The Price of an Alphas bite (...

By JRG915

1.4K 104 24

Sequel to Blood is thicker than Water Two months since Stiles was taken from us... Two months he's been in a... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Authors Note!
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter One

293 14 4
By JRG915

Price of an Alphas Bite

Two Months. that's how long it's been since Stiles entered his coma.  One month since someones been collecting his work from school and one hour since Lydia broke into her mothers computer at the school to find the address of whomever has been sending it back in completed.  The school thinks Stiles is out with a medical problem and the sheriff isn't very worried about it because Stiles' grades haven't gone down.

Lydia and Malia are driving to the address of the culprit. 

"I really don't get why we're going to check this out." Malia complains, texting someone on her phone.  "I mean if they were really interested in hurting or killing someone in the pack why would they send in Stiles' homework?"

Lydia sighed loudly.  "Maybe because... Possibly they could be.... I don't know but I'm sure it's for some maniacal hidden reason!" Lydia pulled over to the curb and parked behind an old black firebird. 

"Nice car." Malia nodded.  "I wonder if it shoots missiles because it belongs to an evil mastermind." She opened the door and stepped out of the car, waiting for Lydia.

"Bet it does." Lydia whispered under her breath.  "Let's just go inside and see who's been posing as Stiles."  Lydia walked up to the front door of a small brick house.  The shades were closed and the windows covered by something black on the inside.  Lydia jumped at the sudden noise of Malia knocking on the front door. 

"Hello?" Malia called.

"What in the world are you doing?!" Lydia snapped.  "What if there's someone in there?"

"Then they'll answer." Malia sighed, looking down at her phone and resuming texting someone.

"How's Kira doing with her mom?" Lydia asked. 

"She's doing okay I guess.  She started having trouble with her powers after the battle with Luke.  Her mom has some friends down in Mexico that are helping her learn control." 

"Oh that's neat, at least they're bonding." Lydia smiled.

"Yeah... I just miss her is all." Malia and Kira had finally began to date openly when she began to lose control of her fox, the only safe and logical thing to do was to send her away.

"I know but it'll all work out." 

Lydia went to knock on the door again when it creaked open slowly.

"Um... That's not foreboding at all." Lydia leaned in over the threshhold.  "Hello?" Lydia called out.

"And I'm the idiot." Malia stepped in passed her.  "No ones ever said that into a creepy house and been murdered before." 

Lydia stepped in after her.

"Wouldn't that be too cliche?" Lydia asked.

"I don't think....." Malia was cut off by the shadowy figure throwing her against the hallway wall. 

"Oh shit!"  Lydia yelled.  She quickly reached into her bag and pulled out a small handle with a side-button.  Pressing the button with her thumb, Lydia released a spring activated baton. 

"Leave." The creature whispered but its voice carried well from the silver demonic mask. 

"Oni?  But that means?"  Lydia didn't finish her sentence.  The Oni swung a sword from its cloak, quickly attempting to stab Lydia.  The young banshee blocked the blade with her baton and quickly rolled back-to-back over the Oni, heading down the hall.  "Not this time!" Lydia reached her other hand into her bag over her back, pulling out another baton. 

"Leave." The Oni whispered.  It charged Lydia with his sword held overhead.

"I said... NNOOOOOOO!!!!" Lydia screamed, thrusting the ends of the batons into its chest.  A sound wave focusing itself through the titanium batons and shattering the soldier into a million wisps of living shadow. 

"Nice." Malia stood up, holding her arm as the apparently damaged bones popped back into place. 

"Thanks." Lydia panted.  "Watch out!" Behind Malia a second Oni appeared. 

"You too!"  Malia yelled.  A third appeared behind Lydia.  Both had swords drawn.

"Ready to fight?" Lydia asked smiling.

"Is it a choice?" Malia cocked an eyebrow. 

"Guessing not." Lydia swung the batons in her hands and swung at the Oni. 

"Stop." A voice called from down the hall.  Both Oni vanished.  "Surprised it took you guys so long to find me.  From around the corner at the end of the hall a skinny pale skinned boy stepped out.  A face the pack had learned to fear and miss at the same time. 

"Void." Lydia breathed out.

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