The Neighbor


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Malia Carter is a 17 year old girl who lives in California and goes to Jamison high. But Malia's different fr... More

I keep bumbing into people
The party and the drama
Boring parents but fun Grayson!
Its our secret
She ditched me and you saved it
Im used to him
Brownies & payback
Party crashers
Let me go
Finally admit it
You never been there?
In the room
Its that time
The break in and the cut
Skinny dipping
In all day
Couple of hours my ass
Challenge Accepted
Still stuck
Little walk
Its not your fault
Crazy day
We're back
The Date
Just a regular day
Back to school & new kid
I love her.
Crazy situation
There date
I missed this
The knock
Just a day
Do i know everything about you?
Not talking to each other
New hair
A/N update
The Fort
James Franco
Authors Note
Months later
Bonus chapter
Bonus Chapter #2 The End
Go check out my other books


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Malia's POV

I wake up cuddled up to Grayson I adjust my eyes to the sun I look at the time 12:26. Why do I always sleep so late. I try to get out of Grayson's grip but he always has a protective death grip on my it's annoying. I then try to crawl under but still useless.

"Can you not struggle for once and just give up" he says his voice groggily his eyes still closed he opens them.

"No because you really shouldn't have that grip on someone" I say he chuckles.

"It's how I's lek an instinct to have a right grip so no one can take the person" he says.

"Yeah it's really protective and you have to not worry...who's gonna take me huh" I asks.

"Mal just get over it and deal with the fact that I'm protective when I'm asleep too so" he says I laugh.

"Ok stop being full of yourself and let me leave" I say.

"No I'm good" he says and pulls me closer.

"I'm not and I'm not doing this again we have a day ahead of us so get up" I say hitting his chest he's shirtless.

"The struggle you have to just get out of my grip is cute" he says with a smirk.

"Shut up" I say hitting him he chuckles he just let's me punch him without a flinch from it. "You know I know a place to hit you that'll hurt like hell" I say.

"Sure ok nothing will hurt" he says I laugh and then punch his dick. "Fucking shit" he says his grips loosens and I get out he grabs it in pain. "I have a headache is that possible" he says his voice strained in pain I laugh.

"I guess I don't know I've never been punched in the dick which I don't have" I say smiling.

"You can be such a bitch" he says.

"Don't call me that dick now I have the right to break up with you" I say angrily he coughs and finally the pains gone. He laughs.

"You're hot when your angry babe" he says. The way babe rolls off his tongue it just sound great.

"Yeah whatever shut up" I say blushing and turning to go to the washroom. But then arms wrap around my waist from behind. He pulls me close my back touching his bare chest.

"You feels great to be able to call you these things now" he says. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah I know" I say "now let me go to the washroom I gotta take a shower" I say.

"Can I join?" He asks I raise an eyebrow.

"No" I say plainly.

"Why" he groans.

"Because I said no now let me go" I say annoyed.

"You look really sexy right now" he whispers in my ear which send shivers through my spine.

" please let me go" I say he chuckles I never really knew how to take a complement. He let's go and I go to the washroom. I strip and go into the shower.

After I change into my beige shorts and a crop top and a cover over as my combat boots. I have beige ones and black ones too. "Ok I'm good to go" I say looking up and Grayson's looking at his phone and he didn't hear me. "Gray" I add nothing. "Yup this is why I'm dating you can be a fucking idiot" I say to myself. I cough loud nothing though. I walk up closer. "I'm naked" I say his head snaps up. "You pig I was talking to you and you weren't answering" I say he laughs.

"And you lied saying you were naked so we're even" he says I roll my eyes.

"Can we go?" I ask.

"Yes" he says. I sigh and we leave the room. I look down in my bag to see if I left my phone "Mal watch out" he says and grabs me and pulls me towards him he smiles nicely at the guy and says sorry.

"Oops" I say he raises an eyebrow.

"Really oops" he says I shrug.

"Sorry I needed to see if I left my phone" I say "which I didn't" I add he chuckles.

"Well next time stop and look don't keep walking you're known as a clumsy person hen it comes to walking" he says.

"Hey that's just rude" I say we go into the elevator and leave the building. "So hats the teacup ride chase was talking about?" I ask.

"It's a whole bunch of giant teacups that spin" he says.

"Let's do it" I say.

"But that means stuck in a cup" he whines.

"Whatever it's for me dumbo" I say he groans and starts walking to the teacups we get the chase is right there with Aaron. "It looks weird 2 guys standing in like for a teacup ride" I say with a laugh.

"Yeah it is" Grayson say. We go next to them Aaron smiles at me.

"Hey babe" he says flinging a Han over my shoulder I chuckle to myself because I know Grayson will get jealous but we haven't told anyone about us.

