Door Fifteen

By piercingwings

880 44 20

Ordinary people do ordinary things, right? Or maybe that was what I wanted to be classified as; ordinary. I a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 8

26 2 0
By piercingwings

Chapter 8

After I rushed to get changed, I warily walked down the stairs. It was eerie quiet and I didn't like it. I felt as if something was going to jump out at me any second.

The front door was open so I assume that Phoenix had already gone outside. It was nice that everything was normal here; even though the sunset sky back at the palace was beautiful, I missed the blue one.

Right now, the light was dimmer than when I first got here. It was going to get dark soon, not that I minded much. My eyes set on Phoenix's back; he sat at the edge of the water. He looked tense for some reason.

As soon as my foot made contact with the white colored sand, Phoenix's head snapped around at me. His eyes narrowed before he jerked his head back to look at the ocean.

"Don't waste my time; I'm not in the mood," Phoenix snapped; I could just picture the frown on his face.

I wonder what got him so moody. He was acting fine until we were talking freely together. Sighing, I plopped down beside him. My feet was gently covered by the water as the tide came in.

He huffed aloud, "What do you want to know?"

Of course I had many questions, but I knew that I couldn't go too far. Maybe he would be easier to talk to than his father.

"I'm almost certain that you aren't human, is that right?" I raised an eyebrow, trying not to give any signs of being scared.

He laughed bitterly, "Yes, we're not human. I should have known you were going to ask that. My dad needs to control his actions, seriously," he mutters under his breath.

He was diffidently acting different than back at the palace. I knew why; he felt as if he had to be good enough. I know how he feels; I've never felt like I was ever good enough for anyone.

"What are you then? Werewolf or vampire?" I tried to joke, lightly nudging my bare shoulder against his.

There was no trace of a smile on his face; guess I wasn't funny to him. Of course I wouldn't be; I rolled my eyes.

"No, silly werewolves and vampires are just myths. Our kind is called Elinye, but there are many different kinds. Each of us has different abilities, which in the end puts us in groups."

Now that I actually knew he wasn't human, I felt worse. It just made everything seem even more unreal but also, surreal. I scooted away from him without a second thought.

"What are your powers?" I ask quietly, my hands already shaking.

I didn't know how personal he was going to get but I had a feeling he wasn't going to let me dig too deep. His lips tilted upwards in a smirk. He was now looking at me; I was still cowering away from him.

"Are you sure you want to know? You look scared enough," his face didn't change, but I nodded none the less, "Since my dad isn't going to tell you these things, mine as well tell you. You're going to find out anyways," he shrugs.

I nod, to tell him I'm listening. Why keep me in the dark when I need to know these things? This is my life now, whether or not I like it; there's no going back.

"Well, I have super strength, I can see memories if I enter your mind, I can make you hallucinate things by sending waves. I also have these rare wings that only few people have," he paused, his eyes darkening, "My brain works different than most people; I can remember anything by just looking at it once."

It was mind blowing, really. It just wasn't possible. What are the rare wings he was talking about? It only made me more curious.

"Alright then," I sighed, thinking of other things to ask him, "What is the Piercingwings?" I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, looking out into the ocean.

Our conversation seemed to stop and a lingering awkward silence hung in the air. An enraged expression plastered on his face.

"The Piercingwings is just a stupid book. My father thinks its truth but all it's states is lies," he spat coldly, "My father believes that we are destined to be together," he laughed humorlessly.

My eyes widened a bit; he thought that we were meant to be together? Did that mean as in romantically or in another way?

"He thinks that you are the way to save our race. You see, the Piercingwings predicts that you will be our savior. The only way for you to save our race is if we fall in love first," he frowned deeply.

"I don't believe in love, so that isn't happening. I don't believe in the ridiculous thing anyways. Our race has always had conflict with this other race, Ligtens. No one knows why, but we've always been at war with them."

It was almost too much for my mind to handle. Seriously, how much am I going to have dumped on me? I really need to make up my mind; I guess it is better if I learn it now.

