Fix You (A Paige Hyland/Chloe...

By sleepless-nightz

30.3K 502 38

Something's wrong with Paige and not even Brooke knows what it is. Now it's up to Chloe with a little help fr... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Part 4

3.8K 68 2
By sleepless-nightz

Part 4

They all changed into their pyjamas and settled into Paige’s room. Kelly had come up and given Chloe her bag her mom had dropped off and she also took orders for pizza. They all decided just to get cheese as everyone liked it even if it wasn’t their favourite. Lucky Brooke had brought up drinks because they decided to watch a movie while they waited for the pizza to arrive.

After arguing for what felt like hours they finally decided on The Hunger Games. They all laid sprawled on the floor of Paige’s room. Chloe sat leaning against Paige’s far wall with Paige leaning on her shoulder.

Kelly knocked on the door “Girls! Pizza’s here!” Brooke paused the movie and they all scrambled down the stairs to grab the pizza. They grabbed the boxes and sprinted back up the stairs to Paige’s room. They got comfortable again and continued the movie, they all munched their pizza and lounged around. Once the movie finished none of them could really be bothered to do anything else so they decided to watch another movie before they would go to bed as they had to get up early for dance.

They decided on Pitch Perfect and got comfortable again. Half way through the movie everyone started to fall asleep. By the end of the movie they were all asleep in whatever position they were lounging in.

Chloe woke up halfway through the night to hear soft cries coming from her shoulder. She looked over to see Paige crying. Chloe looked around to make sure no one else was awake as she stood up and held her hand out for Paige. Paige looked up sceptically before gabbing Chloe’s hand and getting up. They maneuvered around everyone and walked out the door.

Chloe still holding Paige’s hand walked down the stairs and out the back door to the garden. The air was fresh especially since they were both in shorts and singlets. Chloe didn’t speak she just guided Paige down the steps and they walked in silence. Chloe wasn’t going to make Paige talk, if she wanted to she would.

“Thank you.” Paige said after a silence.

“What for?” Chloe asked, they stopped walking and sat on the grass. Chloe laid back and stared up at the stars and Paige followed.

“For getting my mind off things.” Paige watched the stars with Chloe. They stayed in silence for a while.

“What are best friends for? When all else fails get their mind off the problem.” Chloe smiled at Paige who returned it. They laid outside for a little while until they started to get cold. The both shivered and decided to go back upstairs to bed. The quietly made their way back up the stairs. Making sure to go slowly so that they didn’t make any floorboards didn’t creak.

They walked into Paige’s room to see everyone still sleeping in awkward positions. They tiptoed around the girls and settled back down in their spot on the floor. Chloe pulled Paige close to her and they both fell asleep. They were all awoken by Kelly banging on the door. Chloe and Paige where still in the same position. All the girls groaned and stretched except Brooke who had smartly slept on Paige’s bed.

"I had a wonderful night sleep, how did you guys sleep?" Brooke asked, she knew that they that all slept in awkward positions.

"Fine, we slept great. How did you sleep?" Maddie asked, annoyed that she would ask that question.

"My sleep was fantastic, best I've had in ages!" Brooke was just trying to annoy them. They all jumped on her and tried to tickle her. Once they had finished they decided to get ready for dance. They all had a shower before going downstairs to a table full if food. 

They all sat down at the table and dug in to the food. Sometime during the time they were eating, Kelly, Randy and Josh came down and joined them. Once they were finished they cleared to table and made their way out the door to the car.

Luckily Kelly had an 8 seater car otherwise they wouldn't be able to get everyone to the studio. They all climbed into the car. Brooke in the front with Chloe, Paige and Kendall in the middle and Maddie, Mackenzie and Nia in the back.

They were all taking about who they thought was on the top of the pyramid and who they thought would get solos. Brooke and Chloe kept glancing at Paige, Chloe held her hand and on occasion squeezed it and waited for Paige to squeeze back. They pulled into the studio parking lot and they all got out of the car. None of them ran into the studio, they all just walked in and into the dancers den to wait for Abby to call them in for pyramid.

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