The girl who cried wolf (R ra...

By misspiggy88

378K 8.4K 511

When Mia's mother is killed she dicovers she is not quite human, she's half Lycan. Rescued by the family she... More

The girl who cried wolf: Prologue
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter One
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter six
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter seven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Eight
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter nine
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Ten
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter eleven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twelve
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Fourteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Fifteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Sixteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Seventeen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Eighteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Nineteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-one
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-six
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-Seven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-eight
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-nine
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-one
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty six
The girl who cried wolf: Epilogue
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The girl who cried wolf: Chapter thirty three

7K 160 11
By misspiggy88

Chapter Thirty three

(Mia’s POV)

     I was running through the woods, the rain hitting me hard. My heart pounding in my chest, I was panting heavily. I could hear twigs breaking as I ran, I felt free and alive. It was exhilarating. Suddenly I hear a load howl and stop dead in my tracks; I look around trying to find the source. When his sweet scent hits my nose my heart skips a beat. I turn to see him walk out from the trees. As my eyes meet his I lower my head and body to the ground, the damp earth clinging to my white fur. He walks towards me until I see his big black paws in front of me. I raise my head to meet his amber eyes once more. He lowers his head and rests his jaw on my neck, his black fur mingling with my own. I close my eyes my eyes and feel his tongue on my neck. My whole body tingles from his touch, a feeling of utter bliss overpowering me. As I feel his tongue once more I begin to shake, my heart pounding in my chest and my head spinning. The trail from his tongue feeling as though I was being stabbed with thousands of needles. My stomach churning as though I am going to throw up. Suddenly I realise his scent, it’s somehow changed. He no longer had his sweet scent; it was bitter and burnt my nostrils. Daring myself to open my eyes, I looked up at a pair of big amber eyes staring back at me. They were cold and threatening, instantly I know who they belong too. There is only one person who can make me feel this way. It’s Wyatt. My eyes grow wide as I stare at him. My body filling with fear and dread. I turn away from him no longer able to withstand his gaze. What I see gives me no comfort. Luca’s naked battered body is lying on the ground a few feet away from us. I can just about see the slight rise and fall of his bloody chest. The faint sound of a growl leads my eyes to the tree line. A set of piercing amber eyes are glaring down at Luca. My body freezes as a small brown wolf steps out of the trees, baring its teeth and growling at Luca. I glance up at Wyatt but he seems unfazed, his eyes still glued on me. I turn back to Luca and the little brown wolf; surprised to that it was now licking his wounds. It seemed to be whimpering and nudging him with its muzzle. To my amazement the little brown wolf shifted into Layla. She was hugging his body tightly and sobbing. My attention was pulled back to Wyatt; I could feel his hands on my body. It wasn’t until now that I had noticed I was in my human form. Wyatt’s naked body was pressed against mine. His hands pinning mine above my head. I want to scream as he kisses me and slowly makes his way to my neck. A single tear rolls down my cheek as a burning sensation, starting at my neck, spread through my body. He had marked me. I feel his teeth pierce my skin once more; this time a scream does leave my lips. I close my eyes and wish that he will go away. Like magic I feel his weight lifted off my body. I open my eyes and see two black wolves fighting in front of me. It was Wyatt and Luca; they were biting and clawing at each other. Behind them I saw a small group of wolves, they all seemed eager to join the fight. There was five of them, one little brown one, which I recognised to be Layla. The rest were black. As I looked at them more closely I could identify each of them. The big black wolf next to Layla was Tyler. Lucia was on the other side of Tyler. She was smaller than Tyler but bigger than Layla. The other two black wolves were Antonio and Faith. I try to run to them to them but my feet are stuck to the spot. My eyes grow wide as I see light coming from the trees. A howl fills the air, the same howl I heard the night my mother was killed. Several wild and scruffy wolves enter the clearing. An evil blood hungry glint in their eyes. They were all staring at me, slowly edging closer. The others didn’t seem to notice them approaching us; they were consumed with the fight in front of them. These crazed looking wolves reminded me of Layla somehow, they had the same fire in their eyes. A howl of pain brings my eyes back to Luca and Wyatt; I can’t help but smile when I see Luca standing over Wyatt’s motionless body. He looks at me, his eyes shining brightly. As he takes a step towards me the sound of gunshots fill the air. A handful of men come out from the trees with guns and fire torches in the hands. The guns pointed directly at us. The wild wolves stand in front of them, seeming to guard them. In an instant Luca was back in his wolf form and charging at the intruders, alongside Tyler and the others. I want to join them but I still seem to be stuck to the spot. A familiar shiver runs down my spine.

