New Girl

By flowerchildDF

113K 2K 498

"You dropped this." I heard a husky voice say. I turned around to look at what I dropped and realized it was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 11

4.4K 92 29
By flowerchildDF

Ditch Day - Part 2

"Mind explaining to me what you're doing here?" My dad asked me. I gulped. I completely forgot my dad worked here. Where exactly? At New York University. How did we get here? Well, Chris might have forgotten to mention that his dad is the Dean of the freaking University! And I may have forgotten that my dad worked here as an Architecture professor. Whoops.

"I uh..." I said not knowing what to tell him. Where is Chris?!

I should probably explain what happened earlier. After leaving the witch behind, Chris drove to his dad's job, New York University. I was confused as to why he brought me here at first, but he then explained to me that his dad worked here. To say I was in shock would be an understatement. He was walking me towards his dad's office - and me being the curious person I am, couldn't help, but wander off. This school is amazing! Maybe I should apply here after I finish off with High School...

Anyways, while I was wandering off I sort of... might have lost Chris, well more like I lost myself. I managed to find my dad though. He usually does night shifts so I have no idea why he's here right now. So here I am. Busted.

"There you are." Chris said to me not noticing my dad in front of me. "Oh hey Dave." He said casually after noticing my dad - wait, what the hell did he just say? Did he just call my dad by his first name? I stared at my dad and saw him smile at Chris, but then the smile faded after he realized Chris was with me.

"Chris, I see you've met my daughter and that's great, but shouldn't you two be at school?" My dad asked raising his eyebrows. I looked at Chris and saw that he had that 'oh shit this is Melody's dad' look; but that look was soon replaced with a polite smile. I creased my forehead confused. What is he planning?

"Oh, I came with Mel to show her around the University. The school wants us Seniors to show around the Juniors the University that the we plan on attending. That way the Juniors can get a visual of where they want to apply." He said shrugging it off. Oh he is good. I almost believed him.

"Oh. Well, what do you think of the University Mels? You like it so far?" My dad asked with this spark in his eyes showing me that he wants me to attend here. Why? I'm guessing it's because he wants me to stay here with him. I smiled.

"Yea I love it. I actually started thinking about applying here." I stated with genuine interest. My dad smiled.

"What were you doing by yourself just now?" My dad asked looking curious. I blushed.

"I, um got lost." I mumbled the last part. My dad and Chris chuckled. I frowned confused as to how they know each other. "How do you two know each other?" I asked raising my left brow, "and first name basis?" They both chuckled again making me more agitated and curious.

"I'll tell you later, come on let me show you towards my dad's office. And don't get lost again." He said teasing me. I playfully glared at him.

"Bye dad." I said.

"Bye Melody. See you back home." I nodded walking off with Chris. I breathed out a sigh of relief. That was close.

"Looks like I won't be having trouble getting your dad to like me." He said with a smug smile.

"Why? And how do you know each other?" I asked again.

"You remember your first day at school when I wasn't there in Art class?" He asked. I thought back and nodded. "I came here. I'm going to attend here; we're not supposed to find out if we got accepted until March, but being the Dean's son has its perks. When I came here I paid a visit to the new Architecture teacher because I want to major in it. And it turns out that the new teacher is your dad and we hit it off." He shrugged smiling.

"Oh." I said nodding. We were still walking when we came across a lady that looked around 30 behind a desk, she is gorgeous. She has dark brown hair, around 5'5", with a nice figure. She looked up and gave off a big smile when she saw Chris.

"Came to see your dad?" She asked with a spark in her eyes when she mentioned his dad. That look... it''s the same look my mom used to give my dad years ago.

"Yea, I finally got proof." Her face cheered up when he said that.

"Are you serious?" She asked looking hopeful.

"Yes, with the help of Mels." He said wrapping an arm around my waist making me get butterflies.

"Oh, how rude of me, I'm Donna, his father's secretary. I'm guessing you're Melody, Chris told me about you." She said teasing Chris making his cheeks turn a slight crimson color. He's blushing? "It's nice to meet you." She said standing up and giving me a hug, I was surprised at first, but I returned the gesture.

"Thanks, it's nice to meet you too." I said when we pulled away. "Is Chris' dad in his office?" I asked pointing to the door that had written 'Dean Luke Turner.'

