I Scream Boy |-/ Joshler

By spookyangelo

102K 7.8K 16K

Josh has worked at the local ice cream shop for as long as anyone can remember. Tyler wants to know just how... More

Maraschino Cherries
Yellow Like A Banana Split
With Sprinkles On Top?
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream
My Favorite Flavor Is Crazy
Sugar Cone Lips
Forest Fudge
Candy Leaves
Raspberry Syrup
Sweet, Sweet Secrets
Ice Cream Surprise
Peach Rose Sherbet
Sour Candy
Rose Cone
Swedish Chocolate
Sweet Chili Pepper
Banana Split Decision
Carefree Creme Fraîche

White Chocolate Wedding

2.8K 222 580
By spookyangelo

I'm such a dick for this taking months to be finished but hey it's 3:12 a.m. so I thought fuck it I'll finish it.

Enjoy & be sure to watch for the sequel

The day of the world's rejoice began with a blood red sunrise.

Rising from his bed, Josh slipped from the room, but not before planting a feather-touch kiss on Tyler's forehead.

Taking his suit, he left to get ready in a different part of the house. There would be no forest intervention; he wanted to do this traditionally. And that meant he couldn't see Tyler until he came up the aisle.

Tyler woke up soon after Josh, reaching over and finding an empty space beside him. Without even opening his eyes, he frowned. He knew Josh wanted to do the whole, "I can't see you until the actual wedding," because of his whole life being plagued by supernatural powers and non-human things.

For once, Josh wanted to be normal. And Tyler agreed, though he couldn't help but be sad that the first thing he saw wasn't his smiling face on their wedding day. Instead, it was a pillow, one that smelled of Josh.

Holding it close to his face and inhaling, Tyler smiled. Josh always smelled like fresh flowers, as one would expect, and a little bit of sugar. Just pure, granulated sugar.

His morning happy time was interrupted by a knock on the door, soft and patient.

"Tyler?" A voice followed.

Madison, the 14 year old sister, had come to wake him up. Jay and Zack, both now 16, shuffled in after her as they waited for him to respond.

He sat up in the bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Yeah?" He replied.

"You gotta shower and get dressed. Everyone set up the ceremony area and...its's beautiful." Madison announced, her hand leaving the doorknob as she sat on the edge of the bed.

All three of Tyler's siblings had anxiously been awaiting this day. Having grown up into the forest-filled world, they accepted it. It's not like they were lonely; they had every wood nymph and sprite and flower to be with. They were just as good as humans, if not better.

And now, when their brother was to be wed to the prince of the forest, they all had flown from their beds to see the decorations provided by the wood creatures.

"I will. Is mom awake?"

"She's downstairs helping with the decorations. You should hurry up, Josh has been in the forest since 7 a.m." Jay said.

Tyler chuckled and tossed the covers aside. "The whole world's a forest, Jay."

"You know what I mean." He replied, making a face.

Tyler's suit had been expertly pressed and hung up on the wardrobe. He walked up to it and ran his hands down the smooth material. This was the most important suit he'd ever wear.

"We'll be downstairs." Zack said as they took their leave. Each of them smiled at him, knowing he was anxious to get down there as well.

Showering at the speed of light, Tyler primped and preened his hair to perfection, shaving as well. Standing before the bed, he looked over the suit.

Beside it lay a small circle of blue flowers to be pinned to his breast: Forget-Me-Nots. Tyler smirked at the irony and meaning behind them as he shed the towel and started getting dressed.

The golden-framed body mirror across the room held Tyler's reflection as he checked every last detail. He patted his chest pocket that held the note cards he had prepared and nodded to himself. The flowers looked just right, the suit fit wonderfully. And the smile, oh, the smile.

It was the smile that Josh would constantly swoon over, telling Tyler every time just how happy it made him. If the redhead was there, he'd be fixing Tyler's bow tie and kissing those perfect lips that formed that perfect smile.

Tyler decided he looked just right. It was the biggest day of his life, and he knew that Josh would marry him regardless of what he looked like; even if he just rolled out of bed.

