House of Anubis: Wadjet's War...

De KurtDestin

732 40 19

Completed? [✖️] #77 under House of Anubis (Since 8/14/16) #1 under House of Anubis: Wadjet's Warning (Since 8... Mais

I. House of a New Beginning
II. House of Worry/House of Warnings
III. House of the First Mystery
IV: House of the Ring
V. House of the Book
VI. House of the New Osirian
VII. House of Sides
VIII. House of Mara
IX. House of Sibuna/House of Joy
X. House of Sands
XI. House of War: Part 1

XII. House of War: Part 2

80 3 0
De KurtDestin

House of Anubis: Wadjet's Warning
By KurtDestin

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XII. House of War: Part 2

As Apophis held his sword, Patricia was overwhelmed in terror. Who was this mighty spirit? And why was he an obstacle?

"Patricia, run!" Amber squealed.

Apophis swung his sword as Patricia dodged his blow. Patricia tried to stab him, but his armor was impenetrable. In shock, Patricia began running around the arena and Apophis chased after her.

"Patricia!" Eddie yelled.

Apophis stopped and Patricia kept her pace. Once she'd made it back to us, tears ran down her face. Before she could speak, the blade went through her chest and her knees hit the floor.

"And the winner is Apophis!" Horick cheered as Apophis pulled the sword from Patricia and placed it back in it's rightful spot, causing himself to vanish as Horick had.

Eddie grabbed her hands as Patricia spoke her final words "I'm sorry . . ."

Tears filled Eddie's eyes and Patricia fell limp to the floor. The small pool of crimson slowly grew bigger as her skin grew paler. The others began crying as well. For the first time, Sibuna had actually lost someone. And not only was she a member of Sibuna, but a member of each of their hearts as well. A few seconds later, Patricia disappeared in a flash of light and the others went back up to the house, desperate for answers.

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KT sat inside her room, trying to comfort herself over the fact that she'd broken things off with Mick. Due to this sudden heartache, she did what any other person from America would do. She started binge watching The 100 on Netflix. It was the episode where Clarke is trying to destroy A.L.I.E. and the City of Light. As she continued through the episode, someone knocked on her door, causing her to pause her show.

"Come in . . ." KT sniffled.

Mara opened the door with tears running down her face as well.

"What's wrong?" KT asked.

"Patricia . . ."

"Oh my god! Was she taken?"

"If only . . ." Mara cried.

"So if she wasn't taken, then what happened.

Mara didn't answer. Instead, she hugged KT and whispered "I'll miss her."

KT's mind was filled with memories of Patricia. While she was sitting up here, sulking like a child over a boy, her friend was gone. Not just gone, but gone forever.

"How?" KT asked, releasing Mara.

They sat on KT's bed and held a pillow to their chest.

"We were in the next round. Eddie volunteered to grab this sword, but Patricia didn't want him to. This caused her to grab it. It ended up being a sword fight against some ancient spirit and—"

Mara couldn't speak anymore. The thought of Patricia's death scarred her. The sword tearing through her chest, the look in her eyes and her life ended, all of it. It was heartbreaking, but she knew she couldn't talk about it hurting. If anyone should complain about the pain, it should be Joy or Eddie. After all, they were the closest to her. Then there was Nina and Amber, but it was painful either way.

"I'm so sorry." KT sighed.

The girls continued to cry into their pillows. After all, one of their own had died. It could destroy their hearts, or Sibuna all together.

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Eddie sat alone in his room. He couldn't cry. He couldn't even feel. It's as if when Patricia died, so did his emotions. There was only one thing that he wanted to do. He was determined to finish what they'd started. No matter the cost, he was going to avenge Patricia. He was ready to beat the Game of the Gods.

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Alfie and Jerome were in complete shock. It didn't feel real. How could someone so close to them just be gone. In an instant. Never to be seen again. It was unimaginable to them. Alfie and Jerome couldn't even eat, knowing that Patricia was gone.

Jerome waited inside his room alongside Alfie, waiting for Joy. She had gone to use the restroom and to take off her mascara before it smeared anymore.

As Jerome waited in silence, his memories with Patricia flashed back. Although most were either brief talks or smart remarks, she was still his friend. He could only imagine what Joy or Eddie must be thinking.

