers!" Robin said. "Duh! Your not Batman!" KF said. "Closest thing we've got!" Robin said. Then one of the bad guys started laughing. I think he's the leader of them. "Such clever ninos. But you only know half the story. Let me show you the rest, get you into the factory via my secret entrance." He said. M'Gann bent down to his level. And tried to read his mind. "There's us a secret entrance but he's also hiding something." She said. "Ah ah ah chica. Bane is not that easy." He said. "He's mentally reciting football scores en Espanol. This could take a while." M'Gann said. "It's not complicated. The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Bane said. We all looked at eachother. Aqualad nodded.

Bane lead us to a cliff overlooking the factory. Robin pulled out binoculars and looked at the factory. "Look at all that product. A buy is going down. But if Kobra's not selling to the usual suspects, then-" Robin was cut off. "We need to identify that buyer." Aqualad said. "Just what I was thinking." KF said. "Yeah. Your the thinker." I say sarcastically. Robin laughs. "Sarcasm. Really." KF says. "You know, a real leader would focus on getting answers." KF said. We look to see Bane pull a boulder from a mine shaft looking opening. "Answers are this way." Bane said pointing inside. We walked in. We came to a metal door and Bane pushed a button. Which opened it. We were in. "All clear." Robin said. He ran in and dispappeared. "Has that little fool already been caught?" Bane said. "No, he just does that." Aqualad said. "Stay put. I'll get our intel and be back here before the Boy Wonder." Kid Flash said speeding off. "Kid!" I whisper shouted. Superboy, Aqualad, Miss M, Bane, and I were hiding behind crates. We watched as they loaded newer shipments to be transported to the helicopter pad. "They're only taking newer products of the line. They're not touching this venom." Superboy observed. "Maybe freshness counts?" I ask. "Helicopters coming." Superboy and I say in unison. Miss M flew above the people in camouflage mode. 'Aqualad, sending you a telepathic image of what's going on." Miss M said telepathically. "Sportsmaster is the buyer!?" Aqualad whisper shouted. Uh oh. Aqualad tried using the comms. "Ugh. I can't reach the league, Robin, or Kid Flash." We need a plan, now." Aqualad said. "I have a suggestion. Argh!" Bane said jumping off the platform we were on and attacking Kobra's guards. "What is he-" Aqualad was cut off when something huge smashed through the glass above us. It smashed the bridge and we fell. I caught myself in time though. The three of us, Superboy Aqualad and I, stared at the monster. It looked like Dr. Desmond after he drank the Blockbuster formula. It roared and charged. "Destroy them!" Kobra shouted. I flew forward an attacked the monster with Superboy. Aqualad made a water shield to block bullets. The monster pushed me into a wall, and punched Superboy. We punched him back as sweet him flying. But the monster attacked us again. The monster backhanded me into a wall and I fell to the ground. "Supergirl!" Robin yelled joining the fight. I shakily stood up and attacked once more. I pushed Kid Flash out of the way of incoming bullets. "Miss Martian! Radio is jammed. Link us up!" Aqualad shouted. Suddenly, I heard Miss M talking in my head. "Everyone on line?" She asked. "Yeah." Superboy said. "You know it beautifully." KF said. "I'm here." I say. "Good. We need to regroup." Aqualad said. "Busy now." Robin said making himself known. "Robin now!" Aqualad said. "Strategic retreat. Kid, Supergirl, clear a path." Aqualad said. "Okie dokie!" I say. Kid Flash and I took down some of the guards. We took them down and headed back to the tunnel. Superboy came last because he was still fighting the monster which I do not have a name for yet. Superboy soon joined us. But the baddies followed. "Superboy! Supergirl! The support beams!" Aqualad yelled. "Got it!" I yelled taking out the beams so a wall of rubble separated us from the Kobra guards. Aqualad snapped a glow stick and we looked at eachother through the red glow. "How could my first mission as leader go so wrong?" Robin asked. I put a hand on his shoulder. "You do have the most experience, perhaps that is exactly what ha left you unprepared. Fighting alongside Batman, your roles are defined. You two do not need to talk. But this team is new. And a leader must be clear, explicit. He cannot vanish and expect others to play parts in an unknown plan." Aqualad said. "Oh so I'm supposed to hold everyone's hands! Ah who am I kidding, you should lead us Kaldur. Your the only one who can." Robin said. I smiled. Wally started, "Please, I could run circles--" "Wally, come on. You know he's the one." Robin said. "We all do." I say taking my hand off of Robin's shoulder. "Hello Megan, its so obvious." Miss M said. "Coulda told ya." Superboy said. "Okay." Waly said smiling now. Aqualad stepped in from of Robin. "Then I accept the burden until you are ready to lift it from my shoulders. You were born to lead this team. Maybe not now, but soon." Aqualad said. "And I'll be right by your side the whole way." I say. Robin smiles at me. Aqualad turned away from Robin. "Alright, first priority is preventing that shipment from leaving this island." Aqualad said. "Funny. I had the same thought." Robin said.