"Yes, you can go right in, he's been wanting to meet you." She said with a knowing smile. Chris told his dad too? I felt myself starting to get nervous. I know I'm not Chris' girlfriend, but I'm still nervous as to whether his dad will like me or not.

"You told my dad?" Chris whined.

"You know I tell him everything about you and Lesly." Donna said, chuckling. I'm guessing Lesly is Chris' sister. "Go in." She said nodding her head towards the door. I gulped. Chris took hold of my hand and led me in. He knocked on it twice and then opened it.

"Dad?" Chris asked. A man who looked like in his early 40's looked up from his table. He was sitting on a black leather chair doing some paperwork. He has green eyes unlike Chris, but they have the same chocolate brown hair. They don't look much alike so I'm guessing Chris looks more alike his mom, but I can see where he gets his good looks from.

He looked sad and drained. This made me second guess myself as to whether we should show him the video of his wife cheating on him.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?" He asked not noticing me yet. Figures, I was hiding behind Chris because I was too scared to meet him. On cue, he noticed me. He had a look of confusion before his eyes brightened. "Melody?" He asked unsure, squinting his eyes.

"Uh, yea. Hi, it's nice to meet you. Your school is really nice." I said. He smiled.

"Call me Luke, and thank you, I do my best. What can I do for you two?" He asked standing up. I looked up at Chris and saw that he was already staring at me with a poker face.

I tried to warn him with my eyes that maybe it wasn't a good idea to show him the video, but who knows what was going on through that handsome head of his. Chris reached in his pocket, taking out his phone. I sighed, hopefully his dad - I mean, Luke, won't take it bad.

"We want to show you something." Chris said searching for the video on his phone.

"Ok." Luke said confused. Chris found it and showed it to him. Throughout the video, his face was expressionless. I gulped. What if he blows up? I was fidgeting with my necklace when the video was done. He sighed, still looking at the phone. "I know." Chris' dad stated, looking up at him with a small tired smile.

"Wait, you know? And you're still with her? Do you know how much I had to put up with her?" Chris' voice got louder and angrier with each question. I touched his back to signal him to cool down. Luke's dad saw and smiled.

"I made an appointment with a lawyer already. I was planning on calling you today after school so I could tell you, but since you're here and you know already, I'm going to skip ahead and let you know about the rest and where you're staying." He said.

"Staying? So I don't have to live under the same roof as the witch?" Chris asked for confirmation. I couldn't help, but smile at the nickname for Anastasia. Luke ignored the nickname and continued on.

"Yes. For now we're staying at an apartment, I already let Lesly know since she'll be here by Friday. I have the address here." He said looking around the desk for it; after he found it he walked towards the door where his coat was hanging on a hook and took out a set of keys. "Here. I suggest you go back to the house right now and pack up some of your belongings, the rest of your stuff can get packed up later when we find a new place." His dad said while Chris just nodded his head, taking in the information.

"Are you going to be there tonight?" Chris asked referring to the apartment. You could hear the hopefulness he had on his voice.

"Yes." His dad said smiling. "I'll be there around six."

Someone knocked on the door and opened it. We all turned and were greeted by Donna.

"Sorry to interrupt, but your meeting is going to start in ten minutes." She said. I looked back at Luke; he checked the time on his watch and frowned.

"I forgot about that." He murmured with a chuckle. "Thank you Donna." He said with a smile. I noticed there was something in his eyes, it was the same spark Donna had when he was mentioned.

"Why don't we all go out to dinner after?" I blurted out and everyone turned around to look at me making me blush. What did I just do? This is what I get for not thinking before I speak. I shuffled on the spot. I couldn't help myself, someone has to get these two together, I just hope Chris won't hate me for this later on. "Um, I mean, it's because you said you get out at 6 and I thought that'd be a good idea." I mumbled the last part biting my tongue to shut my mouth. Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut!?

"That's actually a good idea." Luke said making me feel relieved. "Would you like to join us for dinner, Donna?" He asked, making her look shocked. A blush formed on her cheeks.

"Uh, yea." She said. I tried to bite back my smile.

"Done. I'll see you two tonight, and next time don't miss school." His dad chastised, looking menacingly at both Chris and I.

