How to survive the zombie apo...

By Erin123Flick

62.9K 1.8K 492

Erin and her friends were looking forward to meeting the BEST BAND EVER, 1D. But when a deadly disease gets l... More

surviving the apocalypse 101 (1d)
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day 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
day 5
day 6
day 7
day 8
day 9
day 10
day 10 part 2
day 11
day 11 part 2
day 12
day 12 part 2
day 13
day 13 part
day 14
day 14 part 2
day 15
day 15 part 2
day 30
day 31
day 31 part 2
day 32
day 32 part 2
day 33
day 34
day 35
day 35 part 2
day 36
day 36 part 2
day 37
day 37 part 2
day 38
day 38 part 2
day 38 part 3 (YES PART 3)
day 39
day 39 part 2
day 39 part 2 and character profile
character profiles x2
day 40 and character profile. (last one)
day 40 part 2
day 41
day 41 part 2
day 42
day 42 part 2
day 43
day 44
day 45
day 46
day 47
day 48
day 49

The End is near

732 38 17
By Erin123Flick

-------------Erin’s POV----------------

The girls and I have decorated the whole shop for the boys and new people. Harry and me sitting in a tree, REALITY.

‘’okay done’’ Mal said. We all had a look around.

There were streamers all around, balloons tied down to the ground and some just floated, there was food and cake and drinks on the table. There was a chocolate fountain in the middle of the food table that kait found.

‘’so um I’m going to um, go clean my room’’ Hailey says slowly walking off.

‘’oh Hailey’s going to get some bowchikawowow, if you know what I mean’’ she goes red and quickens her pace.

‘’eah, so see ya’’ Kait walks off.

‘’two are down for the count and by down I mean, bowchikawowow’’ Bazz laughs at me and shakes her head.

After an hour or so the girls came out and told us all that all that’s left to do is wait.

‘’so how many girls do you think there will be’’ Kait says obviously jelly.

‘’ I don’t know maybe two’’ Liam says.

‘’if one even tries to get close to Lou I will break there face’’ Hailey says with no hint of joking in her voice.

‘’you’re going to make sure she has a Simple, Compound, Comminute, Complex and Compressed face’’ I say and me and Hailey high five.

‘’say whaaa’’ mal laughs.

‘’there the type of Brocken bones you can get’’. I tell her.

‘’my favourites the complex’’ Hailey smirks.

‘’same’’ I smirk back and raise one of my eyebrows.

‘’how do you do that’’ bazz whines, she tries to lift one up and makes us all laugh from her failege.

‘’Honey where home’’ Lou bursts through the door.

‘’LOU’’ Hailey screams and runs up to him and plants many kisses on his face.

‘’do I get anything’’ harry asks with is arms out. I felt incredibly awkward and stuck my hand out.

‘’a hand shake really’’ I give him a quick smile. He put my hand down and embraced me in a warm hug. I smiled and snuggled into him.

‘I’m hungry’’ I little girl pulled on Harry’s shit. We broke up and he bent down to her level. She had red hair. I let I smile grow on my face.

‘’well hello red head’’ she giggled at me.

‘’this is Erin’’ he points.

‘’I know because you told me about her and my new nickname’’. She laughs.

‘’oh and what else did he say about me’’

‘’oh is that food, let’s go’’ harry takes her hand before I can say anything and leaves. I smile and shake my head. I start meeting the new people.

‘’hey who are you’’ I ask to a girl who looks about my age.

‘’hollie-anne, but call me hollie’’ I nod my head.

‘’and you’’ I asked a girl with dark hair.


‘’pretty name’’

‘’thanks’’ she seemed a bit shy and awkward.

‘’and th’’ I didn’t finish my sentence. Shock was clear on my face.

‘’I’m not going to kill or hurt you, I’ve changed’’ he said. I shook my head and backed up. I ran into harry and he held me still.

‘’he’s not going to hurt you, trust me’’ he whispers. I wriggle out of his grip. ‘’you don’t know him’’ I shout.

‘’what’s wrong’’ Hails face fell when she saw who it was. She got in front of me. ‘’ go’’ she whispered. I quickly ran away. HOLLEY SHIT

The rules in the gang if you ever leave you must die, but first be put through torture. HOLLY CRAP, HOLLY CRAP. This gang didn’t take shit.

I hid where Russel was hiding when I first met him, in the big toy store.

‘’Erin’’ Harry called.

‘’get lost’’


‘’yes’’ I call back.

