A Leap of Faith

By StephanieOS

53 1 1

Samantha O'Connor is a writer and full time student earning her Master's degree. She's concentrated her entir... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Two

14 1 1
By StephanieOS

Samantha felt her heart practically pounding out of her chest as the limo she was seated in neared their destination. She closed her eyes with a heavy sigh and racked her fingers through her hair from both nervousness as well as irritation. She could not believe that Vicky and Alyssa had entered her into a contest to meet Michael Jackson and not only that, she had won! It's not that she didn't want to meet Michael but she certainly wasn't the kind of fan who felt the need to invade his personal space, especially his home. She looked down at the pad of paper in her lap as her other hand fiddled with her pen. She still had homework to get finished and didn't know what to expect from this night so she had figured she could get some work done on the drive to Michael's home he called Neverland. She did always wonder why he had named his home after a fictional Disney world with mermaids, sword fights, pirates, and the promise to never grow up. She glanced over at Vicky who was busy looking through all of the little side compartments around the seats, trying to find something interesting or pressing every button she saw like she was five years old.

"Vicky, you're twenty-one years old. Could you act like it please?" Samantha whispered harshly as she pulled her friend to sit back in her seat.

"Listen, when is the next time we're gonna be in a limo?" Vicky laughed before resigning herself to sitting back against the seat. "Why the hell did you bring a notebook with you anyway? This is not the time to worry about school and classes and crap."

"It was a two-hour drive between Los Angeles and Los Olivos. I figured I could get something done," Samantha muttered.

Vicky leaned over and glanced over at the blank paper.

"Looks like you got a lot done," She laughed, her sarcasm making Samantha's nerves twitch. She was about to respond but her words never came as she gazed out the window.

Her eyes widened when she saw two hefty wooden gates up ahead. The gates opened and the limo proceeded forward but it only took a few moments longer before another set of large golden gates came into view with the word "Neverland" written across the top in sparkling golden letters. Samantha fought back the tears that threatened to well in her eyes. She didn't want to embarrass herself and have Michael Jackson thinking she was a crazed lunatic. He had plenty of those fans already. She had never been one to cry over a celebrity before but this was different. This was a man who came from nothing and now lived in a home large enough that he could give it its own name. The limo continued on as it came to the curve of the roundabout driveway. Samantha looked out the window in complete awe as she gazed out at the lavish cobblestone walkway and the colorful flower beds that covered various areas of the front lawn.

"Now remember what I said. Do not talk about any of your tabloids that you're in love with, don't ask him embarrassing questions, don't be rude...you know what? Why don't you just try and talk as least as possible," Samantha suggested once the driver exited the vehicle.

"Whatever you say, Sam. Why don't you try and remember who got you here in the first place and no, I ain't referring to the driver," Vicky laughed haughtily before rolling her eyes.

Even through her irritation, Samantha had to admit that Vicky was right. She would not be only minutes away from meeting her idol if her and Alyssa hadn't entered her into the contest but she certainly wished that Vicky hadn't remembered the time she covered Samantha's portion of the rent a few months back when Samantha had to attend her grandmother's funeral in Indiana. She made a mental note never to borrow money or let others do you favors again. She had never expected Vicky to blackmail her into picking her as the "guest" she was able to bring with her to meet Michael.

The driver pulled the door open and the girls stepped out only to be met by an older woman of Spanish descent. She had a warm smile on her face and her arms opened in a welcoming gesture.

"Come come, girls," the woman said excitedly as she waved them forward. Both girls made their way up the walkway and Samantha eagerly shook the older woman's hand.

"My name is Maria, I'm the head caretaker of the household," She introduced herself, her beautiful Spanish accent so warm and inviting.

"My name is Samantha O'Connor and this is my friend Vicky Harris," Samantha replied with a smile.

"Well, you ladies just come with me. It's much too hot to be outside," Maria stated as she ushered the girls through the large dark oak wood door. Samantha was sure she was dreaming as her eyes took in the polished hardwood floor, elaborate staircases, and she could see the beautiful living room to her right. The couches looked soft as velvet, the rugs covered with intricate designs, and the large stone fireplace added the perfect touch to make it feel like home.

"Come ladies," Maria instructed as she headed into the living room. Both girls followed and sat down on one of the couches that Maria indicated with her outstretched hand. "Mr. Jackson will be down in a few minutes. Would you ladies like anything to drink?"

"Water would be wonderful, thank you," Samantha replied politely. The moment Maria left the room, Vicky grabbed Samantha's arm and shook her as she giggled with excitement.

