The Target (Complete) - Watty...

By Imm1025

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Delilah was raised to be the best assassin The Company ever trained. There wasn't a target she couldn't hit... More

Chapter 1 - Princess Eliza
Chapter 2 - Next Assignment
Chapter 3 - Sofitel St. James Hotel
Chapter 4 - The Bar
Chapter 5 - The Boys
Chapter 6 - Uninvited
Chapter 7 - Concert
Chapter 8 - This Means War
Chapter 9 - The Company
Chapter 10 - New Target
Chapter 11 - The Last Call
Chapter 12 - Ten in Two - Part 1
Chapter 13 - Ten in Two - Part 2
Chapter 14 - The Moment of Truth
Chapter 15 - Ties That Bond
Chapter 16 - Sinister B*|€#
Chapter 17 - The Final Showdown Part 1
Chapter 19 - The Final Showdown Part 3

Chapter 18 - The Final Showdown Part 2

382 12 0
By Imm1025

"Oh Delilah," Benny said, looking over at me. "We're back where we started...with a few extra guests."

"That must have been you back at the warehouse," I said, calmly. He nodded, as I grinned my teeth. "Step away from him, Benny."

"Sorry, can't have any witnesses."

I was two seconds from putting a bullet in his head, when the banging started again. But it was way harder than before. The barrels moved a few inches forward, and Zayn grabbed my waist. I took a few large steps to the side, to get away from the door. I was still shielding Zayn from Benny's view. The door swung open, and Aaron and Manuel slipped through.

"Well, look at this," Manuel cheered. "I almost missed all the fun."

His gun was pointed at me, while Aaron stood next to him. Even if Aaron could help me, I was completely screwed. I held my gun steady on Benny. I knew Manuel had to get passed me to get to Zayn, which gives me a two hit advance. In other words, he would have to shoot me and then shoot Zayn. Giving me the opportunity to choose between shooting him or benny. He and I both knew that I would never let that happen. I would kill him first.

"Are you alright, Aaron." My glare never left Benny.

"Yeah," he replied. "My clock haven't started yet."

What? Haven't started? I wondered how that was even possible. Wasn't it suppose to start when I saved Lily? I bet it was just another lie to keep me away from the real end game. I frowned knowing I would not be tricked again.

"So babe, how would you like to do this," Manuel grinned. "I can give you Aaron but you have to give me Zayn."

I stood motionless. Not even an option. Did Manuel really think I would just hand him over like that? Seriously. I didn't say a word but I could tell Manuel was getting frustrated.

"You don't have any other options," he snapped. "Give me the boy."

I smirked, knowing I'm getting under his skin just by doing nothing at all. It's funny how angry Manuel could get by being ignored. He tightened his grip on the gun. Then, Aaron spoke.

"I'll get him," He said, moving in front of Manuel's gun. "If you're going to use me as leverage, you might as USE me. She won't shoot me."

Manuel thought it over, "Okay, but no funny business. I have no problem bullet a through that stupid head of yours."

Aaron chuckled. I held my gun firmly on him, unsure of his motives. He slowly walked over to me, blocking my view of both Manuel and Benny.

"Give me the gun, D." Aaron said, calmly.

I glanced at him, blankly, "What are you doing, Aaron?"

"I'm trying to save your life, " he whispered. "You know he's not going to let both of us live. He loves you. I'm just leverage. Trust me."

I looked into Aaron's eyes. I search deep down into his soul for his alternative. Behind his guilt and sorrow, I saw it. I wasn't worried. I sighed and handed him my weapon.

"And the other one," he said, tilting his head.

I reached behind my back and pulled out a second gun. I let my arm fall beside me, still holding a grip on my last weapon. I sighed, again.

"Today, Delilah." He yelled, as I slightly jumped. "I swear your reflexes are getting slow."

I looked at him again, confused. His eyes shifted from side to side. His lip curled into a evil grin, and right there, I knew exactly what to do.

In the blink of an eye, Aaron turned around raising my gun into the air, and fired a few rounds at Manuel. At the same time, I dropped to my knees and fired a few at Benny. Manuel managed to get out of the way of the flying bullets. Benny wasn't so lucky. He caught three of them, square in his chest. Blood sprayed out, as he fell backwards onto the asphalt.

Just as quickly, Aaron walked backwards, tugging on my collar. I stood up behind Him, grabbing Zayn, and headed towards a few water barrels for shelter. Aaron shielded us until we were completely out of view, then he followed. He was less than a foot away from me, when a loud crack whipped across the rooftop. I turned around, trying to see exactly what happened. Aaron stopped, staring at me, for what seemed like forever. He flashed his pearly whites, before his eyes rolled back and he collapsed forward in front of my feet.

