The Dangerous// L.T.

By imahoeran

26.3K 653 124

"The ones whom keep to themselves are the most dangerous." ©bestsongeverluv More

The Introduction
Haven't I've Seen You Before?
The Party Part 1
The Party Part 2
I've Definitely Seen You Before
Meeting Josh
Oh No You Didn't
Dinner Gone Wrong
Change. I Like It.
Getting To Know Eachother
The Bet Begins
Girls. Are. Evil.
Truth Or Dare?
The Bet Ends Here
Why Are You Here?
Don't Hurt Him!
It's Tyler, Louis
Tyler's A Teenage Dirtbag
It's Louis, Tyler
A Day With The Girls
Creepy Waiter Guy
The Dangerous?
One Direction
My Birthday With Anna And Louis
I Hate Eleanor
Louis' Side Of The Story
The Big Day

What Are You Doing Here?

495 18 2
By imahoeran

A/N: There will still be an authors note at the end, but I kinda just needed to say this in the beginning. So ever since I started this, I had the idea of all of this happening, and it's really cool to finally write about all of it! No, this is not the last chapter. I would warn you if it was. So, here it is...

Jillian's POV


  It's been two days since the person showed up at my flat. I'll just be calling him person, since I really don't want to think about who it was. I honestly didn't know how to react when I first saw him. It's been a while. Hopefully he knows that it meant way more than a visit to me.

  I think about all of this when I have my attempt of reading my 'Pride and Prejudice' book that I got in the mail for my birthday from my grandma. I couldn't focus, the actions from just days before were frozen in my head.

  Ding dong! The high pitched sound brings the life back to me as I realize I've been staring off into space. "I'll get it!" Anna yells from the living room. I shrug and go back to pretending to read my book.

  After 5 minutes, I begin to wonder who was outside the door. I stand up and walk out of my breezy room. Just before I become visible to people outside the hall, I begin to hear hushed voices, so I begin to eavesdrop.

  "Can't I just see her for one second?"

  "No, she is done with you! Forever and always!"

  "But I need to explain to her what happened. I deserve to tell her my side of the story!"

  "No Louis, I'm not letting my best friends heart get ripped up in tiny little pieces again!"

  Once I hear the familiar name, I step out of the hallway to catch a glimpse of his face. "Louis?" I say as I see him standing at the door frame.

  "Jillian!" He says as he makes his way past Anna. Just before he was about to embrace me in a gigantic hug, I stop him.

  "No, Louis. You're here to explain to me what happened, not to hug. So keep your hands to yourself, and start talking." I say as I cross my arms.

  Anna steps next to me. "Are you sure that you want to talk to him? I mean you already had all that crap happen with your dad just the other day-"

  Louis cuts her off before she can finish her sentence, which I give him the death glare for. "What does she mean by your dad?" He asks me. This time I give Anna the death glare.

  "I probably shouldn't have said that out loud, huh?" She says as she slumps her shoulders.

  I look at Louis. "Fine. I'll tell you what happened with my Dad after we ended the Skype call if you tell me what happened with you and Eleanor." I put my pinkie out, and he looks at it almost as if to say "Are you serious?". I shrug and he loops his pinkie with mine.

  I untangle them, and say, "Alright. Here it goes I guess." I sigh deeply before I explain the number of events that happened between me and the man I wish was never my father...




  She flips her hair, then says, "I don't know if you've noticed or not, but me and Louis actually do have a thing." She says. "See, watch!" And with that, she takes Louis' face, and attacks his plump pink lips. No... no, this isn't actually happening. He's not even pulling away! Before they could see me break down into tears, I end the call and turn off my laptop. Did he really have feelings for her? My stomach twists and turns as I think of the thought. By now I've curled up in a ball and cried as much as my eyes could handle. And I felt like I really did cry a river. I gigantic one that flows down to my sadness.

  After about 20 minutes of straight out crying, I man up and go to the restroom to clean up. I wipe my smeared mascara off of my dark red cheeks. My eyes are bright red and puffy. Oh well, it's not like anyone besides Anna is gonna see me. And before you ask, no, I will not talk to Louis anymore tonight. Maybe never, that's fine by me. He hurt me, a lot. I can't believe he actually cheated on me! With that stupid skinny model! That's just bull!

  I knew I shouldn't have let him play with my heart in the first place. Right now I'd rather be with Tyler then be with this bastard. Man, Tyler. I wonder what he's up to these days. Not like I care. He's a jerk, along with Louis. Weird, they both cheated on me! I'm just nothing to no one, huh?

  I go back to the living room where I see my phone light up. I pick it up. Oh jeez.

36 Missed Calls: Lou 36 Voice mails: Lou 58 Texts: Lou

  I scrunch up my nose and turn off my phone before I chuck it across the room. Good thing it has a case on it. I turn on the T.V. and put on a How I Met Your Mother marathon. Hey, I think Barney's hilarious!

  After 3 episodes I look at the clock.


  That girl. She's been gone for what? 2 hours? How long does it take to order and pick up a pizza?

  As if on cue, I hear a knock at the door. Her hands must be too full to get her keys. Or she forgot her keys. I look at the dining room table and sure enough there's her keys. I roll my eyes at her forgetfulness.

  But when I open the door, it's not Anna. My god, just kill me now.

  "Dad?" I say in complete shock. He's standing there, outside my door.

  He looks up from his feet when he hears my voice. "Hi sweetie. How are you doing?"