"Can you believe this place? This living room is the size of our apartment! God, I wonder how many rooms this place has. I wonder what his bedroom looks like," Vicky laughed, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Quit! You promise you wouldn't do anything stupid," Samantha whispered harshly as she glanced around to ensure no one had heard her friend's words.

"God, I'm kidding," Vicky stated, rolling her eyes.

"You better be," Samantha mumbled before smiling as Maria returned with their drinks.

"He shouldn't be long now," Maria assured before leaving the room once again.

Samantha sighed softly, finally taking a moment to look around and take in the extravagant living room. She stood and slowly moved around the room, gazing at a beautiful replica ship model with big white sales in a glass case. There was also a piano towards a corner of the room which had multiple family photos resting on top of it. She turned and a smile spread across her face when she saw a breathtaking painting hanging on the wall of Michael dressed as though he were royalty; no doubt a gift from a friend. If there was one thing she knew about Michael Jackson, it was that he was the humblest human being on the planet and always was easily embarrassed during interviews or when receiving awards of some kind so there's no way he had the painting made for himself.

"Absolutely beautiful..." She whispered more to herself than anyone else before turning back to her friend. Her eyes suddenly widened when Vicky was no longer in the room with her.

"Vicky?" Samantha whispered harshly as panic began to overtake her. She hurried through the living room looking left and right before skidding to a stop when she saw a large wooden door down a small hallway that was wide open. She glanced around before hurrying towards it and peaking inside.

"Vicky?" She whispered urgently.

"Over here!"

Samantha hurried into the room and felt her stomach drop through the floor when she looked around and knew without question that this was Michael's bedroom. There was a large King sized four poster bed with red sheets and matching comforter, a framed picture that looked like the cover of the Peter Pan VHS tape, a large staircase that lead up to a loft, and then she saw her.

"What the hell are you doing in his closet!?" Samantha exclaimed, her voice still a harsh whisper as she hurried over and tried to pull her soon to be former friend out.

"I'm just looking!" Vicky replied as she dug through the closet.

"Vicky get the hell out!" Samantha practically begged, her fingers threading her own hair and gripping it as alarm flooded her body. Terror reigned in her heart as she imagined being caught! She was only twenty-one but a professional when it came to anything in life that required class and decorum but apparently none of that had rubbed off on her friend over the years.

"Hell, if I find a bottle of bleach in here, do you have any idea how much the tabloids would pay for that kind of stuff? We wouldn't have to worry about rent for a year!" Vicky exclaimed before laughing as she continued to rummage through the closet, pushing clothing aside and shoving other various items out of her way.

"What are you doing!"

Samantha practically screamed as she whirled around as another voice spoke up from behind them in the doorway. It was only then that Vicky stumbled out of the closet, her eyes wide when she realized she had been caught. Samantha's chest heaved with her heavy breathing, her emerald eyes wide as her entire body trembled.

Michael Jackson was standing in the doorway staring at them with a pained expression that made Samantha's stomach churn. He was wearing a blue silk button up shirt, black slacks, and his signature black loafers. His shoulder length black curls were pulled back in a low pony tail and she was sure she had never seen a more beautiful human being in her life. She wanted to say something and explain the situation. Hell, she would gladly throw Vicky under the bus just so Michael would understand that she had never intended on leaving the living room, let alone invade his personal space like his bedroom.

"You know...I had just started to think that this contest wasn't such a bad idea...until now," Michael stated, his voice soft as he took a few steps towards them. His beautiful, large brown eyes were filled with such pain that Samantha was sure she was going to be sick. "I'm afraid that your tabloid pay day will have to take place at someone else's expense."

"P-please..." Samantha stuttered, her voice barely a trembling whisper as she clutched her hands against her chest, desperately trying to make her voice form a sentence.

"My driver will take you home..." Michael stated as he averted his eyes from them before moving past them to shut his closet doors. Samantha inhaled a shaky breath as she watched Michael walk past them again, back towards the door where he stopped to stand beside it expectantly.

Vicky walked first, her head hung low and her eyes cast down at the ground. Samantha's body was on autopilot as she followed.

"I'm so sorry, Michael..." Samantha whispered as she walked past the man she had adored her entire life. Tears filled her eyes as they were escorted out of the house then back into the limo. The moment the doors shut, Samantha broke down in hysterical sobs as she buried her face in her hands.

