Please Come Back (Willow and...

By their-not-only-books

9.6K 195 84

Willow cannot handle life without Tara. Willow wishes, and Tara answers. I do not own Buffy The Vampire... More

My Fault
I Need Her
She'll Make It. She Has To.
Is She Real?
4 months later
I Can Always Find Her
Stronger Than She Knows
Darkness Follows Me
As Long As We're Together


614 16 7
By their-not-only-books

I don't own BTVS. All rights to Joss Whedon.

Tara and Willow moved to a flat downtown Sunnydale a few months later. Willow's mental health stayed about the same. That 4th of July, Tara and Willow went with the rest of gang to see fireworks. The moment the first firework went off, Willow shut down. The noise sounded just like a gunshot, and she couldn't handle it. Willow's eyes glazed over and she started screaming things, "TARA!! NO!! BRING HER BACK! BRING HER BACK NOW!" No matter how much Tara pleaded with Willow, she couldn't break through until Buffy got them home and Tara sat next to her while singing and rubbing her back. Needless to say, that was the last time they watched fireworks. 

Tara was constantly haunted by memories of heaven and although she never brought it up to Willow, Willow always knew when Tara was having trouble. She could tell because Tara would stutter and would sit at the dining room table fiddling with things and staring at nothing. At times like these, Willow would sit across from her and just sit, sit with Tara until she came back, and then she would bring her over to the couch. Willow would sit Tara down while she went to their tiny kitchen and made Tara's favorite tea. Then Willow would sit down next to Tara and hold her and stroke her hair, as Tara slowly sipped on her drink. 

Willow's black streak in her hair never faded. She eventually stopped trying to hide it and accepted it as a reminder. A reminder to keep the things she loves dear. A reminder that magic is powerful and fatal. A reminder that she was had made it through things that most people couldn't even imagine. 

Tara and Willow got married. It was a small ceremony. Both Willow and Tara's families refused to attend. Buffy was bridesmaid to Tara and Xander was best man to Willow. Giles walked Willow down the aisle and Dawn walked Tara. Tara proposed, much to Willow's surprise. The two went on a long walk from their apartment to the collage campus and back. When they came back to the flat, Willow found to her surprise that it was filled with candles. That was when Tara did it. She knelt down on one knee and said, "Willow Danielle Rosenberg. We have been together threw thick and thin. I died, you almost died, but because of our love for each other, we both came back. From the moment I saw you, sitting across the circle from me in college, I could since your power. The first thing I thought when I saw you was, "That is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." I decided I had to find you, and I'm so glad I did. I may have been in heaven, but I promise you that I never stopped thinking about you. I watched as you suffered and wanted nothing more than to be by your side, telling you everything would be okay. I sang to you every night. I cried every time you hurt yourself and when you shot yourself, it was me who moved the gun. I pulled it down so you were hit in the stomach rather than the heart and I managed to slow down the bullet just enough to save you. It was the only worth while thing I have ever done in my entire life, second only to attending the wicca group in college. And really, all of this was a long way to say.. I love you Willow Danielle. And I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?" 

Willow was shaking and tears filled her green eyes. "Y-Yes. Of course, yes, us, forever." And then they shared the best kiss ever to take place on this earth. 

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