So Tyler headed down the stairs, noticing that the banisters had vines and flowers wrapped around them. The man assumed the entire wedding would be flower themed, and he wasn't complaining.

Down in the kitchen, he found a small breakfast waiting for him, with a note sitting at its side. As Tyler chewed one of the apple slices, he read it.

You know I always make you big breakfasts, but you gotta save room for cake :)

-Your prince

Tyler beamed at the writing, his heart filling up with warmth. He pocketed the note and ate the rest of his breakfast, which consisted of freshly picked nuts and berries, as well as a few fruits.

Ever since the world had been overcome by a forest, woodland and farm animals voiced their opinion on being hunted and eaten, so the remaining humans resorted to becoming vegan.

Every once in awhile, chickens would gladly give up their eggs to the princes of the forest, as payment for freeing them from the clutches of humans and their corporations. Bees and cows have done the same, with honey and milk.

Stepping out into the backyard, Tyler was blown away by the decorations.

The aisle consisted of a petal-strewn walkway, the arch where they were to stand under was bursting with color. White satin hung from the trees in bunting-style adornments, and the high priestess who would be conducting the ceremony was preparing herself.

The High Priestess of the forest

She sat atop a withered old tree stump, placing flowers in her hair delicately. Blomma was helping her, complimenting her every five seconds. She was just so excited; the kingdom would have rulers once more.

Upon seeing Tyler, the priestess, whom had only met him once, rose from her spot and bowed to him. "My king." She addressed him, her voice a silky-smooth touch.

"Not yet, but I still am thankful." He replied. His speech had become much more respectable and official, having grown into his place as prince and soon-to-be-King. He spoke to his loyal subjects as Josh did. Well, with a little less Swedish.

"Are you ready to be wed?" She asked him.

"I have been for a long time." He said with a happy sigh, thoughts of what times to come filling his head.

"Then it only makes my job here more honorable. Please, enjoy." She gestured broadly to the scene around him, which was abuzz with activity as sprites and other dryads grew flowers and bushes to line where the entire forest would be watching.

It would be the wedding of the century, and all creatures and flowers were invited to watch. Not everyone could make it, seeing as how there was no way to host the entire world, but the wedding would be recorded on one of the last few pieces of technology, and Polaroid pictures would be snapped every second.

Tyler didn't know what to gawk at in amazement first. There was a buffet table lined with bowls and platters of food, which was also decorated with buntings of white.

There were no chairs, seeing as how deer and bears and water spirits would have no need to sit down. There were simply large plots of soft grass outlined by the bushes and flowers to keep everyone in order.

"Tyler!" His mother called out. She came from the forest, where she had been assisting a group of local flowers that had been constructing intricate flower crowns for the two grooms to be placed on their heads as they said their vows, as she wore her own.

He lit up into a smile and ran towards her, their bodies colliding under the two large trees. He held her tight and laughed giddily.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you." She said, her voice muffled as she pushed her face into his shoulder. He had grown taller than her these past few years.

"Thank you, mom." He replied.

Raising a hand up to the back of his head, she caressed his soft brown hair. "I always knew you were special. This just proves it."

Tyler couldn't help but laugh. "Don't let the others hear you."

"Oh, we heard."

Madison, Jay, and Zack came up to them all now dressed in their best. Jay and Zack had Forget-Me-Nots pinned upon their chests as well, and Madison had a few, as well as violets, sprinkled in her hair.

"I should get ready," their mother said as she unglued herself from Tyler and wiped away tears. "You all look so wonderful. Your father would be proud."

Always a sensitive subject, even when he was alive, their father rarely came up in conversation. Yes, they all loved him dearly, but a world such as this would not be able to exist with his poisonous mindset.

"Yes, he would be." Tyler said softly, his hand on his mother's shoulder. She offered him a smile and left for the house.

"Sun's high in the sky," Jay observed, his head tilted to the heavens as he squinted in the midday light. "We should start soon."

At the thought of the impending wedding, Tyler felt his knees go weak and his palms get sweaty.

"Y-yeah, we should. Can you get Josh to call everyone to the ceremony? I'll go stand up by the altar." Jerking his thumb back in the direction of the priestess, Tyler waited for a nod from any of his siblings before walking back to the stump.