"You haven't talked much during the trip" I say surprised.

"I know weird right?" He says I nod I take a little glance at Grayson Who is glaring and his jaw clenched.

"Yup weird" I say.

"You know there's always drama in this friend group and you just make it Bette for all of us" he says.

"Thanks that was sweet" I say. "But I don't think I make it better for mister grumpy Grayson" I say laughing.

"Why wouldn't you" Aaron says.

"I don't know I'm a bitch to him" I say he chuckles Grayson pulls out his phone as we wait in the line.

"Why is he grumpy today?" He asks.

"Um I don't know" I say I bend down and tie my shoe leaving Aaron's arm loose and letting it fall to his side. "Get why are you so mad today" I say he glances at me and shrugs. I pop back up from tying my shoe.

"I'm not mad...just annoyed" he says. I raise an eyebrow.

"Whys that" I ask.

"You know exactly why Mal" he says.

"No I don't would you mind jogging my memory" I ask. "Because I think there's two reasons for you being annoyed" I say.

"Nope..." He says.

"There's some real sexual tension going on here" chase says. We both look at him.

"Shut up" we both say annoyed he puts his hands up in defeat.

"Sure" I say we're in the front of the line we all sit in the teacup a soon they all start spinning.

After I'm dizzy. We get out. "That was something" I say.

"Yeah I guess it's more fun when you're a kid" chase says.

"I'm just super dizzy" I say.

"Me too" Grayson says.

"That's wasn't a good choice" chase says I stare at him blankly.

"You dumb idiot why did you tell us to go with you" I say annoyed.

"I just thought because you've never want you want to" he says.

"Whatever I'm going to get some water" I say walking away Grayson catches up.

"You ok" Grayson says.

"Yeah I guess if wanting to throw up is ok I guess" I say he chuckles.

"So you were so jealous" I say he groans.

"I wasn't" he says.

"Yes you were" I say.

"I was just annoyed by chase" he says.

"Ok my fine with this you guys have been friends since forever and now you're gonna ruin it all by one stupid fight I know it was wrong for him to bring up Stella but I think you guys should forgive each other and move on with being friends you guys are like best friends you three are like the duo you do everything together literally everything you guys have been friends since kindergarten longer than you and Aaron so just forgive him" I say annoyed he sighs.

"But he's a dick" he sighs.

"And you're a dick you guys are one big dick...actually" I say he holds back laughter.

"That sounds horrible" he says.

"Whatever now go and forgive and apologize I know it was wrong for him to say all those things but you said some things too now when we see them again you guys better talk" I say.

"This is not how guys deal with there friendship fights Mal they get mad don't talk to each other and then go and are fine so let's see what happens and I have nothing to apologize for" he says I sigh.

"Fine if your friendship is now ruined forever it's not my fault" I say.

"Ok but it won't be" he says. I get a bottle I water and drink it.


The whole day we were having fun and now it's only 5:30 and we went back to the hotel. "So when are we leaving Disneyland?" I ask he shrugs.

"I don't know in a couple of days" he says. I just stand there thinking. "Are you ok?" He asks I nod.

"Just thinking" i reply.

"About?" He asks.

"Stuff...everything" I say.

"Well are you just gonna stand there" he asks he comes in front of me towering over me.

"Why are you so tall?" I ask he chuckles. "I'm way to short" I add.

"Yes you are short I'm only 6 2" that's a normal height" he says.

"No that's a giants height" I say.

"I'm sorry would you prefer short?" He asks.

"No tall great but I'm only 5, 4" that's too short" I say he chuckles.

"It's fine" he says he leans down and kisses me he pulls me close. We pull away.

"So to be clear what's going on is anyone ever gonna know what's happened between us?" I ask.

"Yeah eventually but I like it how it's just to us" he says.

"Is this one of those things where it's like you are embarrassed of me?" I ask he chuckles.

"Ok wow first I can't believe you thought that second why the hell would I be embarrassed of you everyone likes you" He said.

"I'm just asking" I say.

"Well stop asking so many damn questions" he says and kisses me again. His hands go to my waist mine go around his neck. His lips are so nice they feel nice and wonder every girl wants to be with him god he's great at everything. I pull away. "I'm gonna change because this is uncomfortable. I say he groans I just walk to my duffle bag I get out my pajamas and change.

"It's only 5:40 why pajamas now?" He asks.

"Well I'm comfortable in this so whatever" I say I get a water bottle and drink it.

"You ruined the kissing" he whines.

"Well sorry" I say non convincingly.

"Yeah sure you are Mal" he says he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"I am now let's watch a movie" I say he then crashes his lips on to mine. He walks back until he's sitting on the bed me on his lap. Then there's a knock at the door he just keeps kissing me I pull away he groans.