     “If I can’t have you, no one can!” Wyatt’s voice filled my ears.

I felt his hands on my head, a loud click filled the air and everything goes black.


     My eyes flung open and I was panting heavily. I sat up quickly and rubbed my hands over my neck. My heart was pounding in my chest; it felt as though it was going to break through my ribcage. I had been haunted by this dream four nights in a row; every time was exactly the same. Wyatt would whisper in my ear and snap my neck. I looked over at my alarm clock and like all the other nights, in woke me at ten past two in the morning. Just the others nights, I climbed out of bed and walked over to my window. I opened it slowly, as not to make a sound, and climbed out onto the window ledge. I closed my eyes, took and big breath and jumped. Like the three nights before I landed on a branch from the big tree at the side of the house. I quickly climbed down and ran towards the trees. I always felt so restless after the dream; I just needed to run as fast as I could. Running was the only thing that calmed me down. Well that and one other thing. I stripped off and folded up my clothes, hiding them in a bush. I shifted and began to run towards my destination. Giving myself over to my wolf made everything feel simple again. It felt right; she took control and made me feel at ease. All too soon I could hear the water; I slowed my pace and went back up to my hiding spot on the rocks. I lowered myself onto my belly, resting my head on my front paws and looked down at my reason for living. I was surprised to see him awake, standing at the water’s edge deep in thought. His wounds all seemed to have healed and he looked more like himself. His black hair had grown longer, making him look wild. His muscles were looking strong again, if anything he looked stronger than ever. I was still heart broken by him pushing me away, even though faith had tried to convince me it wasn’t like that. Despite that I still found comfort in watching him, knowing he was ok. My wolf felt settled when we were near him. It calmed my mind and erased my fears. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about and how good it feel to be in his arms. I heard a quiet whine escape my lips and I seemed to be edging myself forward. I slowly to look over at the others quickly to distract myself. Tyler was laid on his front on top of his sleeping bag, in front of the small fire. Both Layla and Lucia were laid on either side of him, both on their sides facing him. I watched as Tyler moved in his sleep, slightly spreading his arms out, both hands edging out towards the girls. Almost at the exact same time, Layla and Lucia moved one of their hands and touched Tyler’s. It was sweet but really strange. As far as I was aware he hated both of them, yet here he was seeking them out in his sleep. Although he did mention something about Layla being gifted like him and he had tried to tell me something about Lucia. Now I know it was that she was gifted too. Perhaps that’s what this is, a side effect of being gifted. All I could tell was that if it continued the way I thought it would, it could get very messy. Layla looked so peaceful and angelic, all wrapped up in her sleeping bag. Whereas Lucia looked sultry and sinful like always. With one bare leg hanging out of her sleeping bag, draped over her body. She had a lot of flesh on show as usual, knowing Lucia she wasn’t wearing a great deal under her sleeping bag. It’s almost as though they are two halves of one person. Layla being the strength and power. The fighter. Lucia being the passion and heat. The lover. A small stone landing in front of me broke me from my thoughts. I looked back at the water’s edge and saw that Luca was looking right in my direction. He smiled and ran his fingers through his hair. His eyes sparkled and his smile grew once he realised he had caught my attention. Seeing that smile made me feel that love we once had. It made me long for his touch and his kisses, anything that would get me closer to him. I flinched slightly as I saw him slowly walk towards me. I knew I should run and go back to the house but my wolf would not allow it, she needed him closer. I just fear that I would lose my self-control if he got too close. He seemed to sense my distress and stopped a few feet away. He was still beneath me and a little out of my line of sight; I crawled forward slightly so I could see him properly. As our eyes locked my heart skipped a beat. Every time we looked at each other, it was seeing one another for the first time. It was magical.

    “You might as well come out, I know you’re there. Are you going to shift so we can talk or is this going to be a one sided conversation?” Luca said digging his hands in his pockets.

He was still having you wear Tyler’s clothes, although Antonio had given him a few things, his scent was a lot stronger now. In fact he was having to wear several layers to mask it. I chuckled a little in my head; Tyler was at least two sizes smaller than Luca, so his baggy clothes looked painted on. Not that I was complaining, I didn’t mind seeing the outline of his body more defined.

     “I take it as you’re still attempting to hide in your wolf form, that it’s going be just me talking then. Oh and even though you’re in wolf form I can still tell you’re checking me out.” He said chuckling slightly.

I sighed and quickly shifted back to my human form. I stayed on the rocks but sat on the edge, with my knees under my chin.