There, Blomma could sense his unsettlement. "My prince, are you nervous?" She asked gently, hands on his shoulders.

"Yes. Very." He said through a tight throat. He hung his head, his eyes trained on the bright green grass below him.

"That's perfectly natural. When I married my husband, I wouldn't talk for a week before. You'll be fine; you love him, don't you?"

"So much." Tyler replied through a happy laugh. Now he was looking up at her, eyes tearing up.

"Then let your love guide you. Soon, you shall both be king and the forest can rest easy."

The responsibility of ruling the whole forest was a heavy burden, but one that Josh was more than willing to teach Tyler how to handle.

Besides, the world wasn't like it once was. There was global peace and understanding. Nothing would get in the way of a happy ending.

After waiting what seemed like hours, guests began taking their spots in the audience. Tyler heard gentle flute music flow from behind him, turning around to find that a small band of fairies were playing woodwind pipes and banging small drums.

That was his cue to walk to the back of the ceremony area where he waited with his mother. He focused on the altar and the spots that he would be standing at with Josh.

Blomma and the priestess both waved, relief washing over him. If his soon-to-be subjects were just as they are now, he had nothing to worry about. The kingdom would be peaceful, and Josh would be the best king that the forest had ever seen.

Suddenly, the music turned more upbeat, just slightly, as a figure emerged from the forest behind the priestess.

Dressed in a fine, well-pressed suit, the man with appropriately green hair dyed by berries came to stop at the stump, his hands folded in front of his body.

His eyes landed on his fiancé in the back, past the citizens of the forest, past the alarming amount of flowers, and he looked to him only.

He looked gorgeous. 

Impatient, Josh whistled to the band to start the wedding march so he could see his prince up close sooner. He had to see him, he had to hold his hands as they vowed to marry one another.

The wedding march began, and Tyler entwined his arm with his mother's. Madison and Zack both led them down the aisle, sprinkling flower petals on the ground.

Memories of the two of them proclaiming that they wanted to be flower boy and girl flooded into Josh's mind. He hated remembering those days, but there was light in darkness. And them as young children always held a place in Josh's heart.

They all walked down the aisle, every pixie, dryad, crow, squirrel, and water sprite admiring the beauty of their new king.

As Tyler drew nearer, a soft gasp came from Josh.

He couldn't believe this was happening. It was unreal. It was a dream.

Tyler himself couldn't hold back tears at the sight of Josh. There he was, standing at the altar with full intent to marry him, him, and rule the entire world together.

"Tyler..." Josh whispered.

All Tyler could do was smile; smile and try not to break down in the worst sobbing fit that anyone had seen in the history of everything.

His mother kissed his cheek, saying once more how happy she was for him. Then, turning to Josh, she embraced him and whispered, "Take care of him."

He too kissed her cheek and nodded. "I always will. Thank you."

She gave them a slight bow of her head and returned to her seat, the last swell of music dying out.

Tyler and Josh faced each other, holding hands. Tears in their eyes, their lips quivered anxiously.

"Welcome," the High Priestess's voice seized control of every single being attending the wedding. "to the wedding of our king and his own prince. Today, we have gathered as a forest to welcome the two as rulers of our land."

Her voice quieted a few decibels as she called for the ceremonial fairies to deliver the crowns. "The flowers, please."

Fairies flitted about the air as they placed the custom-made crowns upon the heads of the two men. The flowers rested gently on twisted branches and vines.

"Dearly beloved, no matter your skin color nor your species, we are all welcomed here to witness the marriage of our kings. Should anyone object, say your words now."

Silence settled over the audience. Not one forest creature stood to object, no-one even blinked.

The High Priestess smiled. "Just as I thought."

Light laughter came, and Tyler and Josh smiled at one another. Their hands together between their bodies, both their fingers tapped and fidgeted nervously.

"You may read your vows, if you wish." said the Priestess.

"You first," Tyler whispered with a smile. He swallowed hard, waiting as Josh held eye contact with him, chin tilted upward slightly.