Everything felt like slow motion as I yelled out his name. Aaron didn't move. He didn't respond. Zayn tried to hold me back, watching in horror as Aaron laid motionless on the ground. I pulled away from him, running over to Aaron's body. I had to get my friend out of my enemy's aim sight. Keeping my head low, I slowly dragged Aaron over to our hiding spot. Multiple shots ranged around me, but I didn't care. When I was close enough, Zayn helped me pull Aaron behind the barrels.

There was a huge hole in the back of Aaron's shirt, just below his shoulder. It was perfectly placed, not enough to kill him and not hitting any part of the bomb. Dark liquid flowed, leaving behind a blood trail that lead directly to us. I flipped him over. The wound was a through and through. Aaron was unconscious, but still alive. I ripped his sleeve off and used it to slightly cover the wound. I held it tight, trying to stop the bleeding. I knew I couldn't help Aaron and move us, at the same time.

"Zayn, I need your help," I said, looking over at him. He was cowering in the corner, resting his chin on his knees. "I need you to apply pressure over this hole, or he's gonna bleed out."

Zayn shook his head. He gazed into my pleading eyes, panic. He sighed, then crawled over to us. I took his hand and replaced mines with his. He leaned forward on his knees, holding the cloth in place while I tightened it around Aaron's arm. As soon as it was finished, I started slapping Aaron across his face.

"Hey, wake up buddy."

"Ow," Aaron moaned, slowly opening his eyes. "That definitely hurt more than anything."

"The bullet or the slap?"

"...The slap," he smiled, closing his eyes again.

"Hey, wake up. There is no time for napping." I snapped.

Aaron's breathing was hard and faint. He opened his heavy lids and cracked a smile. "So forceful."

"Yeah. Well, you're not dying today," I replied. "Stop being a baby."

He chuckled, "I guess you forgot about this little device on my chest, huh?"

We both glanced down at it. Zayn fell back, realizing he was kneeling next to a human bomb.

"I didn't forget," I sighed, pulling out a pair of pliers. "I just wanted you closer to me, so I can do this."

I ran the pliers passed the charge and the detonator, and cut the wire attaching the fuse to the timer.

"So, am I dead? Is this heaven? Are you my angel" Aaron inquired.

"Cute," I said, sarcastically.

"What did you do?"

I smiled, "I just disconnected the timer. So even if they turn on the clock, it won't start."

"But it can still blow," he fussed.

I rolled my eyes, as I unhooked the vest from him. I had to do it carefully, not to harm his injury arm. He chuckled, rolling out of the vest. I tossed it to the ground next to me as he tries to sit up.

"You want it to blow," he said, as a matter of fact. He stared at me and I just smiled back.

The helicopter was making its way back for the last time. At the same time, Theo's groans started to fade.

Aaron looked at me and frown, "I know what you're thinking and the answer is no. Hell no."

I whispered in his ear. It was something not too comforting but I had to say it. Aaron glanced over at Zayn and sighed. Then, he looked at me, very upset.

"Fine. For you," Aaron said softly, slowly scooting over to rest his back against the barrel.

As the chopper got closer, Manuel started shooting at it. I tried shooting at him to distract him, but it wasn't really working in my favor. The plane made repeated attempts to land but was unsuccessful.

"Delilah, I can't land with those that idiots down there." Stan shouted in my ear.

"I'm working in it." I sighed, during a few more rounds.

The chopper flew further away, circling the building. I reloaded my gun, realizing I only had two more mags left. They were almost out, I was wasting bullets and it was completely frustrating. I picked up a rock and threw it a few feet from us. He fired in that direction, while I aimed my weapon at Manuel. It was a direct hit into his leg.

"You bitch!" he screamed in pain, as I heard him fall to the ground.

"That's for my shoulder, you ass," I shouted back.

I could hear someone scurrying across the asphalt. It was only a few minutes before he made it over to our location. I looked around the roof for ideas. Aaron and I were having a mental conversation. Everything I scanned, he shook his head. Finally, I got it.

"Aaron," I said but was quickly interrupted by his devilish smile.

"I'm already on it," he handed me my gun, and his switch blade.

Aaron pulled out another blade from cargo pants. He started to move but he hesitated. Before I could question him, he crashed his lips into mines. It lasted only a minute but I could tell it was a 'goodbye' kiss. He pulled away, leaving me speechless. He grabbed Zayn by his collar and quickly moved towards the heating and cooling system. Luckily for us, it was a bigger shield and closer to an area where the plane could land. I loaded my two guns with the last two mags and readied myself for a battle. I radioed Stan and told him our plan. He complained about making it quick. The plane was apparently running out of fuel. Like, I really need something else on my plate. Ugh.