     “You’re wrong, I wasn’t checking you out.” I said sounding like a five year old.

He just laughed at me; I couldn’t help but smile back at him. He looked down at his feet briefly, before looking back at me. He seemed kind of fidgety and as though he was having a debate in his head.

     “I just wanted to say sorry, you know for the other day. I really had no idea it was you. I was so angry, knowing that he had hurt. That he had touched you.” He said softly, looking me in the eyes. “I just saw red and had no idea what was going on around me. You have to know I would never knowingly push you away like that. You’re my everything Mia, you’re my life and soul.” He continue, a smile playing at his lips towards the end.

Tears stung at my eyes, his words were so beautiful. I was overjoyed that he still loved me, he still wanted me.

     “Please, let’s just forget about.” I said brushing away a stray tear.

    “Ok.” He replied. “I’ve wanted to say something the last few days but I figured as you were hiding you wouldn’t want to talk.”

     “You knew I was here all the time?” I replied, my eyes growing wide with surprise.

     “Of course I did. My heart races when you’re near and I could never mistake your scent.” I answered.

     “But you were sleeping; whenever I’ve come down here you’ve been sleeping.” I said still shocked.

     “I guess I make a convincing actor. I knew if I got up I’d probably scare you away. I thought if I gave you time you would soon come to me, but I guess I got a little impatient. I just had to speak to you, you know make you understand.” He said taking a few steps forward.

My eyes grew wide and I flinched back slightly, my body trembled as I forced myself away from him.

    “Don’t come any closer Luca it’s not good for either of right now.” I said, seeing the hurt in his eyes.

It killed me not being able to be with him, the way we needed to be. I was using all my strength to stay put, my wolf was pleading me to run to him and hold him close. To touch him and kiss him, to claim him once more as my own. She was fighting me to take control; it was a fight I could feel myself loosing. I watched as he pulled off one of the t-shirts he was wearing.

     “Here put this on, it will make it a little easier for me to keep my distance.” He said as he threw the t-shirt up to me.

I caught it and quickly pulled it on. As soon as the material settled on my skin I was overcome by his scent. It sent me and my wolf crazy, my heart pounded and my body trembled. I was filled with lust and desire, I had to have him and I had to have him now. Keeping my eyes firmly on Luca I leapt off of the rock and landed mere metres in front of him. Within second I closed the gap between us, wrapping my arms and legs around him. I kissed him fiercely, like I had never kissed him before, like my life depended on it. I felt his body tense against me. I growled as I felt him pull his face away from me.

    “Mia stop, we can’t.” I said through laboured breaths.

     “Just shut up and kiss me Luca!” I growled at him.

I scared myself with how demanding sounded but it seemed to ignite something inside him. He grabbed hold of my arse with one hand and slid the other at the back of my head. His eyes were filled with as much hunger and longing as my own. A mischievous smile formed on his face as he looked me quickly, before capturing my lips with such urgency. My body bubble with immense pleasure and satisfaction. A fire inside me was burning and growing stronger with every second. I wanted more, I needed more. I clawed at his back trying to feel his skin under my fingertips.

    “Mia, Luca stop!!!” I heard someone stop.

We pulled away from each other growled at the person who dared get in our way. When I saw it was Tyler I pulled myself out of Luca’s arm. He was right we had to stop. As soon as my feet hit the ground I ran to the other end of the clearing, trying to get enough space between us to calm ourselves down.

    “I should probably get out of here.” I said edging towards the trees.

    “No Mia stay, please stay.” Luca pleading with me, moving slowly towards me.

    “Luca she’s right, she should get back. If she doesn’t everything we’ve done will be in vain. I know it’s killing you two to be apart but it’ll be over soon.” Tyler said walking up to Luca.

     “Listen to him Luca.” Layla said who was now sat up in her sleeping bag.

She looked over at her briefly; he closed his eyes and sighed in defeat.

    He said looking down at the ground.

I forced myself not to walk over to him and comforting him.

    “He’ll be ok Mia; I keep an eye on him. Don’t worry just get back before anyone notices you’re gone.” Layla said smiling sympathetically at me.   

I nodded at her and headed for the trees, stopping quickly and turning back to look at him once more.

    “I love you Luca, I always will.” I said.

    “I love you too Mia, forever.” He replied glancing up at me, tears in his eyes.

I turned away quickly before I changed my mind. I took off the t-shirt quickly and leapt, shifting in mid-air. Running away from him now was the hardest thing I had ever done but if we wanted to stand a chance of being together again, I had to. I had to just keep telling myself it would be worth it in the end.  

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