The Jealousy Plot

By chlo_dance

204K 7.4K 996

We all have that one person in our lives that has a special way of getting under our skin more than anybody e... More

1)Nicole Brooks
2)The Slut Sweatshirt
3) The Water Geiser Fountain
4) I don't like him
5) The Plot
6) A swim in a lake
7) Our fancy dinner at McDonalds
8) The Football Game
9) The Nightmare
10) The Ferris Wheel
11) The Homecoming Dance Part 1
12) The Homecoming Dance Part 2
13) The Tutor
14) Party Time!
15) Christmas Eve With The Evans Family
16) The Argument
17) Back to School Party!
18) Detention With Mr. Evans
19) The Great Gatsby Discussion
20) Father Fights
21) A Different Side of Nicole Brooks
22) Welcome To New York
23) It's Not What It Looks Like
24) 3 Simple Words
25) A Little Letter
26) She loves me she loves me not
27) 'Model' Behavior
28) The New Girl
29) The End of A Chapter, The Start of A New One
30) The Best Friend Meltdown
31) Defending Luke
32) The Fourth Of July
33) Our Beach Day Takes A Wrong Turn
34) An Unexpected Visitor
35) A Secret Revealed To Keep A Secret Hidden
36) The Fountain Spot
37) The Address
38) Football Fury
39) Hours at the Hopital
40) I Don't Deserve You
41) Sometimes People Don't Deserve Second Chances
42) Somewhere Only We Know
43) Locked In With Woods and Evans
44) Thanksgiving
45) Secrets In The Night
46) Bathroom Talks, Teacher Interrogations and Old Faces
47) Lost Mothers
48) The Cigarette Boy
49) Dark Places
50) Ski Slopes and Taboo
51) Broken
52) Unfriendly Encounters
53) The Ugly Truth
54) Let her go
55) Just Friends
56) Stay
57) Scars
58) Old Flames
59) We Get To Ditch Class For The Woods Part 1
60) We Get To Ditch Class For The Woods Part 2
61) Graduation Day
62) Wishful Thinking
63) Why Did Danny Have To Leave The Door Unlocked?
64) The Wedding
65) Worth It
Final Author's Note


3.2K 111 40
By chlo_dance

7 Months Later

"Oh my gosh, you look beautiful!" Nicole's squeals with excitement, taking me slightly by surprise. Nicole never ever squealed. Ever.

But I can't help but agree with her as I look over the white dress in the mirror in complete approval.

"I can't believe this day is finally here" I say, not absolutely positive that this is happening.

"I can't either" Belle agrees.

"Well I hope you start believing it soon, seeing as a very fine boy is waiting just a simple aisle away to finally call you his wife" Nicole states.

Belle whirls around, turning to Nicole and I. "I don't know if I can do this you guys" she says, worry and anxiety clear on her face.

I immediately step forward and take Belle's hand. "Belle-"

"What if Danny doesn't really want this? What if we are going to ruin our friendship over a stupid whim?" Belle rambles.

"This is not a stupid whim Williams! It's love and trust me when I say that I'm pretty sure Danny has been fantasizing about this day since we were 7" I point out.

Belle takes a deep breath. "It's just it feels so early. The statistics aren't very good for people who get married at our age-"

"Are you seriously going to try to compare you and Danny's relationship to statistics right now? Those other couples are not you two. They haven't been best friends since they were seven years old, they don't even compare to the relationship between you two. As long as you know that you love him, no statistic should come between the two of you".

"You're right" Belle mumbles. "I really do love him".

"Then stop worrying and let me apply one last coat of lipstick before you walk down the aisle" I state.

Belle smiles before placing a hand on my cheek. "Gosh, why can't I just marry you Claire Bear?" she asks.

"I'm pretty sure I'd have to fight Danny if you did that" I tease.

"Very true. I guess I'll just have to live with you being my maid of honor" she says.

"I guess you will" I smile back.

"Belle honey, the reception begins in a few minutes! Please hurry up!" I hear Belle's mother call into the room.