"The Piercingwings also says that you will be the one to lead our army, but this is all a myth so you don't have to worry."

Who was I supposed to believe? The boy who hated my guts or the one king who never wanted me to leave? My heart was telling me to believe the boy sitting beside me but the logical part was telling me otherwise.

He could just be giving a lie so I wouldn't fall for him. Or it could be that he convinced himself that it wasn't true when it really was. For now at least, I would act like I actually was on his side. In the end, I knew that it was going to happen.

I wouldn't have just come here for nothing. I had a feeling that I was specially chosen for this; most people wouldn't have acted so calmly. But, then again, how was I supposed to lead an entire army against aliens?

It was a laughing manner; fighting aliens? Anyone in their right mind would never believe me. Even I, am quite skeptical of it; but after I've seen everything here, I don't doubt.

"Ah, I see. So anyways, why was that room called Room Fifteen?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

He looked up at the sky; I don't think he wanted to answer but I knew he would.

He sighed, "There were only fourteen other people who had entered that room. You were the fifteenth, hence is why it's called Room Fifteen. Only certain people are allowed to come here because not everyone can handle it, I guess in a way."

My mind was being blow; so only fourteen other people came here in this dream world?

"Okay, is there really no way out of here? How does the time work? Does anyone know I'm gone?" My brain kept going.

My mind drove me insane sometimes; I could never stop thinking. Guess that's what I get for being a girl, aye.

"There is one possible way out of here, but it's only a glitch. Your questions are becoming stupid, princess. Anyways, no one knows of how and now a days no one speaks of It."

"The time is like normal earth time, so yes, people know that you are gone. I doubt it matters though, who could care about you?" He scrunches up his nose.

He will never know, but his words cut deep. As a child, I had always been expected to be perfect. I never felt good enough; I was always yelled at. It made me timid about everything. I felt as if they had never cared. Like everyone else in the world, I dealt with my problems and got over it.

His words cut me like a knife though, it reminded me of the days when my parents would actually treat me like a treasure. Then of course, time moved on and things got harder. He was right though, no one would ever care.

I wasn't going to tell him how much it hurt, but I could tell he knew it bugged me by the look on my face. I usually don't take things lightly when people insult me; which wasn't a good thing.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm done with the questions," I stood up and brushed the sand off, "goodnight," I added quietly before hurrying inside the house.

I could tell that the air was on; the chilly rush of air carcasses my face as I walk inside. It was muggy outside, so I guess it wasn't a bad thing. I trip over the blue colored rug on the way upstairs; it was expected.

I was exhausted; it had been a long day of dealing with the moody Phoenix. It wasn't much fun and I certainly doubted that I would be falling for that boy any time soon; he wouldn't have to worry about that.

The small moment when we were laughing together was the only time I had enjoyed spending time with him. No, I wouldn't be like that; I was judging before I completely knew him.

I hated when people did that; it wasn't fair to anyone. It was like a school bully; one rumor and you're dead meat. Jumping to conclusions wouldn't help at all; couldn't everyone understand that?

It was probably just me; I guess I was just an understanding person. Anyone who wasn't wouldn't be able to survive here; I knew that much. Seeing at the hate in the world that I call home, I guess I just became more understanding.

Sighing to myself, I tugged off my shoes and tossed them against the wall. My bed sure looked comforting to me right now. After all the information, I didn't completely trust Phoenix. He was a guy who had powers after all.

I just hope he doesn't use them. What if he looked into my memories or made me hallucinate? That would be horrid; I wouldn't be so forgiving then.

Forcing myself to leave the thought alone, I jumped on the bed. A smile formed on my lips; it was fun to be childish every once in a while. If only I could just forget all my problems; if only.

I groaned aloud as I realized I left the light on; I didn't want to move. Pouting, I did a ninja roll off the bed and head butted into the wall. I squeezed my eyes shut and kept the scream in.

I heard the sound of frantic footsteps and the door opening. It still hurt too much to open my eyes, so I lay on the ground, clutching my head.