"Tyler Joseph, you are my star. Floating high in the sky, I was able to reach up and pluck you from the Heavens as if God himself delivered you to me. You are my beginning, my middle, and my end. Together, we can grow old and raise our children who in turn can rule the forest."

In the crowd, the water sprites burst into heavy tears, their high-pitched cries childlike as they held their hands over their eyes.

Tyler himself rolled his lips together as he held back tears. His eyebrows furrowed deeply as if he was biting into an extremely hot pepper.

"I love you so much, Tyler. I would do anything for you, I would trek a million miles across the world just to save you from any sort of danger. I will keep you safe no matter what. And this day, the most important of them all, will always remain in my heart for the rest of my blessed life. It's blessed because I have you."

The Priestess wiped away a tear, nodding in approval. "And you, Tyler?" She gestured to him.

Clearing his throat, Tyler looked to Josh's hands. They held onto his tightly, thumbs gently rubbing his soft skin. He didn't want to let go to reach into his suit for the note cards.

Fuck it, he thought. This would be a mix of what he had memorized and what was in his heart.

"Josh, when I first met you, I knew I didn't have a chance. You were the cute redhead that worked in the ice cream shop. I used to fantasize about our relationship, the dates we would go on. But every day, I went in and just daydreamed as I looked at your face. I never paid attention to what was really going on, to what you really felt. I was a blind idiot."

Tyler gave pause. Now, he had to speak from the heart. He had to say what felt right.

"You cured my blindness. I was able to see that you loved me, that we did have a future together. A future as the two kings of the forest. And now we can start a family, we can..."

Tears sprang from Tyler's eyes as he bowed his head and shied away from the crowd. Josh saw his nervousness and ducked his head as well, blotting the tears with his sleeve.

"It's okay, Tyler." Josh whispered in his ear as he kissed his cheek. "You can do it. I know you can."

"I know, I know," Tyler sniffled loudly. "Thank you."

Sharply inhaling, Tyler faced up again. The forest was quiet as they waited.

"We can enjoy our sweet serendipity from now until the end of time."

Josh's eyes twinkled with wonder at Tyler's little wordplay, his smile growing more and more.

"Now," the Priestess began to wrap up the ceremony. "Do you, Prince Joshua William Dun, take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Eyes focused on Tyler and only him, Josh nodded. "I do." He said.

"And do you, Tyler Robert Joseph, take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?"

This was it. The moment that Tyler had spent countless hours awake at night waiting for. He was about to utter the two most important words of his life.

He swallowed, hard.

"I do."

"Then you may now kiss the groom."

Their lips collided, moving together in a perfect symphony as praise rained down upon them from the creatures of the forest. Flowers bloomed in a grand display all around them, brought to life by Joshua as his heart soared.

He had Tyler in his arms, kissing him for the first time as husbands. The flowers began to wrap around their bodies in brilliant blossoms of different colors.

And the kiss was just magical.

As the cheering in the background continued, Tyler and Josh separated, slightly out of breath but grinning at one another. Then, Josh whispered a single sentence to Tyler, only for him to hear.

"Ni är blommor som blommar i min själ, min kung."

Tyler had heard enough Swedish from Josh to know what it meant.

"You are the flowers that bloom in my soul, my king."

Tyler burst out laughing happily, allowing tears to stream down his face. He pulled Josh close to him for another kiss before facing the crowd. Now, the party began.

The festivities included a large festival of flowers, activities for the children, plenty of food, and entertainment provided by the sprites and fairies who wished to showcase their talent.

Josh and Tyler enjoyed every moment of it, basking in their newlywed glory. They danced until they could dance no more, and loved as if the universe had never seen it before.

But, there came a time when they simply had to be away from it all. Sneaking away before dessert, the two kings of the forest ran barefoot into town, laughing the whole way.

One of the last preserved buildings remained on the corner of Cherry and Main, as quaint as they remembered it.

The sign hung above their heads as they walked in, the wood old and chipped. The bright paint flaked off in places, but the name was still visible.

Sweet Serendipity | Ice Cream Shop.

Inside, Josh prepared two cones and gave one to his husband. Together, they sat on the counter and held hands until the ice cream was no more.

And the forest was happy.

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