"Sam...I'm really sorry, I-"

"Sorry! You're sorry?!" Samantha shouted as she whipped her head around to stare at her. "You promised me that you wouldn't do anything stupid! I don't even give a shit that you ruined my day with Michael! I care more about the God damn fact that now someone that I've defended against every disgusting comment or rumor I've ever heard now thinks that I'M one of those people that makes up the same bullshit that's in that tabloid garbage you read! The one man that I've ever dreamed of or loved in any way, shape, or form will now live with the image of me in his mind as some girl looking to make money off of him! The one man who has made me the person I am today; the only person I ever had in my life that taught me to never give up and never to settle for anything less than perfection now thinks that I'm just another inconsiderate and selfish person in this world looking to make a quick buck! How could you do this?"

Samantha inhaled sharply before a sob was torn from her throat, tears pouring down her cheeks as she scooted towards the window, as far away from Vicky as she could. She didn't hear any response and refused to look at her the entire ride back to their apartment. The moment the driver opened her door for her, she stepped out but stopped and looked up at the tall dark skinned man before her.

"I'm so sorry for everything..." She said softly, not trusting her voice enough to speak louder. "Thank you for the ride home." Samantha then hurried into the apartment building,ignoring Vicky's every word at an attempted apology even once they entered their dwelling. Without a word, Samantha hurried into her bedroom before slamming the door shut behind her. She pressed her back against it and let her body slide down against it to the floor as her legs went out from under her. Every tear she possessed fell from her eyes as she pulled her knees to her chest,wrapped her arms around them, and buried her face as her heart ached painfully in a way she never thought possible. Tonight she had finally had the chance to meet the man who had kept her from feeling completely alone...the man who had saved her life even when she had a knife ready in her hand so she could escape the pain of the world around her but now that chance was gone and she was truly alone.


Samantha had stayed locked away in her room for the rest of the day, sitting on the edge of her bed as she looked out her window over the bustling city hour after hour. The sun was nearing the horizon when the sudden ringing of the telephone startled her from her thoughts. She wearily scooted across her bed to pick up the phone that sat on her bedside table.

"Hello?" She answered, her voice completely void of emotion.

"May I speak to Samantha O'Connor?" an unmistakable voice asked.

Her eyes widened when she heard Michael's voice on the other end of the line. Was she dreaming? Had she cried herself to sleep without realizing it?


"Yes, I'm here. This is her," She replied as she gripped the receiver in both hands.

"Oh good, um...hi. This is Michael Jackson calling."

Samantha scooted back on her bed to make sure she didn't fall on the floor as her head began to spin, her heart pounding against her chest. God, he sounded almost as nervous as she felt!

"Hi, Michael," Samantha replied softly, closing her eyes. She could only pray that he wasn't calling to press charges for Vicky's pathetic act of stupidity.

"Hi," He repeated with a soft laugh, her heart fluttering as she tried to imagine the smile that must be gracing his lips. "I was wondering if you would like to come back to the ranch tomorrow morning to um...spend the day with me."

Her eyes flew open and for a moment, she was rendered speechless. Why on Earth was he inviting her back after what had happened that morning? She was certain she must be dreaming.

"Come back to Neverland?" She asked with confusion. "I was pretty sure you were calling to press charges or invoke a restraining order...or something..."

Samantha blushed fiercely as she listened to Michael laugh softly.

"No, nothing like that. I want to apologize for the way I acted this morning. I didn't even give you a chance to say anything," Michael began.

"You had every reason to, Michael. Please don't apologize. I just...I'm a little confused," She admitted before biting down on her bottom lip nervously.

"Marcus, my driver, overheard everything in the limo when he drove you girls home. He explained everything."

Samantha's sigh of relief literally rushed out of her lungs at the realization that Michael didn't think she was a thief or a crazy person looking for money.

"I really am sorry about my roommate. She promised me that she would keep her tabloid-filled mind at home but I learned pretty quick that it was a lie," Samantha stated as she twirled the phone cord around her finger.

"Well, this invitation is just for you. Is eight o'clock a good time for Marcus to pick you up?" Michael asked. She could hear the joy in his voice and it warmed her from the inside out.

"That's perfectly fine."

"Excellent. Oh and make sure to bring a bathing suit and an extra change of clothes if you can," Michael suggested. Samantha's brows furrowed as she pondered his request.

"May I ask why?" Samantha replied with a giggle.

"Just trust me on this one," Michael laughed.

"Okay, then I will see you tomorrow morning. Oh and Michael?"

"Yes, Samantha?"

"I'm really glad Marcus overheard me and Vicky. I...I couldn't stand the thought of never seeing you again, leaving me with the memory of such pain in your eyes," Samantha said softly, letting her words get away from her before she could stop them. She bit her bottom lip when she heard nothing but silence and worried that maybe she had said too much.

"I'm glad too, Samantha...really glad. See you tomorrow," Michael replied, his voice soft and flowing around her as if he were standing right in front of her.

"See you tomorrow."

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