Belle lets out a groan. "I swear, she's already controlling my reception after the wedding and the dinner last night, does she have to nag me about the actual wedding part as well?".

"Don't think about that, just think about the boy you love that will be waiting for you at the end of the aisle" I reply, taking Belle's arm and leading the both of us towards the doors.

"I swear if he's wearing that penguin bow tie I'm going to kill him".


Luckily for him, Danny is not wearing the penguin bow tie.

I watch as Belle starts down the aisle, arm and arm with her father. Belle has always been a beautiful girl but today she looked absolutely stunning, not a flaw to be seen.

I amusedly watch as Danny lets out a low whistle at the sight of her, making her burst into laughter, earning both of them glares from their mothers.

As she reaches the alter and grabs Danny's hand I watch as Danny mouthes the words 'you look gorgeous' and Belle mouths the words 'That's what I was going for' back but they both go silent when their mothers clear their throats simultaneously, signaling the two of them to shut it.

I lift my gaze from them to Luke who is standing on the other side of Belle and Danny, seeing as he's Danny's best man. Luke shoots me a wide smile, loving the fact that even on their wedding day, Belle and Danny refused to act professional.

"We are gathered here today" the priest starts as he goes through all of the official statements that he has to speak. I watch as Danny and Belle send each other different subtle glances, speaking to each other without actually saying a word.

They continue this until it is time to say their vows.

"Danny Warren" Belle starts. "I'm going to start by saying something that I never actually told you but I'm pretty sure you knew anyway. I hated you when we first met, and not just because you caused 3 older kids to chase us because you refused to get off of a swing".

This earns chuckles from the audience as Danny shrugs, admitting that it was his fault. "I also hated you because you were so different from me" Belle continues. "Even for a second grader you had a lot of confidence and self assurance. You were proud and you were outgoing and friendly to everybody and you always smiled at people. I can't even fathom how you extroverts do it but just watching you interact with others made me exhausted.

"The point is I was jealous of everything you were and believe me when I say that I tried really hard to hate your guts. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, you busted down my walls and somehow made me like you.

"I can even pinpoint the exact day. After 3 weeks of trying to hate you while you continued rambling on happily to Claire and I, completely unaware of my efforts to keep you out of my friendship circle, you finally beat me. You beat me when you turned to me and said 'I hope you realize what a big sacrifice I'm making by being seen hanging out with two girls, but the rest of the people in this class kind of suck so I guess you guys will do'".

I burst out in laughter along with the family members in the pews as the memory bubbles to the surface of my head, clear as day even after all of these years.

"The point is I was able to fight being your friend for three weeks but believe me when I say that nothing I could have possibly done would have stopped me from falling in love with you like I did" Belle states, tears brimming her eyes. "Somewhere in our friendship my feelings turned from wanting to see you to needing to see you.

"You became the best part of my day, the stress relief that came in the hardest of times, the happiness and laughter when I hadn't felt those feelings in a long time. You are still as infuriating and annoying as the first day I met you but I would listen to all of your bad jokes, argue about all of the meaningless things we have before, and scream at the top of my lungs when you won't shut up all again if it means having you by my side.

"I didn't expect the awkward green eyed boy in my second grade class to turn into the love of my life but life takes us to places we never expected we would go and as long as life continues to keep you by my side, I'll enjoy the ride. I love you Danny Warren, despite my best defenses, you broke down them and have filled my head with priceless memories and my heart with unlimited love. I will continue loving you, my best friend and now my husband, until our last laugh, our last kiss, and our last breath".

At the end of her vow Danny lets out a shaky laugh, trying to pull himself together before speaking. "Belle Williams" he starts, his eyes glued to her. "Unlike you, I can actually pinpoint the moment I fell in love with you. It was the day I caused 3 older kids to chase us because I refused to get off of a swing".

Belle lets out a breath mixed with a cry as a tear slips down her face, her smile so wide that I'm positive it has to be hurting her.