"I leave you alone for five minutes and you already hurt yourself? What kind of girl are you?" Phoenix groaned from above me.

Once again with the judging; ugh, I was seriously not in the mood. He just had to come in here; like he cared. When I could finally open my eyes, I mustered the courage to glare daggers at him.

"It's not my fault I'm so clumsy! By the way, I left you! Not the other way around. You don't have to constantly watch me," my eyes narrowed and my eyebrows furrowed.

He seemed taken aback by my sudden confidence. See, now who was the smart one? I probably shouldn't think about it, I'll just make it worse.

"Anything could have happened," he snottily replied, "I'll be going now," he left without saying anything else.

The door slammed shut behind him. Man, these people really have anger issues. I grumbled under my breath and turned off the light. Too much excitement for one day, I thought bitterly.

I threw the covers over my body; it was surprisingly rough. I could already tell it was going to be a long night; the scratchy fabric was rubbing against my skin.

Why did he act like he does? Something must have happened to him to make him so over the top. I know for sure that you don't turn into a raging monster overnight. The problem would be me solving it.

Couldn't have Phoenix done better than this? Knowing him, he would do it on purpose; that jerk. At least the pillow was comfy. The tiredness in my system overcame the un-useable blanket. The next thing I know, I was out like a light.


The smell of bacon and eggs woke me up in the early morning. Unwillingly, I tumbled out of bed and landed face flat on the floor. I couldn't be bothered to get up, so I lied here.

After a few minutes, I knew I had to get up. I don't understand how people can be morning lovers. To be honest, they just annoy me to death.

I unraveled myself from the covers and threw them on the bed; it was not a comfortable night. Those stupid blankets kept waking me up, surprisingly. My stomach growled suddenly, reminding me I was hungry.

I lazily left my room and tripped over my feet down the stairs. This why I hate morning, I'm not coordinated! Anyways, I just hope that Phoenix made enough for the both of us.

I had this feeling he didn't, but a girl can always hope, right? When I walked into the kitchen, I noticed Phoenix sitting at the counter. He turned to look at me as I came in.

"What are you doing up this early? I thought I had more alone time," he groaned, banging his head against the counter.

I snorted loudly, "Well sorry to disappoint you," I huffed through my nose.

He rolled his eyes, turning around. Fine, be that way! I stomped over to the seat beside him and gracefully sat. He jumped about a mile high; I must have startled him.

"Don't do that!" He growled; his eyes turned a shade darker.

I scooted my chair away from him; did he have to be so moody? It was early and I most diffidently did not want to deal with this. I didn't really have much of a choice though.

"I'm starving; is there any more?" I batted my eyelashes and gave him my best smile.

He laughed a little, looking amused. He slowly shook his head, raising his eyebrows.

"Nope, you can make it yourself," he shrugged, picking up his fork and stuffing it into his mouth.

My mouth dropped open; he expected me to cook? This guy was so annoying and it was getting old! Did he treat everyone like trash or was it just me? I know why he apparently hates me, but seriously?

I shot him my best disgusted glare at him, before turning around and opening the pantry door. To my surprise, it was completely full. I wasn't about to make myself a whole mean, so I just took out the Lucky Charms.

It took me a minute to find the bowls but I managed. I poured myself the magical cereal and sat at the table; no way was I sitting beside him. He probably didn't want me to anyways.

An awkward silence hung in the air, the only sound was our scraping noises of the utensils. I tried to eat as fast as possible; I wanted to go explore outside and get away from this butt.

I quickly stood up from the table and tossed my bowl in the sink. Before Phoenix could protest, I rushed up the stairs. It would be fun to explore the woods; I've always wanted to do that.

I wasn't sure what I needed but I guess I should at least take a water bottle. I changed into some decent clothes and went back downstairs. In the pantry were tons of water bottles; that could be useful.

I gave a quick explanation to Phoenix of where I would be. By the look on his face, he wasn't too pleased as I slammed the door before he could say anything.

Ah, finally some alone time!

© piercingwings 2013


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