The plane whipped away, as Aaron and Zayn threw themselves behind the huge system. I kinda wish I was a fly on the wall, as they sat there alone, together. I knew Zayn would want to ask Aaron about that kiss. However, I had more important things to think about. I was only sitting there for a minute, before the force of the water barrel pressed up against my back.

"Manuel," I whispered, clutching my weapons. "Is that you?"

"Guess again," Benny whispered back, annoyed.

"I thought I shot you," I narrowed my eyes at nothing in particular.

He chuckled, "You my vest."

"And, I saw blood."

"Well, one bullet missed the vest," he coughed, heavily. He was dying. "Why don't you just give up?"

"I don't give up," I stated. "And I don't fail."

He chuckled, "You did with the Von Burgeon job."

"Von Burgeon? The peasant?"

"He wasn't a peasant," he stumbled over the last word.

"He's dead. He overdosed, remember." I huffed. "What's it to you, anyway?"

He exhaled hard enough to shake the barrel, "He...was my brother."

Well, that explains everything. Benny is here for revenge. Apparently, I'm responsible for the death of a lot of brothers. Like, that really makes a difference to me. A job is a job. I don't fail and I never will. But I'm sure, he will still want closure. So, here we go. I grabbed the explosive vest and put it on, waiting to hear Benny's complaint.

"And, he never did drugs. You killed him." Benny shouted, trying to remain calm at the same time.

"Stop talking to her and shoot her. Ugh, I'm gonna kill her," Manuel groaned from the other side of the roof. He was still complaining about his flesh wound.

Big Baby, I thought, rolling my eyes.

"Just tell me why," Benny demanded. I remained silent. "Oh, come on, Delilah. I'm dying over here. Tell me why you did it."

"Look," I sighed. "He was a target, a job. The company had a reason to get rid of him and it's not my place to question them."

"So, you never question them," he inquired. I shook my head but my silence answered his question. "Maybe you should start. My brother was a spy for the Italian government. His job was to get intel on the Royal Family."

"What for?"

"Apparently, they have been putting hits out on international assassins, including their own." He said, as my anger grew. "We were targeted. They sent you and your friends after us and you idiots killed my whole family. All but me and my brother. We escaped before the bomb blew, but not before taking out one of yours."

Are you kidding me? They killed Reilly, Anna's brother. I knew he had enough time to escape before that bomb blew. It wasn't my fault. The Italian job was planned perfectly. Down to the last detail. Except for the fact that they were spies. But that's another story for another day.

"Have you heard of the term 'soarta'?" He continued.

"Yeah. That's the same crap Manuel was feeding me." I said, frustrated.

"Well, he wasn't lying. There is a group of radicals focused on world domination. They control more than you will ever know."

"And, why are telling me this?"

He chuckled, "Because if you are good as they say, its either gonna be you or me. And, someone needs to tell you the truth. Besides, I never fail."

"Neither do I."

My final words were like the sound of a gun, signaling the start of a 100 meter dash in the Summer Olympics. Faster than lightening, I took Aaron's blade and drove it through the barrel. Water pooled around our ankles, making Benny jump up to avoid getting too wet. Little did he know, Aaron was ready for him. I darted out of the water as Aaron dipped a few live wires into the water, lightening the rooftop. Benny screamed in pain as thousands of electrical bolts jolted into his body. I moved further away from him, covering my head as sparks flew everywhere. I didn't want one of those sparks to ignite the bomb on my cheat. His body shook violently, worst than his brother's. Then, he fell to the ground with a loud thump. Talk about setting the roof on fire. I'll have to keep that in mind for next time.

One down, I thought. The next one wasn't going to be easy. He was smart. He knew my every move and I knew his. However, I had to move quickly before Manuel could recover from his injury.

"It's done," I radioed Stan.

He managed to land on a nearby building, waiting for my call. The chopper was there in no time. I ran over to Theo's lifeless body and flagged the helicopter my way. Aaron wrinkled his face at me. It disappeared when he saw me giving Theo CPR. He wasn't breathing and we were running out of time. I blow a few short breaths as the chopper landed behind me. A hard gasp relived me. Theo was still with us. Aaron and Zayn ran over and helped me get him into the seats. Once he was secure, Aaron loaded in. Zayn followed, then he stopped.

"There's no room for all of us," he announced.

I looked him in his chocolate brown eyes and sighed, "I know."

Aaron wrapped his arms around Zayn upper body and pulled him completely in the helicopter. I smiled, slamming the door. Zayn banged on the plexiglass, as the chopper took off the ground. It was so hard to watch him crying and calling my name, as he left my view. I was pulled out of my moment when a familiar sound clicked behind my head. I raised my hands in the air, smiling so grim it would make the evil queen look like a pussycat.

"It's about time you showed up."

To be continued...

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