"I fell in love with you the moment you opened your mouth and called me an idiot" Danny continues. "Which I realize isn't the most romantic start to a love story but I can't think of a better one for our story.

"Oh, and I knew you hated me. Why do you think I tried so hard those three weeks to make you crack? I found our differences incredibly interesting and when I realized that I actually had a chance with being your friend, I took it and ran as far as I could with it.

"You always seemed so out of my league that I couldn't believe that you actually let me be your friend. You were so beautiful and witty and compassionate and so fast at giving comebacks I didn't believe I had a chance of anything bigger than a friendship with you.

"The only thing I regret is that I didn't tell you how I felt sooner. I should have told you I loved you the first moment I saw you, or maybe some time during freshman or sophomore year, seeing as that would probably be less scarring than hearing those words come from a weird 7 year old you just met". I laugh at this.

"But when you said you loved me back Belle, I swear that was the happiest I had ever felt. You gave me an opening to something that could turn into so much more and I was determined to not mess things up.

"I love you for too many reasons to list so I won't even try because I can't sum up everything I love about you now and probably not ever. You keep adding to the list every new time I see you. Right now I'm feeling as sweaty as the seven year old me when I met you, as happy as the 18 year old me when you first said those three words, and as in love with you as I have been for every single day that I have known you. I was ready to replace the 'best friend' with 'girlfriend' and now, with all of the love I have for you in my body, I'm ready to change the title for good to 'my wife'".

They are both in tears and smiles by the time that they put on the rings. The kiss comes next and theirs is a deep and passionate one, neither of them wanting to be the first to pull away.


The reception is very organized and classy, letting me know the neither Belle or Danny took any part in the planning. The dance floor is littered with couples and I watch them from my seat.

"Where's your boy?" a voice asks, causing me to turn towards it. It is Zack, who is leaning casually on the table.

"Your guess is as good as mine" I reply. "One minute he is mumbling to himself and then the next thing I know he is springing from his seat and running towards the door, yelling 'I'm going to do something spectacular' behind him".

"He's quite a descriptive person" Zack jokes. "Anyway, I saw you looking alone over here and thought it would be a shame if nobody here was able to witness your incredible dancing skills, so I wanted to ask you to dance with me".

I smile and take his hand. "Anything for the all star quarterback of Florida State" I reply.

"Why does everyone keep reminding me of that?" Zack asks in mock annoyance, leading us to the dance floor. "I mean, I also successfully made a paper crane yesterday but nobody wants to congratulate me on that".

"Take the praise you can get Woods" I reply as I rest my hands on his shoulders while he does the same on my waist, both of us swaying to the music. "I bet you've got girls lined up to go on a date with you now".

"Well there's only one that really matters" he states, a small smile playing on his face.

I beam at the idea that Zack found himself a girlfriend. "Describe her" I demand.

"Well her name is Paige and she has long brown hair and these gorgeous green eyes. She was in my psychology class and she's working towards becoming a doctor".

"A smart girl" I praise. "I like her already. But would she like it if knew you were dancing with your ex? I just don't want her to get mad at you".

Zack shakes his head. "She's totally chill about that stuff. She's friends with one of her ex's as well so she understands".

"Well she sounds incredible" I compliment.

"She is" Zack confirms as his gaze moves to something behind me. "Those two just need to get a room".

I turn around to see what he is talking about and laugh when I see that Nicole and Brandon are locked in a full make out session in the middle of the dance floor.

"You know, I'm pretty sure this is the longest relationship Nicole has been in" I state.

"Brandon would be the one to keep her interested, after hundreds have tried" Zack sighs.

"Including you" I point out.

"Irrelevant" he dismisses the fact.

"Psst" I hear a voice hiss. I turn around to see Danny's head sticking in from the door leading into the ladies bathroom.

"Danny?" I ask. "Why are you sneaking around your own wedding?".

"That doesn't matter. Just get the gang and meet me in the ladies room pronto" he says before ducking his head back out the door.

