George O'Malley

Oleh GreysWolf202

140K 2.5K 418

Riley Foster, a 24 year old woman who dreams of being a doctor. As she begins her intern year at Seattle Grac... Lebih Banyak

Another fic.
~twenty one~
~twenty two~
~twenty three~
~twenty four~
~twenty five


5.1K 99 12
Oleh GreysWolf202

Rileys POV

   "Ah look at the little baby in the yellow hat!" George mumbles in a baby voice.

We snuck in to the labor and delivery area to look at the babies. George said it would calm us down.

"You are such a women" Meredith laughs at George.

  I laugh at him as his pager begins to go off.

"That's a code, yea I gotta go." He says running off.

  Meredith and I continue to look at the babies until I walk away, leaving her alone.

   I walk into the Pit to see Izzie and Christina watching a women speaking Chinese.

"Wow. Who's stuck with her?" I ask.

  "Me!" Izzie says raising her hand.

"I wouldn't have called you guys but I couldn't get a translator. Can you guys ask her what's wrong?" Iz asks us.

  "Uh no" Christina and I say in unison.

"What why not?" Izzie shouts.

  "Because I grew up in Beverly Hills!" Christina says in a 'duh' tone.

"I'm a 24 year old girl paler than your lab coat?" I respond.

  Christina walks away as Izzie looks at me.

"Okay I get how you think she would speak Chinese but why me?" I ask.

  "Well you read a lot. I just thought maybe-" she doesn't finish, realizing it was a stupid idea.

"Unbelievable" I roll my eyes and walk off

  Alex is sitting next to me on a gurney in the hallway, swaying his feet and yawning. Christina is on the other side of him.

"Don't people get sick anymore?" I complain.

  "How are we going to get any OR time if people just, live?" Alex asks.

"Look. I'll take 10. You take 10. Get in get out. No smiling, no hugging, no letting them cry. Just be quick about it." Christina hands Alex ten files.
  "You're the one that's slow!" Alex teases, running after her down the hallway.

I'm now left alone, sitting on the gurney. I watched as George ran past me with a huge smile on his face, obviously getting ready for a code.

   I give him a small smile and decide to go find Meredith.

  "Hm more interviews?" I ask as she storms off from three other interns.

"Yes. None of them have a good 80s group. One of them said queen!" She complained.

  "Uh, the correct answers are the gogos, Duran Duran, and the eurythmics" I tell her.

She gives me a small smile, signifying that I'm right.

"Aw come one! Why can't George, Izzie, and I be your roommates!" I question.

  "Because I spend every second with you three and I don't want any more seconds" Mer tells me.

I groan, and watch as she walks away.

  "Alone again!" I complain, and realize I'm supposed to be working codes with George.

  "Time of death, 10:44" George says as he writes on the chart.

"Another one?" I ask, peeking my head in the door.

  He gives me a small nod as he walks with me back down the hallway.

"Mer found a mermer in a baby but they won't run tests." I tell him, starting a conversation.

"Meredith did?" His eyes light up.

  I stare at him for a second, slowly smirking.

"You like Mer." I imply.

  "W-what? No no of course not. I mean I'm not saying I don't like her but I'm not saying I do like her.." He mumbles, cheeks reddening.

I feel a pang of jealousy go through my chest, but try to brush it off as I want to support him.

  "Don't worry. I won't tell anybody!" I yell walking off.

"Riley I said I don't like her!"  George yells from the hallway. I can feel everyone's eyes stare at him as I take off laughing

  "You found him?" I question.

"Yea he just pulled up in his car, blood all over him." Christina explains to me

  "He just so happened to come to the hospital where the girl he raped is." I say.

"What are the chances right?" Alex speaks up from beside me.

  "My head hurts!" He complains.

"Oh great maybe it's a tumor" Christina says, making me chuckle.

Izzie then takes a seat in between me and Christina and says, "my fingers are numb I've been suturing all day."

  "At least your helping people" George complains from the hallway.

"At least you're practicing medicine!" Alex reminds her.

  "I had to send my Chinese lady away. She was like, camped out down there." Izzie says as Mer takes George's chips and sits by Izzie.

"Oh boo hoo Izzie had to turn away patients." Christina mocks.

  "So the police say they can't send a crime scene guy down for hours, so I have to spend the night with this box!" Mer complains.

"Alex. Don't say it." I point at him.

  "Aw it's too easy anyways." He rolls his eyes.

George comes and plops down in between Alex and I, causing me to scoot closer to Christina to make room for him.

"Who here feels like they have no idea what they're doing?" He shouts.

  We all proceed to raise our hands, except for Dr.Cocky over here.

"I mean are we supposed to be learning something? Because I don't feel like I'm learning anything!" He keeps shouting.

  "Except how not to sleep." Izzie takes a sip of coffee.

"It's like there's this wall. And the attendings and residents are over there being surgeons. We are over here being.." Christina can't finish.

  "Suturing, code running, lab delivering-"

"Male part minders" Meredith finishes for me.

  "I hate being an intern." Alex complains some more.

Bailey walks into the room and begins to stare at us. She raises her hands and we all run off to go back to work.

End of six!
Thank you all for reading this story. It means a lot :)

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