Revolution | Averly Malfoy [...

By onlycallmetonks

28.2K 895 259

ON HOLD/ VERY SLOW UPDATES - actively working and updating my ToG/Acotar fic! Go check it out! ʙ ᴏ ᴏ ᴋ ᴛ ᴡ ᴏ... More



3.5K 115 61
By onlycallmetonks



i'm feeling cozy because of the cold weather

This chapter is unedited.

Yesterday was birthday guyssss


Somebody once told Averly that whats meant to happen will, you just have too stick around and wait for it. What a load of bullshit right? She would often look at Draco when they sat on the rocking porch swing of the Malfoy Manor with an annoyed and perplexed look.

She would think 'Who taught you that? who told you that your life is like a game of chess, you being the piece being moved from square to square across the board in a series of well thought out strategies. Who taught you there was a mysterious force that lived in the air before harboring itself inside of your bones to control your life? Who told you that you don't get too choose you're memories and the way in which you give your love? Who taught you that if you are born from fire you will become ash, forever resembling the destruction of your upbringing? How can you possibly believe that you don't control the quality of your life?'

But instead she would paw at her arm and stair ahead into the endless oblivion of well trimmed trees and mumble "Yeah, i suppose."

This time though, she almost said it. Molly Weasley stood in front of her holding baby Cetus in her arms.

"Next summer, when I move in with the twins i'm bringing him with me." Averly stated taking her hand away from her trunk.

Molly smiled "If that's what is meant to happen then it will."

"I'll make it happen." sated Averly taking her brother from the red heads arms. "Whenever you need more money for him, write me a letter and i will send you the key too my vault, take as much as you need."

Averly stared down at the baby that was playing with her index finger, it was so much harder to leave him than she thought it would be. In an odd way she started to think of him as more than a brother, some would say a son, but she didn't know what a mother's love feels like.

"Goodbye, Cetus Grey. I will be visiting you soon" Her strong voice emitted. Cetus gurgled wrinkling up his nose in excitement. The corners of Averly's lips turned up. "Yes, you are happy. as will I be when we meet again" She placed her hand on his back so he was sitting up right on her hip "Until then, Molly will be taking care of you, She is the kind, treat her with equal kindness." The 15 year old passed the baby to the ginger woman who was saying farewell to her children.

"Oh Sweetheart! Owl me won't you? i will send you lots of updates on Cetus" Molly engulfed her in a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley."

Harry Potter then came bounding down the stairs, Hogwarts trunk in hand and Godfather at his side. Averly's pale blue eyes settled upon him. His raven hair was tousled messily and glasses lopsided on his structured face.

The blood in her veins boiled but her heart skipped a beat.

She pulled the sleeves of her sweater around her fist and pulled her lip between her teeth looking to the floor. Something about him pulled all air from her lungs. She wanted to scream at him, hit his face repeatedly but she also wanted to kiss his neck and hold his hand, an awful and terrifying mix.

A pair of tattered converse appeared in her vision and she looked up to see the one and only.

"Hey." He muttered rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hello." Averly responded curtly straightening her posture.

"Yea um, hi."

"You said that already." Averly snapped ignoring the irregular beating of her heart.

"Yes- yes well um, i just wanted too you know, see how you were doing." He cleared his throat. Sirius stood off to the side with the twins adorning wicked smirks on their faces.

"I'm fine."

"Oh, well that's cool."

"If you say so."

Harry could feel his hands getting clammy from rubbing them together so he brushed them off on his pants as she analyzed his every move. He was slowly growing irritated at her short responses but his Heart was hammering so hard in his chest he almost couldn't notice.

Her hair, the color of snow and texture of silk framed her face in a way that you would think she was a god fallen from the sky. Her lips were pressed together and her slim figure clad in a knitted grey sweater. She never failed to mesmerize him, Wether they were fighting the urge to hit one another or fighting the urge to kiss, he wanted to be next to her.

He rolled his neck out of the blue before palming his scar real quick to relieve the slight pain.

"Are you nervous of what people are going to think of you this year?" Averly asked all of a sudden. Harry's emeralds snapped up too see her indifferent face.

"I have kind of learned to ignore people talking about me." The famous Harry Potter responded.

"You would think that I have too, but I haven't." She stated adjusting her trunk handle.

Awkward silence lingered between the two of them. Harry looked down to his feet that scraped at the floor absentmindedly, not quite ready to end the conversation. His mind was reeling in questions. They had been through so much last year, they kissed, they snuck out, they fought Voldemort, She kidnapped her baby brother, Draco betrayed her, He saw Cedric get murdered, he was almost killed by a man posing as his DADA professor, he was entered into a deadly tournament, how come she hasn't talked to him? How come all they do is fight?

"Did you miss me this summer?" He blurted. Her calculating eyes were wide in shock before she composed herself. The bystanders in the house watched eagerly and unnoticed.