I roll my eyes. "Discreet" I mumble before moving towards Nicole and Brandon. "Come on lovebirds" I say. "Danny needs us in the ladies room"


"Danny you do realize this is the ladies room right?" Nicole comments as we enter the bathroom.

Danny shrugs. "That's never stopped me before".

I notice Belle sitting on top of the counter with a wine bottle in her hand, her face more sad than it should be on her wedding day.

I climb onto the counter on the opposite side of her so that we are facing each other, just like we used to do in the bathrooms in high school.

"What's wrong Bella Ballerina?" I ask her as she takes a swig of the bottle of the wine in her hand.

"Everything!" she exclaims. "This isn't even Danny and I's wedding anymore, it's our parents's wedding! They've controlled every single thing about this and the only people here that I actually want at my wedding are you guys!".

"They didn't even let us pick the DJ" Danny throws in.

Belle points to Danny with a "you see?" look on her face. "None of this wedding is the wedding Danny and I pictured. We wanted a casual one with our closest friends and no fancy china in sight. We wanted it simple and fun but this is extravagant and boring!".

"Well maybe we can-" I start but stop at the sound of my phone buzzing in my purse. I take it out and look down at the caller ID to see that it is Luke.

"Luke, where are you?" I ask into the phone.

"In my car that is sitting outside" he replies. "I heard Belle complaining to Danny earlier that this wasn't the kind of wedding she pictured so I'm acting as their fairy godmother and granting them their dream wedding".

"And how do you plan to do that?" I question.

"Don't you worry about that Sleeping Beauty, just tell the gang to meet me in the front now" he states before ending the conversation.

"Luke's waiting for us outside" I tell the people around us.

"Why?" Brandon asks.

I turn to Belle and Danny. "He said to give you guys the wedding of your dreams".

Belle's eyes widen as a grin forms on her lips. "We need a diversion. I don't want anyone seeing us leave and deciding to follow us".

"Let me check to see if the coast is clear" I offer, hopping off the sink and opening the bathroom door.

At that moment Mr. Solender and Amanda walk past the bathroom.

"Perfect" I exclaim. "You two are just who I want to see".

"Did you need us to do something Ms. Adams?" Mr. Solender asks.

"Yes" I state. "I need you two to cause a diversion in this reception room so I can sneak the bride and groom out of here".

"Are they not having fun at their wedding?" Amanda asks.

"No, not at all" I answer honestly.

"I didn't think so. This wasn't the wedding I pictured Mr. Warren and Ms. Williams- I mean Mrs. Warren, to organize" Mr. Solender states.

"So you'll distract everyone for us?" I ask.

Amanda and him exchange a look before Amanda speaks up. "Give us 2 minutes".


"Do you think they're distracted enough to sneak out now?" Danny asks.

"There's only one way to find out" I reply before stepping out of the bathroom and into the reception room.

The sight in front of me almost makes my mouth drop open. Mr. Solender and Amanda are in the middle of doing what looks like a karaoke duet to the song SexyBack in the most horrendous, off pitch way I've ever heard.

The good news is everybody is so horrified to the noise that they all are facing the front, where Mr. Solender and Amanda are standing, completely oblivious to us in the back.

"Go" I hiss as the six of us creep from the bathroom into the room, making our way towards the doors. I watch but nobody even turns around and soon enough we are safely out of the room and in the hall.

"Run heathens!" Danny whisper shouts before taking Belle's hand and running towards the exit doors. We follow closely behind them.

"Wait!" we hear somebody call out, causing Zack to shout "Go! They can't catch us all!".

We all sprint down the hall as fast as we possibly can in fancy clothes. We slam through the doors and immediately spot Luke's car in front of us. We take off towards the vehicle and all pile into the back seat, which is pretty dumb seeing as there is a perfectly good seat in the front next to Luke but we are dramatic.

"Step on it! I will not let them follow us!" Belle shouts from on top of Danny, seeing as he was the first to dive in the car.

Luke obeys and takes off, peeling out of the parking lot, causing the six of us to cheer.

"What the hell kind of exit was that?" Luke asks us, a smile on his face.