"You two missed school?" Donna said with a not so happy tone. Chris rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and looked at her sheepishly, shrugging. She shook her head at us disapprovingly. "I thought your winter break started this week, when is it?" She asked. Winter break! I completely forgot about that.

"Next week." Chris said making Donna and I nod. She sighed.

"Well you two need to go and you need to go to your meeting." She ordered making us all scurry out of the office.

"It's nice to meet you Melody, I'll see you tonight." Luke said smiling at me and giving a knowing look to Chris. Chris had a hand on my back when Donna came and gave me a hug.

"Same here." She said winking at me. We left the same way we came in through.

"I know what you did." Chris said smiling.

"And, what did I do?" I asked playing innocent, my heart started to race. I hope his smile means he isn't angry at me.

"You know what I'm talking about. My dad and Donna." He said. I looked straight ahead biting my lip. Shit I should have talked to him first about it. "Thanks." He whispered in my ear making me shiver, but also confused.

"For what?" I asked. Why was he thanking me? Shouldn't he be pissed the hell off?

"I've been trying to get them together, Lesly and I both have tried. Donna was a close friend of my mom's; we all adore her. She's like a second mom to us, so obviously we tried to get dad to leave Anastasia to be with Donna, but nothing worked. So, hopefully your little plan worked." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek, leaving it warm. My heart skipped a beat. The gesture was small, but it meant so much to me. "Oh and Lesly is my sister if you haven't figured it out yet." He said adding that piece on information. I was right. We got to his car and he opened the door for me.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

"Uh, well I have to pack." he said rubbing the back of his neck guiltily, "I can take you to school to get your car so you can go home?" He asked sounding sad. Was he sad that he could no longer spend time with me?

"I can help you pack." I offered.

"You will?" He asked shocked.

"Yea, why wouldn't I?" I asked.

"I don't want to bore you, but yea I'd love that." He said with a smile showing all his white teeth. I nodded and he closed my door, going around the car to get to his side.

"How much time do we have left before Anastasia or Drake get home?" I asked while he drove.

"About..." he glanced at the clock on the dashboard, "3 hours."

On our way to his house we talked about random things. His favorite movies and favorite food, the classes he's going to take in Uni, and the company he wants to work for. I feel completely comfortable with Chris. I can talk to him for hours and hours and never get bored. He manages to make me blush and laugh all the time. He's everything a girl wants in a guy -- myself included. Gentleman, sweet, funny, generous, good-looking, hot, playful, etcetera, etcetera.

"My sister sent me a text saying she wants me to pack some of her stuff too; do you mind packing her clothes? It'd be weird if I pack her undergarments." He said rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed. I laughed. I completely forgot he still has on her underwear!

"You can change your underwear when you get home." I said laughing making him grumble.

We were at his house already, walking up the stairs.

"Just show me where her room is and give me a duffel bag too." I said smiling, looking at his intense chocolate brown eyes that make me giddy inside.

"Alright, come on." He said heading towards the hallway. I decided to catch him by surprise so I jumped on his back. He lost his balance, but gained it back by holding onto the wall. I laughed on his shoulder. "Comfortable back there?" He asked while putting his hand under my thighs securely, so I wouldn't fall, and continued walking. "Down you go." He said when we got to his sister's room. I whimpered.

"But it's so comfortable back here." I said rubbing my forehead on his back shoulder. He chuckled and I felt him begin walking again. Next thing you know Chris threw me on the bed. I squealed. "Hey!" I pouted making him laugh. I sat up, letting my elbows rest on the bed.

"I'll give you a piggy back some other time. Right now, we need to pack to get out of here." He said getting on top of me on the bed and giving me a peck. My heart missed a beat. I felt my cheeks going hot.

"I thought we were going to pack?" I asked in a whisper. He had me trapped with his hands on each side.

"Yea." He said looking into my eyes making me dazed. My heart started beating so loud I bet he could hear it. I looked down at his lips when he started leaning towards me.

Next thing you know, I felt his warm pink luscious kissable lips on mines. My heart exploded. His lips felt so right against mine. I sucked on his lip asking him for entrance which he gave me right away. He tasted like mint making me bite down on his bottom lip. He grunted in response. He pushed me back down making my head lay on the bed. I felt his hand caress my cheek while our tongues danced with each other. I pulled away feeling breathless.

"You know we're supposed to be gone by the time Drake or Anastasia get here, not be making out." I said giggling once my brain started functioning.