"I was taking care of a baby I took hostage while living with a man i had just met, No i did not miss you." She answered truthfully. In all honesty she hadn't longed for him. She was so overwhelmed with everything going on.She thought of him, but she knew when she saw him it would only remind her more of what she already couldn't stop thinking about.

His face dropped a bit "Oh yeah, totally. I get it."

The twins suddenly rushed in and threw their arms over her shoulder "What she is trying to say" Fred emphasized

"Is that she did miss you a lot" George continued

"like a lot, a lot"

"But she just had a lot going on so she couldn't owl you"

"Right, Averly?" The twins chorussed giving her a stern look.

She narrowed her eyes at them "That wasn't what I was saying at all, actually."


Averly waited at the platform entrance with the twins as they conversed excitedly about Quidittch and there knew prank materials. "This is the year we are going to be legends!" Fred exclaimed wildly

"Last year our pranking was slow, but do not fret! This is our last year at Hogwarts and we are gonna go out with a bang!" George yelled giving his brother an overly enthusiastic high-five.

"I can't believe you guys wont be going to Hogwarts next year" Averly sighed running a hand through her thick hair.

The twins shared a look before making obnoxious cooing noises "awww is Lil A getting emotional? Are you going to miss us?" They chorused

"Does that surprise you?" She asked emotionlessly shaking her head.

"That did not sound sincere, but i know below that mean look is a whole lot of love"

She turned away rolling her eyes.

Harry was walking up with Sirius in his animagus form, with a final wave and smile to his godfather he met Hermione and Ron on the other side of the barrier.

Dog Sirius has a large wolfy smile and Averly bent down scratching his ear affectionately.

"I think i might miss you" She whispered "i suppose i have a thing for arrogant gits"Averly finished, the corners of her lips just slightly turning up.

Sirius barked loudly running in a circle before jumping on her. "I'll owl you, i promise." She placed a small kiss on his wet nose before running through the brick wall.

Lee Jordan was anxiously waiting on the other side and didn't hesitate to launch himself at the twins. "I miss you lot!"

When he pulled away his jaw dropped "Bloody hell! you don't even look like you!" His skin, the color of the earthly soil was warm as he wrapped his arms around his best friend in a loving embrace.

People all around eyed the Malfoy girl suspiciously, parents grabbed their kids by the wrist yanking them away from her and Harry as if they were monsters ready to strike.

"It's lovely too see you Lee" Averly responded with a thin smile.

The Hogwarts express was lively with students ready to start another year of learning.

The twins and Lee organized the Weasley's Wizards Wheezes products inbetween loud bursts of laughter. Averly sat leaning against the window, the cold glass pressed against the skin of her cheek, knees tucked to her chest and her eyes askew, somewhere far in the clouds.

The sky was a dark grey reminding her of Sirius, her mind was so far gone that she wished she could travel with it. she wanted to be anywhere than where she sat now, on the torn maroon plushed cushion. Everything was so undeniably real now. Voldemort was back, Everybody thought she was part of it, War was in the horizon, and Draco Malfoy was on the train this very second. She was so overwhelmed, like a tea pot ready to explode.

Everything was blur outside the window, the fat raindrops, the dark green trees, The owls following their owners to their second home, the world was moving so fast and nobody could slow it down.

She dreamt of some place where nobody knew her name, somewhere so far away that nobody could find her. She dreamt of a sweet oblivion.

Her hands, still trembling, were tangled together in her lap in a desperate attempt to control something. She couldn't. No matter what she did her hands shook, they rung in memory of that night, his black cloak, his blood red eyes, Snake like nose, the way he tortured Harry, the way he murdered a boy. She could almost see him now. Voldemort was in the corner of her eye, his long white wand pointing directly at her, a sick and malevolent smile on his lips. She could taste the blood as it ran down hr face pooling at her plump mouth, the ache in her bones as he made her relive her worst memory. Averly folded in on herself desperately trying to shield herself from the pain, but she couldn't. It was too late. Averly Malfoy was about to die.

"Lil!" A voice shouted.

Startled, she jumped. A pair of warm chocolate eyes stared back at her in concern. Her face was puzzled, eyes frantic, she hadn't realized her hands gripping the soft seat beneath her causing a tear from where her nails ripped it apart.

Her throat ran dry and she removed her hand from the seat wiping it across her sweaty face, You are here she thought He is not.

"The twins and I were about to go prank the Slytherin's, would you like to come join us?" He asked rested a comforting hand on her still curled knee. It was only then did she notice that they were the only two in the compartment.

She swallowed in an empty attempt to bring some moisture into a dry throat 'No, it's okay, you lot go." Averly's voice was raspy.

Lee only shook his head and sat directly next to her, Averly rested her warm forehead onto her knees taking slow breathes.

You're okay Averly kept mentally reminding herself.