  I shake my head. "How did you find me? Why are you here?"

  He smiles at me with hope in his eyes. "You'd be surprised how easily I can get addresses as a police officer."

  Police officer, hmm? "Well, I don't know if I should be talking to you..."

  "Please, Jillian. I just need an hour to talk to you. That's all I need." His eyes are full of sadness and hope. I've never seen him like this.

  I sigh, then look at the ground. "Fine. One hour. That's it."

  "Jillian, thank you so much. You don't know-" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence and look up.

  "But, if you so much as to lay a finger on me, I will call 911 the second you do." I sternly say. I'm not making the same mistake my mother did.

  He looks at the ground before he responds. "I understand." I nod and stand aside. He walks inside and goes straight to the living room.

  How did this happen? I mean, I hate my dad so much. I can't believe I actually let him inside my house. It's hard to even call him dad after all the things he's done to me and my mom. I was planning on never seeing him again, but I just had to let myself break a promise. Well, there's nothing that I can do about it now. I just wish there was. And not even about him being in here. About him being my father.

  I lead him into the living room and sit on the couch. He stays standing, smirking at me. "Aren't you going to give me a tour of your place?" He asks me.

  "No. You're here to talk, not take tours." I say as I point at the far end of the couch. He takes the seat next to me instead. I sigh and stand up to sit at the arm chair.

  He chuckles which I haven't heard in a long time. "Okay then. Now, where do we start? I'd like to explain to you about my drinking problem." My heart drops as he uses these words. "You know that I was young when your mother had you. I started to drink when she was pregnant out of stress because I didn't know what we were going to do. Your mother didn't tell you this, but when your mom got pregnant with you, her parents shut her out of their lives. They told her harsh things, such as 'You're such a disappointment.' and 'You're not the person who we thought you were.'."

  "That explains why I've never contacted them before." I say.

  He nods. "Yeah. Anyways, we were both worried. We didn't know how we were going to pay for the three of us. So, to make the stress go away, I started to drink. Beer, wine, mostly vodka. I didn't know how much of an affect it had on me until I started to... You know..." I can see how un easy he was with the topic.

  "I understand." I say. "But that still doesn't make up for it."

  He puts his face in his hands as he begins to sob. "I know sweetie. You don't know how terrible I feel for doing those things to you and your mother. And for leaving Josh... I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself. I'm so, so sorry."

  For once in my life, I actually feel bad for him. You can definitely tell he wasn't lying when he said he was sorry. I wrap my arms around his large figure the best I can. "I forgive you dad. Thank you for coming to see me so you could clear up the ice."

  He looks up at me. His face is bright red, with tear stains all over it. Not to mention, his eyes match his face. "Thank you so much for forgiving me. You don't know how much it means to me."

  "Do you know what would make me feel better?" I ask him. "If you go apologize to mom too. I'm not saying that she's going to forgive you, but maybe. Just maybe, you can have Josh in your life as well. I think he'd like yo get to know his father."

  He smiles at me. "That's actually a really good idea sweetie. Thank you."

  At this point, we're both sitting back on the couch, staring off into space, and thinking of the series of events that just happened. My head snaps up when I hear the door open. "PIZZA'S HERRRrrreee..." Her voice loses its enthusiasm when she sees my dad sitting with me on the couch.

  "Is this the time I should be calling 911 that a stranger has my best friend hostage or..." She says in complete confusion.

  I laugh at her sense of humor. "No, this is my dad. But he was just about to leave." I turn to him, wanting to have some girl talk with Anna.

  "I was?" He asks me.

  "Yes, you were." I say as I stand up and lead him to the door. Once we reach it, I open it, and give him a huge hug.

  "If you ever need me or want to see me again, just call me. I left my number on the table." He says as he pulls back to look at me.

  "And the same goes with you. I want you to talk to Josh, remember that." I say. He nods, and walks out the door.

  "Bye Jillian!" He says as he leaves my sight. 

  "Bye Dad!" I shut the door after me once I say the final words.


  Right on cue, I jump out for her eyes to see me. "AND LET ME KISS YOU!" I scream.

  She looks at me and stops jumping up and down on the couch. Once she realizes its me, she throws her hands up in the air. "YES! PIZZA TIME!"

  I laugh at her as we both immediately dig in.




  "So you saw your Dad? Why didn't you tell me?" Louis asks me, bewildered.

  I point a finger at him. "Because! I'm extremely mad at you right now!" I 'loudly' say to him.

  "Yeah, about that. We need to talk." And with that, he grabs my arm and brings me to wherever he has in mind. 

  Weirdest part? I didn't even try to struggle. 


  EEEEEEPPPPPPP! Louis kidnapped Jillian! I wonder where he's taking her!

  Oh ya... AND JILLIAN'S DAD TALKED TO HER ABOUT HIS 'PROBLEM' AND THEY MADE UP! Didn't see that coming, huh? Yep, I knew every single one of you thought it was Louis! That is what you call the element of surprise, my friends.

  Omg guys, its really close to the last chapter. I can not believe I made it this far. Its sooooo crazy! I'm gonna have a bunch of people listed for thank you's, so watch out! Your name might just be called out!

So I have a favor to ask you guys! There's this awesome wattpader @elyanor01 and she writes this amazayn fan fiction called Gorgeous. I want all of you to read it! She deserves way more readers than she already does! Again, it's called Gorgeous, and it's soooooo good!

Well, I have to go!

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~Ashlyn Malik

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