We were running through the tunnel now to get to the entrance that lead outside. "Sportsmaster is the supplier/buyer. But it still doesn't track. He doesn't have the juice to acquire the blockbuster formula or to get Kobra to do his dirty work." Robin said. "And neither of them have the chops to bond blockbuster with venom. That took some major nerdage." Kid Flash said. "I believe the expression is 'tip of the iceberg'." Aqualad said. We came to a stop at the entrance where Bane stood blocking the entrance. "Halt ninos, I'm feeling explosive." Bane said. "You betrayed us! Why?" Aqualad said. "He's a villain." I say. Aqualad gave me a sharp look. I'll be quiet. "Anyway, I want my factory back." Bane said. In the mind link, "Kid, you'll need a running start." Aqualad said. "So I forced you into a situation where you would either take down my enemies or die trying. If the latter, the justice league, would certainly have come to avenge their sidekicks. And when the smoke cleared Santa Prisca would be mine once more. Blowing the tunnel with you inside should have the same effect." Bane said. He didn't get a chance to push the trigger before Kid Flash zoomed and took it out of his hands. "With what? This trigger thingy?" KF said. Bane turned to attack but was lifted into the air by M'Gann. "Drop him." Superboy said. M'Gann obliged and dropped him. Superboy knocked him out with a good punch.

We all ran back near the factory and hid in the nearby woods. Once Sportsmaster started walking to the helicopter, Kid flash sped in and took down some guards. Superboy then dropped near the helicopter and attacked. "Go again?" SB asked the Kobra Venom enhanced monster. I'm gonna call him KB. KB charged Superboy, and SB sidestepped. "Sorry, not the plan." SB said as Aqualad used his water beaters to carry a large stream of water to attack KB. I flew next to Superboy but we were knocked off our feet by a gun blast. We skidded near some crates and kept Sportsmaster's attention. Miss Martian flew into the helicopter to place an explosive. But Sportsmaster saw M'Gann and pulled her in a head lock. Sportsmaster started firing his gun at us again. He backed up into his chopper and threw M'Gann who crashed into us, sending us to the ground again. I stand up and help M'Gann up too. "Thanks." She said. The team regroups to find where Robin is. We see him near the edge if the forest fighting the leader of Kobra. Kobra threw Robin to the ground and put his foot on him. But Robin got out of the hold by flipping backwards. He came to a stop near me. Kobra looked at us, "Another time." And he disappeared into the jungle shadows. Robin ran forward to check, he was gone. Robin walked back to us. We walked as Sportsmaster's helicopter explode, and the remains crashed into the factory making it explode as well. Sportsmaster used a parachute to float into the jungle. We'll fight him some other time. Right now we won. "We picked the right guy to lead." Robin said smiling at Kaldur. "Automatically making you the right guy to explain this mess to Batman! Hahaha!" Robin said laughing.

Mount Justice:
Batman paced in front of us. "A simple recon mission. Observe and report. You'll each receive a written evaluation. Detailing your many mistakes. Until then, good job." What? "No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. How you adjust to the unforeseen is what determines success. And how you choose who leads, determines character." I smiled at Robin, and he grinned back at me.

After school a few days later, by the way I got an 'A' on my math thanks to Dick, I walked into our house and sat on the couch. After flipping through channels on the tv, my dad walked through the door. He had been on a Justice League mission so I never got to tell him about our mission. "I'm home." Dad said. "Guess what! Our mission was awesome! We stopped Sportsmaster and Kobra from using Kobra Venom! And Aqualad us now officially our team leader!" I said. "That's awesome!" Dad said. "Has mom come home yet?" He asked. "No, she's still at work." I say. (A/N: I don't know if Lois and Clark are married or not, but in this story, they are.)
"Hey, we haven't done anything together in a while. Do you want to go someplace?" Dad asked. "Really?" I asked surprised. "Yeah, does the bowling alley sound good?" Dad asked. "Alright! I'm gonna destroy you!" I say running to the car. Sadly we can't fly there. Secret ID's and all. We went to the Metropolis Bowling Alley and got a lane. I was up first. I stepped up to the line, swung the ball back, and let it go! I watched as it hit all of the pins. "Strike!" I say jumping in the air. "Don't get to confident." Dad said laughing. I watched him release his ball, and it went in the gutter. Dad frowned. "Oh, is the Superman mad he can't get a strike?" I ask mocking him. Dad turns around and smirks. "But I don't think you can make two strikes in a row. I stand up and grab a ball. I pull it back and release. The ball hits pins. "Double!!" I say pointing at my dad. "In your face!" I say. "Aw come on! Your winning now!" He said laughing. "I won before we came here!" I say. "Oh your gonna get it now!" Dad said. We played a great game and I came out if the building, saying "I won!" "Yeah, want some ice cream?" Dad asked. "Sure!" I say. I like spending time with my dad. "So, do you like a certain Richard Grayson?" "Wha-what I-I??"

Yay! I hope you liked this chapter! The next one is 'Schooled'.

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