"A desperate one" Brandon speaks. "And dude, you seriously missed the weirdest thing. Your mom and Mr. Solender sang karaoke as a distraction for us".

Luke's face twists into a look of disgust. "That makes me really glad that I was the get away driver in this plan and didn't have to witness that".


"Luke Evans you have got to be my favorite person right now" Belle states as Luke pulls out a box of pizza, the thing he took off to get earlier before helping us escape.

"Oh yeah, your favorite person isn't the guy you just married" Danny retorts, rolling his eyes at Belle.

"I said right now Danny Fanny, I'm sure you'll have your shining glory soon enough" Belle replies as we open the car doors.

Danny rolls his eyes and turns to look at me. "Unbelievable. I marry the girl and yet she still favors the person that brings her pizza".

I pat him softly on the head. "It's a hard knock life" I tease before hopping out of the car.

Luke has driven us to the park we used to play in when we were kids. Nobody says it but Danny, Belle and I immediately migrate towards our sacred tree, the tree we hid behind when we first met each other.

Belle plops down on the grassy ground, not caring slightly about the fact that she is still in her white wedding gown, and opens up the pizza box, pulling a piece out and immediately chowing down on it.

Danny looks at her in disgust. "I've married a cow" he states.

"A cute cow" Belle corrects him before placing a kiss on his lips.

Luke takes my hand and as I turn towards him his lips immediately meet mine. I sink into them like I always do and find myself smiling through the kiss.

"Will you swing with me for a minute?" Luke speaks after the kiss, his lips only slightly away from my own.

I nod and follow him towards the swing set as the others get settled down under the tree.

"There's not going to be any pizza when we get back" I point out as I take a seat on one of the empty swings.

Luke sits in the one beside me. "That's alright. I bought another one with just cheese, the way you like it. It's still in the car".

I grin at the simple but sweet gesture he made. "You know just the way to my heart".

"Through the stomach it appears, and Williams over there seems to be the same way" Luke teases. "Wait, correction Mrs. Warren. Geez that's going to be weird to get used to".

"Tell me about it" I agree as I lightly push my legs back and forth, swinging slightly.

"So I've been meaning to ask you something" Luke states.

"Then out with it Evans" I say back.

Luke suddenly stands up and walks over until he is facing me. He runs a hand through his hair in an awkward gesture. "I mean, it's just-"

"Luke, you can tell me anything" I say comfortingly, confused at his weird gestures.

Luke lets out a long breath. "Alright here it goes" he mumbles before dropping down onto one knee. My heart drops to my stomach.

"Luke" I state, my whole body freezing.

"Claire, I've known you for a long time" Luke starts.

"No, you are not proposing to me right now. This is not happening" I panic.

"So please make me the happiest man in the world-"

"Please don't say it"

"By allowing me to-"


"Take you with me to Europe" Luke finishes, suddenly holding out two pieces of paper from behind his back. They are both plane tickets.

I pause, taking in his words before getting off the swing and shoving Luke, causing him to fall into the sand in a fit of laughter.

"You asshole!" I exclaim, fuming.

"What?" Luke asks through laughter. "What did you think I was going to ask you?" he asks innocently.

"You know damn well what that sounded like" I shout, moving to push him again. Unluckily for me, Luke is ready and grabs my arms, pulling me towards him and causing me to fall in the sand next to him.

"Chill Sleeping Beauty, I didn't realize you were so against the thought of marrying me" Luke teases.

"It's not that I don't want to marry you, well it kind of is" I ramble. "I mean, right now we are at a really good place but I just don't think marriage is something that would be good for us right now. I mean, yeah maybe someday I'd like to think about that but right now-"

"Relax Claire" Luke saves me from my rambling. "Marriage isn't something I'm thinking about right now either. Do I plan on marrying you someday, yes. But not anytime soon".

My heart flutters at his words. "You plan on marrying me?" I ask, not able to keep the happiness out of my voice.

"Are you kidding? You are the only woman I have ever even thought about having a future with" Luke reassures me.