"Right." He said getting up. "Her clothes are inside that door, just get a lot because she seems to never have enough." He said shrugging. He kissed my lips real quick before leaving. I blew out a breath and threw my head back to the bed smiling, thinking back to that mindblowing kiss.

Ok. Snap out of it and start packing Melody! I grabbed the duffel bag and opened the door Chris pointed to. My mouth literally dropped to the floor when I saw her closet. There was a white dresser in the corner, beside it is a really long rack full of clothes with a wide variety of colors. Underneath the rack are many pairs of shoes and heels. A full length mirror hung on the right side of the wall next to the rack. On the left side of the wall laid a beautiful black vanity that had makeup spread all over, a white cushion seat beneath it. Wow. I looked at everything longingly. And this must not be all of it if she has more clothes with her at the University. I snapped out of it and began packing clothes. I got plenty of undergarments for her along with shirts, pants, pajamas, sweaters, scarves, makeup, and so much more. Everything I packed for her barely fit in the huge duffel bag. I grabbed the bag and began making my way out when I came across a picture Lesly had on her bedside table. It had two kids, one was obviously Chris, he looked exactly the same except with a baby face; the little girl on the picture is really pretty, she has brown hair with the same color eyes as Chris. Each of them were cradled by a different person from behind. Lesly was cradled by a younger happier looking Luke, while Chris was being cradled by a woman who looked so much alike him. His mom. She was beyond beautiful. No wonder Chris looks incredibly handsome. They were all laughing not realizing the picture had been taken.

"Donna took that picture." Chris said behind me making me jump. He gave me a small smile and looked back at the picture.

"How did Donna know your parents?"

"My mom and her went to the same high school in San Diego. When we moved here she stayed back there, but eventually came here to work as an assistant for my dad since she had no job over there." He shrugged. I nodded putting the pieces together. I looked back at the picture. "We were at the park that day. Lesly and I were running away from them because they were threatening to tickle us." He said smiling at the memory. "Donna and my dad didn't really talk back then. My mom was the only woman in his eyes. We moved here and she stayed back; she would come and visit us every now and then. Later on she got unemployed. She had trouble looking for another job and my mom asked my dad if Donna could be his assistant since he was searching for one. My dad agreed since he did anything for my mom. They talked more and became close friends like my mom and her, but nothing happened. My mom then got sick..." His voice went to a whisper and so he cleared his throat. "The only times he has light in his eyes again is when Donna talks to him, and I love Donna, both Lesly and I do. We want him to be happy and I know Donna grew feelings for my dad throughout everything." He finished

"I think Donna's great." I said smiling at him trying to lighten his mood.

"Yea, she is and she adores you." He said making me blush. I looked down at my feet letting my hair cover the side of my face so he wouldn't see my flaming cheeks.

"I also think we should leave before someone gets here." I said looking back up. He looked at the clock that hung on Lesly's room.

"Shit, come on." He said getting the duffel bag that belongs to Lesly. "What did you put in here?" He asked picking up the bag.

"A lot of things. And don't look at me like that because that's not even half of what she's got in that closet." I defended myself. He chuckled.

"My sister's a shopaholic and a 'fashionista' according to her." He said putting quotes around the word rolling his eyes. I bet she is, her clothes are cute and her shoes... *sigh... don't even get me started. I tried helping him with the bags, but he wouldn't budge. Instead, I went and gathered up my drenched clothes I had left in the bathroom this morning and put them in a bag. It was freezing outside, I am so not used to this weather. I got in and rubbed my hands together trying to get some heat out of it. Chris put the bags in the trunk and then got in the drivers side shivering as well.

"I am not used to this weather and I don't think I will ever be." I said trembling. He smiled, his breathtaking smile.

"I would say 'you'll end up getting used to it,' but that'd be a lie." He stated chuckling. He started the car and began getting out of the driveway.

"So where is the apartment?" I asked.

"About a block away from where you live." He said a smirk growing on his lips.

"Seriously?" I asked. Butterflies were making my way in my tummy. That means we'd be closer and can possibly hang out more often. OK I'm getting ahead of myself...

"Yup." He said popping the 'p'. "So we'll drop off the things there and then I can take you to go pick up your car so you can get ready for our double date tonight with my dad and Donna."


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