He grabs me out from behind all the stuffed toys. ‘’you should know you can find someone by their voice’’ I try and wriggle out of his grip but he wasn’t letting that happen. 

I poke my tong out at him and he kisses my cheek.

‘’I can’t go out there, I just can’t’’ I shake my head at him.

‘’yes you can’’ he encourages.

‘’you don’t know him’’

‘’yes I don’t but I do know that he’s changed and he’s not interested in hurting anybody, he’s got that jade girl and it’s obvious she’s changed him’’ he puts me on his lap and holds me.

‘’ugh fine’’ the second he puts me down I’m running.

‘’good’’ he chirps. He carries me out, swinging me everywhere.

‘’you okay’’ Hailey asks me as soon as we enter. I nod my head at her. He put me down and stopped me from running.

‘’not so soon love’’ he held me in my spot.

‘’I’m not going to do anything’’ he says.

‘’get bent bitch’’ he backs away a little. Wait WTF. He just backed away; I was getting ready to fight.

‘’I’ve changed’’ he states. Fucking obviously.

‘’okay let’s eat’’ Mal says. We all take a seat, I sit in between jade and Harry.

‘’do you know Jake’’ jade asked.

‘’eah, why’’

‘’what did he do’’ I looked up from my food and into her eyes.

‘’he hasn’t told you’’ I whisper and she nods.

‘’I don’t want her to know’’ Jake say’s pleading with his eyes.

‘’I didn’t want to but here it goes, well first of all he’’ he put a hand over my mouth and dragged me away.

‘’please don’t tell her, please’’

‘’oh well isn’t this different, you’re on your knees begging me please’’ I cross my arms and pop a hip out.


‘’whatever’’ I walk out from the kitchen and sit back down.

‘’are you all right’’ Harry asks.


After dinner we all started talking. I got to know everyone and Jason and Russel seem to be close. If you know what I mean.

‘’okay well we are going to go to bed’’ Hailey says and Holds Lou’s hand as they walk off.

‘’oo ee oo aa aa tingtangwallawallabingbang, and then they went to sleep’’ I joked, Hailey once again blushed  and walked quicker.

‘’hey no one’s denying anything’’ I say, Hailey was now almost running out and finally made it.

‘’bowchikawowow’’ I said. ’’Shut up’’ Hailey yelled. Jade and I laughed.

I got to know Dylan and Conner. It was so obvious that Conner had a thing for Dylan.

Dylan seemed like the average girl next door. Conner seemed like the average boy next door. Match made in heaven.

‘’so Liam are you single’’ Dylan asked.

Oh no, this is messing up my perfect match in heaven image.

‘’yeah, are you’’ Hollie asked. Wait hold da fuck up. What.

‘’um yes’’ he smiles.

‘’kool’’ Hollie says.

‘’so can you give me a tour of the place’’ Dylan stands and takes his hand before he can say anything.

‘’ call it’’ I say.

‘’for Hollie that is’’ the girls nod in agreement.

‘’Zayn can I talk to you’’ Bazz says. The girls watch them carefully. Once there gone thee questions roll in.

‘’okay shut up, yes there breaking up, bazz told me’’ they all gaped.

‘’I’m tired’’ Cindy tugs on Harry’s shirt. Shit I forgot she was there.

‘’um do we have a bed for her’’ he asks. I get up and they follow. I walk into the little kids shop.

‘’now Cindy, you can have ANYTHING in here, but not for tonight, tomorrow’’ her eyes light up and she starts choosing things.

‘’but you can have any toy you can carry’’ I say. She picks up a small little grey elephant, out of all the toys she picked that old one. She held it closely to her heart. She looked at the toys more carefully this time.

We’ve found a good one.

‘’she’s so cute’’ harry says, his dimples showing and hope in his eyes.

‘’I know’’

‘’okay can I have that play set, and that bed’’ she asked politely.

‘’sure thing red’’ she smiled. The second she skipped off I held my heat.

‘’the feels’’ I fell to my knees.

‘’what’s wrong’’ he asked.

‘’have you ever seen the movie red dog’’


‘’die’’ we stayed like that for a bit.

‘’bed’’ he asked.

‘’yep’’ we raced each other to the bedroom.


-----------------3rd person view---------------------

Zombies crawled in threw the gap. The little gap that Max had created. He couldn’t live without his son. He was too much of a coward to pull the trigger. Now everyone had to pay. Zombies were banging on the glass, making it shake and shatter into millions of little pieces to the ground.

