Lego Dimensions The Fanfiction

By azmax123

1.1K 0 7

After batman, gandalf, and wyldstyle defeated Lord Vortech all of the dimensions were restored, but that was... More

The adventure Begins
The Angry Birds Movie Dimension
The Amazing World of Gumball Dimension
Regular Show Dimension

Mixels Dimension

247 0 0
By azmax123

The rift opened up and the three fell out on a concrete road.

Batman:X-Po was right, this place is colorful, too colorful for me.

Gandalf:well I like it.

Wyldstyle:guys, focus, the foundation element is a cube, lets look around for it.

Batman:right, the sooner we find it, the better.

Gandalf looked around and noticed that a group of colorful people were being chased by small black creatures.

Gandalf:what's that?

Batman:I don't know, but those... Things seem to be in trouble, lets help them.

Wyldstyle: and if we're lucky, they might have the foundation element we came for.

Major Nixel: Get those mixels you nix brains.

Batman:watch out!

Major Nixel: look, more mixels... Well don't just stand there get them too.

Wyldstyle:what!? We're not mixels.

Major Nixel:tell it to the nixel judge.

Major nixel kidnapped flain, krader, teslo, shuff, Batman, Gandalf, and wyldstyle and brought them to the nixel prison.

Nixel bot:here is your cell.

Gandalf:sir, this is all a big misunderstanding, if you let us go we would be sure to...

Major Nixel:silence! Bring king nixel.

Flain:ah, dude let us go please?

Teslo: yeah, weAHHHHHHH didn't do any thing wrong.

Major Nixel:give us the cubit.

Krader:what? No no, we no give you cubit, you destroy all of mixel-land if we do.

Major Nixel:I can't break em.


Major Nixel:how are you...

Major Nixel and king nixel are talking in the distance while Batman is talking to Gandalf and wyldstyle.

Gandalf:a keystone would be most handy for this situation.

Batman:agreed, X-Po?

X-Po:on it!

The keystone X-Po delivered was the elemental phase keystone.

Gandalf:fire will sure bring down these bars.

The fire element burned down the bars and the other mixels cells.

All the mixels:let's mix!

Batman:Now! I got the element!

X-Po:and I got the rift.

The rift opened!

Wyldstyle: jump!

The rift closed!

Major Nixel:those new mixels escaped!

Another rift (that wasn't made by X-Po) opened up.

Mysterious person:not for long, jump in here.

Major Nixel:ok.

Meanwhile, Batman, Gandalf, and wyldstyle poped back into vorton.

Gandalf:X-Po, that dimension was horrible, but I hope the next one is better.


X-Po:ok, ok, don't get mad, so the next foundation element is...

Suddenly the gateway turned off.

Wyldstyle:um, what... Was... That?

X-Po:I don't know, stay here I'll check it out.

Gandalf:the gateway seems to have...

X-Po:ok so I've figured out what happened.

Batman:well TELL US!

X-Po:oh right, the power has gone down, only for a couple hours.

Gandalf:so we are stuck here, and any of our enemies could get the other foundation element's.

X-Po:calm down, I can still make rifts, just not in this location.

Wyldstyle:so we just have to wait, ok.

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