Lee sat with his hands on his thighs gazing at her curled and disturbed figure. "you know, i'm always here if you need to talk."

The rough water hit the window causing beautiful streaks amongst the fogged glass. When Averly didn't respond he continued "do you remember all those great times we used to have and the things you hoped to be?"

Finally she looked back at him, her long hair a frazzled mess and plump nude lips pressed together. Between long inhales to calm herself down she sighed "It's no use thinking of those things now." Averly now had her hand supporting her chin, elbow resting on her knee, long eyelashes fluttering.

Silence lingered between them for a moment. Lee let his eyes breathe her in, how much she had changed since he had last saw her, she look indefinitely tired. There are two kinds of tired, perhaps she was both of them. He didn't have to ask her what was wrong, everything was wrong. She was scared, She was angry, She wasn't gentle and in this situation you could only be soft or hard. Averly was teetering on this thin ledge right in the middle, she wanted to open up, but she couldn't. Her heart had guarded her from the dangers of life and she didn't know how to escape.

Lee Jordan understood her without understanding at all.

Wordlessly, he draped an arm over her shoulder bringing her close. Her head rested on his warm chest, His hand on the arch of her back and the other combing through her white hair. Averly focused on the rising and falling of his body as he breathed, blessing the world with his existence. She rested a hand on the surface of his chocolate colored skin reminding herself that this was real. She was not alone.

Lee placed a soft kiss on the top of her head "I don't know about you, but i could definitely go for a pumpkin pasty"

Averly pulled away shaking her head and chuckling softly. If she missed anybody this summer, she missed Lee Jordan.

Just as they stood up a loud bang was heard, they shared a look before launching at the door. Heads were sticking out of compartments looking too see what the cause of disruption was.

To tall red heads were running down the isle with wide grins and mischief in their eyes "Go! Go!" The twins shouted leaping into the compartment and slamming the door shut. They were slumped against the walls in pure laughter "You should have seen their faces!" Fred exclaimed.

Lee grinned and Averly chuckled "Who exactly did you prank?" Asked Averly.

The boys shared a wicked smirk and George gave her a toothy smile "You didn't possibly think that Draco would get away with what he did without punishment did you?"


The great hall was lovely with chatter of the infamous Weasley prank on the train, food filled gold encrusted plates as eyes burned into the back of Harry Potters head. He couldn't shake off the welding of being watched, students, teachers, peers, Voldemort, the order, it had all began to be too much. His hands balled into fists under the table. He was about to loose it. That odd sensation of chords snapping rippled through his veins and he was about to let loose. When he finally opened his eyes he met a pair of deep blue ones.

Draco Malfoy had caught his stare from across the table, Harry could feel his blood boil. He hated Malfoy, he hates him with every ounce of loath in him. He couldn't think straight, all he could think of was his wand and how it heated up against his leg begging him to use it. His emerald green eyes were murderous in a rage he had never felt before, his very fingertips were the heat of fiery coals. All that imprisoned his mind was all the things Draco had done, how he had traumatized Averly for the rest of her life, how he called Hermione a mudblood, how he made fun of the Weasleys. His hand twitched towards his pocket as two words lingered on his lips, a malevolent evil curse.

Just as Harry had wrapped his fingers around the handle of his wand Ron gripped his shoulder. "It's only Malfoy" he reassured, oblivious to the atrocious thoughts occupying his best friends mind, going back to his chicken. Harry took a deep breathe as if just being broken from a spell.

They looked so alike, Averly and Draco, Prominent cheek bones, White hair, tall, they were so alike it was infuriating. But there was something, something was just different. His eyes briefly glanced down to Averly. Her hair looked windswept from the carriage ride to the castle, her food lay untouched and her eyes trained in something the twins were saying. She held herself with such grace, to Harry, Averly was a goddess; corrupted by power with a heart of gold and stone.

His circular glass slid down his nose due to his clammy skin, people had been whispering about him, glaring, shouting things then hollering in laughter. Harry Potter despite receiving it his entire life, did not know how to receive negative attention.

"Where did you stay this summer?" Lee asked with his mouth full

Averly glanced up calm and collected. Oh how she wished she could tell him. She wanted to tell her best friend about the man she had met. A man with eyes the color of the moon and a head so full of knowledge about the stars you would think he himself hung them in the night sky, a man who seemed so put together but was so torn a part, a heartbroken man with enough love to make a dead flower grow again. Averly wanted to tell Lee about the amazing man that was Sirius Black.

But she couldn't. To the rest of the world Sirius wasn't a beautiful sight to be admired like a sunset from the edge of a fallen cliff, he was a murderer. A criminal.

Hermione's eyes were trained on Averly heavily almost demanding you can't tell him.