They all took their first steps to lunch; everyone was asleep now and in bed.

The first of the millions of zombies lurked its way into Jakes and Jades room. He kneeled down next to Jason and inhaled what the zombie had been waiting for. He got close to his neck and bit a chunk out of it.

The zombie kept feasting on its prey. He let an unhuman sound escape his lips. Jades fingers twitched. She rolled over into something wet. She opened her eyes at the sight in front of her. Her boyfriend’s blood was on her clothes and in her hair.

She didn’t scream just backed up and out of the bed. The zombie ,l ooked up at her and growled. He went back to his feast and would worry about her later.

Jade ran out of the room and into the swarm of zombies coming her way. She screamed as loud as she could. The zombies did not pick up their pace due to the fact that they knew they had her.

Everyone ran out of their rooms and to the sight that was unravelling in front of them. Harry quickly ran into a room and grabbed Cindy and went back to Erin.

‘’What’s happening’’ Cindy mumbled. She was too young to know what was really happening.  ‘’nothing darling go back to sleep’’

‘’how come you never call me darling’’ Erin mumbled crossing her arms.

‘’all right darling let’s go’’ harry yelled.

--------------Erin’s POV---------

Harry grabbed my hand and held Cindy in his other. Everyone followed.

 I looked behind me and the zombies were chasing us all. Hailey and Lou were being pulled in and Lou was trying to get Hailey ahead of him.

I let go off harry and he stopped. I grabbed onto Hails and Lou’s hand and started running. Harry followed us. I let go off their hands when we were in front.

‘’what’s happening harry’’ Cindy asked panicked.

‘’noth-‘’ he got cut off by a loud shriek. Jade was pulled into it. I ran back trying to pull her out, I pulled and pulled and finally got her out. We started running back to the front.

‘’you’re fucking crazy’’ Harry yells at me.

‘’Loyalty is crazy’’ I shout back.

Everyone turns to the left to escape but Hails and I don’t. We take the chance and are fools for it.

 ‘’Erin’’ I hear in the distance.

Hailey and I know what we’re doing.

‘’hey’’ we scream. We only get some of the zombie’s attention

‘’I’m waking up, I feel it in my bones ‘nuff to make my systems grow, welcome to the new age the new age, welcome to the new age. To the new age, I’m radioactive, I’m radioactive’’ we sing. We got all of their attention and we run.

‘’I love you Hailey’’

‘’I love you too’’ we say our goodbyes not sure on how this would end. We didn’t bother hiding our tears. We didn’t bother hiding our sobs. We did a brave yet stupid thing at the same time. It was worth it and we wouldn’t change our minds.

‘’this way’’ I follow Hailey’s lead. ‘’here’’ I shout and we turned corners.

We ran into the music shop. Bad idea. There were no windows, none, not even a vent to squeeze through. We hug each other.

The zombies were banging on the window growling and trying to eat us through the glass. Once they break that glass were done.

‘’help me’’ I shouted. It’s hard to hear over all the noise. We grabbed heavy and hard objects and went into the back office. I locked the door and we started hitting on the thin wall. It was our only way. I searched through the draws and found a gun with a note.

I am dearly sorry but I love everyone, I just can’t do it anymore, I love my family and I don’t want to

He didn’t finish it. I took the gun and showed Hailey.

‘’what do we do’’ I ask.

‘’there’s three things we can do. Use it to try and shoot threw the wall, shoot a few zombies down, or end all the suffering here’’ I gripped onto the gun. I knew what we were doing next. ‘’let’s hope this works’’ I say. We hug each other one last time. At the same time we hear glass shattering and quickly hear zombies banging on the door.

She nods her head one last time and I aim the gun.


Fucking Giant cliff hanger.

I love everyone so much and thank you for staying with me and reading the whole book, even if you just started reading.

I love you all so much and as I said there will be a sequel, I can’t survive 101 (1D)

Now my lovely’s it’s been so fun, emotional and just ecstatic writing these books and the ratings. I love you so much and I don’t want to say goodbye even though there’s a second book, aah ( I justscreamed). Check the song out that’s on this side and I love you all, I can’t say it enough. I remember when I first started writing the book.

And at first I thought, no one would actually read this and it would be just my friends, now just wow.


I love you all and I’ll see you in the next book remember I can’t survive 101 (1D) and the blurb and book will be published after this so that you can start reading it straight away and won’t have to be worried about missing it. I love you all so much, thank you.

-love Erin

theres the link

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