Undertale Ship Reactions

By minamikino

151 3 16

Have a ship you think is like, undefeatable? Well, it's not. This is my Opinion on any ship you may think of... More



29 0 3
By minamikino

Uhhhh.... I guess? But, I kinda have a headcanon that Toriel was alive during the war, and that Sans is like, in his mid 30s'. As in, she is like, 9000 years old and he just turned 34 last month. But is she wasn't, then sure. And besides, they get along pretty well. Tori seems like a 20 year old at heart, and Sans... Is just Sans.

And I can picture Asgore just sitting in a corner with Frisk comforting him... Lol.

So no one said anything so I was just like, screw it, imma post this (insert cuss word) reaction. 
Everything that was made by Toby Fox, Annoying dog, and... Temmie? Is obviously not owned by me.
Pic by Rumay-Chian from deviant art. (Crap, I forgot to ask...............Gomen.)

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