As he continued to drift away in thought, Joy opened the door and fell into Jerome's arms. She was overwhelmed with sadness. It was like her entire life had ended right in front of her. Patricia wasn't just her best friend, she was practically her sister. Whenever things got hard, they were there for each other.

Although they others would heal in time, a part of Joy would be damaged forever.

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Amber leaned on Fabian inside of Nina's room. Patricia's loss hurt them, but Fabian wasn't ready to give in just yet.

"I'm going to miss her . . ." Amber sighed.

"Don't say that!" Fabian snapped, jumping up from the floor.

"Why not?" Amber asked, pulling herself up.

"I don't think she's really dead."

"Um, we kind of saw her die, Fabian."

"But here's the thing, Horick stated that we will lose and earn lives. Maybe all we have to do to earn back Patricia is beat enough rounds until she comes back."

"Fabian, that sounds a little crazy. I loved Patricia, but I don't think we can just win her back like a prize."

"If we can earn Nina and Willow back, we can win Patricia back too. After all, she was consumed into the light."

"That's true . . . So what if she is alive? How will we know?" Amber crossed her arms.

"Because she'll return to us. Now let's go tell the others, we might be able to save Patricia." Fabian smiled and took Amber's hand. They bottled out of the room, ready to tell the rest of Sibuna the possible news.

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Mick sat alone in the living room. He was disappointed about the fact that KT had broken things off so suddenly. He assumed she knew Mara and him had gone out in the past. He didn't see it as a big deal . . . until the kiss . . .

His heart raced about the thought of both girls. When around Mara, he feels butterflies in his stomach, but when he's around KT, excitement and thrills course through his spine.

The only question left for him is who will he choose?

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Fabian called together everyone in Nina's room. Amber stood alone in one corner. Joy, Jerome, and Alfie were in another, Eddie in the third, and Mara in the fourth. Fabian stood in the center and the others were ready to hear his side of this tragic story.

"Thank you all for coming. I know it's been hard with the loss of Patricia, but I have come to a realization. First, I looked up Apophis and apparently, he's the Egyptian God of War."

"No wonder. . . But why is he in the Game of the Gods?"

"No clue. And lastly, I don't think Patricia is dead."

"Look, denial won't help anyone. I'm trying to come to terms with it, so should you." Joy sniffled.

"Yeah, this isn't anytime for games, Fabian." Eddie rolled his eyes.

"No, he has a point. I promise." Amber argued.

Joy and Eddie silently agreed and allowed Fabian to continue.

"As I was saying, I don't think Patricia is really gone. I think we just lost her, like we lost Nina and Willow. After all, she was taken by the light."

"If you're right, then let's beat this stupid game." Eddie growled.

"I don't know if I can go back down there . . ." Joy bit her lip.

"Plus, who's going to kill Apophis?" Amber asked.

"I am." KT smiled, revealing herself from the inside of the closet.

"You're not in Sibuna anymore." Alfie whined.

"But in the only one who's taken fencing classes. Have any of you?"

"How did you know about Apophis?" Eddie snapped.

"Me." Mara spoke, stepping towards the center of the circle.

"I knew you were a rat!" Joy spat.

"Leave me alone, Joy!" warned Mara.

"I have a proposition!" KT added.

"Fine. Say your peace." Jerome rolled his eyes.

"If I can beat this Apophis, you let me back in Sibuna. If not, well . . . you know . . ."

"Fine. Now let's go kill a god." Fabian raised his hand to his eye and the others followed "One . . . Two . . . Three . . . Sibuna!"

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Authors Note:
Cuz Hey guys! Chapter 12 is finally here! Although I'll miss writing this, I'll be busy writing my other stories as well. And over! I posted on my page a while back that every 12 chapters, I'll take some time off and then begin working on the next 12. Thank you so much for reading and now to the Chapter Questions:
1. What are your thoughts about Patricia's death?
2. Who's opinion(s) do you stand with?
A) Team Eddie (Angry/Determined)
B) Team Joy (Heartbroken)
C) Team Amber (Not sure)
D) Team Fabian (Hopeful)
Comment your answers below!

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