"No let's just ignore it" he says I roll my eyes and get up and get it it's chase and Aaron.

"Hey guys come in" I say they walk in.

"Um hey we were wondering we should play a game of truth or dare and get drunk" chase and Aaron both say I raise an eyebrow.

"It is on the list getting drunk" Grayson says.

"But we're in Disneyland is that aloud?" I ask he nods.

"Yes" he says.

I sigh "fine" I give in they smile and walk in. Grayson and chase are still mad at each other say they aren't talking. I sit down as well.

"So this truth or dare is after each dare take a shot and if you chicken out you take a price I clothing off and take another two shots" chase says we all nod and start. "Ok Malia truth or dare?" He asks.

"Dare" I say he smirks and I regret that.

"I dare you to kiss...Grayson for 10 seconds" he says I chuckle that's easy.

"Ok way to make it easy" I say an go up to him and kiss him chase starts counting out loud. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9... 9 and a half 9 and 4 quarters, 10" he says I pull away.

"Really 9 and a half?" I ask he nods with a smile.

"Now take a shot" he says I do and it burns.

"Fine Grayson truth or dare?" I ask.

"Dare" he says nonchalantly.

"I dare you naked in the halls yelling" I say he chuckles as if it's no problem.

"Fine just turn if you don't want to see me naked" he says. We all turn. "Wow ok" he says I laugh. "Ok I'm naked and I'm emerging into the hall" he says and the door opens.

"Someone has to go watch him" I say. Aaron and chase do a quick Rock Paper Scissors and Aaron ends up going and we wait and then the door opens.

"Ok I put on my clothes" he says and sits I then see he has a black eye.

"What the hell happened?" I ask.

"Oh um a guy got angry because his girlfriend was starring at my dick because it's like super long and then boom he kinda punched me" he says I roll my eyes he takes a shot.

"Ok well Aaron truth or dare?" He asks.

"Dare" Aaron says I laugh.

"Ok when we get back i dare you to ask maya out" he says I smile Aaron sighs.

"Bro" he says Grayson nods. "Fine but that's gonna be a while" he says.

"And I'll remember that I dared you so" Grayson says. We play in for a while until I'm drunk.

"Guys I'm not drunk...I'm tipsy" I say in a weird voice Grayson raises an eyebrow.

"Oh princess don't try to lie to yourself" he says I giggle continuously.

"You're charming you know that" I say to him. "Aren't you guys drubk" I say.

"You can't even say drunk and no we aren't" Grayson says.

"Ok whatever" I say "I'm dizzy" I say then fall "ouch" I giggle.

"Are you ok Mal" Grayson asks.

"I'm perfectly perfect" I say giggling he rolls his eyes. "Help me up loser" I say he shakes his head he helps me up he practically does everything. "Thanks you" I say.

"Why do you always add the s when your high or drunk?" He says more to himself.

"Well we're gonna go bye guys" chase says and they leave.

"Well you know you have such nice eyes there very soft and puppy like" I say.

" drink this it won't cure the hangover tomorrow but you'll need it" he says handing me water I drink it.

"Um....I think I need to throw up" I say more as a questions.

"Just breath and here change into my shirt and lay down" he says giving me one of his shirts he goes p the bathroom to get something I put it on it's long on me. I lay down. He puts a bin beside me just in case. "You ok?" He asks looking at me.

"Yup...I think" I say he nods he goes to his bag and takes out Advil.

"Take the and there's one beside you for the morning" he says I nod.

He strips to his boxers and get into the bed. I yawn. "I still don't think I'm drunk" I say I hear his deep chuckle.

"You are babe" he says I then just kiss him he seemed surprised but he then kisses me back. He pulls me closer.

Grayson's POV

She just randomly kissed me I don't know why I don't mind either but still surprising I'm usually the first to start the kissing.

"Gray..." She says pulling away.

"Yeah" I reply.

"I think I'm ready" she says fuck.

"No you aren't" I say.

"I am really" she says.

"Believe me you don't want to be drunk ok I would love to really but you aren't ready" I say and sigh...fucking hell.

"Gray I'm ready" she says.

"Malia you aren't ready you're drunk you'll regret it in the morning ok you just think you are ready you really aren't so don't try" I say.

"Grayson I'm saying I'm ready and I mean it" she says more annoyed.

"Fucking hell Malia no you aren't ready ok I'm doing this for you so stop....I would do it if you were really ready and no drunk believe me Mal I would totally do it god you wouldn't even know I wouldn't even hesitate for anything...but I know you aren't ready" I say truthfully.

"Grayson I'm saying I'm ready and I truthfully mean it" I say.

"Malia stop ok just go to bed you would regret it so stop and when you aren't drunk and tell me I won't hesitate" I say she huffs and then just goes to sleep I do to.

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