I grin and plant a kiss on his lips before leaning back in the sand. "So, Europe you say?" I change the subject.

"Will it knocks out your top three places to visit and I thought that this semester you and I could do a study abroad. You know, see the world while still getting an education".

I beam up at Luke. "I think that sounds incredible".

"Plus I'm thinking about writing another book" Luke says. "Maybe you could help give me some ideas as well".

"So when do we leave?" I ask.

"In a few weeks when school starts back up again. I already got permission from the NYU board of directors so we're all set to go".

"And you just assumed I'd be okay with this?" I ask back in mock anger.

"Will Europe does have London, Rome and Paris so I knew you'd be pretty set" Luke shrugs.

"I can't wait" I say, placing another kiss onto his mouth.

"How did I get so lucky to have a chance with you?" Luke asks.

"You kind of forced me too, with that jealousy plot of yours to get Nicole to go out with you" I state.

"Hey, you did it so Zack would go out with you so lets not play the innocent card here" Luke teases. I let out a laugh.

"Wow how the tables have turned" I state.

"I wouldn't have taken any of it back either, just so you know" Luke tells me, staring deeply into my eyes with his intense blue ones that hold my favorite color in their orbs. "The good, the bad, I'd do it all again with you".

"I would too" I whisper out the honest truth as flashbacks to different parts of our relationship come to me. New York, us fighting about school, meeting his family, the first night I slept over at his house, our first time, the day we came up with the plan. It all comes rushing back to me in a wave of nostalgia.

"I know I've told you this hundreds of times but I really do love you, with my entire heart and every other organ in my body" Luke says.

"I love you too, with all of my organs plus my bones" I respond.

"Of course you have to one up me, you try hard" Luke jokes.

I lower my lips to his, kissing him slowly and deeply, feeling the way our lips seem to mold together into one as his hands touch my cheeks.

When we pull away for a breath, I rest my forehead on his, simply basking in the fact that after everything, he was still here beside me, no farther than a kiss away and for that, I felt the need to thank every star in the universe.

"Hey lovebirds!" Belle's voice breaks us out of our trance. "Quit making out in the sand and come over here so I can say my toast!".

I sigh but get up from the ground, brushing the sand off of my dress as Luke does the same to his tux.

We walk back to the group hand and hand and I am happily surprised at the sight of two slices of the pizza left, one for me and one for Luke.

"That took a lot of self restraint" Belle states, noticing my glance to the slices.

"Well I'm proud of you" I state, grabbing the champagne glass from her outstretched hand with one hand and picking up the pizza with the other.

"Everybody, raise your glasses because I would like to toast" Belle speaks. We all lift our glasses. I lean back onto Luke and nestle my head in his chest as Belle starts her toast.

"To friendship, to love" she pauses before turning her gaze to Danny. "And to friendships that turn into love. You guys are the only people I wanted to celebrate this chapter of my new life with and I'm so glad it worked out this way. And may your love and friendships end up as precious and priceless as mine has".

"Here here!" we all cheer clinking glasses and downing the champagne.

"Okay calm down people, it's champagne not shots and this shit is really expensive" Danny exclaims.

"That's not our problem, it's the poor sucker who has to pay for the champagne" Nicole states, pouring herself another glass.

"That poor sucker is me" Danny says dryly.

"Then a toast" Nicole says, raising her champagne glass upwards. "To Danny, the poor sucker that has to pay for our bad drinking habits".

"Here here!" we all cheer again as Danny rolls his eyes at us, yet he is still unable to hide the smile on his face.

And that's how we spend the rest of the day that then turns into the night, all of us sitting under our sacred tree, drinking and talking and laughing. None of us think about getting up, none of us say it's getting late, or talk about the what if's of the terrifying yet thrilling future in store for all of us. There is no talk about the future, just the present and the old memories of the past that seem more precious than jewels as we look back on them now.

Who can say how long we sat under that tree? All I know is that at that time and in that moment, surrounded by my favorite people in the world, I am for once, content.

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