Averly just shrugged  "an old friend of mine"

Lee laughed before narrowing his eyes "you haven't got any old friends"

"I have secrets, Jordan" Averly smirked. Just then the food was wiped straight from their plate making Ron groan and slam his spoon onto the table in annoyance. "Bloody hell, every time I get distracted it gets cleared" Ron grumbled.

At the head of the Great hall stood headmaster Dumbledore in Perry winkle robes, a beard that stretched to the bottom of his waist and half moon spectacles that made his baby blue eyes shine. "Welcome to Hogwarts, and to those of you returning, Welcome back to Hogwarts" Dumbledore  smiled briefly stretching out his arms.

"This year Mr. Flitch would like me to remind you that the Forbidden Forest is off limits as well as any prancing utensils, a list is posted in his office to those of you that are interested" His eyes twinkled to the two red headed twins clad in Gryffindor pride adorning wicked smirks. Fred and George were known for not following rules.

Lee rubbed his hands eager to the quiddittch announcements. There is one thing you must know before we proceed; some people like quiddittch, some people love quidittch, then there is Lee Jordan.

"We also have some change to staff this year, taking over our Care of Magical Creatures class in place of Rubeus Hagrid is professor Merrythawt!" Dumbledore explained while the great hall erupted in small claps.

"Did he just say Hagrid is gone?" Ron question about their friend.

"Where do you think he has gone?" Harry asked while the two boys immediately glanced to Hermione since she had an uncanny way of knowing everything.

Her lip was tucked into her bucked teeth as she thought "I haven't a clue" Hermione mumbled in concern.

"And this year taking spot as Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher is Professor Dolores Umbridge" All attention was brought to a petite chubby lady with a complete fluorescent pink outfit.

"A toad is teaching us magic this year" a Ravenclaw across the room snorted.

Harry turned around with wide eyes "I know her! She was at my hearing"

"She's from the ministry" Ron observed with furrowed eyebrows

"I don't like that, i don't like that at all." Hermione huffed.

"On to other matters, this year we will be star-" Dumbledore was cut off as a umbridge cleared her throat.

"Professor?" He questioned politely.

Umbridge rose from her seat only falling at 5'0 tall, her heels clicked amongst the marble floor as she took over the headmasters podium. Snape and Mcgonagall Shared a small look of mural loathing towards the pink clad woman.

"Did she just interrupt the welcome back speech?" Lee frowned.

"Clearly she's new here." The twins chorused.

"You don't interrupt Dumbledore." Averly finished.

Everybody in the great hall stared at with narrowed eyes or frowns. "Thank you professor for the kind words of welcome." Umbridge greeted "and how wonderful to stand up here facing all of your wonderfully bright and smiling faces" she continued "I'm sure that we are all going to be very good friends." Her shrilly voice echoed around the stumped silent hall.

"That isn't likely" fred snorted catching the gazes of the fellow students around them.

The fires lighting the great hall dimmed. a mutual look was shared between Averly and Ginny. dread.

"The ministry has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be a vital importance. although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school," Dumbledores eyebrows furrowed at her words. Umbridge continued, "progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and rue practices that ought to be prohibited." She wore an evil smile on her face.

Averly shot daggers at her. "I already don't like her" she growled.

Dumbledore politely started clapping so others around the hall did as well. "Thank you Professor" Dumbledore bowed his head before continuing.

"Hermione" Ron and Harry asked turning to the bushy haired girl "what does that mean?"

Hermione took a deep breathe obviously troubled "It means that the ministry is interfering at Hogwarts."


Averly had stayed after the feast, her long pale fingers dragging across the golden banister. The stairs jerked beneath her causing the portraits to erupt in anger. Averly silenced them quickly in fear of getting caught after hours.

"Shush it will you" her harsh voice snapped. Suddenly, footsteps sounded behind her almost as if they had appeared out of nowhere, then a hand was shoved over her plump mouth. Averly wriggled and kicked trying to get free, but there were three at least, and they were strong and her wand was tucked away into her jeans.

She could feel their grips only getting tighter as her legs and lower back repeatedly hit the steps, she was being dragged. Averly could feel her heart hammer in her chest, adrenaline in her veins; she grabbed the neckline of one the kids cloaks pulling his head down to hers to meet in a violent collision. Her mind was reeling in ideas to escape, her other foot kicked up, her heel driving into the third kids chest sending him tumbling down the staircase. Averly pushed herself up from the floor with lightening speed, Harry had to be around here, the twins, lee, somebody she thought the one previously gagging her let go in rage.

She was able distract them and darted up she stairs, her shoes hitting the floor quickly, a thunderstorm on the marble.

Blood pounded in her ears, Just as she had reached the floor of the Gryffindor common room something smashed into her head. Limp, she fell top the floor, hair sprawled out around her, nose smashed, vulnerable and furious.

Then there was black.


Sorry for the long wait guys(: but i will be posting more often I promise. So expect another chappie this week

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